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Chapter 146: The Reckless Man (Additional update 3/3 for the alliance tree)

Since we have already taken the upper hand, since today's battle was an unintentional encounter with someone who was intentional.

Since the opponent has a sophisticated layout and complicated thoughts.

Then Jiang Wang decisively gave up the confrontation of tricks and chose to use powerful force to overwhelm this battle!

He directly used the Bi Fang Seal to activate the supernatural spirit, and used the powerful magical fire to cover the entire battlefield and destroy everything visible and invisible. This was a choice made by fighting instinct.

But after careful consideration, he would probably still choose this way.

Because this is the best response!

This is the fighting instinct that has been tempered for thousands of times. It is the fighting intuition that has been cultivated in countless life and death battles. It is his innate fighting talent.

In the inner palace stage, the biggest limitation of magical power is that the power contained in the magical power seeds is very limited.

For example, Jiang Wang could only use Samadhi True Fire three or four times at the beginning.

With the growth of cultivation and the development of magical powers, the constraints of magical seeds will continue to be opened, and the limits of magical power will continue to be expanded.

Still taking Samadhi True Fire as an example.

For Jiang Wang, the first house, the second house, the fifth house, and even the second floor outside the star now have driven the growth of magical seeds as "containers".

Understanding the mystery of "understanding its samadhi" is the improvement of the "quality" of the supernatural power itself.

The condensation of magical powers and spiritual aspects is related to the expansion of the "quantity" of magical powers.

The spiritual form of supernatural power is not an advanced form that all magical powers must pass through, nor is the effect of all practitioners’ supernatural powers the same.

It's just that Jiang Wang himself is made up of the supernatural spirit phase condensed with the help of Bi Fangyin. With his own Samadhi True Fire as the source, he opens another "furnace" outside his body to absorb the Samadhi True Fire between heaven and earth, thus

Bypassing the limit of holding magical seeds in one's own body, it can achieve the effect of divine fire like a waterfall.

Once such magical power is activated, everything will be reduced to ashes.

The gloomy and dark things between heaven and earth were burned into smoke everywhere.

Those forces that are complex, difficult to understand, and tough enough may still take some time to "unravel their samadhi."

And those whose essences are not difficult to understand are almost incinerated at the first touch.

It’s about the suppression of the evil formation, about the gloomy ghost energy, and even about Du Yehu and Du Yehu’s military formation...

The true fire of samadhi burns nothing!

Once this scorching sea of ​​fire spreads out, there will be no room left on this battlefield. It will be nothing but flames and everything destroyed by the flames.

A life and death crisis is approaching!

Du Yehu is also a man who has been in battle for a long time and has fought countless life and death battles. Of course, he will not be unable to feel the danger before him.

I saw the evil tiger on his body boiling like smoke. He squeezed hard with his big hand, grabbing all the power of the military formation wrapped around his body, turning it into a ferocious spear, and threw it away with his backhand!

But instead of attacking Jiang Wang, he threw the spear directly out of the fire sea.

After they were several miles away from the sea of ​​fire, the spear of the military formation exploded in the air, and more than a hundred powerful Xuanjia soldiers, who were in harmony with the soldiers, fell like rain.

Du Yehu's first reaction in this sea of ​​​​fire that had the potential to burn the sky and destroy the earth was to send his soldiers to escape!

He can see danger, but he seems unable to see his own danger.

Why didn't he escape with his soldiers instead of leaving him alone in this sea of ​​fire?

He always stared into Jiang Wang's eyes, which seemed to be the answer.

Not only did he not retreat, but he crashed further into the sea of ​​fire, into the place where the divine fire was the hottest.

So crazy! So brave!

His mourning mace still fell forward, the deep iron black color seemed to break through the red.

The evil tiger around him was burned into blood smoke by the sea of ​​fire, and soon even the blood smoke was burned away.

The surging Dao Yuan is boiling and pouring out. It is like snow meeting the scorching sun and being burned into the sky.

His hair began to dry out and his skin began to crack.

His blood began to dry up and his muscles began to dissolve.

But the blood lines on his body became more and more vivid!

But his eyes became more determined!

His strength expanded almost infinitely along with his injuries.

The magical power of drinking blood has almost reached its current limit.

And hit Jiang Wang in the chest with his mace!


At the critical moment, Sauvignon Blanc came from outside the sky, blocking the moment when the light passed by, blocking the path of mourning.

This is an excellent sword!

Du Yehu fought back alone in the sea of ​​fire.

Throwing yourself to death is an almost unpredictable step.

However, Jiang Wang's sword still appeared in the right place.

The sword is as sharp as a mace.

This is a transcendence in absolute strength.

But Du Yehu, who had almost been burned to death by the true fire of Samadhi, had gained too much power from the magical power of drinking blood.

The mourning mace hit Sauvignon Blanc's sword. Although it was blocked, it still moved forward. It smashed forward with the sword, and the roaring evil tiger attacked the sharp sword energy.

At the same time, Jiang Wang's ears suddenly heard the sound of thousands of ghosts wailing, all screaming, and it was too miserable to hear.

And his Dao Yuan flowed crazily from the seven orifices, from the pores, and from any "leakage" in the body.

There are thousands of leaks all over the body, and the root causes diarrhea everywhere.

The invisible ghost that bound his hands and feet had obviously been incinerated by the true fire of Samadhi, and the ghost crow that kept screaming had also perished in the sea of ​​fire long ago. The true fire of Samadhi burned the foundation of this evil formation, but he

Dao Yuan... is actually still passing by!

When he shows his strongest side, it is also when he is most vulnerable to danger.

Du Yehu advanced instead of retreating, continuously adding up his injuries and strength, and came forward with his trump card. The opponent hidden in the dark, Lin Zhengren, whose identity was almost clear, also launched the craziest attack at this time.

This extremely evil formation is called Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirits.

At this moment, it has been pushed to the limit, shaking the power of heaven and earth, suppressing Jiang Wang's boundless sea of ​​fire with all its strength, and constantly devouring Jiang Wang's Dao Yuan.

If it were an ordinary outside monk, his Dao Yuan would have been devoured and he could only become a mere fish.

Even if Dao Yuan is as powerful as Jiang Wang, he has to start mobilizing Dao Yuan in Wufu Sea to support the isolated island of heaven and earth at this moment.

And while he was blocking the death weapon with his horizontal sword, a huge, wet ghost figure appeared behind him, with a vague and ferocious face.

The power of this ghost far exceeds anything before.

The ghostly energy on his body has almost condensed into substance, the bone spurs are hideous, and the dark patterns are evil.

Of course it cannot withstand the true fire of samadhi. No matter how the ghost energy expands, no matter how much power is exerted, the figure shrinks sharply in the sea of ​​fire and is peeled off layer by layer.

But after all, it was not burned up in an instant. After all, a ghost claw was found.


Take out Jiang and look at your heart!

He dug it into... a ray of light.

This is a hidden, quiet power that surrounds Jiang Wang's fingers.

The seals of misfortunes are one in hiding and the other in tolerance.

If you hide, you will hide; if you tolerate, you will attract the enemy.

It has to be passed down from Huang Wei’s supreme seal!

At this moment, he stood proudly in the center of the sky full of fire, with the shadow of Bi Fang's divine bird spreading its wings behind him.

And with his left hand, he held the Dou Seal of Disaster and cleverly blocked it behind him, easily containing this ferocious ghost claw and preventing the boundless ghost energy from advancing even an inch!

So I suddenly looked back.

He opened his lips slightly and blew out a breath of frosty white wind.

The frost and wind blew away, everything withered, everything was dissolved, and the face of the evil ghost gradually became clear.

Although it is ferocious and terrifying, although it is eerie and stiff, you can vaguely see some of its old appearance.

Once arrogant, once rude, once cruel, once resentful... now only hatred and murderous intent remain.

It turned out to be...

Lin Zhengli!

The wind blew gently by, as if it had blown away a piece of dust. The ferocious water ghost screamed and collapsed, and all the fragments were engulfed in flames.

There was only one small black bead left, which fell powerlessly into the soil and dispersed into the aura of the underworld. However, most of it was burned away in an instant!

However, at the same time, Jiang Wang felt a huge palpitation in his heart!

His heart seemed to be tightened by some force in an instant, making it difficult to beat.

This water ghost is the core of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirit Formation.

Jiang Wang blocked its sneak attack and killed it in time.

But this is getting into the game!

While Jiang Wang was destroying the water ghost, the counterattack power of the entire Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirit Formation was also applied to him. It blurred his perception almost instantly and shattered his defense that had been eliminated by the ghost crow.

His body stiffened.

From that moment on, the situation changed.

Du Yehu's mourning tool was still unreservedly blasted forward. Finally, under the most extreme situation, he smashed the light of the five magical powers, extinguished the body of Tianfu, and smashed Jiang Wang's body.

sternum, and still moving forward!

In severe pain, Jiang Wang looked back!

At this moment, he completely resisted the counterattack power of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirit Array.

His eyes met the crazy-looking Du Yehu, and the picture of riding alone into the formation was opened, and he entered the battle at the soul level in an instant.

At the level of the soul, Jiang Wang, wearing a green shirt and holding a sword, entered Tongtian Palace without any scruples.

Tongtian Palace's protection of the host was not enough to protect Du Yehu's soul. Du Yehu, who was born in Zhuang Kingdom and grew up in Zhuang Kingdom, had no contact with the soul secret arts at the inner palace level.

So this is a completely crushing showdown.

Jiang Wang killed Du Yehu's Taoist True Spirit, a red tiger, with just one sword blow.

Another sword blow, killing Du Yehu so hard that his soul almost collapsed on the spot.

After retreating from the level of the soul, the mourning weapon that Du Yehu hit on his chest had lost its power.

Only the evil tiger evil that has entered the body is still entangled in this body under the influence of inertia.

Jiang Wang treated this battle with the utmost calmness. He knew that he could not make mistakes in every step. Any mistake could cause regrets in his life!

Feeling the pain of his sternum being inserted into his heart, the fire all over the sky spread out its wings, and all of them shrank back into the body in an instant.

Red flames flowed through his body, and the light almost reflected on his blue shirt.

At this moment when Dao Yuan is about to be exhausted, he must use all his magical power to resist the damage suffered by his physical body and expel the evil spirits raging in his body.

The five blazing white light sources between the chest and abdomen gradually lit up again.

His eyelids were slightly raised, his eyes shining in the sword light.

At this moment, he directly manifested the body of the Sword Immortal.

When the body is surrounded by the flowing fire, the frost mantle flutters in the wind, and it is as bright as a divine radiance.

In front of him, Du Yehu's whole body had become charred and withered, his mace fell off, and he fell.

The breath of life suddenly withered.

And Jiang Wang himself floated like a fairy coming to the world, crushed the blue clouds, turned into a long rainbow, and instantly penetrated to the southeast corner of the entire battle in front of a small tomb that had not undergone any abnormal changes from beginning to end.

The star tower shines in the sky, and the starlight swirls around, providing him with power beyond Daoyuan.

So from top to bottom, the sword fell over the mountain!

The entire tomb was emptied!

Including soil, gravel, bones, and the vampire that kept screaming.

But there is no Lin Zhengren.

There is the aura and movement of those in charge here, but there is no presence of Lin Zhengren.

The battle has progressed to this point, and the fighting has reached this level. Lin Zhengren is here, and he actually leaves a layer of disguise!

Jiang Wang didn't hesitate at all, turned around and walked away on the blue clouds.

Both the Sword Immortal and the Heavenly Body are time-limited, and the injuries he suffered do not allow him to continue to entangle. The possibility of Du Ruhui appearing behind Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu makes him have no confidence to fight.

A sword cuts through the air, and a step goes a long way.

It's just that in my heart, a name is once again deeply ingrained.

Lin Zhengren...Lin Zhengren!

Almost as soon as Jiang Wang left, a powerful aura suddenly came to this place.

Taking one step at a leisurely pace, the figure of the black-haired old man descended into the wilderness at this moment.

Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of Zhuang State!

His clothes were neatly dressed, his hair on his temples was not messy, and it was completely impossible to tell that he had just experienced a battle.

With just one glance, he had already gained insight into the fighting that had just occurred here. The energy of heaven and earth that was still in chaos, and the blood remaining in the air, showed the intensity of this battle.

There was no figure of Jiang Wang within his line of sight, but the traces of his escape could not be hidden from his eyes.

Especially that lingering breath...

He once chased him in the territory of Zhuang Kingdom, but he regretted it many times later. Why didn't he just wipe it out when he first saw it in the Qichang Mountains?

Du Ruhui looked into the distance with his eyes.

There is only one heavenly breath in the world, three earthly breaths, and infinite human breaths.

Respond to people's breath with the breath of heaven, and illuminate the mountains and rivers with one heart.

He raised his right hand and pointed it at the sword, just a little further away.

The majestic energy of the earth's veins spurted out, quickly gathered and formed, forming a large earth-yellow cone gun. It was shaped like a polished mountain stone, thick and strong, but it disappeared in a flash and was no longer visible.

has flowed between heaven and earth.


The power of heaven's breath and the power of earth's breath chase in the vast void, jumping over all visible and invisible obstacles, following the mysterious trajectory, capturing the end point of human breath, and ultimately causing the destined killing.

Du Ruhui Tianxifajia Heshan stabbed his hand, then closed his fingers and withdrew his gaze.

Du Yehu, who is lying on the ground, will be dead if he doesn't save him...

The Prime Minister of Zhuang State sighed softly and squatted down.

He first took out a jade vase, poured out two lustrous pills, and put them into Du Yehu's mouth very gently. Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it on Du Yehu's heart, pouring out the most refined and pure Dao Yuan.

The people kept pouring in to help Du Yehu dissolve the medicine and reconcile his injuries.

During this process, there was a rustling sound from the ground.

Soon a pair of huge ghost hands came out of the ground, and with a strong push, the khaki ghost body jumped out.

The earth is opened by it, and it is closed by it.

This coffin-bearing native ghost, which is more than three feet tall and has strong muscles, has a vaguely wrinkled and old face. It is squatting on the ground, with the coffin on its back opened.

Lin Zhengren walked out of it.

With a solemn expression, he saluted Du Ruhui impeccably: "I have met the Prime Minister."

He was so cautious that even when he ambushed Jiang Wang, he did not show any trace of his true identity. He used one layer of illusion on top of another and hid in the dark from beginning to end. Until Du Ruhui came here in person and started to help.

Du Yehu had to treat his injuries before he was willing to show up.

Du Ruhui glanced at him and nodded: "No need to be polite. Thank you for your hard work this time."

It was completely impossible to see that after the Yellow River meeting, the man was carrying Lin Zhengren like a dead dog, with an expression of disgust and hatred and wanting to kill him.

When masters fight, life and death are only on a thin line.

Timing, location, cultivation, adaptability, determination... there are too many factors that can determine victory or defeat.

Jiang Wang, the most powerful Wailou monk in the world, was also seriously injured under the joint efforts of Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu.

What they relied on was nothing more than a magic formation called Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Spirits, a military formation composed of 300 Jiujiang Xuanjia elite warriors. Lin Zhengren had painstakingly studied Jiang Wang for a long time and obtained some information from elsewhere.

Intelligence, and... Jiang Wang's feelings for Du Yehu.

At the level of power they could use, they used almost everything they could, which indeed caused harm to Jiang Wang and really created the possibility of keeping Jiang Wang.

Calculating with intention and without intention, using two against one, ambush and sneak attack... It is not uncommon to cross the border to confront the enemy like this.

Jiang Wang initially set up an ambush with Xiang Xiang and successfully crossed the border to kill Diaohailou elder Hai Zongming.

But the person who was ambushed was Jiang Wang after all.

The person who has a chance to be left behind today is, after all, the leader of the Yellow River in the year 3919 of the Taoist calendar.

After all, he is the one who is qualified to compete for the title of the strongest outer building in the world. He fought with swords on the Xingyue Plain, and made a divine appointment with Douzhao outside Ying City...

The value shown by Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu in this battle is therefore very impressive!

So Du Ruhui worked very hard to save Du Yehu, and he was also very kind to Lin Zhengren.

Lin Zhengren was not a person who knew what was good or bad. Du Ruhui's friendly attitude made him completely confused.

He was very moved and said: "Serving the country, why bother working so hard? Even if Zhengren died here today, it would be worth it!"

It was only at this time that the more than one hundred Jiujiang Xuanjia soldiers who were still alive under Du Yehu came back from a distance, supporting each other.

Seeing Du Ruhui, everyone was so excited that they immediately prostrated themselves and fell down, crying and begging Du Ruhui to save their general.

"Thank you for your hard work, generals. No need to be polite. Just find a place to rest by yourself. General Du is a strong man of the country, and I will definitely do my best."

Du Ruhui naturally took out another bottle of elixir and handed it to Lin Zhengren: "Zhengren, take a look at the soldiers' injuries and help them recuperate. I have to concentrate on treating General Du, and I can't spare my time."

The soldiers were naturally grateful again.

Lin Zhengren took the elixir respectfully and went to greet these soldiers, talk about his hometown and the future, he was very kind and kind.

Dealing with these is not difficult for him.

Only then did Du Ruhui turn his attention back to Du Yehu.

This is a very important battle, and he will only keep the considerations of this battle in his heart.

Judging from the traces of the battle, Jiang Wang's last sword was to kill Lin Zhengren's true body. In an emergency situation, he failed to succeed with one blow, so he escaped with his seriously injured body, which was a wise choice.


Indeed, because of this choice, he avoided meeting him directly...

From this analysis, there should be no doubt about this battle. Both sides of the battle are very determined.

Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu both showed outstanding performance, and Jiang Wang indeed has the ability to crush them.

The only question is probably whether Jiang Wang had time to make up for it with his sword, leaving Du Yehu with no hope of regaining his soul?

Judging from Du Yehu's injuries at this moment, if he could not receive timely treatment, his injuries would be almost fatal... Therefore, it was a completely reasonable choice for Jiang Wang not to make up for that sword blow.

After all, anyone who puts himself in Jiang Wang's situation must consider that there is an enemy lurking in the dark, whose true form has not yet been seen, and a more powerful enemy may appear at any time...

He had to fight quickly and there was no way he could get entangled here.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Du Ruhui continued to move his hands.

After a long time, the Prime Minister of Zhuang State showed obvious fatigue on his face, and Du Yehu woke up from his coma.

The beard that covered his face was all in pieces at the moment, withered and scorched. The whole person looked weak and embarrassed, but his eyes were still full of wildness, and the light never dimmed.

Du Ruhui let go of his hand at this time, stood up, and his expression became serious.

"Who allowed you to come? Who asked you to mobilize your troops without authorization? Are you going to redeem the city and besiege Jiang Wang?!"

Du Yehu lay silently on the ground, supported by the charred soil, and did not make a sound.

Du Ruhui shouted again and asked: "Do you know why Buhu City can gain a foothold here?"

"Do you know who Jiang Wang is now? Which country does he serve? They have been cleared of the crime of treason, so what is the reason for you to ambush him? If Qi State really wants to hold him accountable, you have several heads.

Not enough to chop!"

Du Ruhui was simply heartbroken: "Do you know how much trouble your recklessness will bring to our country? How can you be so reckless in command of a large army?"

"Actually..." Lin Zhengren interrupted appropriately at this time: "I first discovered the news of Jiang Wang's appearance in Buhu City and informed General Du. Then General Du mobilized troops on the spot to set up an ambush with me...

Sir, if there is any crime in this trip, the fault lies with Lin Zhengren and has nothing to do with General Du."

"I don't know what kind of crime is not sinful." Du Yehu said in a dull voice: "I can't control those many things! Jiang Wang colluded with the Bone Road and caused my homeland to fall into the netherworld. As long as I have the chance, I will kill him! How many times have I had

Believe him, I hate him so much now. I am responsible for this matter. If anyone is held accountable, the court will just hand me over! I, Du Yehu, am responsible for everything I do, and I will not complain to anyone!"

Du Ruhui was so angry that his beard was trembling, and he pointed at him with an angry face: "You, you!"

He flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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