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Chapter 1770 The world is all illusion, eternal life is true

"You mean..."

In an airtight room that can never let in any light or sound, and can block out all prying eyes, there is a Taoist sitting facing the wall.

This is a white wall, empty and clean, except for a round mirror hanging in the middle.

This scene has no frame, is round, colorless and translucent.

It exudes a calm light that is not dazzling, making the quiet room not dark.

The Taoist sitting cross-legged on the futon was clearly within sight, but only an outline of light and shadow was visible.

His voice seemed to be far away, and he said: "Did Zhuang Gaoxian do what Marquis Wu'an of Qi State did in Frostwind Valley?"

The person kneeling behind him was none other than Chu Zicheng, who had been drinking at Gaolingcheng Winery a few days ago.

Regarding the fall of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State into Frostwind Valley, because the area where Mei Xuelin was born and the city where he stayed for a long time after entering the demon world, Jing State has difficulty in getting rid of the suspicion.

For this reason, he had to make many concessions when facing Qi State.

Chunyu Gui's overnight investigation in Tieyan City was naturally sincere and even angry.

But the investigation only ended at the point where Mei Xuelin was a member of the Ping An Nation.

The arrests of Mei Xuelin's friends in the Hell World and his relatives in this world have failed to make any further progress.

The Ping Ping Country soon publicly stated that the incident of Marquis Wu'an of Qi had nothing to do with them - ironically speaking, compared to the statements of those hegemonic and powerful countries, the Ping Ping Country's statement was more credible.

At least from the beginning until now, every public statement made by the Equality Nation has been on target. They have always acknowledged what they have done. Unlike the official articles of various countries, which are often disguised.

Back to the matter of Mei Xuelin. Although Mei Xuelin is a member of the Ping Dynasty, his identity is actually meaningless in front of a mastermind with real strength.

Even if Mei Xuelin is actually Jiang Wang's long-lost brother, the mastermind behind the scenes can use his body as much as he wants. He can only deal with Jiang Wang how he wants him to deal with Jiang Wang.

Weak people do not have themselves. Mei Xuelin's identity as an equal country is more like an eye-catching cover. The mastermind behind the scenes uses this to gain time and space for himself.

Chunyu Gui took this investigation result to negotiate with the State of Qi, but not surprisingly, it was not recognized.

Only then was the newly built Wu'an City and the newly opened "Wu'an-Nantian" battlefield.

For Jing Guo, the death of a peerless genius like Jiang Wang in Qi State was a heavy loss. They could understand Qi State's anger. They needed to maintain the order of the Civilization Basin. Therefore, their attitude towards Qi State

, they can also make a slight concession - this is the tolerance of people who are watching the fire from the other side towards the unfortunate.

But as the most powerful and oldest central empire, they will never allow themselves to be easily exploited by anyone who is deaf, blind, and stupid.

Find a person who is from the Central Region and has the status of an equal country, to stay in the city in charge of Jingguo, and finally attack the genius of Qiguo in the presence of Jingguo's genius. How presumptuous is this?

Ping Pingguo is the chess piece that confuses the public, so why not Jingguo?

But looking at the whole world, who has the qualifications to let Jing Guo pretend to be blind?

Such people or forces do not exist!

Therefore, even though they had reached a tacit agreement with Qi State, Jing State's investigation of Qi State's Marquis Wu'an's fall into Frostwind Valley did not stop.

Even after the comprehensive investigation in Iron Rock City, Jingshidai, the highest intelligence agency in Jingguo, which has the responsibility of monitoring the world, officially took over the case and opened a wider scope and deeper investigation!

The entire Mirror World Terrace has laid out many lines, tracing various directions and pursuing all possibilities.

And now, Chu Zicheng, the "man in the mirror" who was born in Ji Guo, seems to be the first to make a breakthrough.

The members of the Mirror World Platform are generally divided into two categories, namely, "Mirror Envoys" and "Mirror People". One is in the light and the other is in the dark.

The bright person hangs a mirror to detect illegal activities. The dark person hides the mirror to conceal his espionage.

Chu Zicheng, who has been active in the world of Hell for many years, is undoubtedly an excellent man in the mirror.

Hearing the question from the Taoist in front, he put his hands on his knees and replied seriously: "Because of Jiang Wang's crusade against the Inanimate Cult and Zhuang Gaoxian's inscription on the living being that was also widely circulated in the world,

Many people think that Zhuang Gaoxian and Jiang Wang share the same illness and hatred. They think that they have the same roots but seek revenge in different ways.

But our mirror world is clear - there is a life-and-death hatred between them.

The previous incident with the demon was enough to prove Zhuang Gaoxian's murderous intention towards Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang is not a good man or woman, and he is definitely not a person who repays evil with kindness. The more he doesn't reveal anything to Zhuang Gaoxian, the more it shows how strong his murderous intention towards Zhuang Gaoxian is."

"Two people like this are mortal enemies of each other, and no one will let the other go lightly. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that time is on Jiang Wang's side."

"There is no doubt that Jiang Wang is the first-class genius in the world today. In just a few years after the Yellow River Meeting, he has already achieved the unparalleled divine presence and extraordinary combat power.

It has not been long since Zhuang Gaoxian achieved the success of the cave. Looking at the environment inside and outside Zhuang, it looks like flowers are blooming, but in fact the space is limited. There is no opportunity for heroes to expand thousands of miles outside, and there is no wise and powerful crown prince inside. Zhuang Gaoxian cannot do it in a short period of time.

Relying on the power of the country to become a true king, there is no way to abdicate and detach yourself and sprint towards the path of evolution.

He could only wait for Jiang Wang to slowly catch up with his cultivation...

If your subordinates are like Zhuang Gaoxian, they will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Chu Zicheng had obviously been sorting it out in his mind for a long time. At this moment, he was talking eloquently and in an orderly manner: "The matter of killing Zhang Linchuan thousands of miles away and annihilating the Wu Sheng Cult. It also shows that Jiang Wang's influence has grown to a terrifying level. He sent out a message.

, the world responded! The Wusheng Cult has spread all over the world, with roots thousands of miles away, but it was destroyed overnight!

Compared to his cultivation, this kind of influence is a more terrifying thing.

Can Zhuang Gaoxian wait?

Please look at the Heavenly Prison today. Because of Jiang Wang's death, how many forces, how many true men, and how many true kings have come? If Jiang Wang is not dead today, these people will probably stand in the ruins of Zhuang Kingdom in the future!"

"According to what you said, Zhuang Gaoxian did have a motive for taking action." The Taoist sitting facing the wall sighed: "But murdering the genius of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is undoubtedly a violation of the ancient covenant of the human race.

…He really dares to do this?”

Chu Zicheng said softly: "The ancient covenant to slay demons is also sacred and inviolable."

The Taoist, who only had an outline of light and shadow, was speechless for a moment.

Although it was Du Ruhui who was flogged naked in Jade Mountain after the failure of the last trial, everyone with a discerning eye knows where Zhuang Gaoxian's responsibility lies. These wise kings and ministers have always been of the same mind. How could Du Ruhui do this behind Zhuang Gaoxian's back?

What about big things?

It's just that Zhuang Gaoxian is the king of a country and the leader of a subordinate country. Jingguo can't see him disgraced and losing his prestige, so he just cooperates and is vague.

Compared with the ancient covenant to slay demons and the common covenant of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, it is really hard to tell which one is more important.

Zhuang Gaoxian could use the ancient covenant to slay demons as a weapon to slander Jiang Wangtong Demon... What's so strange about taking the risk of violating the common covenant between humans behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons?

Chu Zicheng added: "So in addition to motivation, I also have courage."

There was a hint of undetectable excitement in his voice.

Because he is pursuing such a big case——

It involves Zhuang Gaoxian, the leader of the Dongzhen Kingdom of Zhongxing Zhuang Kingdom, and the youngest military meritorious prince of the overlord Eastern Qi. It involves the common morality of the world and the common agreement of the human race! Once this case is uncovered, it will surely attract worldwide attention.

And he, Chu Zicheng, had already found the truth and became famous in one fell swoop!

To crack such a major case, you don’t have all the skills, essence stones, and positions you need?

Who could believe that he was born in a small country like Ji Guo and had no background along the way, but could weave such a brilliant future on his own?

The Taoist voice with only a silhouette of light and shadow interrupted Chu Zicheng's reverie: "But how to do it? The motives and courage you mentioned are very reasonable, but Zhuang Gaoxian is the king of a country after all, and he should not be moved lightly, let alone

Speaking of adventures behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. More importantly... Jiang Wang is already the Marquis of Wu'an in the Qi State. He has a high position and must be valued and protected by the Qi State. How can Zhuang Gaoxian be able to grasp his whereabouts and advance in advance?

Take action? This makes no sense. Neither Xiuyuan nor Ji Zhaonan can be controlled by Zhuang Gaoxian."

Chu Zicheng said humbly: "Of course you won't miss the answer, you just entered a misunderstanding of thinking. Why does Zhuang Gaoxian need to grasp Jiang Wang's whereabouts? With the responsibility of the gods recognized by all countries, Jiang Wang will definitely enter the world of monsters.

He has to fulfill his responsibilities behind the scenes, and this day will not take long. After all, he is a young prince who is attracting the attention of the world. If he delays in fulfilling his responsibilities for a long time, he will definitely attract gossip. There is no need for Jiang Wang to delay. With his performance all the time, he can also

Not a person who is afraid of danger...

Therefore, if Zhuang Gaoxian wants to target Jiang Wang, he only needs to enter the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons in advance and wait."

The Taoist sitting facing the wall sighed again.

Chu Zicheng continued: "Coincidentally, there is a man named Qiao Jingzong in Zhuang State, one of the so-called Eight Talents of Xin'an. He came to the Heavenly Prison World at the beginning of the year and has been developing in Gaoling City... You should

I have also noticed that the time when he entered the Heavenly Prison World happened to be the time when Jiang Wang made extraordinary contributions on the Qixia battlefield and was awarded the title of Marquis for his military exploits!"

"Qiao Jingzong?" the Taoist asked.

Chu Zicheng said: "Gaoling City is not far from Iron Rock City. For a real person in this world, this distance is completely negligible. Although I don't know how he found such an excellent target as Mei Xuelin, but

For the leader of Zhongxing in Zhuang State, this must not be difficult.

If he had been paying attention to the cities of Qi in the Civilization Basin, it would not be difficult to get the news of Jiang Wang's arrival in Heavenly Prison as soon as possible.

There are many opportunities in the world of heaven and hell.

He didn't necessarily have to take action in Frostwind Valley, but there just happened to be a wonderful opportunity there... Ji Zhaonan led Jiang Wang in a bloody battle in Frostwind Valley.

So he made a prompt decision, found a way to cover himself, left Gaoling City silently, and then commanded Mei Xuelin, who had long been under control, to let Mei Xuelin mix with General Wang Kun's team and go to Frostwind Valley in the name of support.

.At the most critical moment, he buried Marquis Wu'an of Qi State in one fell swoop."

"If this is the truth of the incident, all the details are indeed correct..." The Taoist asked again: "Do you think Qiao Jingzong is Zhuang Gaoxian?"

Chu Zicheng said confidently: "Although I don't know how he did it. But there is no other person in the entire Zhuang Kingdom who can achieve real combat power."

"I have also checked the current intelligence. From the beginning of the year to now, Mr. Zhuang has indeed visited the court five times, but these five times, he just sat there and said a few words and did not take action. In other words... it may not be true.


Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Zhuang Gaoxian's intelligence, tactics, and determination are all top-notch. No wonder he was able to lead the resurgence of the Zhuang Kingdom and set off such a great momentum today.

After Jiang Wang was granted the title of Marquis, he went on missions to the pastoral country and inspected Southern Xia. The responsibility of the gods was extended again and again.

Zhuang Gaoxian entered the demon world and could only wait.

From the beginning of the year to now, as the king of a country, he actually took the risk to wait for a chance to kill Jiang Wang behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. He had been waiting for almost eleven months!

You must know that every day he stays in Gaoling City, there is one more day of exposure risk. And his adventure is to hang the entire Zhuang Kingdom's hundreds of years of management and everything he has as a real person in the world on the tip of a knife.

An ordinary person would have been unable to wait any longer. If I were him, I would have broken down many times.

But he is able to remain calm and live completely as Qiao Jingzong without revealing any flaws!"

The Taoist sitting cross-legged sighed again: "Zicheng, your analysis is very good. But these analyzes so far are just your speculations."

Chu Zicheng was excited. Although he had always claimed that he was not a man in the pool, he had already been in contact with this big shot. But as of today, this is the first time that this big shot has been called by such a close name as 'Zicheng'.

call him.

What this means is almost self-evident.

"It's so easy to verify this!"

He immediately gave a solution that he had carefully considered: "First, in the name of the Gaolingcheng military, urgently launch a small-scale war and recruit Qiao Jingzong to go on an expedition, so that his plan to return to the world normally is shelved.

Don’t relax in checking the entrance and exit of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

Then I asked Yujingshan to send a random real person to Xin'an City, saying that he wanted to inspect the Taoism of Zhuangguo National Taoist Academy.

If Zhuang Gaoxian is in the country, he must come out to greet him. On the contrary, if Zhuang Gaoxian does not greet him in person, then he is still in the hell, and it is Qiao Jingzong!"

Faced with such a major case in which no one had any clues, Chu Zicheng was able to peel off the cocoons and get closer to the truth step by step. Chu Zicheng relied on his superhuman sensitivity and carefulness, and relied on his reading a large amount of information inside and out and conducting massive investigations.

, almost interpreting Jiang Wang’s hard work and grudges throughout his life.

When he guessed that Qiao Jingzong was Zhuang Gaoxian, he took the initiative to invite him for a drink and tested the real person while drinking and drinking.

What courage he has!

He is diligent, calm and decisive, wise and courageous. What reason is there not to achieve final success?

Yesterday's Jiang Wu'an might as well be tomorrow's Chu Zicheng!

The Taoist said leisurely: "This is indeed a good way to identify the truth. Even if it is not Zhuang Gaoxian in the end, we will not lose. You have thought carefully. But Zicheng, have you ever thought about it... If Qiao Jingzong is really

It's Zhuang Gaoxian. If Zhuang Gaoxian is such a terrible person, how could he not find you if you investigated him like this?"

Chu Zicheng was a little stunned: "I... my subordinate, my subordinate is very careful and conceals it very well."

The Taoist sighed deeply: "Zicheng, you are indeed a rare talent. It's been a pity for you for so many years..."

Chu Zicheng suppressed the joy in his heart and said humbly: "For the Mirror of the World and for the Great Scenery, Zicheng is willing to do it——"

His words stopped abruptly.

Feeling the vitality dissipating rapidly in his body, he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Until I heard the word "willing" that he added from this person's mouth.

"I gave you a chance...but I think you are willing to welcome Yong Ye like this, right?" the Taoist asked.

Only then did he realize that the Taoist in front of him had sighed many times before, actually because of him.


"Why... why?" Chu Zicheng struggled and asked with his last obsession.

A hand covered his eyes.

It soothed his unwillingness and everything he had.

At the end of his life, he heard a vague voice saying this -

"Everything in the world is illusory, but eternal life is true."

His soul seemed to explode, and before entering the eternal darkness, he felt the fear of physical and mental shock——

"Tao...Tao thief!"

(It has been collected by the British Library, which shows that the world of fairy tales that everyone participates in is not bad.

Share this joy with you.)

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