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Chapter 77: Nothing can be burned (Additional update 29/78 for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance!)

What is fire?

Fire is the flame produced when an object burns.

Fire is burning, brilliant, bright and vital.

Fire was even the beginning of civilization…

From the end of history to the present day, the beating of flames can always be seen.

Countless ideas and countless paths are derived from it, and they may all be right.

After all, "all kinds of roads obscure my eyes, and when I see the road, the road is different."

The sages have already explained that there are many paths.

Of course, fire can also have thousands of interpretations.

The Fire Source Illustrated Code passed down from the Fuluqing Fire Department has a unique interpretation of fire.

Fire is just fire, and fire is one of the fundamental forces that make up this world.

All other concepts are just "attachments" to fire, not fire itself.

The floating people only regard pure fire as a totem.

They do not even admit that there is a god of fire in the world, or that there is a great will that can represent fire.


"God has me, and if I have me, I must have selfishness."

Jiang Wang always remembered this sentence.

Fire has always been used in this way.

The experience in Fulu was not very long, but it had a profound impact on him.

He stayed away from Shinto, and he also did not respect the so-called great will. He never worshiped fire as a god, but only regarded fire as fire.

Why can fire boil water?

Why can fire burn wood and melt iron?

Of course because of the high temperature.

The hotter the flame, the faster the water boils and the more firmly the iron melts.

He has been pursuing more terrifying high temperatures, but due to his own cultivation, there will eventually be a limit.

Earlier, when the opponent was unaware, the real fire of Samadhi was unleashed with all his strength, and the opponent was often burned to ashes.

But as he becomes more and more famous, more and more people know about him. After getting to know him...

Samadhi Zhenhuo is in a dilemma where it is difficult to make meritorious deeds.

After taking precautions.

The power of a monk is naturally more difficult to melt than gold and iron.

Jiang Wang has been trying to solve the dilemma of Samadhi True Fire, but due to his strength and vision, he is really unable to do it.

After all, he was not born knowing it.

He has never seen any senior who is good at using Samadhi True Fire, and no elder has given him guidance on the practice of magical powers. He does not have the inheritance of magical powers like the Chongxuan clan. It is even less possible for him to take out the seeds of his magical powers and invite others to do so.

Help with analysis.

I have always been exploring alone and moving forward slowly.

The development of the Fire Realm is of course one way to go. If one day the entire Fire Realm can be composed of the true fire of Samadhi, and not just the core flame that ignites life, the power of the Fire Realm will be unimaginable.

But with Jiang Wang's current state, it is impossible to accumulate so much Samadhi True Fire, nor can he squeeze out the seeds of magical powers.

This path may be possible, but the success will come in the future.

This time I met Bi Fang in the mountains and seas, and was burned by his flames. Only then did I know what "Samadhi True Fire" is!

He took a huge amount of the true fire of Samadhi into the Five Palaces Sea, and burned it with Dao Yuan, Qingyun of Good Blessings, flesh and blood, the power of the soul... He burned everything he had in order to gain insight into the truth from all angles.

Fang’s Samadhi True Fire.

For this reason, he had the consciousness to "die" in the mountains and seas.

In a trance about to be burned, he finally saw the true meaning.

His fire technique is powerful because of the fire source code. Even in the creation of the fire world technique, the fire source code is a key link. But he is also shackled by the fire source code from the floating continent.

Fire is of course fire itself, and of course it is one of the primary forces that build all things.

This is of course an undoubted truth.

But fire is more than just fire.

Those symbols, those concepts, those so-called "attachments" that are dismissed in the floating land concept are also fire.

They are not meaningless.

And the true fire of samadhi is not just the true fire of samadhi.

Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire is fundamentally different from the path he has been taking.

When Jiang Wang's Samadhi True Fire was ignited, the first thing he felt was not the terrifying high temperature that ignited his flames, but the fire of his magical power, which was decomposed by Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire at that moment.


As a result, the foundation of all existence was destroyed, and of course the possibility of defense was lost.

Then it turned into firewood.

It is impossible for the magical fire to be burned, but after being decomposed, the fire can also be used as fuel.

Later, the light of the Samadhi magical power, the light of the red heart magical power, and even Daogen, Shanfu Qingyun as the introduction of celestial arts... are all like this.

Jiang Wang has always believed that the essence of Samadhi True Fire is true fire.

Even just in terms of "fire".

This is the principle awakened by practicing the Fire Source Illustrated Code, and it is also the shackles left by the Fire Source Illustrated Code.

Now I suddenly realize that, at least here in Bifang, the core of Samadhi True Fire lies in "Samadhi".

What is "Samadhi"?

It is the essence of all things, the true nature of all things, and the true meaning of all things.

See it, penetrate it, break it down, and burn it!

The human world can be divided into three parts, which are for heaven, earth and people.

The sea of ​​stars can be divided into three parts, which are the sun, moon and stars.

The space can be divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower.

Time can be divided into three parts: past, present and future.

Everything in the world can be divided into three parts.

This "three" is not "three", but infinite.

Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, and even to infinity.

Why does the true fire of Samadhi burn nothing?

Once you understand its samadhi, divide it and resolve it, naturally nothing will be burned!

Isn't it true that "having achieved samadhi" is just knowledge?

The process of dividing and solving is exactly the completion of knowledge and insight.

The first inner palace and the second inner palace, the true fire of samadhi and the wrong path, can be so intimate.

Just by realizing this, the body of the Heavenly Mansion will become more rounded, and the light of the five supernatural powers will certainly be more satisfactory.

One thought can lead to hundreds of dharma.

The fog that shrouded the Samadhi True Fire Divine Power was gently blown away in unimaginable pain.

Jiang Wang felt a sense of satisfaction.

This is the realization of the path, beyond pain.

In the sea of ​​five palaces, the first inner palace, the second inner palace, and the fifth inner palace all come out.

Misguided paths are hidden to supplement knowledge.

The light of the red heart magical power and the light of the samadhi magical power were mixed together, locking the flames that filled the sky.

The red-red Samadhi True Fire, which had been burned to nothing but flames, suddenly rose up like a dragon, roaring and churning up the Wufu Sea, re-circling the Samadhi True Fire belonging to Bifang, and then ignited it.

Jiang Wang controls the true fire of samadhi with his pure heart and burns the fire with fire!

Even if he has a thorough understanding of the true meaning, Jiang Wang's current Samadhi True Fire is of course far inferior to Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire.

But this is Jiang Wang’s Wufu Sea.

Everything that was burned was also everything that supported Jiang Wang's existence.

Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire is ultimately a tree without roots. After Jiang Wang understands its true meaning, it will be difficult for him to make meritorious deeds.

But Jiang Wang’s true fire of samadhi has infinite support and unlimited firewood.

With the experience of being burned from the inside out and the supplement of his magical powers, he had already "achieved his samadhi".

When he concentrated his strength and burned the first ray of Samadhi true fire belonging to Bifang, the situation was reversed.

This three-flame fire turned into a pure red color and fell back into the huge fireball.

Like a spark falling into a frying pan, it suddenly spreads!

In an instant, a spark ignited a prairie fire.

The crimson true fire of samadhi replaced all the three flames and ignited the sea of ​​five mansions.

He completely turned all of Bifang's Samadhi True Fire into his own.

But there are too many real fires and this power is too powerful. Jiang Wang's current supernatural power seeds are simply not enough to fully contain them.

Such terrifying power swelled in the Wufu Sea and almost exploded. Under the suppression of the Red Heart Magical Power and the mobilization of the Samadhi True Fire Magical Power, it left the scene in an orderly manner...

Ever since, the flames in his eyes were tens of thousands of feet high, and the waves of misty clouds were rising into the sky.

This is an unimaginable scene.

High in the sky, two powerful beasts fight to the death.

The energy was entangled in one place, causing ripples to appear in the space, and the aftermath rippled for hundreds of miles.

The beast, as big as a galloping horse, pounced on Bi Fang, who had green feathers and white beaks. His claws pressed down on Bi Fang's wings. The flames in his mouth were not extinguished, but his fangs had already bitten Bi Fang's neck.

The dim light and the fierce flames clashed at the tips of the teeth, fighting fiercely.

At this critical moment of life and death, Bi Fang had no reservations.

Its fire seems to burst from the depths of the soul.

Penetrating its skeleton, penetrating its flesh and blood, and jumping onto its wings...

Finally burn this divine body!

He screamed loudly and shouted "Bifang!"

The raging flames covered it, as well as the Dou King Beast that was rushing towards it.

This crazy true fire spread like a fire cloud high in the sky.

Two powerful alien beasts rolled in the fire cloud.

The three prongs hurriedly turned it into ghost light, but for a while they couldn't keep up with the speed of the true fire of samadhi.

The dim light shrinks, and the fire becomes more intense.

The fierce flames decompose its fur, decompose its flesh and blood...

Bi Fang knew that he could not escape, but he used his own body and soul as firewood, and was so ruthless that he wanted to die with the Dou King Beast!

What makes the surrounding beasts roar...their king has no intention of avoiding him.

Both claws were still firmly holding Bifang's wings.

His teeth were still biting Bi Fang's neck.

The two fall together and burn together.

At such a moment, endless flames burst into the sky.

The true fire of Samadhi that swept across the sea was instantly withdrawn, and along with the flames in Jiang Wang's eyes, it was so powerful that it penetrated the sky and directly hit the two entangled strange beasts.

Burn with fire.

Use Bi Fang’s Samadhi True Fire to burn Bi Fang’s Samadhi True Fire!

The endless flame flowers decomposed each other and withered together.

The fire cloud that covered the sky for dozens of feet shrank unexpectedly.

And the dim light on Sancha's body was strong, his sharp teeth closed, and he gritted his teeth and swung his tail!

Bi Fang, who had a green body, red stripes and a white beak, was separated from his body.

After its vitality dissipated, its body could no longer resist the true fire of Samadhi, and was swept away by the flames before disappearing without a trace.

Jiang Wang walked out of the sea and waved his hand, and all the flames that were swaying everywhere in Shanghai that day dissipated.

The world of blazing fire that almost filled his field of vision was gently erased by him.

Return to the clear sky and blue sea.

A drop of blood flowing with flames fell from the sky and landed in front of his eyes.

Jiang Wang reached out and caught it.

This is Bifang's essence and blood.

Hold it in the palm of your hand and look around.

For the first time, Jiang Wang saw awe in the eyes of those around him, besides hunger and disdain.

Of course the three-chased eyes are different.

Its eyes are very intimate.

But while looking at Jiang Wang with affectionate eyes, it was still chewing on Bi Fang's remaining bird head. It had been almost burned by the Samadhi True Fire, but after all, the skull was still left.

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say at this moment.

I could only raise my hand as a greeting.

Sancha chewed Bifang's skull into fine pieces, swallowed it slowly, and then shouted: "Ouch!"

This sound was gentler than any before.

It's like calling a loved one.

"Hello to you, Sancha." Jiang Wang responded.

Seeing that it didn't mind, he put the drop of Bifang's essence and blood into the storage box.

Sancha turned around, stepped up into the air, and headed alone to the floating mountain where they had fought all the way down.

There was a subtle emotion that Jiang Wang noticed somehow.

Sancha was close to him, but at this time Sancha was not happy.

Why is he not happy even after killing Bifang?

He subconsciously followed Sancha

Maybe it's because he has been tamed by Sancha, or maybe he cares about Sancha... Who knows?

The fighting army, with more than half of its dead and wounded, was scattered everywhere, silently licking each other's wounds without making a sound.

Sancha's goal was very clear. He walked straight through the air and soon came to the cliff where Bifang stopped earlier.

There is actually a cave hidden under the naturally extending stone platform.

The stone platform looks like the eaves of a door.

Sancha walked in directly, followed closely by Jiang Wang.

This is of course Bifang's lair.

Is there a treasure that Bi Fang is guarding hidden inside?

Huang Wei’s true inheritance?

Or the mystery of God’s arrival? The Chapter of Nine Phoenixes?

While walking in the cave, Jiang Wang imagined many possibilities. But he never expected that when he and Sancha walked deep into the cave together, all they saw were densely packed pale skulls.

Only the skull.

They belong to different beasts and seem to be Bifang's collection.

And Sancha rummaged through the pile of skulls for a while, took out a small dog skull, silently placed it in front of him, with sad eyes, lowered his head and licked it.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Wang suddenly understood...

That's Sancha's child.

Sancha led an army to besiege Bi Fang today, not to fight for anything or to prove anything, but to take revenge that had been prepared for a long time.

He could almost imagine such a scene

Huo Dou, who eats fire, and Bi Fang, who controls fire, are naturally hostile, and they fight endlessly.

One day, the powerful Bi Fang flew by with his wings and breathed out the true fire of Samadhi that burned nothing, burning countless people to death. He took a fresh young beast in his mouth and returned to his lair to taste it slowly.

Its posture is certainly beautiful, even elegant, and as usual, it leaves behind a collection.

But this time, the cub's father (or mother?) is determined to take revenge.

It tempered itself crazily and quickly grew into the king of the Fu Dou beasts, training and controlling the Fu Dou army.

Wherever the army passed, not a blade of grass grew.

It took the trouble to train the two-legged beast and feed it with precious fire lotus, so that it could quickly adapt to the true fire of Samadhi...

Everything is for today.

Including its previous attempt to hunt Kui Niu, it seems that Kui Niu also has something that can deal with Bifang.

Jiang Wang fell silent as he watched Sancha silently licking the cub's skull.

Although there may be no right or wrong among strange beasts.

But at this moment, he was very happy that he had made a choice that was true to his heart in the previous battle.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to face this scene.


Sancha suddenly shouted again.

Jiang Wang looked at it.

It gently pushed the cub's skull inward, then raised its claws and swept across the densely packed skull, then looked at Jiang Wang and made a blowing motion.

Jiang Wang raised his finger to stir up a flame and tentatively moved it forward: "Do you want me to burn them?"

Sancha didn't know whether he understood his actions or his words, so he took a step back and nodded.

Jiang Wang then flicked his fingers, and this wisp of true Samadhi fire jumped out and burned blazingly. In an instant, all the skulls, including the Fu Dou cub, were burned to ashes.

Sancha took one last deep look here, then turned and walked out.

When it reached the entrance of the cave, it stopped and looked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang looked at it, wondering why.

At this time, Sancha had returned to its normal shape, like a sleek little black dog. He slowly came over, put his head under Jiang Wang's palm, and rubbed it gently.

This chapter has been completed!
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