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Chapter 51 Ocean Water, Yinshan Mountain

The comparison between the healing arts was so brutal that it was nothing more than a public humiliation.

"Ahem." Brother Jiang had to show his rich experience in hundreds of battles, and reminded with a serious face: "We must leave quickly, the smell of blood may attract other strange beasts... and there is no one at the bottom of the sea.

There are no monsters."

"The water here tells me that there are many powerful creatures on the seabed." Zuo Guangshu said firmly: "But our biggest danger now should be yellow clams and tsunamis."

He took care of the wound, roughly felt the direction, and then waved for Jiang Wang to follow.

Holding a piece of Yuan Stone in his hand, he quickly restored Dao Yuan while walking in the water.

"Huang Bei and Tsunami?" Brother Jiang was obviously confused.

Fortunately, Zuo Guangshu, his younger brother, was very patient: "The strange beast just now was a cockroach fish. According to the Records of Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas, 'The cockroach fish has a fish body but bird wings, and its sound is like a mandarin duck. If you see it, its city will be big.


Since cockroaches appear here, this should be ocean water. Ocean water goes north to Mengshui, and Mengshui originates from Mt. Lu. Look along the direction of the undercurrent of Mengshui... look over there."

He pointed at the sky in the distance, where there was a shadowy floating mountain with two curved peaks facing each other: "That floating mountain that looks like an ox's horns should be Mount Gui."

Jiang Wang couldn't understand at all. Isn't this just the boundless sea? How can it be divided into ocean water and mist water just like a river?

Also look at the direction of the undercurrent...what is that?

Anyway, it sounds very reliable...

Also, the title of the book "Stories of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts" seems familiar to me, but for a while I couldn't remember where I heard it.

"Can't you tell? You are already well-informed and experienced at a young age!" Jiang Wang praised.

"I have never been out of Chu country." Zuo Guangshu said this, paused, and then said: "I just read more."

Jiang Wang always felt that his words were somewhat meaningful, but looking at the child's expression, he looked very innocent.

"Reading is good, reading is good. Reading thousands of books means traveling thousands of miles."

Zuo Guangshu added: "It is recorded in the Chronicles of Strange Beasts from Mountains and Seas that Huangbei is also a strange beast active in ocean waters. At the same time, it is said in the annotations of the sage Chang Shen that Huangbei lives in groups and is associated with

If the cockroach fish accompanies it, it will definitely come from the flood first."

Jiang Wang only noticed the four words "living in groups" and was about to ask Huang Bei how strong he was. Then at the next moment, there were rustling sounds in his ears, forming a kind of

Horrible resonance.

Zuo Guangshu also pulled Jiang Wang almost at the same time and quickly dived deep into the seabed.

Under the influence of He Bo's magical power, water does not become his pressure or resistance, but his vanguard and guard. It protects them and also drives them.

Zuo Guangshu's explosive underwater speed at this moment made even Jiang Wang secretly stunned.

And in the midst of this rapid fall, densely packed beetles suddenly appeared at the end of the line of sight.

This insect has a yellow round shell on its back. It is as fleshy as a tadpole, but it has a head and a tail. It is only the size of a human tail finger, but it swims extremely fast in the water. Its mouthparts are also staggered with inverted teeth, making it very ferocious.

If you take a quick look at that huge group of people, you might think they don’t number in the hundreds of thousands!

Like a huge net, it was "fished" directly from the other side of the sea.

Wherever it passes, only sea water can remain behind this "insect net". The fish carcasses that were killed by the alien fish have all disappeared, and no bones remain!

Is this Huang Bei?

Groups of them surged across the sea above, almost covering the sky, and there was no light for a moment.

The so-called dark clouds over the city and the so-called locusts passing through are all dwarfed by this scene.

This kind of aquatic beetle, called "yellow shell", is extremely fast, has sharp mouthparts, and can chew bones and meat without any lag. What's even more frightening is that they are not picky about food at all, and seem to eat everything except sea water.

Fish carcasses, seaweed, turtles, shells, corals, even the blood dispersed from the previously killed swimming fish... nothing was left.

It is simply worse than the locust plague.

Wherever the locust plague passes, there is no blue color left.

Wherever the yellow clams passed, only the sea water itself remained.

Jiang Wang probably understood why this sea area was so clear.

The sea area that can be covered by the yellow shell group has been thoroughly "sifted", and all the "impurities" outside the sea water have been swallowed up. It is difficult to think of this sea area as clean.

Even if it is just a single yellow clam, judging from the speed of advancement and the sharpness of its mouthparts, it has a power level close to that of a human monk in the inner realm. This is without knowing whether they have any special abilities.

And the scariest thing is their number.

Hundreds of thousands of swarms of yellow clams swept through this sea area in dense masses, covering everything in sight. If you really want to talk about it, they are actually more difficult to deal with than the cockroaches.

As soon as the majestic Qi Qingyangzi and the young prince of Chu entered the realm of mountains and seas, they didn't even have time to show off their majesty, so they dived again and again, dodging again and again.

There is really no other way.

If someone were to look down at the floating mountain with clouds and clouds, they would be able to see this scene.

The giant fish-body and bird-winged beast that was tens of feet high flew over at low altitude, making a sound similar to that of a mandarin duck, and sucked in a sea area. With a spit, dense thin columns of water shot out from between its teeth, like a javelin, killing swimmers.

There are countless fish, dyeing the sea water red.

Then hundreds of thousands of beetles swarmed in and sifted through the residue.

The swarms of beetles flew past, leaving only a clear blue sea.

So peaceful and peaceful.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.

The mountain and sea environment maintains its beauty with its unique ecology.

The cockroaches are flying, the yellow clams are passing by, and the ocean water seems to be peaceful again.

However, the next moment...


A thunderous sound sounded.

Huge waves on the sea!

In an instant, the wind roared and the waves emptied,

What a terrifying giant wave that was?

It almost reaches the sky, like mountain peaks rising from the ground, standing high on the sea. They are the peaks of water, and they are the angry spears of the sea piercing the sky!

The sky seemed to be trembling, and the mist seemed to be escaping.

The distant, shadowy mountain in the sky is almost invisible, as if it has been frightened and hidden.

The power of Zhongxuan, which is a hundred times that of the real world, cannot restrain the raging waves at all.

"When you see it, there will be great floods in the city", which brings about such a picture of world destruction.


A four-winged one-eyed flying insect from a high place exploded completely.

There is simply no way to bear the aftermath.

Somewhere in the floating mountains, a man who was walking suddenly stopped and frowned.

This man wore a Jinxian crown and a robe, and had a strange appearance. He looked at the back of his right index finger and saw that a large piece of the strange pattern outlined on it was missing.

At the same time, it continues to disappear.

He couldn't help but said: "The Laoshizi Mountain and Sea Realm created by Huang Weizhen is too dangerous! How many steps have we walked? I have a thousand flying eyes, but only thirteen are left dead."

"Oh no, there are seven."

"Okay, three!"

The man walking in front also wore a virtuous crown, but he was covered with armor. This Confucian crown and a soldier's armor, I don't know what kind of attire it is.

If you look closely, you will see that his Jinxian crown is not a common cloth crown, but an iron crown.

This is even more strange.

How can there be a crown of merit made of iron in this world? But it just matched his armor, and it was inexplicably more harmonious.

Even the overall temperament of this man is like this, inexplicable and inexplicably harmonious.

Just like his eyes, one is obviously big and the other is small, but it doesn't feel awkward. It seems that he can only be considered normal if he has big and small eyes.

His appearance is naturally uncoordinated, but he is also inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

It's really baffling.

Hearing the sound, he kept walking and just smiled: "Ge Fei, are you trying every possible means to report the loss to me? I will compensate you when I say you will, but are you still afraid of losing money with me?"

Ge Fei's tangled and serious expression turned into a smile, and he started to keep up: "You can't just report blindly, you have to know what's going on!"

Naturally, the one who was with Ge Fei, the genius of the Yue Kingdom, was Wu Ling of the Wu family of Great Chu.

Chu and Yue are adjacent to the east and west, and the relationship between the two countries is not good. But the two of them seem to have similar interests. Wu Ling specially invited him to this trip to the mountains and seas.

While walking on the mountain road, Wu Ling did not joke with Ge Fei, but only asked: "Did you see anything interesting?"

"A floating mountain seemed to be cracked. I saw a strange beast with the head of Kui Niu fighting with someone, but I didn't find out who the opponent was. My flying eyes exploded. A tsunami broke out in a sea area, but I couldn't see clearly.

What caused it, and..."

Ge Fei spoke in a relaxed tone, then his face suddenly changed, he turned around and flew away: "Run away!"

Although Wu Ling didn't know the reason, he didn't try to be brave. He turned around without hesitation and fled with Ge Fei.

They are all young geniuses that are rare in the Southern Territory, and they are all in the Outer Building Realm. Their speed in escaping is astonishing.

But it seems that someone is still catching up.

A voice of "Slip! slip!" sounded from behind.

"Who is reminding us to escape?" Wu Ling was a little confused: "Is there anyone else here? The mountain and sea realm is so big, we shouldn't hit it so quickly..."

As Ge Fei was flying rapidly, he spread his fingers and pressed behind him.

There was a soft "bang" sound.

Two earth-yellow flesh worms about three feet long emerged from the soil, and quickly expanded, taking the appearance of Ge Fei and Wu Ling, and flew in the other direction with great movement.

"There's good news or bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" He had time to talk to Wu Ling, but he didn't forget to keep it a secret.

"If you feel tired talking, stop talking." Wu Ling flew at a terrifying speed, but his voice was very calm: "Deduct the money."

"It's the Tengu!" Ge Fei immediately explained.

Wu Ling stopped talking nonsense when he heard the words. He pushed the iron crown on his head and instantly gathered his literary energy into a wolf hair. He held it in his hand. In one stroke, with the energy of a dragon and a snake, he wrote the word "general" and hung it in the air.

Gungunbingsha sprouted from the word "general" and transformed into a black-helmeted general who jumped out and landed firmly behind them.

Holding a sword in his hand, he looked murderous.

Seize the mountain and occupy the road as a backup line of defense.

"Records of Strange Beasts from Mountains and Seas" records: There is a beast in Yinshan Mountain. Its shape is like a raccoon with a white head, and it is called a heavenly dog. Its sound is like a durian, which can ward off evil.

It's not that Ge Fei and Wu Ling are timid. In fact, a strange beast like a tengu is at least at the level of a god. It is not impossible for a strong member of the group to reach the level of a real person. In ancient legends, there are even tengu that can swallow the sun and the moon.

, magical powers beyond imagination!

"I already know the bad news, but what about the good news?" Wu Ling couldn't help but ask as he heard the news.

"The good news is of course that I know which mountain this ghost mountain is!" Ge Fei said matter-of-factly.

"I don't need to ask you more!"

Who can enter the realm of mountains and seas, who has not read "Stories of Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas"?

No one is illiterate!

This is good news for bird feathers.

It is common knowledge that Tengu is entrenched in Yinshan Mountain.

Do you still need to tell me?

Not to mention that on the top of Yin Mountain, Ge Fei and Wu Ling, the most talented duo, ran like wolves and hogs.

In the ocean water, there are also a pair of geniuses running around with their heads in their arms.

Lord Jiang and Young Master Zuo first escaped into the water under the threat of the cockroaches, and then dived deep into the sea under the impact of the yellow clams.

But the seabed is endless and the dangers are unpredictable. Even if Zuo Guangshu possesses the magical power of Hebo, it is just a seed of magical power after all, and he does not dare to dive too deep.

The records in "The Chronicles of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts" were fulfilled one by one.

The cockroach fish flies by, and the yellow clams come in groups.

The yellow shells roared past, followed by a frenzy that overturned the entire sea area!

The water peaks hit the sky, and the huge waves emptied it.

The beautiful sky with thousands of clouds and clouds no longer exists.

The sky and the sea are both dark.

In this world-destroying terrifying water, suddenly there was the roar of Li Long.

From the scroll describing destruction, a black dragon suddenly jumped out.

This dragon, complete with beards and tails, is alive and well, pulling an extremely luxurious cart and leaping over the huge waves!

This chariot is covered with green lotus, tall and gorgeous, and rides on the rapids and sweeps over the raging waves.

In the position of the charioteer, Zuo Guangshu was wearing a water-colored battle armor and an azure battle robe behind him. He had a pair of green eyes, which were as majestic as a river at this time.

It was He Bo who manifested himself and took over the water area in his strongest state, acting like a god or a devil for a moment!

Jiang Wang, who was wearing Ruyi fairy clothes, stood beside him with his sword pressed. His clothes were fluttering, ready to take action at any time.

On the battlefield, there is usually a chariot, with the "charioteer" in the middle, the "multi-shooter" responsible for long-range attacks on the left, and the "rongyou" responsible for short-range hand-to-hand combat, standing on the right.

Jiang Wang now assumes the position of "Rongyou". Of course, if necessary, he will not hesitate to bombard him with Taoism from a long distance.

The two brothers took this sacred chariot of HeBo and rode the raging sea.

Move forward bravely in the terrifying waters brought by the strange beasts and fish.

Mountain-like waves hit the waves, and when they met the river, they were diverted.

The angry sea rolled back, but it only gently caressed He Bo's sacred car.

Of course, the black divine dragon pulling the cart is just the manifestation of water element, not a real dragon, but in this environment of roaring sea, it really seems to have the power of a divine dragon!

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly my eyes lit up

The sky with thousands of clouds and clouds looks very close but is actually extremely far away. It is as dim as floating mountains in the clouds and mist, and the sea surface is as flat as a mirror...

The sky is clear and the sea is vast, suddenly enlightened!

Looking back from the Hebo chariot moving at high speed, the huge storm waves that covered the sky and the sun have been left behind, but I don’t know when they will stop...


1. "Story of Strange Beasts" is an original classic compiled by the author himself in order to construct the authenticity of the world. This book is the original text. It is similar to the "Puppet Theory", "Potential Theory" mentioned above, and the history books of various countries, etc.

2. "Story of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts" is basically a copy of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", with some adjustments made to better fit the world of Chixin. For example, the body shape and sharp teeth of the cockroach fish, for example, the yellow scallop grows by eating the remains of the cockroach fish.

Survival is a companion... These details that are not in the original book are all added by the author himself to increase the sense of reality. But the original book is still "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Thanks to the wonderful imagination of the ancestors for leaving us such rich and colorful legends.

I won’t go into details later, but I hope readers will know it.

3. Trichosanthes: lou (three sounds).

4.邽:gui (one sound). Place name.

This chapter has been completed!
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