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Chapter 189: There is no powerful country that can lose its territory without losing its generals.

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They only say that he is a ferocious butcher with unparalleled skills, but he also showed extraordinary patience in the Battle of Qiyang, taking every step of the way, forcing Yang Jiande to go out of the city for a decisive battle, in order to make a last-ditch effort.

Everyone only said that Cao Jiu was very stable in his military use, but when he saw Yu Liyang in Jianfeng Mountain, he did not hesitate to place a heavy bet!

There was no waiting, no testing, not even a word of dialogue.

Just keep adding, adding, adding.

It’s as if the Jianfeng Mountain in front of you is being attacked by a noble city!

How can an absolute main force like Qiu Shajun exert force on Jianfeng Mountain so easily?

Gathering the power of the military formation and using the military formation killing method are usually the decisive means for victory.

A soldier's Qi, blood and Dao Yuan are both limited.

Dao Yuan can be replenished through Dao Yuan Stones, and Qi and blood can also be restored with Qi and Blood Pills...it's nothing more than resources. However, the mental and willpower consumed by the soldiers, and the fatigue left by the physical body are not so easy to solve.

Even a powerful army like the Qiu Sha Army cannot use its military formations for a long time. After gathering their formations to storm Jianfeng Mountain this time, they must go into rest.

The Xia Kingdom has a vast territory, with a total of twenty-one prefectures. Is it really worth using the trump card of a major army like Qiu Sha to protect the dangerous territory of Fengjie Prefecture?

How to fight against the twenty prefectures in the future?

Isn't the early stage of the war a time for testing each other, getting to know each other, and establishing a war understanding between the two sides?

In a battle of this level, the only way to win is to use your winning hand lightly!

According to normal warfare, passes like Jianfeng Mountain should be filled with those county soldiers or the troops recruited from the Eastern Region countries.

If you can't defeat it, it's a normal war choice to explore the defender's defense system until it's time to mobilize elite troops to attack!

The so-called "normal" means not making mistakes, it means that it is the right choice for everyone.

That's why the senior officials of Xia State decided that filling in a real person here would be enough to delay the Qi army for half a month.

The King of Min, Yu Liyang, arrived in person, and while firmly guarding Jianfeng Mountain, he also had enough room for advancement and retreat. Xia Guofang wanted to delay the Qi army for the longest time at the minimum cost.

But Cao Jiu is too tough!

The Qi army's understanding of the Jianfeng Mountain defense line was beyond the imagination of the Xia defenders. They were simply attacking based on the defense map.

With the pressure of True Lord Yu Liyang personally guarding it, he used his trump card from the very beginning and targeted the key point of Jianfeng Mountain's defense line.

Qiu Shajun's formation used the killing method of breaking Yue's Eight Cutting Swords, and it was already the seventh cut at this time.

At this moment, the soldier wielding the sword was already fifty feet tall.

Kui Ran is like a giant who came from ancient times.

Even in front of the towering Jianfeng Mountain, it is by no means an existence that can be ignored.

Not to mention that the sword that gathered the army was aimed at the magic circle node of Erduan Mountain. Although the key node had been temporarily transferred three times, it was still accurately found!

There is no need to say how long the entire Faxia Army has been calculating for each impact point of the Yue-Dead Eight Slashing Sword...

How long has the research on the so-called five-stage Houde Carrier Array lasted, and how long has Qi's intelligence system been working on it... There is no need to describe it either.

That silent, dangerous confrontation, all the sweat, dedication and accumulation behind the scenes...

All you need to do is watch the chef in Qiu Sha's army making every move like he's cutting an ox!

Being in the huge military formation, Jiang Wang's feelings at this moment were completely different.

He felt that his power... those related to Daoyuan and Qi and blood, quickly left himself and gathered towards a common will.

In the Victory Camp, these gathered forces were dominated by Chongxuan Sheng. But in the entire army of ten thousand people, the forces of these different parts gathered into a larger part, and were ultimately dominated by the general of the Qiu Sha Army.

The military formation of ten thousand people has an external centralized will, which is based on the military formation diagram. Under the guidance of the general, the soldiers are gathered together.

Although the individual strength of the general of our army is not as good as mine.

But at this moment, the power Jiang Wang felt was huge and fierce, far beyond his reach!

The soldiers of the entire Victory Battalion, under the command of Chong Xuan Sheng, moved in strict accordance with the usual training, followed the formation diagram, followed the inherent rhythm, encouraged Dao Yuan and blood, and delivered their strength to the "collective formation diagram"


Jiang Wang could feel that his own power was surging, and under the influence of the formation, it was quickly transformed into a homogeneous, Autumn Killing Bingsha power, mixed into the whole, and this power was under the control of the formation.

, is controlled by the main general of our army...even the strength of our army's tens of thousands of troops is also subject to a higher level of will.

In the ancient times, this was how the human race gathered the power of weak fellow races and united all the extraordinary and incompetent tribesmen to defeat each opponent.

The chop after chop was so continuous and turbulent that Chu Liang, Chongxuan, was controlling the military power. While he was striking at the Jianfeng Mountain protective formation, he was gathering momentum and looking at Yu Liyang.

Facing the attack of this tall and fierce general, the defenders of Erduan Mountain were almost in despair.

The mountain protection formation at Jianfeng Mountain is far from its peak condition.

When a section of the mountain was almost destroyed by hundreds of spiny boats, the power of the earth's veins surged up, and they faced another powerful force in the world like Qiu Shajun.

They fought desperately regardless of life and death, and one team after another of defenders rushed down to fill their positions, and they were able to maintain the formation at Erduan Mountain. However, the power of the earth veins absorbed by the formation could not move upward for a while.

His body was already on the verge of collapse, and the huge weapon-shame-ghost-head sword struck again.


Suddenly there is a dragon roar!

A huge green dragon formed by soldiers, with all scales and claws, and its power was brilliant. At this critical moment, it jumped out and bit the blade!

The tail is wrapped around the Jianfeng Mountain, and the clouds are steaming. The dragon holds the blade in its mouth, and the treasure light shines on it. The dragon's eyes have seen its power, and it knocked the tall warrior general staggering and fell backward.

Hua Hong, the Marquis of Jing’an in Great Xia issued an edict!

He seized the critical moment. When the last sword of the Duanyue Eight-Zhan Sword was about to be struck, he brazenly formed an army formation of ten thousand people. With the blessing of the five-stage Houde-carrying array, the soldiers turned into dragons and fought with the sword.

Beyond the mountains!

It's a nearly perfect shot.

This is true whether it is from the grasp of timing, the concentration of troops, or the mobilization of soldiers.

With soldiers who were far inferior to Qiu Sha's army forming a formation, and brazenly cutting off the Qiu Sha army's flowing military formation offensive, how could one not say "perfect"?


But what he faced was not just this huge warrior, but this sword?

Fortunately he showed himself at this moment.

Unfortunately, he was facing the Chongxuan Chu Liang, the Marquis of Dingyuan of Da Qi, who was known as Ji Tu!

Bingsha Qinglong held the blade against him, but the knife in his mouth suddenly collapsed. In front of it, the fifty-foot-tall Bingsha general collapsed instantly, like an avalanche!

The majestic army collapsed like a sea, collapsing between the sky and the earth, and a knife passed across it.

The arc of this sword is extremely high and the handle is slightly curved. It is silent and unintentional. When it passes by, it has wiped out all the evil weapons!

The Autumn Killing Army of 100,000 people has been completely unified.

The will of a hundred thousand people is as solid as steel, and the blood and energy of a hundred thousand people are all confused into the Qiu Sha Bingsha.

Jiang Wang was among them, feeling like a drop of water in the ocean, which together with countless trickles formed a raging wave. For the first time in his life, he felt the "soul" of an army.

He felt that such an army was "alive" and had definite vitality!

This feeling is very strange.

One hundred thousand people breathe together, share the same destiny, run together with the blood, and swim together with the soul.

He is like his own "body outside the body", focusing on the "building outside the building" of collective strength.

He felt the majesty and participated in it personally.

And Chongxuan Chu Liang took the power of this huge army, jumped up, stepped on the head of the evil green dragon in one step, and crushed it to death!

The trampling made the officers and soldiers of the Xia army fall like rain, and the Marquis Jing'an of Xia State vomited blood and flew away.

Moreover, the corpses of those Xia army soldiers were completely turned into daggers and spears. When they fell, they roared in the wind, hitting the defenders on the mountain or hitting the eyes of the magic formation.

Chu Liang, Chongxuan himself, continued to rise upwards and faced Yu Liyang, King of Min in Daxia, on the top of the mountain.

Controlling the formation in battle is not as simple as superimposing the power of a large number of soldiers. It is not as simple as when Jiang Wang came to Xingyue Plains, simply coercing a huge force.

That kind of power was entirely a gift from Yuheng Xingjun, but the military formation was the gathering of every drop of power.

To command the military formation, you need to understand each charging soldier, grasp their status, maintain the formation at all times, stabilize the formation, and integrate every bit to form a surge...

The more soldiers there are, the harder it is to integrate them. The stronger the formation, the harder it is to master it.

A hundred thousand troops formed an army.

Everyone who is not a soldier cannot be qualified!

Therefore, he has the power to transcend extraordinary levels.

Of course, the military formation is an interlocking strategy like the Mohist's exquisite mechanism. It starts from the soldiers, to the captain, to the captain, to the general, and finally to the commander... Every step must be closely coordinated so as not to cause too many casualties.

A waste of power. If there is a problem in any one link, it will affect the whole.

The more powerful the military formation, the higher the requirements for soldiers.

Without practicing day after day and engraving the position of troops into instinct, it would be impossible to cope with a real high-intensity war!

The Qiu Sha Army is certainly a powerful force in the world, and the military formation displayed by the Qiu Sha Army at this moment is naturally the best in the world.

With the blessing of Pang Ran's powerful force, Chongxuan Chu Liang easily crushed the Green Dragon formed by Hua Hongzhao's formation, and continued to attack.

As far as Chongxuan Chu Liang is concerned, he is not the commander of the Xia expedition. He does not need to consider the overall situation and whether it is worthwhile for Qiu Sha's army to storm Jianfeng Mountain. Cao Jie wants him to put pressure on Yu Liyang, so he will put pressure on Yu Liyang, that's all.

So, at this moment.

Leap high over Jianfeng Mountain.

Kill King Min with a sword!

One hundred thousand Autumn Killing Army troops are integrated into one, and the soldiers are condensed to operate the world's top Autumn Killing Formation. What level of power is it?

People saw Chu Liang, Chongxuan, rising from the sky, and his world-famous longevity knife seemed to have separated heaven and earth.

This person and this knife are spread out infinitely in the field of vision.

The steep Jianfeng Mountain, which is more than three hundred feet high, is as big as a mud ball!

At this time.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Yu Liyang, with elegant features, looked down at him.

In the vast and endless level of consciousness, he has been chasing Yan Ping for several rounds. The collision on the level of principles will really happen soon.

And in this real world, Chongxuan Chu Liang controls his sword with a huge military formation, and he can feel the edge.

The knife used by Fierce Butcher to cut longevity is also regarded as the way to cut longevity.

Because this way is too strong and the killing power is too terrifying, it is difficult to grasp its reality in the world, and it has sat on the position of the first god in the Eastern Region for decades.

This person... is good at killing people!

Controlling a hundred thousand strong army, uniting the will and destiny of the Qiu Kill generals, and controlling the battle situation, this sword will cut off the life of the true king!!

I can't stay here any longer.

Yu Liyang had a ridiculous feeling in his heart

He, the majestic King of Xia Min, a powerful true king, personally sat in Jianfeng Mountain and set the war goal of holding on for half a month at a minimum, but he failed to achieve it?

What a shame it would be to spread the word?

But it’s true that I can’t stay.

If he must fully demonstrate his dignity as a true king at this moment, King Wu Sijiao will have no choice but to rush over to join the battle.

In other words, the decisive battle is about to happen here.

The Xia State has advantageous terrain, the strategic depth of the Twenty-One Prefectures, and the layers of defenses built over thousands of miles of territory over the past thirty-two years... Facing the powerful Qi army, how could he give up these for his own honor and disgrace?

Not only can't you stay longer, but you can't even walk slowly.

Because Yan Ping was already clearly trying to target him. If it were a little later, it would be impossible to escape without paying a certain price.

As soon as Cao Cao saw Yu Liyang, he immediately pressed forward with his army. His decisiveness and courage made him worthy of Jiang Shu's appointment as his commander!

This step is a grand and positive step, which means using force to force others, and using force to suppress others.

He can either start a decisive battle or retreat, there is no third option!


The sigh in the heart of the Yan Dao strongman made the sky thousands of miles gloomy.

Yu Liyang stepped forward, avoiding the sharp edge of Shou, and landed next to Jingan Hou Hua Hongzhao on the mountainside. He pulled up with one hand, and instantly pulled up the power of the earth veins with a radius of three hundred miles, as if pulled out from the ground.

An invisible powerful dragon was created! It poured into the mountain-protecting formation!

Boom boom boom boom!

Second section of mountain, third section of mountain, fourth section of mountain, fifth section of mountain...

The entire Jianfeng Mountain is connected as one, and the majestic power of the earth rises into the sky.

The five-stage virtuous carrying array burst out in its entirety.

The power of the three hundred miles of earth veins increases layer by layer, and the clouds in the nine heavens surge.

Amidst the loud rumbling noise.

A huge meteorite with a radius of more than ten feet seemed to be protruding from a gap in the clouds. It was rough, thick, and fierce.

It hit the air, igniting red flames, and the whole body was covered with fire.

One, two, three...

In an instant, countless meteorites fell from the sky... It was a rain of meteorites that covered the sky and the sun!

It seems that the Jiutian Sacred Mountain has been blown to pieces, causing such disaster to the world.

Just the splash of flames burned the sky into a sea of ​​fire.

While keeping the ferocious sword at bay, it also blasted towards the mighty Qi army.

And Yu Liyang put his hand on Hua Hongzhao and wanted to take him away.

Hua Hongzhao's figure suddenly ducked away!

"I can't leave!"

This veteran's whole body was shining with dazzling brilliance.

Rushing to the outside of the mountain alone.

"Hua Fangyu died here too easily. His death was not a pity, but he destroyed Jianfeng Mountain. His evil is hard to redeem!"

"Hua Fangyu is the disgrace of the Hua family for hundreds of years. Now that I am trying to survive, I am the disgrace of the Hua family for the rest of the world."

The voice fell behind Hua Hongzhao, and he never looked back. His bun became messy at some point, and his long hair was floating behind him.

The chalcedony of his golden body has begun to disintegrate.

"Since ancient times, there has never been a powerful country that could not lose its territory without losing its general."

"King Min, please go first for the country and let me die...die for the country!"

Yu Liyang's raised hand finally stopped moving forward. In this state, Hua Hongzhao had no way of surviving if he was forcibly pulled away...

He was a powerful true king and could not even take a second look at the scene of Marquis Jing'an's final charge.

In front of the rain of meteorites that erupted from the Jianfeng Mountain array, his body became invisible and scattered in the chaotic vitality of heaven and earth.

He has been seen too much by Yan Ping! For the fastest novel reading, please visit the mobile phone:

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