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Chapter 417: The First Immortal in History

In all the heavens and worlds, in the endless world, many geniuses have been born.

There were strong men from all walks of life who resisted the oppression of the gods and rose up, but then they were all suppressed, their bodies died, their spirits disappeared, and their souls were destroyed.

They are also like the immortals of the Sixth Generation who endured humiliation and hid behind the scenes to create momentum for future generations.

But the most outstanding existence in the history of humankind was finally born.

Li Zhengjing originally thought that hundreds of years ago, when he landed on earth and fought against the God-Emperor, it would be the time when the Emperor was born.

In that battle, he was preparing to cover the emperor's coming to the world!

But the emperor was not born in that era!

To be precise, none of the newborns born in that era were the emperors who carried the hopes of future generations.

"Born forty years ago, he was an ordinary human baby, without any strangeness or strangeness."

Li Zhengjing sighed: "Even I can't recognize him, he is actually the emperor of future generations...just go back!"

During these years, Li Zhengjing's eyes were all focused on the Sixth Immortal, and he ignored many of them.

Unexpectedly, the emperor was born forty years ago, and he was ordinary and made no waves.

The Ship God controls the ancient ship of creation and goes back forty years.


This is a village, very ordinary, not a geomantic treasure.

In this world, in this era, human tribes have gradually developed and formed countries.

Although there are still various tribes in remote areas, but here... is a dynasty called Daqian.

A prosperous city in a very far away place.

Remote tribes are also in remote wild forests.

And here is a village on the edge of a small town...There are tens of thousands of villages like this in this country alone.

The baby that was born did not cause any strange phenomena and did not possess the original Qi of the heavenly clan.

He is a member of countless ordinary people in the universe.

But he was quite intelligent. He was sent to a private school by his parents and studied for several years.

When he was six years old, he saw the village worshiping gods, and the scene was extremely grand.

But after offering sacrifices to the gods, he found that his best playmate in the village was missing. Later he finally understood that he was the sacrifice.

The teachings in the book are: first, respect for God, and second, loyalty to the emperor.

But for the first time, he had the idea of ​​rebelliousness.

He did not bring "suspended wisdom" and had no fragments of the practice.

But... he was walking in the mountains and forests, looking at the river, missing his friends, and suddenly realized something strange, and his breathing became clear.

There seems to be a difference in every gesture.

He noted these feelings.

"He did not rely on the cultivation methods of his predecessors to achieve enlightenment on his own, and he has already understood the mysteries of heaven and earth..."

Li Zhengjing whispered: "If it were a thousand years ago, he would have been among the first sages to create the practice method!"

As time goes on.

The young man mentioned his experience of comprehending the heaven and earth to his teacher. The teacher was extremely shocked and finally sent him to the city and asked his old friend to introduce him to the legendary practitioner.

This person with the cultivation method is roughly equivalent to the realm of inner energy.

This is the first teacher on the young man’s spiritual path.

This teacher was shocked by the young man's understanding, and was also impressed by the young man's fundamentals. He can be called a genius.

The young man did not disappoint him, and before three months passed, he had already broken through the realm of inner energy.

Li Zhengjing, who stood above the long river of time, had a complicated look on his face.

"Father God must have been stronger than him at the beginning of his cultivation before he became a Celestial Clan."

When the ship god said this, his tone was full of determination.


Li Zhengjing looked calm.

After half a year of practice, he finally reached the pinnacle of external practice, Great Perfection, and became a prodigy of the Yuhua Immortal Sect.

But this young man, in this era, when his practice was still a little rough, he had already cultivated his inner energy in three months.

Then he showed an even more terrifying talent.

This year, he broke through the realm of true energy.

In the next three years, he reached the peak of his true energy.

His talent is so terrifying that he can be called the first person to break the shackles of heaven and earth... Even in future generations, it seems that no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

But this year, his village held another big sacrifice, and the sacrifice was his sister.

When he returned to the village, the festival was over.

He got angry and took action, fighting He Bo and killing him!

This is probably the first person from ancient times to the present who has a mortal body that relies on the realm of true energy to defeat the gods... And this He Bo is roughly equivalent to the first realm of human immortality in later generations.

After the battle, he was seriously injured and went into hiding. It was only a few days later that he showed up again while still recovering from his injuries, only to find that... the imperial court had bestowed a new title on He Bo!

His hometown was destroyed by floods, and there were countless casualties.

His mentor was executed by Ling Chi, and his soul was destroyed and could not survive.

Because if a human practitioner dares to offend the divine power, it is an unforgivable sin with countless consequences.

I heard that his two mentors did not complain before they died. They just felt that they had taught such wizards, and they were so glorious that they died without regrets.

He was extremely angry, his soul was in turmoil, and despite his injuries, he beheaded the newly appointed He Bo.

But this time, he was dying.

But someone saved him.

"You're not yet an immortal, but you're already able to kill gods. There's a lot to be done."

The visitor had white beard and hair, and he was a human immortal in this world. He pointed in the direction of the capital and said: "I killed one god, and there are thousands of gods. The root of the mistake... is there!"

"Overthrow the imperial court and restore order!"

"Break the temples to pieces and rule the world with men."

"Since the order of heaven and earth is wrong, then overthrow it and establish the right direction!"

This immortal said with a smile: "We are all working hard for this... If you can, you should join us."

The young man agreed.

In fact, after entering the realm of inner energy, no one taught him how to practice.

Now that he has joined the command of this human immortal, he has obtained the complete practice method and learned a more excellent method from it.

Three years later, he condensed the yin spirit and broke through to human immortality.

He is the youngest immortal in this world.

He began to walk around the world and kill gods!

At first, he killed the gods when he saw them. Later, he discovered that among the gods, there were also good people and those who were sincere for the people.

So he doesn't just kill gods, he only kills evil!

From evil gods to evil people, no matter whether they are demons or ghosts, all evildoers will be killed!

In this year, he reached the realm of human immortality. When he came out of seclusion, the great elder of the current temple was hosting a banquet for the gods from all over the world.

One of the delicacies is called Shoudan!

Using human beings as objects, men and women are divided into yin and yang, and the refined objects can strengthen one's soul and reduce the impact of incense on consciousness. In recent years, it has been a favorite object of gods from all over the world.

The young man broke into the banquet and killed sixty-seven gods.

Three of the gods are comparable to the higher realms of human immortals.

This battle became famous all over the world!

He has broken the boundaries of this human world, and in future generations, he will have a master-level combat power.

He used this to call on practitioners in the world to contend with the gods. Within a few years, the situation was already established. They gathered in the capital, stormed the temples, shattered the imperial power, and reestablished the order of heaven and earth.


At the same time, in the underworld, on the path of reincarnation.

The Sixth Immortal, whose death was approaching, noticed the clues.

Because many gods have fallen, many human practitioners have fallen, and many Yin gods of the human-immortal level have fallen into the netherworld.

After careful inspection, he discovered that most of the Yin gods of human immortals came from the same human world.

"These human practitioners still have longevity, so why do they die in their prime?"

"I heard that there is another rebellion in the human world and wants to attack the divine power." A ghost from the underworld responded: "The matter is of great importance. The temple has reported it to the heaven and the divine court. It must be Lei Zun's lower realm again and wants to wipe out the human world... That one above

You are very happy."

"Nonsense, I think this time it should be the wind god's lower realm, using the Sunda wind to wipe out the world." Another ghost and god responded.


The six generations of immortals suddenly recalled the past.

The most powerful gods in the human world and temples everywhere can be enemies of the immortal realm, but with the treasures given by the gods, they can often suppress the practitioners of the human immortal realm.

In a human world, those who attempt to rebel will usually be suppressed.

Unless the number of practitioners in the human immortal realm exceeds a certain number.

Or maybe there is a being in this human world whose combat power exceeds that of human beings.

Only when the temple cannot suppress such a situation will it urgently report it to the heaven.

His heart moved slightly, and he carefully learned about the rise of this human world, and learned that the person leading it had practiced cultivation for less than ten years, and his skills were stronger than during his lifetime. Now he led the crowd to attack the temple, causing both the gods and practitioners to die.

There were heavy casualties.

"This boy's talent is better than mine."

"If it gains momentum, it may be able to break higher shackles."

He thought this, but he didn't know what to do.

After all, in his understanding, no matter how powerful the practitioner is in all the worlds and in the world, he cannot defeat the gods!

But my end is approaching, and it’s time to give it a try.

Although he had never met him before, he felt a sense of excitement in his heart.


The young man led the crowd to attack the capital, killing many immortals, and finally reached the temple.

His eyes were blazing, thinking that by destroying the temple and overthrowing the imperial power, he could reorder the world.

But at this moment, the sky changed drastically and the void shattered.

The gods have descended!

The endless divine power crushes the hopes of all living beings.

Their general trend has wiped out this world, and they want to rebuild everything in this world, but who would have thought... a more powerful god has landed on the sky!

This is a god that cannot be matched.

As powerful as this young man, he feels as weak as an ant.

"Let's go! Let's go! Escape..."

A hollow voice came to my ears.


Li Zhengjing stayed on top of the passage of time and did not intervene, just watching the changes in the situation.

Six generations of immortals manifested the true form of the Yin God and entered the mortal world to fight against the Wind God.

In the underworld, he left a way for the young man to survive and let him take his place.

Then he was destroyed by the wind god, and his soul disappeared.

The Xun turmoil has spread to the human world, so we must wipe out everything and put an end to inheritance.

Many of the remaining immortals tried to stop the Wind God and give the boy a chance to escape.

But they are as weak as ants.

When the world was plunged into catastrophe, the young man finally took the last step.

The Yin Shen is transforming.


Li Zhengjing's eyes were blazing and he whispered: "He has achieved Yuanshen!"

When he was young, he already had master-level combat power. Over the years, he gathered strength and defeated all the gods in the world without delaying his cultivation.

He became the first true immortal in the world.

Of course, he is only a semi-immortal at this moment, because he is still in the human world and has not yet ascended.

Fengshen was so shocked that he wanted to kill him.

Nan Dou Xingjun arrived in time to stop Fengshen.

The movement here alarmed all the gods in heaven, and they all gathered together.



This is the existence that was born from heaven and earth, and has the authority to control the avenue.

This is a supreme honor!

No matter how many turmoils there were in the world in the past, even if mortals killed false gods in the world, they actually didn't care.

From a certain perspective, the false gods in the world are, after all, just living beings in the world, not the same species as the gods in the heavens.

But now, a being comparable to a god has appeared.

This is the real threat to the innate gods.

How can a human creature, an ant-like thing, be qualified to stand side by side with the gods?

Since the creation of heaven and earth, the gods in the world have been fixed. Even their rank is innate and will not change in any way!

Therefore, some gods want to wipe out this living being in future generations.

But there are also gods who want to protect this future life that breaks through the boundaries and reaches the heaven.

"The cultivation has reached this point. Although they are not of the same species, they are of the same kind." Nan Dou Xingjun responded: "The world has changed and there are no more shackles. The fact that he can practice to this point is his ability..."

"If this son doesn't die, where will the majesty of the gods be?" the god of wind replied.

"Behead him! Kill everything that threatens the gods!"

"Don't you want to go further?"

At this moment, another god spoke.

The world fell into silence.

The shackles are broken, not only for all living beings, but also for gods.

In these years, the power of incense and wishing can increase divine power, which is a new direction...it has almost become a way for gods to break ranks.

People like Lei Zun have been high-ranking true gods since they were born.

For example, Nandou Xingjun was born among the stars, among the gods, and belongs to the middle and upper reaches.

But now Nan Dou Xingjun, with the power of incense, can rival the higher true gods... Although the rank of god is still the same, his combat power has increased, and his status is no longer what it used to be.

"Only human ants can practice to this level. If we can practice..."

Once such thoughts arise, the gods will be shaken.

But there are also those who are determined to kill and still take action.

On the other side, even the Innate Thunder God couldn't help but think.


Li Zhengjing held his breath slightly.

He knew that among the gods, because of their different positions, the way of thinking was actually different.

And the power of incense and desire did have an impact.

Some gods, such as Nan Dou Xingjun, are also influenced by God in order to give the living beings in the world a glimmer of hope!

Some gods are dissatisfied with the current situation and feel that the gods are almost evil. They also feel that this person does not deserve to die.

There are also some gods who are really interested in the "method of becoming an immortal"... Mortal beings who are as dusty as dust can be promoted to this level by practicing methods. What if the gods who are born with powerful abilities also practice in this way?

But more gods are still determined to kill this son.

Until news came from the Divine Court.

The God-Emperor came out of seclusion and was spared the death penalty.


The Ship God asked in surprise: "Father God, why does the God Emperor allow him to continue to live?"

Li Zhengjing thought for a while and said, "Because I have fought against the God Emperor."


In the divine court.

The God Emperor looked at the horizon with a strange look in his eyes.

She noticed that the power in this young man was not weaker than divine power, but it was completely different.

She had experienced this kind of power before.

The ancient ship of creation, the Eye of the Beginning.

"Although there are differences, they are of the same species."

The God Emperor whispered: "Why is the same kind of power as the Eye of the Beginning born in the human world?"

This chapter has been completed!
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