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772: Star Angel Comes

Zhang Cong and the others are working hard, and even the big bosses of the human race have divided into several waves to act alone. Zhang Cong and his wives no longer need to go to Jiuyou and Dahuang to practice, so now it is replaced by Yu Chuan and other juniors, taking them with them

Monks from all races entered Jiuyou and Great Wilderness for trials, while Zhang Cong, Qin Yu and others all squatted in the research institute to develop more advanced weapons.

Fengling brought over hundreds of researchers from the Seven Star Alliance, as well as a large number of already-formed weapon designs, and started demonstration experiments with Barty and others.

Xiao Ran took hundreds of monks into the wilderness alone and taught them space spells and formations, and the results were also ideal.

Currently, Zhang Cong's Longjia City has hundreds of millions of undead underworld armies, but at this time, the undead underworld army plan has been launched again.

The losses of the Great Demon Heaven's Dongyi Warriors and the Azure Strangers made Zhang Cong feel the huge role of the Undead Underworld Army. According to his budget, at least 300 million Underworld Army must be on hand to be able to cope with future wars.

There is also the most critical team, the orcs produced by Wanshengzhe. Currently, all starship crew members are made up of orcs. The orcs are very intelligent and can control stones and beasts. Although their combat power is not considered

High, but they are fully capable of building or piloting spaceships, so Wujo Wanshengzhi has begun mass production of mutated orcs.

Mutated orcs have stronger intelligence and are about the same size as humans, but depending on the driving requirements, they will have a few more arms. The output of orcs is huge. Zhang Cong not only uses it himself, but also gives a large number to all the tribes in the three realms and the Seven Star Alliance.

Let them replace starship pilots.

A dozen innate saints from the three realms opened a dozen dojos. All the elites from the three realms entered the dojos to improve their understanding of the way of heaven. Strangers from the Beidou Star Territory entered Longjia City in large numbers, and were helped by human monks to condense.

They gathered the stars and taught them suitable magic scriptures at the same time. There was almost no idle space in the entire Longjia City. Everyone was busy nervously and had to make more preparations within this limited time.

The progress of the research institute is very satisfactory. Barty and others have upgraded the starships to a large level. Not only have they made the Starships of the Seven Star Alliance invisible, they have also equipped all starships with ion shields and sonar jammers.

The armor has also been enhanced a lot, and the most important thing is the addition of propellers and ammunition capacity, which has reduced the fleet's personnel configuration and made the types of starships more complete.

Troop carriers, combat assault ships, minelayers, space carriers, and all kinds of latest starships have won praises from all the big guys.

Now Longyao Tiangong has opened hundreds of production lines on dozens of floating islands, mass-producing new starships and drones, as well as several of the latest missiles.

With the origin of Great Wilderness, space bombs, time bombs, sky thunder bombs and other attribute missiles have begun mass production. The harm caused by such special bombs in Star Wars is immeasurable, and they will be the trump card against the Demon Palace.

Just as Longjia City was busy preparing for the war, observers from the Interstellar Alliance came to the Ancient Heavenly Palace and began to investigate the incident in the Great Demon Heaven.

There are a total of five innate saints from five different star regions, all elders of the Star Alliance. One of them is a saint who is partial to the forces of the Star Alliance, and is a celestial fox demon.

Ancestor Hongjun ignored them at all, and did not even come out of Daluotian. Only the Great Ming King of Sanqing Dynasty and the Saint Ancestor of King Guang received these five saints. At the same time, the domain lord of Lanhua Star Territory, Zhang Cong and others participated in Daluotian.

The commanders of the battle all recruited Sanqingtian.

Zhang Cong and the others came with them, as well as Fei Li Fei Lun and other demon clan elders. When talking to observers from the Star Alliance, of course they couldn't rely on Zhang Cong's one-sided words.

Including Sanqing and other big men of the three realms, as well as Feng Qingyang, there are a total of eleven innate saints. However, Zhang Cong and others did not care at all in the face of huge pressure. Zhang Cong did not speak first, but directly played

A set of words used by White Wolf and other demons when they surrendered.

In the picture, Bai Lang and other clan elders accused Qian Mo Mountain of the evil deeds, which was far more effective than Zhang Cong's words. Then Fei Lun and other clan elders explained in detail the reasons for leaving the Great Demon Heaven and the demon clan.

After they finished speaking, the observers all looked at the livid Sky Fox Demon, with a hint of narrow-mindedness in their eyes.

The Sky Fox Demon is a middle-aged beautiful woman. After the demon clan’s evidence was presented, the Sky Fox Demon looked at Zhang Cong and said: “The Three Realms of Chaos and the Great Demon Sky have had a long-standing grudge, and the human race has been hurt the most by the demon clan. As a human race, you

The great emperor has a deep hatred for the demons. We can all understand this.

However, this time you, the human race, united with the Lanhua Star Territory to launch a war of genocide against the Great Demon Heaven. This is a bit too much. In the past, when the demon tribe set off a demonic wave in the human world, they only stopped it. There has never been an act of genocide, and

It won't destroy the opponent's foundation.

But what you did in the Wutian Star Territory, coupled with the atrocities committed by the Great Demon Heaven, has had a very bad impact on the entire star sea, and you and the human race will definitely be punished this time."

Before Zhang Cong could speak, Feng Qingyang frowned and looked at the Sky Fox Demon: "Where did your envoy get the information? How did our Blue Star Territory join forces with the human race to attack the Great Demon Sky? Do you know about the Azure Star?

What does it have to do with the human race? We are basically a family. How does this relate to my Lanhua Star Territory?

Taking a step back, just before the Great Demonic Heavenly Demon Tribe fled, they entangled the forces of the seven star regions and launched a fierce attack on the star regions of our Seven Star Alliance, causing the death of a large number of monks and civilians in our alliance.

Why didn't your envoy tell you about this situation at the same time?

Could it be that the Great Demon Sky and the so-called Star Alliance forces can bully the weak at will in the Star Sea, and the other party cannot resist. Once they resist, it will be suspected of genocide. I would like to ask your envoy, what is the logic of this? It is the Star Sea

The alliance’s logic, or your logic?”

Feng Qingyang's words were extremely powerful. First of all, he characterized the behavior of the Azure Star as the human race's own business. Although the Azure Star is in the Blue Flower Star Territory, it is related to the Human Race. This kind of help has nothing to do with the Star Territory.


Then he recounted the atrocities committed by the demons and the Star Alliance, which was like trying to explain to the Sky Fox Demon and the Star Alliance in disguise. A few words directly drove the Sky Fox Demon into a dead end.

The Sky Fox Demon glared at Feng Qingyang: "Lord Lan Hua, please don't change the subject. What we are investigating now is Zhang Cong's atrocities against the Great Demon Sky Demon Clan. Regarding your Seven Star Alliance and Star Alliance, you can report to

The alliance appealed and this matter was not investigated by us."

Zhang Cong chuckled: "Master Star Envoy, what have you done to investigate, and you have labeled me as an atrocity? Until now, I haven't even said a word, and you are going to sanction me. It is you who started this Star Alliance."

Or are you a member of the Star Alliance and want to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

This chapter has been completed!
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