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Chapter 29 Major Case

Having a green plaque hanging on her waist for so long, Beiya can be regarded as Jiang Wang's "mother's family".

 At the beginning, Yue Leng, the God-catcher, was delighted when he saw Hunting Heart and left talents for Qingpai. Now he has reaped the rewards.

The most powerful person in the imperial court in the world is also a member of Qingpai. It makes countless young people in the Qi Kingdom yearn for Qingpai!

 Other yamen no longer need to talk about talent reserves in front of Bei Yamen. No matter what kind of talent they are, they must be afraid in front of the leader of the Yellow River.

If there is a famous tattoo in the Inspection Office of the capital, Qingyangzi Jiangwang can also be listed on it to show his name.

  Reflecting on reality, Jiang Wang could clearly feel that the entire Qingpai system accepted him.

Because he has only been working on a temporary basis with few practical reasons, most Qingpai people actually have no impression of him, and some of them have a bad impression. They always feel that he is a Qingpai who hangs out the back door, with a four-level hanging on his waist, and he has no respect for those hard-working people.

It is really unfair for the arresting officer who worked so hard to handle the case.

 After he won the spot to represent Qi in the Yellow River Tournament, this perception changed.

Yellow River Club won the championship in one fell swoop, and overnight, Jiang Wang became the pride of Qingpai.

 Many arrestees are willing to put Jiang Wang's name on their lips.

“Do you know Jiang Wang? He is the best in the world. We are from Qingpai!”

 Just this sentence makes me feel so proud.

None of the Qingpai arresters in this team who were ordered to summon Jiang Wang were arrogant and were very polite and considerate. After entering Beiya, everyone was smiling and full of goodwill.

However, this relaxed and happy atmosphere disappeared after entering the Charter Hall.

 Charter, another name for 狴紴.

Bi Yan is the seventh son of the Dragon King. He is fond of litigation, upright and upright, and is said to be in charge of all litigation matters of the Shui Tribe.

Of course, as the dragon tribe was expelled from the sea, the water tribe that was still left in the world no longer worshiped Bi An. However, the human race did not have any taboos.

 From the name, we can know the importance of the Charter Hall within Beiya.

 And the three people sitting in the Charter Hall undoubtedly showed the importance of today's matter.

Jiang Wang could only recognize two people, Zheng Shi, the captain of Beiya, who was sitting in the middle, and Yang Weitong, the deputy inspector, who was sitting on his right hand side.

 These two alone are already very important.

Not to mention the elegant man sitting on the left side of Zheng Shi.

From the outside, he only looks middle-aged, and looks a bit younger than Zheng Shi. He is well-dressed and has his own style. Although he is sitting on the left side of Zheng Shi, judging from the attitudes of Zheng Shi and Yang Weitong,

His status is slightly higher than that of Zheng Shi!

Beiya Captain is a lowly and powerful position. In terms of rank, it is not as high as Jiang Wang's third-grade Golden Melon Warrior. But when it comes to actual power, there are not many people in Linzi whose status is stable above Zheng Shi.

Three adults were sitting, facing the hall door, with a tiger-like statue behind them. It looked a bit like a three-chamber trial. It made people nervous for no reason.

“Jiang Baitou!” Zheng Shi said as soon as Jiang Wangfu entered the door: “I, Doctor Xie, and Inspector Yang have been waiting for you for a long time!”

 This is to remind Jiang Wang of the identity of that elegant man.

 The person whose status is above Zheng Shi and whose surname is Xie...

 Thank you to Huai'an, the court official!

 Jiang Wang felt guilty because he had just bullied his nephew.

“I have met a few adults.” He cupped his hands and said, “Jiang Wang is late, please forgive me.”

 Xie Huaian did not speak.

Although Yang Weitong sat with the two of them, he actually did not have much qualifications to speak.

There are two people next to him, one is his direct superior and the other is at the same level as his teacher. He is sitting here and is only supervising the fairness of the entire case. In fact, he cannot be parallel to anyone.

Zheng Shi waved his hand: "You didn't know you would be summoned beforehand."

 He ​​brushed the matter aside casually, then went straight to the topic and asked: "When the moon came together last month, do you still remember what happened in the Yang Di?"

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment: "Yangdi? Nothing happened?"

 During this moment of confusion, my mind began to expand rapidly.

When the returning team passed through Yangdi, there was something unpleasant in Hengyang County. Cao Jiu scolded Huang Yixing for a few words and let him go. Considering Cao Jiu's status, this matter was nothing serious.

  I did not pass through Chiwei County, and in Rizhao County I only spoke a few words to Tian Antai who was waiting on the roadside.

 What else can there be?

Zheng Shidao: "Think about it again."

Jiang Wang said in confusion: "I don't understand what the captain is asking."

Xie Huai looked at him quietly and still did not express any opinion. Yang Weitong, on the other hand, had no expression on his face and showed no emotion at all.

“I might as well tell you straight away.” Zheng Shidao: “What happened between Cao Jiu and Huang Yixing that day? You were at the scene, do you still remember it?”

 “This is what I remember.”

Jiang Wang then completely recounted what happened that day, how Huang Yixing organized the reception, and how Cao Jie reprimanded... impartially, without adding any personal subjective opinions.

 Even a complete retelling of the conversation, without adding or subtracting a single word.

There were quite a few people present that day. What he saw and heard was no more than anyone else, so there was no need to hide anything.

 And he didn’t think there was anything wrong with Cao Jie.

It’s just that the captain of Beiya is asking this now...

Did anything else happen between Cao Jiu and Huang Yixing?

Did I guess wrong earlier? I was summoned to Beiya today, not for commission, but as a witness in a certain case?

While Jiang Wang was retelling, he couldn't help but guess.

Xie Huai'an spoke at this moment: "Are you sure General Cao said this at that time, 'You old Yang bureaucrats also need to change your habits'?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said: "It is true that he said that, but at the time..."

Xie Huai'an raised his palm to stop him, and then said: "Huang Yixing is dead."

 When he said this, he looked directly into Jiang Wang's eyes.

He has an elegant appearance and a gentle temperament, but when he stares at Jiang Wang, he is so awe-inspiring that he cannot look directly at him.

Jiang Wang looked directly at him and said in surprise: "How could that happen?!"

No matter what you say, Huang Yixing was the governor of Daqi, and his status was similar to that of a county governor.

The existence of this kind of sea officials is by no means a trivial matter!

Xie Huai'an said slowly: "Someone saw Huang Yixing with his hair spread over his face, all his Dao Yuan scattered, and he fell to death in front of the city gate."

This way of death is really strange.

 How could a person like Huang Yixing commit suicide?

Jiang Wang immediately thought about what he could think of, how could these big figures in the court not think of it?

He felt his throat was a little dry and couldn't help but ask: "What about General Cao now..."

Xie Huai'an said: "He has been banned in the house."

 Cao Jie is suspected to be related to Huang Yixing’s death!

No wonder the captain of Bei Ya personally supervised the operation, and no wonder a court official was present!

 The death of a county guard involved Cao Jie, the commander of the Spring Death Army... This is a matter of great significance.

 In the entire Qi State, there are not many people who are qualified to participate.

Of course it’s not convenient to show up at the Military Affairs Hall, so someone from the Political Affairs Hall is here!

This chapter has been completed!
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