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Chapter 441: The Root Cause of the Demise of the Celestial Clan

In the outer world.

Create a cave.

The golden ship that crossed the world absorbed spiritual energy and returned to its heyday. The ship god also noticed the change in the attitude of the kings present, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

At the same time, Li Zhengjing joined forces with the leaders of the Celestial Clan to suppress the Demon Emperor and brought him to the Cave of Creation and temporarily imprisoned him.

"In the past, our heavenly clan escaped into the void, created this cave world, and thrived. Today, our glory is no longer the same as before, and our authority is limited..."

The leader of the Celestial Clan sighed with emotion: "Despite the passage of time, I am still the only one who has set foot in this realm! The rest of my clan, although they have reached the peak realm of Immortal Kings that is said in the world today, they still suffer from the lack of authority and are limited to

Now...as of today, my clan brother should be in the third emperor realm after me."

"The idea of ​​the emperor realm has only appeared in recent years, and the emergence of the second emperor realm Celestial Clan, the clan brother is also aware of it... It seems that the Celestial Clan is not completely unaware of the disturbances in the heavens and the world.

Well." Li Zhengjing laughed and said.

"My Celestial Clan once ruled all the heavens and all the realms. Even though we are far away in the wilderness, we still have to keep some means to the outside world, otherwise we will not be able to survive for a long time." The leader of the Celestial Clan responded in this way, and said: "Brother, we have won the Celestial Realm.

As the third emperor of our Celestial Clan, I am gratified and congratulated. We should start the grand ceremony so that all the creatures from all races in the cave can come here to meet the third leader!"

"Brother, you are the only emperor of the Celestial Clan and are supreme. Naturally, I have no intention of taking away your authority." Li Zhengjing waved his hand and said, "This third leader is not worthy of the name."

"Brother, you are too polite. Now that we are both in the imperial realm of the Heavenly Clan, why are we talking about seizing power?" The leader of the Heavenly Clan said this, but his eyes were obviously a little softer.

"We will discuss this matter later and bring the Demon Emperor to trial."

Li Zhengjing said this and pointed to one side.


The Demon Emperor's energy was blocked, and when he saw the two Heavenly Clan Emperors approaching, his eyes became extremely strange.

At this moment, Li Zhengjing's platinum fairy sword was still nailed to her body.

She was unable to consolidate the authority of the Northern Heavenly Palace.

The next great emperor in the north is Zhao Huanzhen.

"What should I say after thinking about it?"

Li Zhengjing approached and said: "A hundred years ago, before I ascended, I was full of fear of the imperial realm. After my ascension, I could only survive in the cracks when facing imperial realms from all sides... I never thought that when the time comes,

Today, even the Emperor Realm has become my prisoner. I must have thought the same way as the Emperor in the past."

He sat down next to the Demon King, waved his hand, and his magic power turned into light, covering the three of them.

The leader of the Heavenly Clan looked at the Demon King and said, "What happened to the old fisherman? I think you should have figured it out in this moment."

"If I tell them everything, can you really spare me reincarnation?"

The Demon King suddenly spoke and responded like this.

Li Zhengjing nodded and said: "Not only will you be spared reincarnation, but Emperor Yin will be able to keep you wise and have a bright future in the next life, but it is limited to this. Don't think about more... If your words are untrue, then

Don’t blame this junior for being careless, causing you to lose your soul and disappear.”

After a long silence, he saw the Demon King's remaining mana gathering together.

The magic turned into a scene, which was an old man sitting cross-legged in the vast sky, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and a fishing cage behind him.

The line of the fishing rod fell into the endless depths, and I don't know where it leads.

"After the emperor's fall, the immortal kings from all sides competed for the Heavenly Palace. I was not strong enough to seize the Northern Heavenly Palace. It was she who fished me away and landed me outside the sky..."

The Demon Emperor said in a deep voice: "She made a deal with me and finally sent me to the Northern Heavenly Palace, allowing me to ascend to the Imperial Realm in one fell swoop."


"Pay close attention to the trends in the heavens and the world."

"That's it?"

"After I achieved the imperial realm, I did several things for her and cleared away some of the traces left by the emperor."

"What traces?"

"I don't know. I just obeyed her orders and destroyed everything with all my strength. I don't know what was involved."

"Not sure?" Li Zhengjing raised his eyebrows.

"It's really not clear." The Demon King muttered: "After I achieved the Emperor Realm, I tried to take action, but I was no match for her... Everything was based on her direction, so I took action without asking what happened."

"A dignified emperor has turned into a mere minion?" Li Zhengjing laughed and said, "You are not good enough at this."

"..." The Demon Emperor's eyes were complicated, he paused, and then said: "There is one thing. She has never set foot in the heaven. There are many things she can do by herself, but she still gives me orders... In these years, I have always doubted

, she cannot enter heaven."

"Can't enter the heaven?" The leader of the heaven clan couldn't help but be startled.

"This can basically be confirmed." The Demon Emperor hesitated for a moment and said: "There is another thing. A hundred years ago, she was even more unable to take action. In recent days, she has disappeared even more. Even the fishing cage has overturned.

All the things inside were scattered... This is also the reason why there are a large number of immortal gods from ancient times in the heaven."

"You couldn't take action a hundred years ago?" Li Zhengjing looked at the Demon Emperor and said, "You seem to know the reason?"

"The Eye of the Beginning." The Demon King whispered, "I have seen it before."

"..." Li Zhengjing finally understood that when the Eye of the Beginning was dragged off the ancient ship of creation by an unknown entity, and Li Zaihua became the helmsman, there was actually the handiwork of the old fishing man behind it.

"That's about all I know." The Demon Emperor said: "She is a pure Celestial Clan, but she does not have the ability to create gods, and there are many limitations... Moreover, she is extremely ancient. Before the God Emperor, she had

You are different."

"What does it mean to be different from me is that I was promoted to the Celestial Clan based on my Celestial Clan origin, and she is a pure Celestial Clan?" Li Zhengjing asked.


The Demon King's voice fell and fell into silence again.

Because she has no more information to disclose.

Li Zhengjing did not kill her directly, but walked out of the light of mana and looked at the leader of the Celestial Clan who had always looked complicated.

"My clan brother seems to already know the origin of this old fishing man?"


The leader of the Celestial Clan was silent for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. After a long time, he finally said: "She is indeed the oldest Celestial Clan. If the guess is correct, she is more powerful than me."

Li Zhengjing did not speak and listened quietly.

"Back then, the first leader of our Heavenly Clan, for some unknown reason, created Tianxuan Taibai Yuanjin and other things that could restrain the Heavenly Clan..."

The leader of the Celestial Clan said: "It is precisely because of this that the Celestial Clan has something to restrain them. In the end, the gods they created backfired, and almost all of them were killed or injured...Only some of the clansmen traveled far away to create this square cave sky, rebuild order, and thrive.

, never go out again.”

She looked at Li Zhengjing and said: "When the Divine Court was overthrown and the Heavenly Court was first built, my Celestial Clan was about to return to the Heavenly Realm and reunite with glory. However, due to the limitations of our ancestors, we could not step out! But there was a person who broke into this square cave.

, stole the bones of the first leader of the Celestial Clan, and the method was so clever that even I couldn’t figure it out..."

"Looking through the classics, apart from the Celestial Clan that have long since fallen, I can only think of one missing Celestial Clan ancestor."

"That is the elder brother of the first leader of the Celestial Clan. She was expelled from the Celestial Clan and exiled to the outside world because of the appearance of Tianxuan Taibai Yuanjin and her rebellion against the leader's decision."

"Only she has more power than me, and she is more powerful than what this level should be. More importantly, she was expelled by the first leader and cannot return to the heavens and worlds, so she can only wander around.

Out in the sky."

"We originally thought that she had exhausted her spiritual energy and was trapped in the void outside the sky, but now it seems that she has created a new method that can catch all the heavens and worlds, and even many things in the past and present."

The contemporary leader of the Celestial Clan thought for a while before saying: "Back then, the God Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor came to the desolate wilderness many times, but they were unable to track them as they were created in the cave and wandered in the vast sky...

I have never met the Creation Cave Heaven, but I am still so persistent. Now it seems that maybe it is just for this oldest celestial clan."

"Then what is the reason why the God Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor are looking for her?"

Li Zhengjing said: "It would be okay if the Emperor of Heaven noticed the clues later and wanted to find her and rescue her companions back then, but what about the Emperor of God?"

"Then I don't know clearly."

The leader of the Celestial Clan said this: "After all, the Celestial Clan is far away from the world, just to remain unnoticed by the outside world, and occasionally explores the movements of the Celestial Realm, but cannot truly know the secrets."

"One more thing. Back then, the Celestial Clan had almost no means of restraint. Apart from fellow clan members, even the gods could not harm the Celestial Clan..."

Li Zhengjing added: "Then the first leader of the Celestial Clan created Tianxuan Taibai Yuanjin and other objects and methods that can harm the Celestial Clan. What was the reason?"

The current leader of the Tian Clan remained silent, raised his head and glanced at him, but still did not speak.

"Brother, since you and I are from the same clan, and now that I have reached the emperor level and will even become the third leader of the Celestial Clan, is it just empty talk?" Li Zhengjing said calmly: "That's not what you said before..."


The leader of the Celestial Clan weighed the pros and cons and confirmed that he was no match for this person. He also saw that this cave was the only place where the Celestial Clan lived. He finally said in a low voice, "Have you seen the divine court ruling the world in the past?"

"I've seen it."

Li Zhengjing said: "They feed on people, oppress all living beings, and plunder incense. Among the gods, there are only a few good ones, and the majority are evil gods... Later, God sought death, so that the shackles of the great avenue of all realms were broken, and all living beings

With the hope of becoming stronger, only when the emperor becomes powerful can he have the power to compete with the gods."

"This is a scandal that belongs to the Celestial Clan."

The leader of the Celestial Clan said slowly: "In the later stages of the Celestial Clan's rule, the gods are just slaves... Without checks and balances, they will be indulgent."

She looked at Li Zhengjing and said: "The first leader of the Celestial Clan established the initial order, killed the Celestial Clan, refined Tianxuan Taibai Yuanjin, and gave it to the gods! This gave the gods the ability to fight back against the Celestial Clan.

Sharp weapons...until later, the conflict became more and more intense, and all kinds of secret techniques were spread."

Li Zhengjing frowned and said, "It was the first leader of the Celestial Clan who caused the demise of the Celestial Clan?"

The contemporary leader shook his head and said: "No, it was the indulgence of the Celestial Clan that led to its demise! Just like in the later period of the Divine Court, it was not the emperor who overthrew the Divine Court, but the gods who destroyed the foundation of the Divine Clan..."

"The first-generation leader seemed to have anticipated the demise of the Celestial Clan. She built the ancient ship of creation and traveled through history."

"She created this square cave sky and gave the Heavenly Clan the last place to live."

"But the ancient ship of creation was destroyed in this era. The future situation is probably a future that even the first leader cannot see through."

Her tone became lower and lower, and she said slowly: "In fact, the God Emperor also anticipated the destruction of the Divine Court, but she was not as good as the first leader of my Celestial Clan, so the Divine Court was destroyed... The lineage of the old gods continued to


"If the Emperor of Heaven had not granted the title to allow these old gods to continue to retain the authority of the heavenly gods, perhaps the lineage of the old gods would have completely perished long ago."

"Now that the heaven is destroyed, the authority belonging to the heavenly gods is also declining day by day, and the authority of the old innate gods is also constantly weakening. Soon... all the innate gods have completely disappeared."

Following the words of the contemporary leader of the Tian Clan, Li Zhengjing's eyes became more solemn.

"What about the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Not sure."

The contemporary leader said: "I have lived longer than her, but I have never been in contact with her. In the past, I was afraid of the God Emperor, and later I was afraid of the Emperor of Heaven himself... But her fall is full of mysteries."

"What if I told you that the Emperor of Heaven chose to die on his own?"


The Celestial Clan leader thought for a while and said, "Then, maybe she has reached the level of the first Celestial Clan leader."

"Are you following destiny?"

Li Zhengjing pondered: "They can see through the past and future of the years, but they can't change? Or... their fall is an attempt to change? Or, what kind of thoughts do they have themselves?"

"I have no idea."

The leader of the Celestial Clan said solemnly: "But the Eye of the Beginning must know! She has already left the Ancient Ship of Creation, and she should be looking for a Celestial Clan to inherit her mantle... But I have always suspected that after she left the Ancient Ship of Creation, she has

I have a different intention, so I am always on guard. If you leave the cave, you must be extremely cautious."


Li Zhengjing then boarded the golden ship to cross the world, took the Demon Emperor with him, and left the Cave of Creation.

This time, he devoured a lot of spiritual energy from Creation Cave Heaven and successfully promoted to the Emperor Realm. In fact, this was already a loss to the Celestial Clan.

The leader of the Heavenly Clan mentioned that he was extremely cautious after letting him leave, which was actually an order to expel him.

For the sake of his fellow clan, Li Zhengjing didn't have too many thoughts. He just wanted to return to the heaven to consolidate the results and avoid mistakes.

As for this place, since he has been here once, he may not be able to do it again.

But, after Li Zhengjing left.

The leader of the Heavenly Clan waved his hands, and endless mana spread continuously, seeming to seal the entire cave.

And she climbed to a higher position and looked at the deepest part of the Creation Cave.

"Li Zhengjing is gone?" At this moment, a dull voice sounded.

"Everything that should be known to him has been told to him." The current leader of the Heavenly Clan said this, "He is far away and cannot find you. Now you can open your eyes and tell me... Transcendence



In the deep silence, a huge eye opened.

Eye of the Beginning!

And on the edge is the wreckage of the ancient ship of creation.

Among the wreckage, there was a young girl sitting cross-legged. Her name was Wuwu, and her predecessor was Qian Huan Shenjun.

Before Li Zhengjing, they had already entered the Cave of Creation.

This chapter has been completed!
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