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Chapter 108 Wan in the middle of the water

There is no such thing as "life"...

All the time, all the time.

We are all moving forward, we are all practicing. We have a huge burden on our shoulders, how can we stop for a step?

He was afraid that if he stopped... he would no longer have the strength to continue.

Only in front of relatives and friends can I relax for a short period of time.

Only this time in Qi State, I made the decision to be true to my heart and rested my body and mind in Yun State. Only then could I regain the clarity I had after coming to Chu State.

When it comes to your own happiness, this is really not an easy topic to discuss.

After Li Longchuan became a general, he loved the art of war first, bows and horses second, and "loose strings" second.

Yan Fu puts his family first in everything and has many personal tastes for elegance. He is picky about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Chong Xuan Sheng was eating, drinking and having fun. He seemed to like everything and have fun with everything. But he hid his thoughts under that fat smiling face and no one could see through it.

Xu Xiangqian likes to take advantage of everything, including food, wine, tea, and brothels...

Everyone's hobbies, hobbies, and friends can always be understood after being together for a long time.

But if you want to ask Jiang Wang what he likes and what hobbies he has.

He actually couldn't remember.

He doesn't seem to have any hobbies.

But he wasn't born that way.

Zuo Guangshu said that you must have your own life and your own happiness. Although these words are full of good intentions, they are a bit erratic and fall short of reality.

There are some seemingly simple and ordinary things that many people can't get even if they risk their lives.

Traffickers and lackeys sleep at midnight and wake up at five o'clock, working from morning to night, and their hard-earned income is just enough to satisfy their hunger. Don't they want to be happy and have no life they long for?

But just the word "生", sometimes just "survive", makes people unable to stop and breathe.

Zuo Guang was born noble and well-protected, and his kindness was also rich. It was the ideal sunshine that shone on the gorgeous mansion, and everything was bright...

The pain cannot be touched.

But looking at the bright eyes in front of me,

Jiang Wang still laughed, and his whole face and every muscle texture were filled with joy.

No matter what, in this world, a pure concern and a kind expectation are the flames that can warm people's hearts, right?


He raised his hand and gave the handsomely dressed young man a blow, and laughed and cursed: "What are you talking about? Why did Brother Jiang let you down? Ask yourself, do you know the truth now? Do you know!? You Let’s look at our lineup again…”

He waved his big hand in a circle, with an attitude of "look at this country", and said boldly: "Is it enough to sweep across the mountains and seas?"

"Don't think Brother Jiang is bragging to you. It's all come true, right?" Sir Jiang said loudly: "Facts speak louder than words!"

Lord Jiang, who has rich experience, wanted to take the opportunity to teach the young boy a lesson.

He has never been a good teacher, but for a younger brother like Zuo Guangshu who is particularly close to him, and a close relative like Jiang An'an, he is not exempt from the common practice. He always wants to impart some of his life experience and give his "experienced experience" "The words are serious and sincere.

He didn't want them to step on the pit he had stepped on again. He didn't want them to make the mistake he had made. He didn't want them to suffer the hardship he had endured.

I just didn't expect that this kid would learn a lesson in turn.

Zuo Guangshu knew his fatigue, understood his efforts, and captured his confusion.

This confusion is not unique to today.

In the past, he had a bad reputation in the world. Of course he also thought about how innocent I am!

Along the way in the world, everyone has their own reasons.

Zhuang Gaoxian worked hard to govern, Du Ruhui was far-sighted, and Dong A was loyal to the country...

Fang Pengju could not live up to his parents' expectations, Zheng Shangming had to work hard as a mediocre person, and Fang Heling was forced to make a choice...

Zhao Xuanyang could not disobey his master's orders, Cui Zhu and Zhang Yong dedicated their lives to their ideals...

He is just a young man who has just turned twenty.

Of course he was confused too.

What is right and what is wrong?

There is an illuminating mirror with a pure heart, which can turn dust into dust.

These myths existed in the past, exist today, and will appear again in the future.

It is impossible for a person to be spotless in this world.

But just like Zuo Guangshu requested

Make the choice that makes you feel comfortable and do what you feel is right.

That's enough.

When you live your life, why should you care about the judgment of the world?

I will not forgive those who slander me, bully me, humiliate me, laugh at me, underestimate me, despise me, hate me, or lie to me.

But I will not let myself down and become the person who slanders me and insults me.

The world falsely accuses me of being a devil, so I become a devil. Isn’t this a failure?

With the three-foot sword in your palm, wherever the sword's edge reaches, you must abide by your own principles and true intentions.

Others can say whatever they want, but the path they have walked is there and will not be changed by anyone's words.

The so-called path is to know yourself again and again, see yourself clearly, and then move forward firmly.

The Jiang Wang who was playing with Zuo Guangshu at this moment was no different from the Jiang Wang before.

But after understanding the truth about the mountain and sea realm, seeing Huang Weizhen's path to transcending the peak, he educated Zuo Guangshu and was educated by Zuo Guangshu, and he became more confident in his own life.

The confidence and freedom exuded from the soul made the atmosphere on the top of Liubo Mountain much more relaxed.

There was a smile in Yuetiannu's eyes.

Zuo Guangshu rubbed his forehead and wrinkled his handsome face, looking very unhappy, but he also smiled.

Wang Changji, who allowed Jiang Wang to learn the truth about the Mountain and Sea Realm and also gave Jiang Wang the confidence to conquer the Mountain and Sea Realm, just looked at them quietly without saying a word.

Fang Heling silently paid attention to Wang Changji, only feeling that he was unexpectedly gentle at this time.

"Ten thousand years ago, there were no mountains and seas. A great era ago, there were no kingdoms. Before ancient times, there were no living beings. Eternal hatred and eternal names are just clouds and smoke." Yue Tiannu said with emotion: "Please seek the Buddha and seek the way.

, just asking for a clear understanding. If Huang Weizhen leaves forever, he will not leave any explanation to this world. And if he comes back from fantasy, why would he need any explanation? I have adopted this Zen mind."

This Zen master who uses himself as a puppet has obviously formed his own Buddhist philosophy.

He is different from other Buddhists that Jiang Wang knows. He is transparent at times, cold at times, dogmatic at others, mellow at the same time, compassionate and cold at the same time, which seems very unconventional.

Of course, none of the Buddhists Jiang Wang knew were normal.

So he actually didn't know whether Yue Tiannu's behavior was normal or not...

"Speaking of which," Jiang Wang looked at Wang Changji and said, "Brother Wang told us...the truth about the Mountain and Sea Realm, Huang Wei's true path, and so on. Then what? What are your plans?"

"Then?" Wang Changji raised his eyes slightly and said softly: "Just do what you have to do. Huang Wei really wants to challenge the extraordinary person. How can his power and his ideas be compared to ours?"

Can it be measured?"

He looked at Jiang Wang with a slightly strange look: "You don't think that we have the ability to affect his plan, do you?"

Jiang Wang touched his nose in embarrassment. He really thought that Wang Changji had some other tricks to fish in troubled waters. After all, this man had broken the barriers of his imagination time and time again and demonstrated all kinds of magic.

Wang Changji sighed, not knowing whether he should be proud or disappointed with Jiang Wangyu's blind faith in him.

Maybe a bit of both.

"The reason why I can detect some clues is simply because... the mountain and sea realm has developed to this extent, and there is no need to hide it anymore. Huang Weizhen's return from the fantasy is a foregone conclusion, and it will not be too late."

Wang Changji said: "The owner is not at home, so I secretly took a sip of water to drink. It's innocuous. If you want to do anything excessive to this house, the owner of the house will have a hard time talking to you."

"When will Huang Weizhen return? Do you know the specific time?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

Wang Changji sighed again: "You think too highly of me. I stood on tiptoe and could only see a few traces of where Huang Weizhen had walked. I guessed that he was about to come back. How could I make such an accurate judgment?


He thought for a while and finally said: "If I have to make a guess, I think we will be able to find out within a hundred years."

Huang Weizhen is coming back from the fantasy, which is not something everyone is happy to see.

Not to mention the Qin State, which has just fought a war, and the Jing State, which is arrogant in the world, even the Chu State may not have a unified will.

Therefore, the moment Huang Weizhen truly returns, there will still be some disturbances...

However, this has nothing to do with him.

"Thank you for your advice." Zuo Guangshu thanked him politely.

Compared with the evolution of the Shanhai Realm over more than 900 years, within a hundred years is indeed not "too late".

If we really want to talk about it, the news Wang Changji said today is priceless.

A powerful man who is about to return from fantasy to reality, and who is at the top of the world, will undoubtedly affect the entire Chu State, and even the world.

The Zuo family knew in advance that there was too much room for maneuver.

Of course, if, as Wang Changji said, the evolution of the Mountain and Sea Realm has reached its final moment, and there is no need to hide it anymore, there may be various channels to spread the news soon.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "In that case..."

"Let's go to the Central Mountain." Wang Changji said directly: "The so-called courtesy reciprocity, you helped me get the Kui Niu True Pill, I should also do something for you."

He glanced at the world outside Liubo Mountain: "However, the rights gained from fishing have been exhausted in the action just now. Next, we can only fly there by ourselves."

Of course Jiang Wang would not be polite. In order to ensure that Zuo Guangshu got the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes, he had planned to invite Wang Changji to accompany him.

"It's such a long road, so it's no time to delay." Jiang Wang flew up directly, floating like a fairy: "This journey to the mountains and seas has come to an end."

Zuo Guangshu, Yuetiannu, Wang Changji, and Fang Heling followed one after another.

In the earth-shaking mountains and seas, five figures have clear goals and fly away quickly.

Be it hurricane or thunder, no matter what kind of natural disaster it is, it cannot even come within a hundred meters of them.

Walking through mountains and seas seems to be leisurely, and I smile when I pass through the wind and snow.

In this kind of joy of flying without hesitation, Zuo Guangshu finally felt the feeling of pushing across the mountains and seas.

What a pleasure!

The sky tilted more and more fiercely, and the central mountain stood majestically in the center of this scene, as if it was the only backbone supporting the sky.

It is like a candle in the dark night, attracting countless light-seeking moths.

Those who serve before are those who will succeed.

The journey to the mountains and seas has reached its final moment.

Those who have been eliminated have already left.

Those who should give up have already given up.

Those who are still in the mountain and sea realm, regardless of whether they have gained something or not, must start preparing for the final battle.

Zhong Liyan, Fan Wushu, Wu Ling, Xiang Bei, Taiyin, Qu Shunhua, these respective splendid names have already exited the journey to the mountains and seas one by one.

No one is weak, but no matter how glorious the word "competition" is packaged, the background is ultimately cruel.

Winners stay, losers leave.

It's that simple.

No matter what your family background is, where you come from, or what glorious past you have.

The strong fall before the stronger.

"Great changes that have never happened in ten thousand years are just before our eyes. Ge Fei, I often feel... like walking on thin ice."

Ge Fei recalled this sentence repeatedly in his heart.

I recall the teacher’s sad brow when he said this sentence.

It has been many years since the once famous and romantic figure who once asked about the outstanding existence of Mugu Academy retired from the position of the Yue Kingdom's Prime Minister.

I always thank guests behind closed doors and don't see outsiders.

When the emperor inquires about government affairs, he no longer trusts me. In the past, when my colleagues visited me, they would not open the mountain gate.

Lonely and solemn, he was like a stone sculpture, sitting facing the chessboard without a single piece falling for seventeen years.

Only he can come, only he can "watch the chess".

The nineteen vertical and horizontal lines were never his favorite. He also didn't understand how a chess game with no chess pieces could be useful.

The teacher never said that either.

If he has questions about spiritual practice, he just asks them. After asking them, he leaves.

He never knew why the teacher was worried.

But he always remembered those frowning brows, like a river, like a mountain, like a bleak autumn scene.

He, Ge Fei, was born in the top family of the Yue Kingdom and was the direct descendant of the Ge family.

Since childhood, he has been extremely talented and distinguished himself from others.

Master is a famous figure and high political figure of the generation.

They are all princes, princes and grandsons.

When you go out, you will see beautiful cars and BMWs, and when you enter, you will see crowds of slaves.

He should not know how to feel sad.

But as long as he can remember, there has been such a sad brow weighing on his heart.

He couldn't relax.

He is always moving forward, always moving forward.

Just like this moment, keep moving forward.

Facing the strong wind and heavy snow, fighting against the tsunami and thunder.

Without the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, there is no way to communicate with the original power of heaven and earth. We can only rely on our own Dao Yuan, magical power, and even Qi and blood...

Just go forward like this.

Keep consuming and keep moving forward.

But it may be that the lightning is too bright and blurs the vision.

It was probably the too strong wind that blew away some kind of call.

The world was so noisy, but he felt it was too quiet, so quiet that his breathing became so clear

"Whoop, whoop!"

He shouldn't feel cold.

But it's still getting colder.

With the name Fei, he came to the mountain and sea realm specially with all kinds of rare insects and prepared the means to squeeze out the bottom of the box.

But he didn't even see Fei's appearance, so he just looked at the mountain and returned.

Daoyuan can no longer function at all.

The heat in the body is constantly being lost and is gone forever.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he tried his best to cheer up.

It was as if in this doomsday scene of destruction, there was light shining through the layers of dark clouds...

Does that really exist?

He was in a daze, raised his hand, but closed his eyes.

The only faint starlight on his body dimmed immediately.

It just fell.

Just like this, I was silent on the way to the Central Mountain.

Falling with the wind and snow.

This chapter has been completed!
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