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Chapter 193: Heaven and earth are bows, mountains and rivers are forging cauldrons

Don't take it seriously. Xuan Sheng is usually cheerful and can talk to anyone, but in fact it is rare that he really likes anyone. With his outstanding intelligence, once he passes the stage of accumulation of strength, he will sooner or later stir up the world. .

But in this expedition, he praised Cao Jiu's ability in using troops, and he couldn't help but admire him.

With his interpretation, Lord Jiang, who was not familiar with military affairs, could see the mountains high and the sea vast.

Maybe the wind on the east bank of Lianjiang River is too gentle.

Thinking about the world and recalling the past and present, Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask a boring question: "In your opinion, if Cao Shuai and your uncle were to fight on the battlefield, who would win?"

This question is really boring and cannot be asked by a blind soldier. Among the top generals in the world, there is no way to judge the outcome by speculation outside the battlefield.

But Chongxuan Sheng actually thought about it quite seriously before saying: "From our perspective, discussing their victory or defeat is like a bird discussing a swan. But please don't listen to what I say."

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"Just chat." Jiang Wang's eyes were still staring at the Jiangyin Plain on the other side of the Lianjiang River. He seemed to be infected by the atmosphere of war, and his voice became weaker.

"The quality of a famous general is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also in every aspect from the court to the military camp, starting from recruitment and training. It is the complete composition of military capabilities. Of course, in the end, victory or defeat must be proved..."

Chongxuan Sheng said: "Since you said it was a battle on the battlefield, then it is estimated that the strength and quality of their soldiers are all equally matched... In this case, there are only two outcomes for a battle on the battlefield."

"Which two?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chongxuan Sheng replied: "Either my uncle has a great victory, or Cao Shuai has a small victory."

He added: "In my personal deduction, the probability of my uncle's victory is 30%, and the probability of Cao Shuai's small victory is 70%."

Jiang Wang opened his mouth to speak.

Chong Xuan Sheng added: "In addition, the duration of the war and the scale of the war will also affect their winning rate. Therefore, when an emperor who knows military skills chooses generals, he often chooses the generals who are most suitable for that battlefield, not in the conventional sense. The strongest general."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and stopped talking.

In the endless sea of ​​armies stretching across both sides of the Lianjiang River, the conversation between two friends was like a gentle ripple.

And not long after, there was a flag officer galloping high into the sky and roaring

"Pass the commander-in-chief's order! Let Li Zhengyan's entire army attack!"

The wind-chasing army that had crossed the frozen Lianjiang River in an orderly manner suddenly moved.

This mighty army surged from gentle to rapid in the time it took for a military order to be issued.

The whole earth is like a war drum, being beaten by these neat horse hooves!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

The mighty roar is the declaration of the Da Qi Empire.

The nine soldiers of Da Qi are all the best in the world who can fight on horseback and on foot when dismounted.

But in terms of specific tactics, everyone has different preferences.

Among the nine soldiers of Da Qi, the Zhufeng Army is the most adept at cavalry combat, and they can be used to charge face to face with the prairie cavalry.

After the fall of Jianfeng Mountain, the field battle outside Tongyang City was inevitable, so Cao Jiu specially mobilized the Zhufeng Army to be the front guard for the attack on Xiangyou Mansion.

Moreover, he first used the twenty-three cities of Fengjie Prefecture to sharpen his sword and ride on his horse, so that he could win!

Sijiao must use this field battle to raise the flag for the Xia army and re-establish the fighting spirit of the Xia army and the people, and Cao Jie will not mind. It just requires Sijiao to pay a high price!

At the level of extraordinary warfare, hundreds of miles of Lianjiang River were directly blocked by ice. The so-called "attack halfway across" certainly cannot exist in fact.

However, the four gates of Tongyang City were wide open, and the Zhenguo Army, led by General Long Jiao of Great Xia, charged on horseback at this time, which was still the best time.

After all, it is difficult to rely on strength when a horse is treading on the ice.

After all, the army is divided and it is difficult to defend in time.

If the Wind-Chasing Army reacts a little slowly, they will face a head-on cavalry collision before their horses can start running.

The combined efforts of one party and the other party can offset each other alone.

Then the result of the battle can be imagined.

Facing the Zhenguo army who was leaving the city to fight, Cao Jie's order was very decisive. It only had four words: "attack with the whole army."

The Zhufeng Army also fully demonstrated the qualities of a strong army in the world, moving like a rushing tide.

Just like the long river passing through Tianmayuan, under the huge terrain difference, it impacts the surging Yellow River section!

In this rushing tide, people and horses are like fish and boats, rising and falling together.

One hundred thousand people seemed to be breathing the same breath and stepping to the same rhythm. They seemed to share the same pair of eyes, looking at the enemy with determination and solemnity!

Spread out on the endless plain, it has built an order that is unimaginable.

The sea surges!

If someone looks down from a high altitude, they can see the vast plains where they can run freely. These hundreds of thousands of wind-chasing troops are riding on the swift wind and chasing cold blades. They are constantly fine-tuning their formations in the indomitable charge.

The battle formation lasted for a month and a half.

The battle formations on the plain are like the moon, and the sky is full of fierce soldiers and clouds.

But to truly get into the charging ranks and feel the intensity of each soldier at close range, you can see the corners of their brows and eyes, and see in those little details, courage flowing in the drops of sweat!

Only then can you discover that their blood energy is so majestic, and the power of their energy and blood has soared.

Countless Dao Yuan, contaminated with the evil spirit of war, surged together.

There is also the unstoppable energy accumulated from conquering twenty-three cities in three days!

In the top battle formation diagram in the world, such a mixture creates a monstrous force as terrifying as the angry sea.

In front of the 100,000-strong Chasing the Wind Army, Li Zhengyan, the contemporary city-destroying lord, was fully armored and took the lead. He no longer showed half of his usual gentleness.

He inherited the glory of Daqi's top famous family, and also achieved great feats.

His daughter Li Fengyao, wearing a helmet and carrying armor, led the army to the left.

His son Li Longchuan, with a jade belt wrapped around his forehead, led the army to the right.

His old mother, holding a dragon-headed staff, was stationed in Shimen County. His wife, wearing armor and holding a sword, also assisted him.

His elder brother is serving in front of the king, doing what he should do and contributing to this war.

It can be said that the entire Li family is on the battlefield.

And in such a large-scale and high-intensity war, with this charge, it is impossible to say that the Li family of Daqi will be exterminated!

But this just shows Li’s courage!

The Shimen Li family has been guarding the border for Qi, why have they been afraid of life and death for so many years, and how can they plan for casualties!?

There is a poem that says, "The whole world praises Shimen Li..."

Why does the world praise Shimen Li?

It is because of these wars, the blood shed for the country again and again, and the loyal lives of the heroes!

The Li family of Shimen has never rested on the merits of their ancestors. The reason why the glory of Dechenghou is still dazzling is because generations of the Li family have wiped it away with their blood!

At this moment, Daxia has a strong army and a well-known people who are defending the country. Under the leadership of General Long Jiao, they are demonstrating their determination to protect their homeland and country.

The angry horses raised their hooves, and their bows and swords were filled with murderous intent.

More intense than a landslide, more angry than a flood.

And the great power that burst out from it surpassed the power of heaven and earth!

Facing the charge of such an army, not a single one of the one hundred thousand wind-chasing troops deflected.

In the very center of the collision between two hundred thousand cavalry troops.

Running on the dividing line between life and death.

Under the hunting flag of Zhufeng.

Li Zhengyan raised his left hand.

He shook his armored left hand! It seemed like he was grasping some support between heaven and earth.

He seemed to be holding a bow!

A bow connecting heaven and earth.

And his right hand, which was also covered with armor, moved forward, so steadily and accurately, as if it was resting on the distant horizon.

He caught the string!

And the endless Zhufeng soldiers roared like a tornado, gathering towards him, the Zhufeng commander.

The heaven and earth are shaking, trembling, and tense!

He held the heaven and the earth tightly, stretched the horizon to the sky, and mobilized the mighty power of the military formation.

Looking in the distance at Xia State General Long Jiao who was also leading the way in the enemy formation.

So let go!

Shoot the enemy with one arrow!

Using the sky and the earth as a bow, the horizon as a string, and the hundreds of thousands of wind-chasing troops as arrows, what is the scene like in this attack?

Heaven and earth, everything within sight, seems to have been torn apart!

Wherever this arrow penetrates, everything is destroyed.

People seemed to see a huge, terrifying hole, swallowing up everything in their path, running through the entire Jiangyin Plain, and falling into the majestic sea-like formation of the Zhenguo Army!

The arrow was obviously traveling in the air, but just the twisting air flow had already created a huge ravine on the ground.

This vertical ravine itself is like an arrow! An arrow that penetrates the earth and divides the Jiangyin Plain!

Zhufeng’s arrows are extremely lethal, who can take the lead?!

"I seem to know why the first hero of the restoration of the country, the city-destroying marquis, was able to destroy the city with ten arrows!"

Still in the ranks of the Qiu Sha Army on the east bank of the Lianjiang River, Chong Xuan Sheng couldn't help but marvel.

He got excited again and patted Jiang Wang: "Brother Wang! You have to hold on to Sister Fengyao!"

Seeing Si Shi next to him looking over, he chuckled again: "The guy named Jiang is getting more and more handsome as he grows older. Let him arrange the marriage for our family!"

Jiang Wang couldn't understand the fat man's joke at all.

Because at this moment, his mind was completely immersed in this arrow.

He had competed with Li Longchuan more than once, and he had also seen Li Fengyao's gorgeous archery skills.

But he never imagined that there would be such an arrow in the world. It could be so majestic and so grand!

He could already feel the weight of his sight. At this moment, he only felt that his sight had been swallowed up infinitely by this arrow. He had to open the Qianyang Red Eye to "pull" his sight back!

What a terrifying arrow traveling through the territory of Xia Kingdom.

Bringing the will to destroy everything and the determination to destroy all resistance.

Then Jiang Wang saw a giant bronze tripod with three legs and two ears rising above the distant Zhenguo Army formation.

The blood of a soldier is fuel, and the evil spirit in the cauldron is military power.

The reliefs on the surface of the giant cauldron were imprinted in Jiang Wang's red eyes.

he saw

The mountain collapsed, and someone was holding on with just one hand.

The river bank burst and someone jumped down to intercept the flow.

The army is approaching, and some people are charging alone...

he saw

He who holds up the mountain cannot hold up the mountain.

The one who blocked the flow was swept away by the flood.

The one who charges is drowned in the thousands of troops...

But the mountains and rivers are still there!

There are still people coming to Shanhe!

Year after year, generation after generation.

This huge bronze cauldron bloomed with unimaginable brilliance in an instant. The efforts and struggles of countless people have been engraved into an honor that cannot be eroded by time.

Standing firmly between heaven and earth, it seems to suppress everything!

This tripod holds the nine heavens above, and holds the nine secluded places below. It inherits the people and protects the mountains and rivers.

This is the military formation killing method created by Emperor Xia Xiang himself, called "Mountain River". In the contemporary era where Taoism is rapidly innovating and a large number of Taoisms are being eliminated every day, it is still among the top military formation killing methods!

Ask the soldiers how to control the country?

By flesh and blood! By life and death!

Once this cauldron falls, the mountains and rivers will be stable.

As long as this army is here, the country will not be destroyed!

Long Jiao rode his horse, and the 100,000 nationalist troops he led rode his horse.

Longjiao charged, and all the soldiers of the Zhenguo Army were charging.

The will is burning and the flag is flying.

Their courage and blood are continuously poured into the giant bronze cauldron, making it embody every subtle inscription and sense the traces of heaven and earth, as if they have become reality!

On the fertile Jiangyin Plain, two powerful armies in the world finally met head-on with their combined force.

The arrows that penetrated all finally hit the cauldron that suppressed everything.

That kind of huge impact cannot be contained with eyesight and cannot be described in words!

The vastness and majesty made all onlookers look small.


Between heaven and earth, mournful songs resounded.

The loud sound covers everything.

Bingsha is entangled with Bingsha, and the will to die collides

Dissipated in an instant.

The giant bronze cauldron and the majestic arrows of heaven and earth have disappeared.

The tide of the Wind-chasing Army, which was still galloping forward, surged across this foreign land, leaving behind some soldiers forever. They were exhausted and died of exhaustion.

He could no longer take any action and could only wait for a while before being silently buried by the friendly soldiers who followed him.

Perhaps it cannot be said to be a burial.

Before the battle is completely settled, the most it can do is to be moved aside to briefly clear the battlefield environment.

Opposite the formation of the Zhufeng Army, in the formation of the Daxia Zhenguo Army, which was charging with its back to Tongyang City, a large area fell on the ground! But the gap was immediately filled by the cavalry from behind!

The charge continues.

The charge from both sides continues!

Neither Li Zhengyan nor Long Jiao, nor the Zhufeng Army or the Zhenguo Army, had any intention of retreating.

The flags are still flying, and the horses are still stamping their hooves.

Li Zhengyan, who is "as fast as the wind", showed his rare bravery today.

As the generals waved their flags, the main formation of Zhufeng Army surged.

In such a violent charge, the division was successfully completed, and ten well-ordered troops of ten thousand people were separated. Like the crest of a wave, like a tidal wave, stretching back and forth, the troops connected with each other, they were truly elite!

Li Zhengyan of the First Army.

Secondly Li Fengyao.

Li Longchuan again.

So connected.

Father, stepdaughter, sister, stepbrother.

The chief general succeeds the second general.

The Duke's family is succeeded by his uncle.

After the brother-in-law, he was followed by the common people!

Hang the long sword on the bird's wing ring, take my big iron spear, and put it on the victory hook!

He raised his iron spear and galloped his horse.

Go straight forward.

Go forward!

This is a no-brainer, final charge.

This is a duel on the boundless plains that is destined to be described as fatalities and injuries.

On the ever-changing battlefield, the brave may not necessarily win, the strong may not win, but the dead are truly dead!

Li Longchuan stared straight ahead and lowered his body on the war horse mixed with the blood of monsters.

In front of him was a cavalry army of ten thousand people led by his sister Li Fengyao. Even in the midst of a charge, her cavalry army gave people a cold feeling.

Like a glacier falling into the sea, there is only a lonely sound.

He knew that Li Fengyao's magical power of frost could allow her to accurately reflect every detail at such a moment when thousands of troops were charging, and ultimately achieve a cold killing like an ice knife.

His own Zhuwei supernatural power can also help him grasp the details of the war more specifically.

But at this moment, he felt that it was no longer necessary.

His father, his coach, was at the forefront.

His family, his biological sister, were at the forefront.

He tightened his grip on the large iron gun specially used for mounted combat and pressed it tightly with his body.

Boom, boom, boom!

The horse's hooves as big as a bowl tread the earth.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of horse hooves seemed to hit my heart.

Every sound is so clear.

Li Longchuan only felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster...beating together with the war drum of the earth, fierce and surging, as if it was about to jump out of his chest!


He couldn't help shouting: "Yeah!"

On the endless Jiangyin Plain, two powerful cavalry armies, totaling 200,000 people, faced each other!

There was very little light in the sky and the earth, and the sun seemed to have retreated.

The crowd surged into the clouds, and the evil soldiers penetrated the heaven and the earth.

On one side are the nine pawns of Da Qi. The first of the four images is "Zhufeng"!

On one side is the Xia Kingdom's powerful force, the "Guo Zhen" who fills the territory with flesh and blood!

The torrent of flesh and blood collided together!

Clang Clang Clang!

Jin Ge Symphony.

The law!

The man turned his back on his horse.

The tide of the army rolled over violently, leaving only corpses scattered all over the place.

In just one charge, tens of thousands of people were killed on both sides!

The individual wails and sorrows were completely lost in this fighting.

The fear of living beings was completely overwhelmed by the atmosphere of war.

After iron and blood burned across the Jiangyin Plain, the flag of the Wind-Zhuying Army was raised high again! But almost at the same time, the flag of the Zhenguo Army was also unfurled on the opposite side!

Both sides are the strongest armies in the world.

Both commanders are world-famous generals.

As soon as the flag was displayed, the well-trained soldiers immediately gathered towards the flag.

The boiling blood has not yet cooled down, and the person is still exhaling like a rainbow.

Li Zhengyan only pulled the reins, threw away the iron gun, and drew out his long knife.

At this moment, he didn't care to observe his daughter, take a look at where his son was, or even look for the enemy Jianglong Reef!

He could only see enemies, enemies everywhere, dense enemies!

"Raise the flag and follow me!"

He only gave these instructions to the guards, and then took the lead again, leading the way and digging into the thickest part of the enemy's formation!

There is a saying: "As a general, I am the courage of hundreds of soldiers and the hero of ten thousand armies. I should fall to death first and then stand in a dead end. In this way, all armies will use their lives and everything will be invincible!"

An army of 200,000 people collided desperately. At this time, they were completely intertwined, and no military strategy would work.

No one can command every soldier at this time, and it is impossible to assemble a detailed military formation. At this time, we can only fight for the bravery of the two armies, and only look at the quality of the soldiers themselves.

In daily drills, are you really putting your heart and soul into it, sweating, and are you practicing with all your might?

In such a situation, a general is nothing more than taking the lead in fighting, and nothing more than raising the battle flag. Keeping the flag from falling down keeps morale high. This is the duty of a general in this chaotic battle!

Including Li Zhengyan, including Li Fengyao, including Li Longchuan!

So Li Zhengyan didn't hesitate at all and went straight to the most difficult place. If he worked harder, the soldiers under his command might die less. It's that simple!

The large iron spear penetrated the throat of the enemy soldier, and the corpse fell down and was trampled into a pulp with a roar.

The horse's hoof crushed the skull and broke the horse's leg. The soldiers on the horse rolled down and could never get up again... No one could stand up again in this kind of charge.

I couldn't distinguish the silhouette of the person, couldn't see the appearance of the person, I just saw that the military uniform was different, so I went up and stabbed him!

Or, be chopped down with a knife!

On the vast Jiangyin Plain, the fighting of 200,000 people shook the heaven and earth, turning the fertile land into a millstone of flesh and blood.

Listening to the wild hooves of the horses, watching the flags flying horizontally, and feeling the cruelest part of war in the light of swords and blood.

Jiang Wang's heart was clenched!

His close friends are fighting for their lives in this situation. His family is so good that the whole family is on the line of life and death.

He believed that those people from Xia Kingdom who were watching this fight at the top of Tongyang City felt the same way!

In the criss-crossing trajectory of life and death, in the countless fights that started and ended quickly, he noticed that the two main flags of Zhufeng and Zhenguo suddenly collided in the center of the battlefield!

When the flags passed by each other, he suddenly realized that it was a brief confrontation between the coaches of both sides, two real people in the world!

It's a pity that even with the eyesight of Qian Yang's red eyes, he couldn't see the details there clearly for a while.

He saw the Zhufeng battle flag swaying, and his whole body tensed up!

But the main flag of the Wind-Chasing Army immediately stood firm again, and created a beautiful long arc on the battlefield, gathering the soldiers extremely efficiently and regrouping the soldiers.

The main flag of the Zhenguo Army also waved in all directions and quickly gathered the cavalry.

The two sides formed a formation and slowly distanced themselves.

Jiang Wang then knew that this extremely brutal fighting... had finally come to an end.

The Central Army of the Qi Dynasty rushed to the top of the carriage. Ruan Yuan, who looked like a young man, said: "Longjiao was injured but not dead. More than 30,000 people were killed in the Zhufeng Army, while more than half of the Zhenguo Army was killed or injured."

The Daxia Zhenguo Army, which was formed to compete with the Nine Soldiers of Da Qi, actually faced the Zhufeng Army. The two sides collided with their cavalry without any tricks, killing each other to the death.

The death ratio of soldiers on both sides was nearly three to five!

This is not only a decisive victory caused by Cao Cao's good deployment, but also Qi's comprehensive advantages in terms of armor, quality of soldiers, formation diagrams, and killing methods!

Cao Jiu nodded, and the results of Ruan Yuan's observation were exactly the same as what he saw.

Of course he was sure of what he had seen. The reason why he needed True Lord Yan Dao to confirm it was because this war was by no means easy for him.

He should also think about it again and again, and be careful and cautious.

Not to mention anything else, more than 30,000 people from the Zhufeng Army have died here! Li Zhengyan’s whole family went into battle and risked their lives!

If he cannot win this battle, how will he explain it?

"The Zhenguo Army can go back, but it can't be so easy."

After going through it briefly in his mind and confirming that all the details were correct, Cao Jie then said: "Order Ruan Yuan, the military advisor of the town army, to go out into battle!"

Ruan Yang, who was behind the steel battlements, nodded slightly, indicating that he was in the army and had received the command.

The Star Map Taoist Robe is just a roll, and then you are on the battlefield!

Ps::The first hero of the restoration of the country, written by the first generation of city-destroying marquis. If you like it, please collect it: Dan Huan updates the fastest.

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