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Chapter 11 Its easy for people to be thrown away by the streamer

Chong Xuan Sheng looked at Chong Xuan Zun and gritted his teeth.

Chong Xuan Zun looked at Chong Xuan Sheng with a smile.

On the day when the two brothers entered Jixia Academy...

Mr. Chongxuan specially called the two brothers to the Hou Mansion with the intention of settling the matter. It was the time when the two brothers used their own methods to start the final showdown.

As a result, before the old man could say anything, Zhong Xuanzun took the initiative to express his intention to start his own business. He said something like "I have no intention of doing this" and "I have been optimistic about the little fat man since I was a child." He would borrow the family's business and hand it over to his fat brother. I have learned Zhongxuan Sheng's disgusting language style to a tenth, and I don't know how many times I drafted it in secret.

Chong Xuan Sheng was furious on the spot.

How could he be willing to call Zhongxuan Zunrang?

In the Battle of Xia, his performance was obvious to all.

Who can handle complex situations better, and who can lead the family to glory?

He and Chong Xuanzun are two leaders with completely different styles. In a complex situation, he is good at peeling off the cocoon, taking steps step by step, using a series of dazzling actions to deduce all the way to the victory result, seeking the best choice. Chong Xuanzun Xuan Zun always points directly to the core of the problem and pursues the simplest and most direct solution. In the process, he often ignores or does not care about some details.

It's hard to say the pros and cons of these two styles, but who can unite more people? The answer is obvious.

Although Chongxuan was awarded the title of Champion Hou and was proud of his life, this was exactly where he lost points in the dispute between the family heads. For the entire family, was it better to have one more Champion Hou or to merge the Champion into Bowang Hou? Better, this is also a self-evident question.

An old man who has been fighting for his family all his life must have some inclination in his heart.

Even... Even if the above does not count, if only the family elders are allowed to express their opinions, Zhong Xuansheng is sure to win the support of most of the family elders. Such a long-term business is not in vain. The interest chain he has laid out is intricate, and how can he win the support of the majority of the family elders? There were many knots in Xuan Zun's mind. Where did he need to give in?

In front of the old man, he was so impassioned, spitting and eloquent that he reduced Chongxuan Zun to nothing.

But Chongxuan Zun rolled up his sleeves and beat him. He said that there was no longer any fight for the title, and from now on we would only fight for the dignity of brothers.

After the beating, they forced Zhong Xuan Sheng into the academy, saying nothing about supervising his studies, so that he didn't even have a chance to communicate with Jiang Wang.

He was not someone who would take immediate losses. He would cultivate honestly after entering the academy. He would never be arrogant and would never give Zhongxuan Zun an excuse to take action.

When it comes to spiritual practice, he does not lack efforts. Even if he has obtained the hereditary title of Marquis Bowang, he will never be slower than anyone else in taking up the official path.

Entering Jixia Academy this time is also a rare opportunity to practice and get rid of many external disturbances, especially for him who has to deal with too many things every day.

Uncle Chongxuan Chu Liang's life-cutting knife is famous all over the world.

When he trained weapons, he also practiced swordsmanship, so he came to this Hengdao Garden.

With his brain, he knew something was wrong when he saw Zhongxuanzun. But Zhongxuanzun came on stage as soon as he came. When he got on stage, he told him to "come up" without giving him any time to react.

Now they even used magical powers to force him onto the scene, and even forced a knife into his hand.

Is there any heavenly law? Is there any royal law?!

Do you dare to stop being so rude and do you dare to sit down and have a good battle of wits for a few rounds?

Zhong Xuansheng was already scolding in his heart, but he had a gentle and harmless smile on his face: "Good brother, why are you coming to class today?"

Chongxuan obeyed: "Very good, I didn't expect you to have the courage to draw your sword and face me."

Chong Xuansheng's smile stiffened: "What, I actually had to take a Taoist class today, and I accidentally went to the wrong place.

Chongxuan followed: "Since you are so active, I will give you some guidance first."

This dog champion Hou was obviously going to play tricks. Chong Xuan Sheng said angrily: "Chong Xuan Zun! This is a place for learning! Are you being unreasonable?"

Zhongxuan said: "Yes, I will be your swordsman instructor during this period. Now we will start the actual combat drill."



A fist met him.

Chong Xuan Sheng fell on his back and his nose was bleeding profusely.

"No." Zhong Xuanzun shook his head and said to the students in the audience: "Students have also seen that this knife rest is absolutely unqualified...

Come on, let’s do it again.”

As he spoke, he casually grabbed hold of him and used Zhongxuan's strength to pull Zhongxuan Sheng up.


It happened during the teaching exercise on the sword-playing platform.

This is the fifth time Wang Yiwu has been smashed away.

I wish he, the mighty military god, has closed his doors as a disciple, the five palaces are complete, the outer building is stable, and he will soon be able to build the fourth building and pursue the ultimate state of perfection.

The magical power of the Soldier Master shines on the battlefield of Qi Xia. With one punch, thousands of troops follow, and countless enemy troops are destroyed. Especially in the battlefield environment, it is difficult to find an opponent under the divine presence.

Out of a certain mentality of not admitting defeat, I came to Jixia Academy and came to the sword performance platform specifically to learn swordsmanship.

He did not pursue the selfless swordsmanship that his master had shattered with his own hands, but it was not difficult for a genius like him to draw some nutrients from the flying sword art that stood at the pinnacle of the era.

Combining his own insights and battlefield experience, he formed his unique swordsmanship style, which is sharp, decisive, and never retreats.

In terms of killing power alone, he has actually reached the limit of his current cultivation level.

But today's Jiang Wang, even if he suppresses the golden body and chalcedony, bans spiritual consciousness, and only uses the power of the outer building level, it is already terrifying enough.

Cultivation is a step-by-step process, and when God comes to look back, the once perfect swordsmanship already has many shortcomings.

At this time, Wang Yiwu has not yet reached the extreme realm of the outer building. There is still some way to go from where Douzhao, Wang Changji, and Chongxuanzun have reached.

There is really no comparison with Jiang Wang, who went back to fill in the gaps after God came.

If you say you don't use your cultivation to bully others, how can you cover up your vision after the arrival of God?

So the result was that Wang Yiwu had horrific outbursts again and again, resulting in embarrassing falls again and again.

He doesn't cry out in pain, admit defeat, or run away. He always maintains that cold attitude. He gets up again after falling. When he gets up, he swings his sword and attacks with all his heart.

Jiang Wangye... beat him to his heart's content.

While beating him, he explained the split routines of sword moves to the students.

As he talked, not only him, but all the students in the audience learned Wang Yiwu's swordsmanship to a great extent. Life in the Jixia Academy was pleasant.

There is no mundane disturbance.

Every day consists of studying, practicing, drinking, chatting...and giving a lesson to anyone who doesn't like them in the name of swordplay.

What? If you don’t come to my class, I have no right to teach you a lesson?

I came yesterday, but I won’t come today. What does it mean?

Do you look down on the Marquis Wu'an of Daqi who has an urban area of ​​3,000 households?

Jiang’s class can only be attended by more people, not less!

Xie Xiaobao and Wen Lianmu were beaten when they came.

Of course, there are those tough guys like Wang Yiwu who come to every swordsmanship class and never miss a beat. Wen even Mula can't hold him back.

Even Jiang Wang didn't want to "advise" him anymore, and he took the initiative to ask for advice...

And whenever Wang Yiwu has one eye swollen, Zhong Xuan Sheng will definitely swell the other. Whenever Zhong Xuan Sheng becomes disgraced, Wang Yiwu will definitely describe himself as embarrassed...

Marquis Wu'an's swordsmanship class and Marquis Champion's swordsmanship class were once the two most lively classes in Jixia Academy, attracting many students to compete...Wang Yiwu, who never flinched from watching the show, and was invincible, and Tiantian followed Zhong

Xuan Zun plays hide-and-seek, and after being caught, Zhong Xuan Sheng can show complex and changeable tactics on stage, which has become the target of many people's bets.

Who can show off his genius, who can dominate, and who can... last longer.

No matter how Wang Yiwu and Zhong Xuansheng were feeling, everyone was very happy, which was a wonderful relief from the tiring days of hard training.

And Jiang Wang's twenty-first birthday passed away in this happy time.

There was no special celebration that day. I just had a drink with a few friends at Mingxinshe and chatted for a while.

Already enough.

It was the twenty-fifth day of the first lunar month when I entered Jixia Academy. It was the end of spring when I left Jixia Academy.

The entire three months is a rare and valuable experience in a lifetime for everyone who goes to the academy to study.

No one slacks off.

Everyone is trying their best to make up for the shortcomings during this period.

Whether it is the newlywed Bao Zhongqing, or the lost Xie Baoshu, or Chong Xuansheng and Wang Yiwu who are often beaten with bruises and bruises... they all learn from morning to night, and practice from night to morning.

Now that the practice period has expired and they are gradually dispersing, it is also a rare fate.

After bidding farewell to Lin Xian, Lin Jie and others, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng stood at the gate of the academy, feeling a little emotional.

Jiang Wang was reluctant to leave.

Chongxuansheng means returning home like an arrow.

Of course, it wasn't just about escaping a beating. He was leaving the academy today. He even packed it up last night and asked Li Longchuan to help him reduce the swelling.

Li Longchuan, who possesses Zhuwei's magical power, is the best master of medical techniques among this group of people.

A very luxurious carriage was parked outside the academy.

Bao Zhongqing walked out of the academy at this time, with a smile on his face, and said to Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Sheng, "Shall I give you two a ride?"

Chongxuan Shengsu knew that Jiang Wang was not happy with these polite greetings, so he took the first step and said with a smile: "Brother Bao, it is better not to keep your beloved wife waiting for too long, our people are coming soon."

At the wedding banquet of Young Master Bao three months ago, all Linzi nobles were invited. Although Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Shengren did not go, the gifts were delivered.

Bao Zhongqing was also very happy and looked forward to it: "Then I will take the first step."

Chong Xuan Sheng was smiling all over his face and was very affectionate. He could be very affectionate to anyone: "They say a long separation is better than a new marriage, so go and go quickly. Don't forget to tell me later about how it feels to have a long separation and a new marriage!"

Bao Zhongqing laughed and got on the carriage, the wheels clattering away.

Chong Xuansheng still had a smile on his face, but he said: "Bao Mazi is already too courageous, you have to stay away from him."

Earlier on the Qixia battlefield, when he commented on Bao Zhongqing in front of Jiang Wang, he said that this person was "more scheming than courageous. People change,

Sometimes it's really unpredictable.

Just like when he commented on Xie Xiaobao, he said he hadn't grown up yet.

And now Xie Xiaobao...well, still not.

Jiang Wang smiled: "I have always been far away from him."

"There is also the spirit of strict Zen. You get along as you please, and you can accept the benefits. But don't let him fool you into talking about Buddhism in front of the emperor."

"I'm not stupid. I don't want the benefits, and I don't want the trouble."

"You and Qin Liao have nothing to do with each other, right?"

"What can we have?"

"If you really want something, I'll find a way."

"Have you been brainbroken by Zhong Xuanzun? You are free!"

"Hey Hey."

The two of them just chatted and waited for a long time.

"Why hasn't Fourteen come to pick me up?" Chong Xuan Sheng wrinkled the fat on his face.

"Did you tell her when to leave the academy?"

"I didn't say anything." Zhongxuan Sheng smiled slyly: "But the Fourteeners always make their own arrangements and never need me to say anything."

Jiang Wang glanced at him speechlessly and planned to leave by himself.

Calculating time, the Marquis Wu'an Mansion in Gaoyangfang should have been completed long ago. There are also arrangements for serving in the imperial court, so there is really no need to squeeze in with this fat man and watch him show off in every possible way all day long.

But at this moment, a luxurious and restrained carriage arrived.

Sitting on the driving seat was the butler of Bowanghou Mansion.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Sheng." After the man saluted meticulously, he said, "The old servant came to greet you on the order of the Marquis. To celebrate the return of the two students, a banquet has been held in the mansion."

Chongxuan Sheng did not dare to be arrogant towards this old man who had worked diligently in the Chongxuan family all his life.

He first got into the carriage with Jiang Wang, and then said with a smile: "I just stayed in the academy for a while, why did you specially hold a banquet?"

The old housekeeper smiled and replied: "Three months is a long time, and the Marquis misses Mr. Sheng very much."

Then he lowered the curtain, held the reins firmly, and drove back home.

Chong Xuan Sheng sat down, thought for a while and then said: "By the way, you can ask someone to go to Yaoguangfang and say, don't come to greet me. I will go back after seeing my grandpa."

Chong Xuan Sheng had long been accustomed to living in the mansion given to Jiang Wang by the emperor in Yaoguangfang, so he also went there to send messages.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sheng, I've already asked someone to tell you." the old housekeeper replied.

He drove the car very steadily, and there was no bumpy feeling at all when the carriage was moving.

"Is this the treatment that the next Daqi Bowang Hou will receive?" In the carriage, Chong Xuansheng reached out and patted Jiang Wang, laughing proudly.

When Chongxuan came out as a scholar at Jixia, he was not treated like this.

Well, not this time either.

Earlier I saw Zhongxuan Zun and Wang Yiwu, and Wen Lianmu riding away, not knowing where they were going.

Jiang Wang nodded seriously: "Yes, looking at the whole of Daqi, how many marquises can there be? Unexpectedly, there is only one sitting in this carriage."

After all, the future Lord Hou is not as tough as the current Lord Hou.

Chong Xuan Sheng shut up angrily.

Once the hereditary and irreplaceable Duke of Bowang is obtained, with his management ability, he will definitely make rapid progress in the officialdom. It is not impossible to pursue Jiang Wang's super important Xuan Zun.

In front of Jiang Wang, he always regarded himself as the person who planned the world, and he disdained force and denounced it as a crude method. But in his heart, he had to admit that he missed the time when he was in Taixu Illusionary Realm and made achievements from Jiang Wang.


The good times are gone forever.

Just wait and see, these reckless savages.

No one can escape!

This chapter has been completed!
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