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Chapter 1697 Three hundred and thirty-three years of calamity

"Ohh Ohh ohh."

The shrill cries still ring in my ears.

With Jiang Wang's current attainments in ear consciousness, he can't even seal it off or isolate it!

Before this cry, the five consciousness hells were completely vulnerable.

And the panic in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a terrifying feeling that my heart is about to explode. It makes people disgusting, fragile, and disgusted with life!

What kind of strange sound is this? And what kind of existence is it?

Jiang Wang made a prompt decision and circled his body with his sword. The vast sword energy roared like a dragon to deal with the possible danger. At the same time, he activated the sound-hearing fairy state to subdue all the sounds. Thousands of voices came to the court, and even the thunder sound of the heretic Vajra was called down.


"Master Si Ge, save me!"

Thunder and lightning exploded in the sound pattern, but only one or two small electric rays exploded and were annihilated.


This true Buddhist sound was actually suppressed by the crying! This kind of sound was too terrifying.

Jiang Wang clearly realized that even if he could open the Avalokitesvara, he would not be able to hold on.

Fortunately, the next moment, Chen Pu's gentle and determined voice sounded: "You are silent, strange, powerful, chaotic, and divine!"

His sentence reading is very powerful, just like when a long song reaches its peak, there are a few frustrations at the most important points.

Such chanting hits the most critical part of the cry. The cry that spreads throughout the world of troubled water disappears.

The feeling of panic that was clinging to my heart also disappeared.

There should be some kind of great terror in this cry, but it was wiped away by Chen Pu in time, so that Jiang Wang and other affected beings were spared.

And this brief confrontation between good and bad sounds almost opened a new chapter in Jiang Wang's world of hearing.

Sound can still be used in this way? How can the way of ear consciousness have such wonderful changes?

When he created the Immortal State of Sound Hearing, it was because of the solid foundation laid by the Immortal Sound Hearing Canon, and secondly, because he accidentally heard the original true voice of a certain Yandao existence in Taixu Illusion Realm. Because of the specialness of Taixu Illusion Realm, it was inevitable

Due to the harm he suffered and the chance to catch a glimpse of the Tao, he had the sravaka immortal state that made him almost invincible in the battles in the same situation.

This time, I experienced the sound-killing battle at the Yan Dao level at close range. If I could digest this knowledge, the benefits would be immeasurable.

Jiang Wang pressed his sword with his heart in mind, and then he had enough energy to look at the battlefield of the Yan Dao True Lords. At this time, the entire skull of the six-armed human snake that was more than a thousand feet tall was gone. The blazing white sacrificial fire had burned to its chest, making it

It is like a huge torch, with its head as the flame and its body as the torch.

Beings at this level of Yan Dao are not easily killed even if they are suppressed.

But of its six strong arms like mountain peaks, only one is left holding the yue. When it is swung, it is sharp and sharp, but the way is mixed. It still has the power to open up the world, but it can only support it hard.

On the battlefield where Blood River True Lord Huo Shiji and the Six-Armed Man-Snake were, the surroundings were completely empty.

, all other evil views were wiped out by the aftermath of the battle. Even the color of the disaster water changed suddenly.

Si Yu'an and Hao Bing have gone separate ways, each showing off their power. They have cleared out a large area of ​​clear water while strolling leisurely. No evil sight can hinder them in the slightest.

The speed at which the powerful True Lord cleans up the trouble is simply terrifying.

An Lun has been observing the entire battlefield. Except for the large ceremony fire that fell, he did not give Xu Ximing any other support, and Xu Ximing did not need it...

And that cry just now

Looking along Nanyuan's gaze at this time, one can see an extremely thin woman with disheveled hair wearing torn white clothes walking out from among the layers of old evil views. She is staggering and her body is dirty and smelly.

.My face is covered with messy hair, so I can’t see my face, but the voice is undoubtedly female.

In the area of ​​water where she was, those old evil spirits were completely crowded together, with tentacles piled with withered claws, spider hairs mixed with bone spurs, all of which were piled up like a mountain of flesh.

Only this woman in white, in the evil view

The crowd stood up with disheveled hair and stood among all

The top of the evil view's head was lowered, its arms were lowered, and shrill cries continued to come from its abdomen.

Of course, this cry was suppressed by Nanyuan and could no longer be conveyed to the entire rootless world.

This is definitely a stronger view of evil than the eight-armed man-snake.

Before An Lun's gaze fell, a circle of black flames ignited outside her body. The black flames boiled and burned, delimiting a space affected by her.

The blazing white sacrificial fire was also blocked and could not fall!

The evil view of the Yan Dao level still cannot feel any spiritual existence. But her weakness is directly rooted in the depths of people's hearts. At first glance, she is like a black candle burning in the mud.

In tears.

Yes, under her body, those evil views at the Divine Level and the True Level are constantly melting away, growing old like the tears of a candle, giving her black flames a steady stream of power.

I don’t know what kind of fire this is, but it can rival the great ritual fire.

I don’t know what kind of evil view this is, but he is not showing off at all against Nanyuan! At this moment.

—A sword light appeared out of nowhere.

Cause arises from freedom, and intention arises from lack of thought. This sword light separates the black sky and the misfortune!

But it was Huo Shiji who took the time to pass over the sword after clearing away a large number of evil views!

The roaring black flame suddenly cracked.

The space is also cut open, the distance is also cut open, and the Tao is also cut open.

The thin woman with blond hair suddenly raised her head, and the black hair that covered her face suddenly spread out, revealing a face with no mouth and nose, only a black vertical eye in the middle!

Very scary face!

Chen Pu's vision suddenly darkened.

It seems that I have returned to the ruined view of the past, still huddled under the incense table, seriously ill, groggy, and almost seeing the black and white figures! The ping ping ping ping in the ears is a fierce battle between the strong men of other countries? All limbs and bones are missing.

―It doesn’t hurt, is there also a fight like the Man clan and the Chu clan happening?

At this moment, a ray of light broke through the gloom, just like the morning light breaking through the night. Anlun's eyes burst into life at this moment.

The red heart magical power has been severely damaged and cannot suppress the soul's original self. However, Chen Pu has been practicing the Immortal Eye for a long time, and there is no progress. Although he does not have the skills of the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace, with the help of Rumeng Ling, he has become somewhat like an Immortal Eye.

What do you mean by gaze?

When you open your eyes, there is light in this world!

People who have light in their eyes first give darkness to the world, and then see the light in the world. Anlun was suddenly confused. The red field of fire suddenly erupted, pushing the approaching human spider evil view several feet away! He held it tightly in his hand

The long sword, the sword energy flowing all over the body, still lingers in fear.

He was actually horrified just by taking one look at the woman with disheveled hair and one eye.…

This is despite the double suppression of Nan Yuan, Huo Shi and two Yan Dao powerhouses!

"Are you okay?" An Lundong opened his sword horizontally and stepped over.

"It's okay." Chen Pu breathed a sigh of relief and stopped looking at the battlefield over there: "Brother Xu knows about Hushui, but do you know what the situation is now? How come there are two evil views at the Yan Dao level? Is Hushui always so safe?


"It won't be like this in the past. I don't know what will happen this time." Wen Xiantai shook his head:

"The Sea of ​​Evil has been in existence for three hundred and thirty-three years - tribulations, and has never changed. At each tribulation, a large amount of evil will gather to attack the gate of the world of mortals. But this time, the tribulation has not yet arrived, but there have been successive appearances at the level of the Evolutionary Dao.

The concept of evil... at least in the records of the sect

, I haven't seen the same situation.

Chen Pu was already thinking at this time whether the Nanxia Governor's Office had received the news. He wondered when Ruan Yuan would come.

Accidents happen frequently here in Huoshui, and there is also the influence of the unnamed terrifying existence that Huo Shiji said. He now feels that even if there are four powerful Yan Dao here, the situation is not very safe.

As a great master of astrology, Ruan Yuan is probably better able to detect the root cause of this change.

"I really don't know how to get rid of these things." Chen Pu said worriedly.

"It cannot be destroyed cleanly." Wen Xian said: "The negativity of the world gave birth to disasters, and the accumulation of evil turned into evil views. They are the aggregation of negativity, garbage created by living beings. After the human race dominates the world,

It can be said that almost all the evil sights in the disaster water are the filth produced by human beings. The world of Niehai is like the toilet in this world, and the evil views are like the excrement of living beings. Therefore, it is also the responsibility of each of us to clean up the disaster water.

Wen Xiantai's explanation to Nie Hai reminded Chen Pu of Si Yu'anli's expression of chaos.

"All the magnificence and brilliance are in vain. This world is like a giant reptile, it is excreting in the cesspool! Innocent people are struggling in the cesspool, and they are called hatred. But the world outside the cesspool is really

Looking old and dim?"

Yue Tiannu said at that time that in Siyu'an, withered Jiang Wang was an existence similar to a disaster.

Chen Pu went to Huoshui in person today, and after hearing Xian Shi's interpretation of Huoshui, he was able to look back and see Si Yu'an more thoroughly.

Is the world beyond Withered Jiang looking old now? After Zhu Jiuyin appeared, Chen Pu has also


As for the analogy of the present world, Chen Pu has seen a lot along the way.

Huang Weizhen's understanding of the world has reached an incredible level. He turned his imagination into reality and completed the "creation" almost truly. He not only created a world, but also created some powerful beings.

The earth has always shaped the world, every being with flesh and blood and soul, every bit of history, every origin, every grudge and entanglement.

But at the same time, what made Chen Pusi even more uneasy was.

In this troubled world that can be compared to Withered Jiang Wang, will there be "chaos"? - that kind of terrifying existence that almost exceeds the limit of a world's power?

What Huo Shiji said, is the existence whose name cannot be mentioned here the "chaos" of Nie Hai?

"What is Brother Jiang thinking?" Wen Xiantai asked...

Chen Pu couldn't say his name because Wen Xian was in trouble, so he only said: "I'm thinking that every successful practitioner should come here to cleanse the waters."

"Of course!" Wen Xiantai said firmly:

"If you want me to say, it should be established as a code of conduct for the world, and it is stipulated that every monk who has achieved the arrival of God must regularly clean up the troubles. I really can't see the lazy and selfish atmosphere nowadays. Some people have no sense of responsibility.

None. Your cultivation is useless in the world, you might as well feed it to dogs!

Although the Three Penalties Palace is weak, if he wants to legislate and enforce the law, Chen Pu can only advise him to drink less.

But no matter what, Wen Xian's intentions are good.

"Regularly cleaning up troubles is indeed what monks like us should do." Chen Pu pondered.

Trying to plan the time when you will come to disaster in the future: When did Brother Xu come last time? "

"Didn't I just tell you?" An Lundong said strangely:

"Thirteen years ago."

Chen Pu's hand was shaking, and the sword that was supposed to cut the evil god's neck hit his face. It took him twice as much strength to cut open the goat-shaped evil god's head.

Looking at the way this guy swore so solemnly, I thought he was here to cause trouble every three days! But I didn’t expect it was thirteen years! He has only come twice so far!

Chen Pu finally understood. Different from the pure lying-down sect like Qiang Xiang, Wen Xian's state was a matter of words.

Although he always looks very fighting and not decadent, his actions are far less powerful than his words. He talks half the words and does half the work.

I really don’t know how the great master Wu Bing, who looked so serious in such holy places as Judi Palace, could cultivate such a true disciple. It is very inconsistent with the style of Legalism.

The two of them were chatting without saying a word while killing evil spirits.

The main reason was that Chen Pu was supplementing his knowledge of the Three Penal Palaces and specifically asked for advice on the prison chain.

While this was going on, I suddenly heard the sound of waves.

Chen Pu slashed away the evil view with a sword, turned around and saw a blood boat coming on the wind from nearby.

The speed is extremely fast, and it's almost here in a moment.

Standing on the blood boat was a man wearing a gray robe, who looked like a middle-aged man. He looked very gentle, and had white hair slanted on his head.

The whole person's temperament is extremely elegant, but his attitude is not gentle. He came on a blood boat, saw Chen Pu from a distance, and frowned and said: "Are you Chen Pu, the Marquis of Qi Wu'an?"

"That's right." Chen Pu solved the evil view in front of him and asked politely:

"Who is your Excellency?"

This person is obviously a very self-centered person. He does not answer but only asks: "What are you doing here?"

Seeing how rude he was, Chen Pu just shrugged: "You have already seen it.

The visitor asked again: "Su Guanying or Master Mingli is not here? Where is Ruan Zhenjun?" Chen Pu said patiently:

"I got the news first, so I rushed here first. This is my own attitude. As for who the Nanxia Governor's Mansion will let to cause trouble, I'm afraid you don't have to say...who are you?"

The man glanced at him twice and didn't say anything else. He just put his foot down and the blood boat galloped away again, heading towards the battlefield of several True Lords of Yan Dao. "Tsk, he is really arrogant. I heard that the immortal state is here

He curled his lips.

An Lun then remembered that this person even looked at

Without even looking at Wenxiantai, he asked quietly: Who is this person? "Mountain and Sea Realm." Wenxiantai said in a casual tone:

"A self-righteous guy.


He is indeed very strong. The Zuo Protector of the Blood River Sect, the real person who can move mountains and seas


After meeting several powerful Yan Dao masters one after another, a real person in this world was no longer enough to impress Chen Pu.

But the emergence of the Mountain and Sea Realm undoubtedly shows that the situation of the disaster has become more serious. Otherwise, when the Blood River True Lord An Lundong is already present, why would the second-ranked figure within the Blood River Sect be allowed to participate in the war again?

"Is he very strong?" Chen Pu asked. Wen Xian said:

"Back then, Tongdong Zhenwudi fought against Fengqi for three days and three nights, and only lost half of his moves.

That's all.

As he said that, he turned around and glanced, seeing that the mountains and seas were indeed far away, and then said: "Did you see the hairpin on his head?"

"Is there any mystery?" Chen Pu asked.

"That's Mount Taiyi! Isn't there a "Thirteen Peaks of Splendid Huafu" in Xia Di? The third one among them should have been Mount Taiyi. During the Restoration War of the Liang Kingdom, he moved it away.

An Lun was speechless for a moment.

An Lundong's old age indeed requires no other description.

This chapter has been completed!
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