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Chapter 30: Die on your back

Of course, it is impossible for a dignified commander of the Nine Soldiers and a member of the Military Hall to be thrown into prison at the first sign of trouble.

But a big shot at this level is already a prisoner when he is confined to the house!

Jiang Wang quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Huang Yixing’s identity is sensitive!

How could this person be appointed as the governor of Hengyang County?

Without it, flag ear!

He is a flag that brought the old Yang to Qi.

The best example used to promote "Yang people are also equal to people".

Cao Du taught Huang Yixing a lesson, both out of anger and on purpose, not wanting him to bring the old Yang bureaucratic habits to Qi.

There is nothing wrong with this one.

But Huang Yixing died suddenly, which became a big problem!

Jiang Wang could definitely imagine it. Someone would definitely say that it was Cao Jie who forced him to death!

Thinking that Huang Yixing would join the Qi people and eagerly welcome the returning heroes after winning the championship is flattering, but what's the crime of being patriotic?

You, Cao Jun, are all officials of the old Yang Dynasty, so don’t you recognize Yang people as ministers of Qi at all?

Qi now dominates the Eastern Region. How many countries has it annexed? How many people have been naturalized in Qi from other countries?

Even the Prime Minister Jiang Rumo, going back several generations, was a Rongguo native!

It turns out that those people, those ministers of the country, have never been recognized by the so-called "real Qi people"?

How do they deal with this?

The biggest problem is

Jiang Wang knew very well that this "prejudice" and this "old Qi people's" sense of superiority really existed!

Back then, Jiang Wang had made meritorious service on the Qiyang battlefield and was awarded the title of Qingyang Zhennan. Didn't Lei Zhanqian also regard him as a country man? When he successfully came out of the secret realm of Tianfu, he was already a disciple of the Chongxuan family. The fourteenth prince Jiang Wuyong,

Don't you also accuse him of being baseless?

Huang Yixing and Cao Jie in this case are both very representative.

One is a naturalized official from Jiuyang, who controls a county and can be considered a high-ranking official. The other is a native-born "Old Qi native" who has grown into an absolute high-level official in Qi State step by step.

If this matter is not handled well, it will become a huge political incident!

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment and said, "I wonder if you, sir, have any other instructions when summoning me to this humble position?"

He also realized now that Beiya had summoned him so formally and it was impossible to just ask him to testify.

I don't know how many people witnessed that scene that day, and Jiang Wang could not provide more clues than anyone else.

Xie Huai'an looked at him and said: "It is passed down from the Emperor's mouth: Take the fourth-grade green brand Jiang Wang and investigate the case thoroughly. You must redress Huang Qing's injustice in Jiuquan!"

It’s the emperor’s personal order!

Jiang Wang had no possibility of refusing, so he held up his hands and saluted in the direction of Qi Gong: "I accept your order!"

He is a fourth-grade green card, and he was ordered to investigate the case, which is in line with his duties. Although everyone knows that his ability to investigate the case is still questionable.

Of course, Jiang Wang would not be stupid enough to take over such a big case. This was not a meeting of the Yellow River. If he could not fight, he would just go up and fight.

The emperor entrusted him with such an important case. If he failed to handle it, he would not just punish himself with three glasses of wine.

After the ceremony, he said to Zheng Shidao: "After all, I have very few cases in my humble position and my ability to handle cases is limited. I am only worried that my careless behavior may miss the imperial court's plans."

Zheng Shi was his thigh in Beiyali, so of course he had to hold her tightly.

Captain Zheng did not disappoint him, and said calmly: "Since the emperor values ​​you, you can do your best. Of course, I will also dispatch capable leaders to assist you."

This is almost a clear statement that you just go and have professionals to investigate the case specifically.

At this moment, Yang Weitong, the deputy inspector general who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "From the perspective of the following officials, Qingpai Capt. Lin Youxie is very suitable to assist Capt. Jiang in handling this case."

Zheng Shi frowned: "Captain Lin's ability to handle cases is no problem, but his strength..."

Yang Weitong smiled and said: "When handling cases in our Qi State, what's the importance of cultivation? Besides, isn't there the best inner government in the world?"

There was no reason to refute these words. Zheng Shi himself didn't mind very much and just asked Xie Huai'an: "Does the doctor think it's feasible?"

Xie Huai'an sat upright and said slowly and calmly: "It is Beiya's duty to inspect the world, and I can only be regarded as a layman. The captain can make the decision on this matter himself."

Just as he was sitting on the side of the court at the meeting with the officials, this was Bei Ya after all, and the specific case should still be based on the Bei Ya Captain.

Zheng Shi then said to Jiang Wang: "Captain Lin Youxie will assist you in investigating this case. Capt. Jiang, your majesty has high hopes for you. You must not let him down."

Jiang Wang originally wanted to hug the other thigh and catch the god Yue Leng.

If Yue Leng goes with him, he can just follow him around and show off. Wouldn't it be easy?

But just think about it, and you know it's impossible. Yue Leng can't be his deputy. Even if Yue Leng agrees, and Yue Leng is with him, others will not admit that this is a case investigated by Jiang Wang.

Lin Youxie was different. Due to her cultivation and status, she could never surpass Jiang Wangchun.

And Jiang Wang is very clear about her ability to handle cases!

He had always distanced himself from Lin Youxie precisely because Lin Youxie's eyes were too sharp.

Jiang Wangli said: "Just try your best!"

Zheng Shi has already made a decision, and he has no room for change. He can't reach this point and ask for someone else. He really doesn't know someone who can be his deputy and is more capable than Lin Youxie.


It's just that I have a clear understanding in my heart.

It turns out that Yang Weitong... is also Lin Youxie's personal connection in the capital inspection office.

In such a major case, bringing Lin Youxie in was in itself a kind of accumulation of qualifications.

At this time, Yang Weitong took out a scroll from his sleeve, stood up and handed it to Jiang Wang: "In order to dilute the impact of the incident as quickly as possible, the scene cannot be preserved. This is the scene of Huang Yixing's death, and we have already had an artist paint it.

Huang Yixing's body will also be sealed nearby, waiting for your inspection."

When the death scene cannot be sealed off, this is indeed the best solution. It preserves clues to the greatest extent.

Jiang Wang took the scroll and unfolded it to look at it.

The entire painting is a composition from an overhead perspective.

At that time, the morning light was dim, and in front of the tall gate of Zhaoheng City, an old man with a bloody face was lying on his back, surrounded by startled pedestrians. Probably because it was too early, there were not many passers-by at that time.

It can be seen that Huang Yixing fell backwards from the tower.

The artist is extremely skilled, and the bloodstains on the human face are all very clearly outlined, and it can be said that every detail is visible.

It's no different than watching it live.

It's a pity that the painting depicts Huang Yixing's appearance after falling into the city and not the process of his falling into the city.

Of course, the painter arrived at the scene later, and he certainly could not see the falling city. All the painter could do was to restore the scene he saw as much as possible on the scroll, so that people would see it in person.

What impressed Jiang Wang most deeply was that

In this picture, Huang Yixing's expression is very strange. Although most of it is blurred by blood, it can still be felt that his death was not very painful.

He opened his eyes and looked directly upward, as if looking at the person looking at the painting through the scroll of the painting!

Jiang Wang rolled up the scroll to block the look in his eyes.

He carefully put away the scroll, and then asked: "My lords, do you have anything else to give me?"

"Have a good time handling the case, don't ruin my reputation in Beiya." Zheng Shi said, got up and walked out: "Let Dr. Xie say a few words to you."

Yang Weitong also left: "I'm going to tell Lin Youxie to come over."

In an instant, Jiang Wang and Xie Huaian were the only two people left in the Charter Hall.

Jiang Wang's eyelids twitched for no reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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