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Chapter 238: With one sword, all laws are born!

Burning the City with Fireworks is one of the most representative Taoist techniques of the great Chu genius Zuo Guanglie.

Jiang Wang had read the detailed explanation of the fireworks burning the city in his own handwriting so many times.

Being able to use it in advance at the outer level is precisely because he fully understands the performance of this Taoist technique.

But before he becomes a god, he will not be able to show his majesty after all.

The fourth-level and twelve-level Taoist systems only exist for the coming of gods...

Only after divine enlightenment can one truly control the power of super-grade Taoism.

The main reason lies precisely in spiritual consciousness.

Take Fireworks Burning the City as an example. The complexity and mysteries of this Taoist art require the power of the soul to be guided extremely carefully in the fire element. But before the god comes, the power of the soul cannot be released at all.

Only after receiving the divine presence and condensing the power of the divine soul into spiritual consciousness can it interfere with the present world.

Therefore, the fireworks released by Jiang Wang at the outer level to burn the city were actually completed with the guidance of Dao Yuan through his extraordinary control over the Fire Yuan. It can be said that it was only an outline.

In terms of power performance, it is slightly stronger than the first-class high-grade Taoist arts, but not so powerful that it transcends other grades.

Today, things are different.

With the power of Jiang Wangyuan's soul that was far superior to that of fellow monks, his condensed spiritual consciousness was unparalleled. He perfectly controlled every detail of the city being burned with fireworks.

And the true fire of samadhi, which became more fundamental after the arrival of God, was the foundation of this city of flames...

In the memories that he could never forget, he recovered every bit of that city.

Then it truly has its mark, and it truly exists in the world of fire.

What is burning now is not just the fire of supernatural power?

It is the pain in his heart and the city in his dreams.


Sauvignon Blanc is roaring.

"Looking over the eaves, there is nothing. The spring swallows cannot fly back to their nests."

"Wandering around the old city is empty and crying, the four seasons have passed and the cold and heat have disappeared!"

This sword was forged in Nanyao City thousands of miles away. The people who have lost their hometown are in Nanyao!

The city in flames fell down.

Jiang Wang’s memories burn into reality!


Maplewood City, which was burned with real fire, fell down with an unstoppable attitude!

There will no longer be maple leaves in Maplewood City...

But what is burning right now, isn’t it the red color of maple?

From Chongxuanzun releasing the moonlight like a forest, to the opening of the fire world, to the falling of the fireworks burning the city, it was all completed in the blink of an eye.

Jin Ling, the Marquis of Anguo, had just broken through the moonbeam that fell on his body. He shook off a sword and opened up a world of sword light in the world of fire. The sword's light was translucent and crystal clear, walking in the vibrant world of fire.

, but seems to be acting in his own country.

He looked at the fireworks, the flame sparrows, and everything in this world without intersecting with them.

But the red flame city fell like this.

In the world of fire, it happens so fast!

In the world of emotions, it burns too strongly!

With an extremely powerful and sudden attitude, he ran into Jin Ling's world of sword light. The terrifying power of Taoism overwhelmed everything and crushed the sword light into pieces!

At the critical moment, a stream of colorful smoke suddenly emerged from the back of Jin Ling's neck.

The smoke turned lightly and turned into an evil ghost with five heads in the void behind him!

The five heads are divided into five colors, white, green, black, red and yellow.

Five-headed palm and five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

Supernatural powers, five-headed ghost!

The green-faced one has fangs and has bloody pupils, the black-faced one is crying, the red-faced one looks like a boy, and the yellow-faced one looks like an old man.

Every ghost head has strong control over a kind of elemental force.

As soon as the red ghost head opened his eyes, he was already shaking the existence of the fire world, and was even fighting against the powerful will of the city burning with fireworks, slowing down the progress of this powerful Taoist art!

Of course there is no delay at all.

The true fire of Samadhi burns nothing. Can it burn the soul? Can it burn the will?

When spiritual consciousness is formed and the true fire of samadhi undergoes qualitative changes, all this becomes possible!

The will of the red ghost head could not even enter the city gate of the city where the fireworks burned, and it had already been decomposed into red smoke.

However, this magical power manifests itself in the form of five heads, and its strength lies in controlling the field and stacking momentum.

The green ghost-headed fangs protrude outward and rise up in a tangle, shaped like a giant tree towering into the sky.

The black ghost head opened his mouth, tears were pouring from his eyes, and a loud sound sounded deep in his throat, like a rushing river.


An extremely bright light appeared at this moment.

The red-faced ones and the yellow-faced ones were all gone.

The sun disk belonging to Zhongxuanzun is shining high in the sky at this moment!

The timing is just right.

The so-called sun wheel, all evils retreat, gods and ghosts are burned!

Zhongxuanzun developed it into a concrete magical power that integrated offense and defense, so many people have forgotten that before Zhongxuanzun, the fundamental use of the solar power was to suppress gods and expel ghosts.

The five-headed ghost let out a chaotic scream.

There is a tendency of mutual support and mutual restraint, and it also depends on the comparison of strength. A drop in the bucket cannot help.

Jin Ling's magical five-headed ghost would certainly not be killed by Zhongxuan Zun's Rilun, but it would inevitably be suppressed.

And the fireworks that burned the city fell unstoppably.


It was an indescribably gorgeous process.

It is simply not a power that can be limited by super-grade yellow-level Taoism!

Burn the sky, burn the earth, burn people.

Burn out the energy and energy, burn down the resistance.

Several princes other than Jin Ling had to make way.

And everything burned by the raging fire returns to the specific "one".

This is the most extreme fire, the most gorgeous explosion.

Survive in the splendor where everything will be incinerated!

The two halberds suddenly appeared like two dragons emerging from the water, one bright and one dark, together and then falling, following the mysterious trajectory, cutting through the fire world.

For a moment, the jade pot flashed with light, and phoenixes danced and dragons flew.

As the light and shadow faded, the yin and yang force field of Yangling Marquis Xue Chang was fully opened. It hid the reality in the void and revealed the void in the reality. It avoided a head-on collision with the fire world, but it swept away the fire and left the embers.

Fly down.

His tall figure seemed to have the "power" to dominate everything.

Let people understand why he is Xue Chang!

The fireworks burning the city are certainly stunning, but Marquis Yangling also possesses a power that can rival them!

Behind him, in the scattered firelight, Jin Ling, the Marquis of Anguo, still stood in the air with broken armor and hair.

A whole set of armor was broken into pieces, with only a skirt and armor left. The black iron military boots seemed to be rooted in this world, unmoving. The exposed upper body was bronze. A terrifying power lurked in it, and the muscles were as clear-cut as hills and ravines.

His magical five-headed ghost has disappeared, but his hand holding the Guandao is still as steady as a rock.

The final explosion of fireworks burning the city obscured all visual perception. But Jiang Wang, as a caster, was naturally able to feel everything that happened during it.

Too difficult!

This scene truly describes the difficulty of this battle.

In battles with few against many, Jiang Wang has always believed that "it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten of them." During the battle, he constantly oppressed his opponents, created opportunities, and tried to find ways to kill one of them in the shortest possible time.

an opponent to open up the situation as quickly as possible.

He is also very good at this kind of fighting. He just asks himself what price he needs to pay.

But among the five current Xia Kingdom marquises, none of them are opponents that can be killed instantly by him.

Even if he is so powerful today and has truly mastered the power of a god, he still can't do it!

The weakest one is also the most vigilant. Not only does he keep a careful distance at all times, but other Xia Kingdom marquises will also adjust their postures intentionally or unintentionally during the battle to protect him.

Their combat experience is too rich!

Not only was his weakness not a weakness, but these people had laid countless traps around him.

In addition, Xue Chang is difficult to capture and Shang Yanhu's defense is too strong.

That's why Jiang Wang targeted Jin Ling.

From the moonlight like a forest, to the fire world filling the city, to the fireworks burning the city.

The cooperation between him and Zhong Xuanzun is perfect.

He burned the city with the divinely illuminated fireworks just now and poured in a huge amount of Samadhi True Fire. When the two are superimposed, it can almost be said to be a killer copper-like existence.

Also, Chong Xuan Zun's perfect sun light suppressed Jin Ling's five-headed ghosts, creating a rare opportunity.

However, at such an opportunity, such extremely sublimated fireworks fell on the city, but Jin Ling used five-headed ghosts to counteract them in time, and asked Xue Chang to pull them out with the yin and yang force field. The expected results were not achieved at all!

Not to mention killing Jin Ling. After burning through the armor on Jin Ling's body, this technique was at the end of its strength and almost no more injuries were caused to this man.

In a duel at this level, repeating yourself is almost equivalent to giving up. The fireworks that burn the city for the second time will never have the same deterrent effect as the first time.

If the ultimate move fails to achieve the expected effect, it is a failure.

Because I missed the opportunity, my efforts were in vain, and my trump card was revealed!

But Jiang Wang just walked quickly through the air, letting the long-sounding Sauvignon Blanc once again bloom with brilliance. With one sword, the sky pillar was broken, and with one sword, the frost and snow were bright.

He knows that failure is inevitable.

Just as he knows that not all efforts will be rewarded.

But he will still try hard!

First attack Xue Chang with the sword of ultimate strength, and then attack Jin Ling with the sword of extreme movement. Amidst the sword energy flying in the sky, he turned around,

The Herringbone Sword attacks Xue Chang again!

At this moment.

Jin Ling had just walked out of the fire, and the light of his sword cut through the sword threads all over the sky. Xue Chang's two halberds crossed each other, and murderous intent surged.

Chu Rang carefully kept a distance, and Shang Yanhu rushed over. Zhong Xuanzun's bluff hand let go of the moon wheel, and suddenly grabbed Jiang Wang's arm!

Backhand flick!

At the outer level, he is the best in his field with his extraordinary physique.

After the arrival of the god, with his great strength, this swing will never be half weaker than the driving force of the moon-shooting crossbow.

Jiang Wang also instantly stopped his sword, shrunk his figure, and was thrown out like a spear, in the direction of Li Fu!

He had already passed in front of Li Fu,

A terrifying explosion sounded behind him, but at this time he had already screamed his sword again!

With his desperate will, he launched a crazy attack on Li Lifu.

The so-called old man's old age is blended into an ordinary stab. The so-called celebrity's downfall is transformed into a natural stroke. The so-called inability to control himself, the so-called youth and frivolity, all the human sword styles are all penetrated at this moment, and he drinks wine wantonly!

Multiple sounds actually overlapped into one, and the sound was so sharp that it seemed to cut my ears.

And at this moment, there are thousands of sword lights, and the sword energy is flowing freely!

Li Fu's big sleeves fluttered, and his pair of fleshy palms were like butterflies piercing flowers. In the almost crazy sword light, he determined the yin and yang, divided the universe, opened the heaven and earth, and established order!

The king's choice will be in Tianyuan!

This Tianyuan Palm Technique can bring everything out of order into order, and put everything out of chaos into order. Of course, all dharmas take refuge, and I am at the center!


The moon-like sword light rises.

Behind the light of the sword were Zhongxuan Zun's eyes as black as ink.

Behind his flying black hair, a moon-like door is opening.

From that bright and distant portal, the invisible suction force was covered with moon clothes, like big hands made of moonlight, capturing everyone except Li Fu.

The red-blooded ghost bat had its wings pinched, and it screamed and struggled in the air, but was pulled into the door step by step.

It is a super-grade Taoist technique, the New Moon Gate!

In various battle scenes, Zhongxuanzun has always been shown as hitting people with the sun. With his superb use of magical powers, he has become a well-deserved strong man in his field - but this does not mean that he does not understand other things.

If you are born with Tao channels and can master them by yourself, how can you not use the secret method of Taoism?

If you don't understand all the Dharmas, how can you cut off the illusion?

This technique was developed by Chongxuan Zun combined with his own moon wheel magical power, and based on the Taoism taught by the Chongxuan family.

Within the Ruyue portal is the turbulent sea of ​​moonlight. I am afraid no one wants to know the consequences of being pulled into the portal.

Shang Yanhu resisted the suction of the Crescent Gate and chased forward. Xue Chang used the magical power of the yin-yang fish to avoid the pull of the Crescent Gate. Jin Ling slashed it with a knife, and Tongyi used Xuanming Holy Fire to freeze it...

But for a while, he was forced to react by this new moon gate.

This buys time for Chong Xuanzun, who has already caught up with Jiang Wang!

A huge warning sign suddenly arose in Li Fu's heart!

Only then did he realize that just as he was using Tianyuan Palm Technique to attack Jiang Wang, he had been unconsciously forced into the blind corner of the huge air prison!

Zhongxuan Zun is a new moon gate, and he is not qualified to entangle Shang Yanhu and others for too long.

But coupled with the distance forced by Jiang Wang, the two phases were superimposed, and the time was already approaching two breaths.

Create possibilities out of the impossible, create opportunities when there are no opportunities.

These are the two moments when Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun join forces to fight against the enemy.

This is the two-breath time for two gods from heaven to come and target him, Li Fu!

Can he stop it?

Can he survive these two breaths?!

Jiang Wang's sword light became more and more fierce, and his red-gold eyes seemed to have been ignited with real fire.

And the endless sunlight gathered in Zhongxuan Zun's hand, turned into a sun disk, and smashed into his head, roaring into wind and thunder.

Li Fu slapped him with his backhand!

The air prison with a radius of 500 feet collapsed like an ebbing tide! Endless air waves rippled away one after another.

Li Fu suddenly gained a vast space and quickly retreated, escaping from the grip of Jiang Wang's sword and the bright sun disk.

This skill of "drawing qi as a prison" is indeed a first-class secret technique, and it is indeed difficult for Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanzun to break it while ensuring their own safety.

But the so-called premise of "nothing can be achieved without the death of one party" is the power that Li Fu continues to give to maintain it.

It's difficult to break the air prison by yourself, so force Li Fu to do it!

Of course, the two young prodigies of Qi were determined to kill Li Lifu within two breaths. But when Li Fu opened the air prison to save himself, Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanzun also gained a wider space!

The sun disk in Zhong Xuandao's hand dispersed into sunlight, but the moonlight gathered into a moon disk. He held it in his hand and chopped it down in the air.

Cut off the madness with one knife!

Outside the air prison, the dense blue fire lines deployed by Touch Rang have also been cut off at key nodes and are unable to disperse.

Everything suddenly became clear.

In this corner of the eastern part of Sang Mansion, there is unobstructed sunshine and spring breeze.

The sky is wide and the sea is wide for me to fly!

Without any words, Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuandao turned in the air and headed east.

They even tacitly agreed to leave behind a means of blocking the enemy. Jiang Wang casually drank the thunder sound of the Vajra that surrenders to the outsiders, and used the violent thunder and lightning to block behind him.

And Chongxuan Zun left behind an extremely chaotic Chongxuan force field.

The combination of the two phases is simply an all-round interference method. It is impossible for ordinary monks to catch them by the hem of their clothes.

But how can those who are fighting here take time off?

At this time, the blue fire line was disconnected, the air prison was dispersed, and the Crescent Gate had been cut open by Jin Ling with a single knife.

But Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling, held both hands in his hands and just shouted: "Duh!"

A cloud of mist fell in the void, uninterrupted by Lei Yin and Chongxuan's force field, and fell on Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Zun in an instant.

This is his second magical power besides the Yin-Yang Fish, and it is also the fundamental means by which he defeated Li Fu in the battle for the Dao in Tiger Tower. The most dangerous process for an extraordinary monk to rise from the dragon to the inner palace is to penetrate the fog of ignorance with the Dao pulse.

, the process of exploring the inner palace.

How many monks have lost their minds because of this, and how many monks dare not make any progress here.

Xue Chang's magical power was conceived in the fog of ignorance, born in the fog of ignorance, and grew up in the fog of ignorance, so it is also named after the fog of ignorance!

This is an extremely terrifying magical power.

The first point is that it cannot be dodged at all. But if you hit it, you will hit it.

Because no one can escape from blindness.

Even if you have realized the realm of nothingness and grasped the path of freedom, you will still have misunderstandings if you are exposed to the world of mortals.

This fog of ignorance is said to come from outside, born from the void, but actually it originates from the heart of the enemy.

No matter what defense you use, if you can protect yourself from external evil, how can you ward off internal evil?

This magical power can confuse the three souls, obscure the seven souls, and mess with the five roots.

Fighting for the best, disaster is inevitable!

In an endless fog


They were laughing wildly.


They are waiting for you to die.

Waiting to eat your flesh and drink your blood. I want to use your skin to make clothes and knock out your marrow!


Someone is crying.


Why do people have to work so hard?

Why is it like a blindfolded donkey, why does it keep walking forward but keeps spinning in circles!

Why is it that even if the string is tightened, it cannot be loosened even for a moment?

You know that you are about to break. It would be better if you could really break, but you can't!

What are you holding on to?

What are you struggling with?

What's your point?!

won't be understood.

All pain and suffering can only be endured and chewed alone.


You laugh loudly too!

Upside down, confusion, despair!

All negative emotions are like an invisible monster. Although they have no substance, they are gnawing at people's hearts.

Crazy today, dead tomorrow.

Who can be an exception?

It has been many years since the Achievement God came, and the seeds of Xue Chang’s magical power have already blossomed.

It is said that when a thought arises, ignorance arises.

No matter how fast Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanzun fly, they still have to face the myths of life. No matter how strong they are in cultivation, they still have to chew through the pain of life.

Of course, several people in the Xia Kingdom knew the power to defeat Xue Chang.

Almost at the same time that the mist was born in the void, Jin Ling, Li Fu, Chu Rang, Shang Yanhu, and the Red Blood Ghost Bat all launched attacks at the same time!

Li Fu directly held his five fingers together, and the void formed a lock of qi.

The air around Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanzun suddenly solidified. The air compressed to the limit was stronger than steel. It bound their wrists, ankles, and necks, and they were tortured like above!

The red-blooded ghost bat flew high in the sky and moved its blood eyes. This time there was no possibility of accidentally injuring teammates. The soul-eating blood light shot directly at Jiang Wang's Tianling.

The sleeves of the robe swelled, divine light surged wildly, and huge blue fire lotuses bloomed under the bodies of Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanzun.

Shang Yanhu jumped up into the air, and the explosive Yuan Power contracted sharply towards his fist. This process was so intense that it even seemed like a strong wind!

His armor was all broken into pieces. Jin Ling, who was naked, was the fastest to arrive and he was also the most eager to prove himself.

When Guan Dao was dragged along, the space was completely separated, allowing him to directly cross the distance, slashing down diagonally, killing two people at the same time!

At the same time, one by one in the endless fog.

Zhongxuanzun, whose clothes were stained with blood, sat alone amidst the endless hissing of pain, suddenly opened his eyes, and with a knife in his hand, the fog opened for thousands of miles!

At the end of the ever-parting mist, he saw a red-gold light pillar rising into the sky. In the immortal light pillar, Jiang Wang pressed his sword and looked.

Zhong Xuanzun's eyes were the dark color of a child slaying a dragon.

Jiang Wang's eyes are not so piercing, but they are peaceful and will never change.

They looked at each other and turned around at the same time!

They also know that the other party will not be disturbed by this ignorance.

They also unanimously chose this trick!

Because they all understand that this is the best choice under the current situation and the only opportunity to capture a fighter jet.

And they firmly believe that the other party will be able to grasp it!

Cut off the madness with one knife and break through the sea of ​​confusion.

If you remain true to your heart, no one can shake it!

Jin Ling, who was charging at the front, suddenly realized that everything seemed to have changed between heaven and earth!

The frost behind Jiang Wang seemed to cover the sky.

The flowing fire around Jiang Wang seemed to be the shadow of a gorgeous divine bird.

The most important thing is the pair of red-gold eyes. In the immortal eyes, there is an extremely pure sword light!

The human body has four seas and five palaces, and each of the five palaces has its secrets.

The first secret is for magical powers.

The magical seeds picked from the inner palace.

Only after God makes it clear can it blossom and bear fruit!

Jiang Wang's achievements have no regrets, no mistakes, and no shortcomings. After the God of perfection comes, the first magical power to blossom is the famous Sword Immortal!

At this moment, the sword shines in his eyes, and at this moment, the endless sword energy rushes crazily, crushing all the entangled air locks in an instant, and even the sword energy of Xingbu rolls around Zhongxuan Zun, helping him to release the restraints.

At the same time, it didn't hurt a corner of his clothes.

In this way, Jiang Wang faced Jin Ling and drew his sword horizontally.

The roaring sword light surges like the sea.

The bright fire world swept around.

Terrifying thunder roars from all directions!

The Sword Immortal in the seed state integrates all supernatural powers and has the ability to be close to the heaven rather than the heaven.

Only after the flowering of the Sword Immortal can one truly perform sword! Thousand! Methods!

When this sword comes out, all dharma comes into being!

Also at the same time.

The soul-eating blood light of the red-blooded ghost bat was approaching Jiang Wangtianling, but was blocked by a sun disk that was suddenly lifted up.

The extremely corrosive soul-eating blood light made a strange sound that was difficult to heat on the outer shell of the sun, and finally dissipated.

This day, the sun disc first blocked the soul-eating blood light, and then suppressed the five-headed ghost. At this moment, it received another soul-eating blood light, which has become extremely dim. But it is still expanding!

From the illusory border, a real halberd emerged.

However, he was shocked to realize that the blindness was broken, and Xue Chang used the yin-yang fish magical power to kill!

The sharp edge of the halberd came down and happened to land on the expanding sun disk.

There was a faint painful crack.

Zhong Xuanzun spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the sun disk was already chopped into pieces!

But when he stepped down with his feet, the terrifying power of Zhongxuan directly trampled the blue fire lotus under his feet into a pancake and completely destroyed it!

And still at this time, Shang Yanhu fell down in an extremely weird posture.

The fist that gathered terrifying energy has been blasted out!

"I was born unaware of the vastness of the world, and my whole body was full of diseases."

Supernatural power, rugged!

The weirdest and most unsociable, but the most aloof and powerful.

This is the ultimate killing punch!

His fist was clearly far away and not heavy, but it broke the rules and went against common sense. With its unstoppable power, it landed on Jiang Wang's back.

Chong Xuanzun, who was still spurting blood, suddenly turned around and was already behind Jiang Wang.

So Shang Yanhu’s decisive punch hit Zhongxuan Dao right in the heart!


A jewel-like, beautiful thing was shattered.

That's Zhongxuanzun's star wheel.

And all of this, Jiang Wang never turned around.

From the very beginning, he gave all his defense to Chong Xuanzun, and he only saw Jin Ling in his eyes.

The boundless murderous intention stirred by Sauvignon Blanc only falls towards Si Ling!

The light of the sword burns with fire, and the sound of the sword roars with the sound of thunder!

Jin Ling rushed forward and ran headlong into the world of flames. The rest of his Guandao slashed down diagonally and could only run in the sea of ​​swords.

Boom boom boom.

His unreserved power is like the ocean tide!

The divine brilliance illuminated him from the outside, giving him a divine and Buddha-like light.

His Guandao penetrated through the sword light and thunder sound, seeming to have erased the barrier, continuing the story, and then slashed Jiang Wangzhi's neck!

He is as powerful as ever, but he fell into the little thief's trick and failed to kill him, but lost the opportunity.

With so many strong people joining forces here, any mistakes can be erased!

But why... still have fear?!

At this moment, Jiang Wang was so brilliant that it was difficult for him to look directly at him.

What he saw was not a specific person, but a kind of majesty, a kind of vastness, a sword like the sea, and the sky beyond the sky!

Ho ho ho!

Without thinking, a terrifying monster silhouette appeared behind him.

Wearing a divine crown, there are forehead lines, the body is indigo, and the face has three kinds of red.

When it unfolds its eight arms, it displays infinite power.

It’s for the supernatural power, the eight-armed god!

Four arms surrounded his body, building a defense, as if erecting a high wall. Each of the four arms formed a seal,

Vaguely shaking thunder.

The eight-armed god is roaring!

A battle of life and death!

Without any evasion or hesitation, Jiang Wang came forward.

In the state of Sword Immortal.

The infinite sword light has infinite evolution.

Kuchiki Jue! The Eight Sounds Burn the Sea! The Hell of Five Consciousnesses! The Fury! The Thunder Sound of the Heretic Vajra!

The Guandao slashed down on his neck, and it seemed that it also split the sky in the distance, trying to open up further.

But before the blade touched his neck, Sauvignon Blanc had already wiped the eight-armed god's body.

The frost-colored wind swept away.

In a trance, I saw that the sky had fallen.

There is a lack of sky in the northwest.

The sword rises without warning!

With one stroke of the sword, Jin Ling, the Marquis of Daxia Anguo, disappeared without a trace, along with the ferocious and terrifying eight-armed god!


This chapter has been completed!
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