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Chapter 103 The boy among them

Jiang Wang still looked back.

Of course he knew the danger, and he also knew that turning back would mean a narrow escape.

But no matter what, Bai Lian saved his life, and he couldn't just turn around.

There is no way to pretend not to know about her situation, no way to ignore it.

He lurked cautiously, not daring to reveal a hint of fighting spirit in order to be noticed.

But the battle between Bai Lian and Ji Xuan was astonishingly powerful.

He couldn't even bear the aftermath, so he retreated again and again, and went around again and again.

He has been looking for opportunities, but a war of this level is indeed not something he can participate in.

I moved countless positions and found countless angles, but I couldn't get in at all.

He pressed the sword for a long time, but the sword could not be unsheathed!

He was waiting, waiting for the earth-shattering sword, waiting for the most glorious moment possible.

But Ji Xuan was not Xiong Wen, and he was not beaten by Bai Lian. The peak of the Neifu realm was not comparable to the Tenglong realm.

After opening the door of heaven and earth, there is one realm and one world. This is not for nothing.

Needless to say, pressing the sword in such a battle will be beneficial.

Crisis tempers the heart, and Taoism sharpens the sword.

If he could strike out with a sword tonight, the world would be different from now on.

After a dazzling battle, Bai Lian was suddenly blown away.

And it just flew over the grass where he was crawling.

There is no time to think, the body is faster than the thought.

He rushed out immediately and caught Bai Lian.

The sword has not been drawn out of its sheath, but he has already drawn it!

In the battle between the powerful men in the inner palace, the young man stepped forward.


The moment it came into contact with Bai Lian's body, the remaining power of Ji Xuan's fist surged forward, tearing through his Dao Yuan defense like a torrent.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Crash, fall to the ground, roll.

He jumped up and ran wildly with Bai Lian in his arms.

The Four Spirits Body Refining Art was running at full strength to replenish physical energy. He had never run so fast.

All I could hear was the wind, the wind, the howling wind.

He knew he might not be able to escape, but he had to try.

It wasn't until he heard the roar of huge waves behind him that he realized that the situation behind him had changed, but he didn't even dare to stop and look back.

So I have no idea what happened behind me.

He did not run directly in the direction of Maplewood City, but first ran in the direction of Wangjiang City, then turned east, turned again, and finally headed north.

Now that two galactic circles have been established and he has enough Dao Yuan, he can run back to Maplewood City in one breath.

But he didn't do this. Instead, after cleaning up the traces, he randomly ran into a forest.

He didn't know what happened, so Ji Xuan didn't catch up immediately, which bought him precious time. But he knew very well that his speed was far inferior to Ji Xuan, and he would be easily caught up once his whereabouts were exposed.

And the people running wildly on the road tonight are undoubtedly the most obvious targets.

So he chose to find a place to hide.

After finding a cave and beating up the owner, an ordinary black bear, Jiang Wang hugged Bai Lian and hid in the cave.

But he did not kill the black bear, but continued to hold it in the cave as a cover.

Only then did he have time to examine Bai Lian's injuries.

The cave is very dry, and this black bear is very demanding about its living environment.

Carefully placing the white lotus flat on the ground, Jiang Wang casually formed a ball of fire and hung it in the air for illumination.

The black bear was obviously frightened, but after being glared at by Jiang Wang, it sat down where it was.

Bai Lian had completely passed out, and her enchanting eyes were closed at this time.

The black clothes on his body were torn in many places, revealing a fair and moving scenery. The black gauze covering his face was intact, so it should not be a mortal thing.

Jiang Wangping was calm.

The most serious wound was probably on the abdomen. The entire area was covered in blood and flesh. The fragments of clothing were mixed with the flesh and blood, and no intact area could be seen.

The C-level mid-level Peiyuan Technique is the only healing Taoist technique that Jiang Wang has mastered.

Investigating its principle, it is just to gather the vital energy of the wood element to help the injured person rejuvenate and promote self-healing.

For an injury like Bai Lian's, it's better than nothing.

But Jiang Wang could only try.

After the kneading, a ball of green vitality slowly approached Bai Lian's abdomen and reacted with her wound.

But with a flash of white light, the blue energy disappeared silently.

With the level of Jiang Wang's Peiyuan Technique, it was impossible to heal the wounds left by Ji Xuan.

But at the same time that the blue energy came into contact with the white lotus, something strange happened.

Jiang Wang, who had completed the Four Spirits Body Refining and Blue Dragon Chapter, was already very sensitive to the vitality of wood. He clearly sensed the dissipation of the Yuan Training Technique, and did not ignore the change of the black candle in Tongtian Palace at that moment.

The black candle was lit.

In the Tongtian Palace, there is no fire to ignite spontaneously.

Miraculously, Jiang Wang subconsciously understood that this black candle could burn for a quarter of an hour and then disappear.

But he didn't know how it was ignited or how it should be ignited. He didn't even know how to put it out before it burned out.

In short, everything is confusing.

The only thing that is clear is that it probably has some connection with White Lotus.

The black candle was extinguished and shortened.

It had been living in Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace for a long time, and could not see anything special except that it was entangled by the true spirit of Taoism. But at this moment, it spontaneously ignited and extinguished.

And with this moment of brilliance, a Taoist technique appeared in Jiang Wang's mind.

There should never be so much weight lost in just such a moment, that should be the reason for this Taoist technique.

"The flesh gives birth to white bones, the soul returns to the body and rots..."

Jiang Wang murmured subconsciously, and unconsciously made secrets with his right hand, until he was finally enveloped in a layer of white light.

The light should be pale white rather than blazing white. It should be eerie, but it has an inexplicable feeling of holiness.

When this ball of white light was placed on Bai Lian's abdomen, the flesh and blood in her abdomen began to squirm and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, Bai Lian's breathing actually calmed down.

And Jiang Wang didn't even know where this white light came from, what its principle was, and what power it used.

He only knew the name of this Taoist technique in his mind.

The black candle that suddenly appeared in Tongtian Palace... seemed to be something extraordinary.

Jiang Wang was focused on treatment and didn't notice.

Behind him, the black bear had completely huddled up and was trembling.

When Bai Lian woke up quietly, it was already bright.

The sunlight even penetrated into the cave, allowing Bai Lian to see the black bear clearly.

It leaned against the cave wall, sitting very honestly, with its two bear paws resting peacefully in front of it, motionless.

Then she smelled a strange smell, Bai Lian's eyes shifted, and then she saw Jiang Wang.

He was holding something that might be called a "bowl" and slowly walked towards Bai Lian.

The sunlight hit his face, and Bai Lian felt inexplicably pretty.

"Are you awake?" Jiang Wang said warmly.

"Yeah." Bai Lian's voice was unexpectedly soft, perhaps because she was recovering from a serious injury.

"When you are sleeping, you always shout about rice." Jiang Wang held the thing in his hand and explained: "I think you are probably hungry. But it is inconvenient to eat now. So I found some wild vegetables and cooked them for you.

a bowl of soup."

"Dao..." Bai Lian was stunned for a moment: "Boiled... for me?"

"Ah." Jiang Wang was a little embarrassed: "When I was a child, my family sold medicinal materials, and I could tell the difference between herbs and wild vegetables. Don't worry, none of them are poisonous. I hollowed out a stone and made a temporary bowl. I used Taoism to control fire...


"Bring it here." Bai Lian interrupted him.

"Oh." Jiang Wang approached and handed the bowl of wild vegetable soup in front of Bai Lian.

Bai Lian reluctantly raised her upper body, and after taking a look, she immediately wanted to lie back down.

The "bowl" was already very rough, at best it was just a pitted stone. And the soup...if the colorful viscous liquid could be considered soup.

After getting closer, the strange smell became even more terrifying...

"Drink." Jiang Wang stretched again, looking forward to it and sincerely.

"No one has ever cooked soup for me." Bai Lian said.

She was cruel and took the "bowl" over.

"You are considered a patient now and should be taken care of." Jiang Wang said.

Bai Lian couldn't help but admit that despite the ugly appearance and unpleasant smell, this bowl of soup brought her a warmth that she had almost never felt before.

be take care of……

She has never been taken care of.

This chapter has been completed!
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