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Chapter 1695 Niehai

Let's say that Jiang Wang raised his sword to attack this group of villains and was about to show off his sharp edge.

Suddenly the world changes and the world changes.

A figure with a tall crown and a towering figure appeared in front of him out of thin air. His appearance was abrupt, but after his appearance, this sense of abruptness was erased, and his existence seemed to have become the rule that this world should have.

He stopped back casually: "Young man, this is not your battlefield, retreat!"

Jiang Wang didn't feel any power at all, but he could not help but retreat three hundred feet.

If this person wanted to kill him, he would probably be equally ignorant!

How powerful is this?

Jiang Wang has not yet come to his senses.

The man who suddenly appeared pointed forward a little and said: "Death penalty!"

There was still no power fluctuation noticed by Jiang Wang.

However, the large swaths of horror and evil in the field of vision immediately dissipated and turned into smoke!

There are many divine presences and some cave truths among them.

For a time, the entire water area was filled with green smoke, like burning sandalwood, lingering in the sky!

Today's disaster is really a gathering of experts.

In the past, top-notch figures who were rarely seen even after traveling thousands of miles were actually appearing one after another.

Who is this new guy?

Look at this power, it is no less powerful than Chen Pu and Si Yuan.

Jiang Wangzheng was moved by the terrifying power of the strong man of Yan Dao, and guessed the identity of the visitor. Suddenly he felt something in his heart, and turned around - he saw a young man with poor appearance, looking at him curiously.

The distance between this person's eyes is extremely short, his nose is very wide, and his facial features are indeed rather sloppy.

Especially, he was wearing an off-white double-breasted gown, with a six-foot-long sword slung across his back, the scabbard almost dragging on the ground. He looked increasingly short and dark-skinned.

But he said hello to Jiang Wang in a very polite manner: "I, Xu Ximing, are from Judi Palace, and I have come with my master to support Huoshui. Who is your Excellency?"

Since this Xu Ximing is a disciple of the Judi Palace, the identity of that powerful man with a high crown and a high degree of authority can be easily revealed - Wu Bingji, the great master of Legalism, the true king of the world, and the leader of the Judi Palace!

This is an incredible big shot.

The power of gods cannot be underestimated, and the noble lords of a hegemonic country cannot be overestimated, but when placed together with these great figures who stand on the top of the world, it is like a stream in the mountains meeting the vast ocean.

Jiang Wang returned the greeting and said: "Jiang Wang from Qi State, I am honored to meet Brother Xu today!"

Although Xu Ximing does not look very optimistic, his aura is deep and his divine light is condensed. Just by looking at the waves of misfortune water that are constantly being purified at his feet, you can get a glimpse of his level of power. He is also an absolutely strong person in the presence of gods.

I'm afraid I'm already approaching Dongzhen.

"You are Jiang Wang!" Xu Ximing looked surprised and said with a smile: "You are indeed young! You are truly a genius!"

Jiang Wang hurriedly said humbly: "I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it. The Sanxing Palace is the holy land of the Legalists. Brother Xu comes from a high family and is very elegant!"

"Now is not the time for small talk." Xu Ximing looked at the water in the distance with a serious face.

At this time, Huo Shiji, the leader of the Blood River Sect, Si Yu'an, the leader of the Jiange Pavilion, Chen Pu, the dean of the Mugu Academy, and Hao, the leader of the Judi Palace, are all dead. The four True Monarchs of Yan Dao are fighting against the Evil View.

Si Yu'an opened the world with his sword, and Wu Bing had already spoken. The two of them walked leisurely, one on the left and the other on the right. Large areas of evil views fell like sand. The overwhelming tide of evil views was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Blood River True Monarch Huo Shiji had been fighting in Huoshui for three days and three nights, but he still didn't show signs of collapse. He was suppressing the six-armed man who was a thousand feet tall and was beating him. At this moment, three true monarchs arrived one after another, sharing the huge power of Huoshui World.

Under such pressure, he even exploded the three arms of this Taoist-level evil view one after another!

The "rootless world" described in the "Bodhisattva Sutra" is this world of disaster and water.

It is called "a bottomless prison where evil thoughts abound."

Unlike Wu Bing who took action as soon as he arrived, Chen Pu quietly looked at the sky for a while before turning his gaze to the six-armed man-snake.

As soon as his gentle gaze fell, a blazing white fire ignited in the two dark cave-like eyes of this terrifying and evil sight!

This flame is magnificent and majestic.

The firelight illuminated the abyss-like eye sockets of the six-armed human snake.

The piles of evil maggots are constantly struggling, gray streaks appear on the fat white surface, and smoke evaporates that makes people look at it. It is a terrible existence called "bad luck".

Some devoured each other and quickly expanded into huge giants, even swallowing the fire.

But their struggle and their strength actually boosted the burning of the blazing white flame, making it more intense, more vigorous and brilliant. The flame instantly burned through the black eye sockets, and even started to spread from the eye sockets to the entire skull.

Mo Yan.

The space around the six-armed human snake is also distorted, making it appear that light and shadow are mixed. This is the Confucian sect's true fire - the Great Ceremony!

"We can't look at it like this anymore!" Xu Ximing said loudly: "I am not here to watch and appreciate the master's skills, but to contribute my own strength to the human race! If you can do it even an inch, you can do it.

For an inch of work, if you can fight for a foot, you can be brave for a foot! In the face of great righteousness, how can a man regret his own life? I want to draw my sword to kill the evil view, can Brother Jiang go with me?!"

"Well said! How can Jiang be lagging behind?" Jiang Wang's blood boiled with excitement and he couldn't help but said: "How many people are Brother Xu going to kill?"

He was so proud that he decided to compete with Xu Ximing to see who could kill more evil spirits with his sword.

"One!" Xu Ximing said viciously.

After saying that, he pulled out the six-foot long sword on his back, jumped out in one step, and trapped a god-level Evil View on the spot, and started a fierce battle!

Jiang Wang:

Although he was speechless in his heart, he turned the sword in his hand and still trapped an Evil View. With his strength and the Evil View at the level of a god, it would not be a problem for him to challenge three or five heads. But disaster is not a show of force.

place. Xu Ximing, who was born in the Third Palace and has a good understanding of disasters, is so cautious. He should also leave some room to deal with unknown changes.

The evil figure in front of him, surrounded by the light of the sword, has a green face, fangs, and hair all over his body. He has the body of an ape and the eyes of an eagle. He is extremely fast and holds two swords, making it look like the wind is blowing against him.

He has no knowledge of evil, but his sword skills are almost divine!

This phenomenon is difficult to understand, but it is a devastating reality.

The "Stories of Strange Beasts from Mountains and Seas" circulated in the Chu region, including the "Story of Strange Beasts", describes many real or fake strange beasts.

Qidi also has "Zhizhi of Strange Beasts", which is one of the regular reading materials in Jixia Academy. There are also many records about various strange beasts.

In addition, Shura and evil spirits are recorded in books. Human beings are good at recording history and summarizing the past.

Only the images of the evil vision of disaster and water have never been written into a book. Because they have no fixed shape, but are the appearance of evil objects, which can change hundreds of millions. All kinds of strange evil spirits always have the same kind. Only the evil vision has never had two ends in the world.

Exactly the same.

Of course, in this troubled world, in addition to the evil view of "extreme evil manifested", there are also some unique strange beasts.

For example, it is like a beast of disaster, a "fly" that causes a great epidemic in the world.

The real beasts are much more powerful than the beasts that appear in the mountains and seas.

In the past, the head of the Ge family entered the "disaster" in order to seek for the young Fei, but he turned out to be a real person and has not been heard from since. That's why the later Ge Fei entered the mountains and seas, desperate to chase away the beasts.

Because of this, Jiang Wang had already known a thing or two about the dangers of floods.

It’s just that no matter how much you hear, it’s not as clear as seeing it.

When the vast sea of ​​evil views spreads out in front of you, when countless evil views at the divine presence level and even the cave true level howl in sorrow, when the evil views at the Yandao level shake the world! Only those who have seen it will know that dangerous places in the world are difficult to reach.

Come on, why is this place called "extremely evil"? Buddha calls it "rootless" and Taoism calls it "the sea of ​​evil"! (The theory of the sea of ​​evil is found in "Jingxu Xiang'er Ji")

Jiang Wang used all kinds of swordsmanship in the human world, easily suppressing the evil spirit in front of him. After three combinations, he wiped his neck with one sword. The green-faced evil spirit, which was so powerful just now, exploded immediately after its head was separated from the body, turning into a

The water is pouring down. But this water is very clear, and it no longer has the complexity of disaster water.

From this, we can roughly get a glimpse of one way in which the negative outlook is formed - the accumulation of negativity in the world falls into this rootless world, and eventually condenses into disaster water. When the negative accumulation in the disaster water reaches a certain level, the negative outlook is born.

Only then did Jiang Wang understand the true meaning of the sentence in "The Collection of Jingxu Xiang'er", "Everyone in the world is suffering from happiness and suffering, and all kinds of sins are committed. The extreme evil will never go away, and both gods and ghosts are taboo."

I studied Taoism with Qin Shu in Jixia Academy, and Qin Ji taught it very well. But reading the book a hundred times is not as good as seeing it once.

Jiang Wang—while circling and killing an evil figure, looked in the direction of Xu Ximing—

This short-statured Sanxinggong true disciple held a six-foot long sword in both hands and cut the evil view in front of him in half. Then he raised his steps and blocked the other evil view.

Still imprisoning, picking up swords, and dismantling.

His movements are orderly, and every step and every sword seems to have strict rules. Although he looks so ugly, his beige gown, dark complexion, short body and six-foot long sword are all very beautiful.

It's so uncoordinated. But his movements are full of the beauty of order.

Watching the concept of killing evil is like watching a calligrapher writing and an artist painting, every step is very orderly.

"Why are you here? Wow, these things are so ugly!

"In the ruins of the Immortal Palace, Boy Baiyun woke up at some point, lying on the roof of Yunxiao Pavilion to observe the outside world. At this sight, his fat little hands immediately covered his eyes.

Perhaps this place cannot be called the ruins of the Immortal Palace now. After the day and night work of the Immortal Palace warriors, the Immortal Palace community inhabiting Jiangwang Wufu Sea is already in a condition that is barely visible. Of course, its functional

There is still no substantial progress in construction.

"Does your memory contain the World of Disaster?" Jiang Wang asked.

Baiyun boy looked confused: "I seem to remember but I don't seem to remember."

Once upon a time, the Yunding Immortal Palace welcomed a boy. It was due to the cause and effect of the Immortal Palace. After countless reincarnations, all the memories were lost. There was only one obsession to revive the Immortal Palace. Finally, on Chiyun Mountain, the former body disappeared into thin air. Only a thread of fate was sent to the Immortal Palace and was born.


The current Baiyun boy is completely different from the previous welcoming boy. He can't even be regarded as a "person", but there are still some residual memories of the welcoming boy's past lives and the memory of the fairy palace itself.

I woke up accidentally when I encountered relevant clues.

For example, the clues about the buildings related to the Yunding Immortal Palace, such as the Immortal Recipe Sutra, and the method of making the Immortal Palace Warriors are all fragments of his awakened memories. Nowadays, it is very possible to obtain some memories in the disaster.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said tentatively: "Bodhi Evil Ancestor?"

Hearing these four words, Baiyun boy was obviously startled, and then murmured in confusion: "Hunyuan. Evil Immortal."

"Hunyuan Evil Immortal?" Jiang Wang didn't expect to hear a new term: "Who is this again?"

Baiyun boy covered his head: "I can't remember."

The name "Hunyuan Evil Immortal" reminded him subconsciously of the word "Tao thief" he once saw on the monument to the gods. After communicating with Tu Hu at Minhe Temple, he always thought that "Tao thief" was Yunding

Immortal Palace's disparaging name for Taoism is because Tu Hu said that the destruction of Yunding Immortal Palace was related to Taoism. This is quite credible.

But now there seems to be another possibility. After all, there are not many people named "immortal". It is still a distinct mark of the Immortal Palace era.

"Is it related to the 'Taoist'?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Baiyun boy frowned: "Master Immortal Master, I don't know. I only know that I have never seen a 'Taoist'. If I have, I will recognize it."

"You don't remember anything, how can you recognize it?"

"I will be scared." Baiyun boy said pitifully: "I am scared when you say these two words now. If you really encounter it, I will definitely be scared to death."

"." There is indeed some truth to this. Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Not Zhao Xuanyang?"

"He's definitely not." The little boy vowed.

Jiang Wang became increasingly confused.

Zhao Xuanyang is the most authentic Taoist disciple. If the Immortal Palace regards the Taoist sect as a thief, then Zhao Xuanyang should also be a Taoist thief. Now that Baiyun boy says that Zhao Xuanyang is not a Taoist thief, is Tu Hu lying? But why does he need to lie?

This lie?

Moreover, the Taoist sect must have exerted influence on the destruction of the Immortal Palace era. The experience of Frost Immortal Lord Xu Qiuci can be evidenced.

What are the unknown issues in this?

Which part of history has sunk into the fog?

"Do you remember any useful information about this troubled world?"

"Master Immortal Master, I want to sleep."

"Sleep on your bed."

Jiang Wang ended the conversation in Wufu Hai very tiredly.

Piecing together history and finding the truth are definitely things that can make people exhausted. Especially this little fairy boy in Baiyun who is stupid and can only remember fragments of everything.

It can also be seen from this that "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" is such a great work. Being able to catch fragments in the long river of time and restore the long scroll of history, what a powerful person Sima Heng was!

Jiang Wang does not think he has the ability to restore history, but he cannot ignore the clues from the Immortal Palace era. After all, Yunding Immortal Palace is now in his sea of ​​five palaces. He has taken the benefits of the Immortal Palace, and it is difficult to completely separate the cause and effect.


Where is the immortal king of the past?

Even if Xie Ai is truly a reincarnation achievement, how many years have been wasted from Xu Qiuci to Xie Ai?

Not to mention going after it specifically, I unexpectedly encountered relevant clues. I shouldn't miss it. The so-called long-term plan is not enough to travel a long way. Jiang Wang has always been a person with a strong sense of crisis.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang!"

Xu Ximing's voice was heard in his ears, but it came from below. Underwater?

Jiang Wang suppressed his thoughts about the Immortal Palace, and while swinging his sword to kill the evil view in front of him, he lowered his eyes and looked at -

In the complicated colored water, there was a white and fat little boy, who looked just like the Baiyun boy. He was lying on his back in the water, looking at him with his small black eyes without any emotion!

Seeing him looking over, he suddenly grinned, revealing his brilliant white teeth!

This chapter has been completed!
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