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Chapter 1810 The situation of Shenxiao

What is faith?

Give everything you have to get what you want.

For the sake of Black Lotus Temple's ideal of "the world's enlightenment", Shu Jialan gave up the opportunity to have a future as a heavenly demon.

Be willing to sacrifice yourself and embrace the bell of knowledge.

As a treasure that has been controlled by Gunan Mountain for many years, there is no possibility that the Zhiwen Bell will be robbed.

It has been enshrined in Ancient Nan Mountain for a long time. I don’t know how many Bodhisattvas and Arhats have been enlightened and how many Buddhas have been echoed by it. It has long been integrated with Ancient Nan Mountain and connected with the destiny of Buddha.

No matter where you are in the world, Gunan Mountain can recall it at any time.

In a sense, "Moving the Zhiwen Bell is like moving an ancient and difficult mountain."

Who in the world can do this?

Therefore, a young demon king like Yang Yu also has the opportunity to take it out of the mountain gate. Walk in the busy city and venture into dangerous places.

Of course, in view of the importance of the Knowledge and Hearing Bell, the Great Bodhisattva Cicada also follows and protects it, never leaving it for a moment.

It should be said that Gunanshan is sufficiently cautious about the movement and use of the Zhiwen Bell.

But the land of Shenxiao left by the legend of the Yu clan from eternity ago is a very special place.

It can, with complete freedom, use self-destruction to prevent the invasion of Tiger Taisui. It can isolate the inside and outside, and even block the tracking of it by the heavenly demons. It almost has the prototype of an independent world.

As the recognized orthodoxy of Buddhism in the demon world, Ancient Nan Mountain has long been dominated by itself. Cicada Dharma Destiny uses the land of Shenxiao as a chessboard to place its pieces, and treats other chess players as nothing. If you shake a bell of knowledge, you will get everything.

While the Zhiwen Bell penetrates the secrets and penetrates time and space, it inevitably throws a part of itself into the land of the gods.

Shu Jialan's sacrifice was magnified to the extreme in the Black Lotus Sacrifice Altar, leaving this part of the Zhiwen Bell firmly in the Land of Shenxiao, indirectly triggering the world rules of the Land of Shenxiao, and finally leveraging the move of Zhiwen.

It’s possible!

If the shadow of the Zhiwen Bell falling in the land of the sky is a homing pigeon that can return at any time, what Shu Jialan is doing now is to grab the wings of this homing pigeon so that it cannot return to the cage.

The power of the Knowledge and Hearing Bell originally relies on the ability of knowledge and hearing to freely travel between secrets.

But at this moment, it is fixed in this secrecy.

Compared to the rules of a complete world, the connection that the monks of Ancient Nan Mountain have established with the Zhiwen Bell over thousands of years is so fragile.

At this critical moment when the connection is severed and the clock of knowledge is fixed.

Ji Xingkong initiated the new transmission of Buddhism in the Age of Dharma. In a very short period of time, he had erased the imprint of the ancient Nanshan Mountain and began to carve an inscription unique to the Black Lotus Temple on the bronze bell body.

Including the degeneration of Yang Yu and Zhiwen Zhong Xuying, they are just the aftermath of this process.

At this time, in the sky above Moyun City, several heavenly demons, including Hu Taisui, could clearly see the words "Move forward resolutely" on the body of the ancient bronze bell.

The words are: "Self-free Bodhi".

The next sentence has also been written "His heart does not prove it".

The golden light is hidden and the night is long.

The old era has passed and the new era is coming!

The smile hanging on Cicada Fayuan's face had long since been shattered, along with his actions in Shenxiao's game.

In order to take advantage of everything, he chose to end the game first, and ended up being the first to be eliminated.

At the moment, it is no longer important what you win, but what is important is not to lose anything.

His expression was extremely serious, almost no one had ever seen him with such a serious expression... so he had real power.

Through Zhiwen Zhong, who was still in a stalemate in the secret passage, he solemnly asked: "When the sheep heals, have you attained enlightenment?!"

Yang Yu in the land of Shenxiao is suppressing the black patterns that have invaded his body. At this point when his body is about to fall, he puts more power into the shadow of Zhiwen Zhong to resist the Black Lotus Sacrifice.

The restraint of the altar.

A monk who is a monk should be indifferent to the world.

He is also naturally boring and accepts everything calmly. He never has any troubles.

Shenxiao Zhenmi escaped and attracted more competitors, but he didn't care.

It is no different who fights with him or blocks his way.

This is his truth.

He is also proud. He wants to ask all the competitors with the sound of the bell, to make Shu Jialan know his way back, to make Lu Qilang understand the ranking... He wants to "I am the only one in heaven and earth."

This is also true for him.

Such a moment.

He is struggling, struggling with all his strength under the power of the Fallen Buddha who is coming to the end of the Dharma. With the ability of the demon seed ranked fifth on the new king of the sky list, he has already struggled to become an independent and sober self, and he still has to struggle against the sect.

The ownership of the treasure.

But at this time, he heard Cicada Fayuan shouting and asking.

The struggling look on his face disappeared in an instant. He returned to warmth and calm.

He just said in a long voice: "Under the Bodhi tree, there are causes and effects in the heavens. On the ancient Nan Mountain, there are eternal spiritual connections. We, the King of Light, have given up our lives and died for the sake of the Buddha. Who will follow us?"

Of course, nothing matters before the true transmission of my Buddha. Including the doubts about Chai Asi and Taiping Guizhao, including the victory or defeat with Lu Qilang, including myself...

His last voice was not as intense as Shu Jialan's.

But while responding to the great Bodhisattva, he had given up suppressing his own body.

Black lines instantly covered his warm face.

Making him evil, filthy, and disgraceful.

But the golden light burned all over his body!

The whole body burned.

He burned in the air like this, the fire became more intense, the golden light became more intense... Finally, he burned into a ball of golden Buddha fire, using his bald head as a battering ram, he hit Zhiwen, who was mostly entangled in black lines.

Enter the shadow of Zhong Xu.

Be a monk for one day and ring the bell for one day.


The bell on the top of Gunan Mountain rang.

No one woke up, only other sheep fell asleep.

The bald head cracked and disintegrated, and the entire Buddha's fire-golden body disappeared...but the blood was still there.

The blood flowed silently on the upper part of Zhiwen Zhong's shadow, "extinguishing" the black lines climbing up.

It was obviously Shu Jialan from Black Lotus Temple who chose to sacrifice himself first, but his body was still withering, and there was still a slim part.

Yang Yu, who was still high-spirited just now, went ahead.

All the demons in the venue were moved.

Yuan Mengji swallowed his saliva. His brain, which had always been slow, now occupied the high ground and conveyed an emotion called "fear" to him.

When he met the stunning woman before, there was no trouble. Just a flash of golden light, and he came to his senses. This time, before Yang Yu rang the Zhiwen Bell, he felt the methods of Yuan Xianting firsthand.

Confidence naturally arises with it.

But the scene in front of me is really scary.

Our journey of exploration in the Land of Gods has only come here, and we haven’t seen anything yet.

Yang Yu, ranked fifth on the list of new kings...is gone?

Shu Jialan, who also had the strength of the new king of Tianbang, saw that he didn't have much life to live. He was withering and withering, leaving only a section of his chest.

Life and death are nothing at all. He, Yuan Mengji, has never seen blood in his journey.

Doesn't it matter if Yu Xin is gone? He won't be frightened at all.

But do you want to die so violently?

Do you want to make such a big fuss?

I, Yuanmengji, was born a noble man, and I just came in to exercise casually. My long-lost grandfather Yuanxianting is still waiting for me to come home!

He looked at the golden light shield that enveloped him, his face expressionless. He was already shouting in his heart: "Grandpa! I don't want to play anymore. Can you take me back in advance?"

At this moment, he is not the only one calling me grandpa in my heart.

His right-hand man, his loyal younger brother Chai Asi, was also shocked at this time.

The Buddha said that Chapter 58 is still in your hand, and before Yang Yu can take over, Yang Yu has already died...

Wait, is this also part of the Supreme Master's plan?

While he was astonished, he also felt a trace of regret. These are the future pillars of the demon clan, and they are the talents available to him, the four great emperors of Chai'a. Wouldn't it be detrimental to the overall situation of the demon world if they died so meaninglessly?

So I asked in my heart: "Sir, Grandpa! It's such a pity that the casualties are too great. Should we come out to persuade him?"

The Lord was too lazy to pay attention to him.

What to advise?

It's all come to this.

Are you trying to persuade the rat Jialan not to die, or the sheep Yu to come back to life?

It would be strange if Shu Jialan wasn't so angry that he took you Chai Asi away.

Rather, it was what Yang Yu said at the end, "If you sacrifice your life and die for the sake of Buddhism, who will come after you?"

But it made him suddenly think of the "three hearings and three faiths of the Buddha" that Tu Hu, the new high priest of the grassland, told him on the grassland.

He never knew how to interpret the word "faith" in this sentence.

Is it truth, sincerity, or message?

I only know that these "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Faiths" are "Thus I have heard widely", "Thus I have heard", "Thus I have heard", and they also represent the three precious bells that exist in the world.

Now, he has actually seen it all.

The bells that had been ringing in Gunan Mountain for thousands of years seemed to have brought him some kind of inspiration at this moment. They were close in front of him, looming.

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

In Moyun City, the great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Yuan looked compassionate.

At the moment when he needed to make a decision, he gave up Yang Yu and tried his best to keep the Zhiwen Bell.

But Yang Yu, who was abandoned, not only had no resentment, but took the initiative to burn his remaining body and ring the bell to fulfill his duty as an ancient Nanshan monk.

The bell of the Zhiwen Bell rang again in the land of the sky.

The phantom connected with the deity and once again revealed the secret to Cicada.

The power of the Cicada's demon can capture the trajectory and trace it back to the sky.

So Cicada turned her palm and pushed it, and the Zhiwen Bell, which had been hanging high in the sky and had stopped moving, suddenly jumped forward.

You shouldn't say "forward".

Because the direction in which it jumped was not in the direction of the demon world.

It is jumping to the secrets of the divine place it knows!

Still using the homing pigeon as an analogy.

Rat Jialan and Muntjac Xingkong have tied the legs of the homing pigeon, preventing it from returning to the cage. The distance between the homing pigeon and the homing cage is the secret of the land of the sky. It does not exist in the sense of time and space.

The secret of the land of Shenxiao has touched the world rules of the land of Shenxiao, directly freezing this distance and the carrier pigeon cages on both sides of the distance.

During this process, Ji Xingkong used his supreme magical power to manipulate the world rules of the Land of Gods, severing the connection between the pigeon cage and its owner. He then took the opportunity to erase the mark on the cage and engraved it with

The seal of the Black Lotus Temple was used to complete the replacement of sovereignty. At the same time, Shu Jialan was also working hard to tame the bound homing pigeon, and even transformed into a sheep with the help of Ji Xingkong. He used the life and death of this ancient Nanshan true story to contain the cicada.

The action of Dharma.

After that, the carrier pigeon returns, and the carrier pigeon and carrier will also be reborn with the prefix Black Lotus.

However, Cicada Fayuan's emergency response at this critical moment was to directly give up on Yang Yu after informing him. Then he pushed the letter cage back to the distance that represented the true secret of Shenxiao. The pigeon could not fly back.

Push the letter cage over. This is what the saying goes: "If the mountain doesn't come, come to me. If I come, come to the mountain."

In this process, Yang Yu took the initiative to sacrifice himself to burn the rope that bound the homing pigeon so that the homing pigeon could return to the cage early. He didn't know what Chan Dharma Yuan was going to do because it was not part of the prior plan. He just tried his best.

He could do whatever he could.

However, it has achieved a perfect cooperation with Cicada.

The two monks, old and young, had the wonder of Bodhi in their hearts and shortened the process of recovering the power of the Zhiwen Bell.

The sentence "His heart does not realize the blooming of lotus" on the ancient bronze bell has been engraved to the last stroke of the word "lotus". But the believer of Ji Xingkong's so-called new transmission of Buddhism in the Age of Dharma has come to nothing!

Knowing that Zhong has fallen into that true secret.

It is not anywhere in the demon world, nor in the land of the gods. It does not exist in a specific space, but advances into that "secret".

There are billions of secrets in the world, how can all living beings find them?

Of course, the Cicada Dharma Destiny does not mean that the Zhiwen Bell will be lost. His reliance lies in the connection between the Zhiwen Bell and the ancient Nanshan Mountain for thousands of years, and in the Buddhist connections left by many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Zhiwen Bell. That

This connection is only temporarily severed. When the rules of the world in the land of Shenxiao lose their guidance and Ji Xingkong's methods are worn away by time, the long-lasting connection that lasts for many years can still be restored.

Ancient Nanshan can use this connection to find the Zhiwen Bell again.

It doesn't even take long.

Because at this moment, Cicada's Dharma Destiny had urgently communicated with Gunan Mountain, and countless Sanskrit sounds were floating around him!

That is the call of Gunan Mountain to the Zhiwen Bell. It has not yet rung because it is not the best time yet!

It has to be said that Cicada's response was truly a stroke of genius. In a dead situation where many sacrifices were made in Black Lotus Temple, he managed to find a chance and won the possibility of keeping the Zhiwen Bell!

In this game, a Yang Yu died in Gunan Mountain, and a Rat Jialan died in Black Lotus Temple. The plan of Zhiwen Zhong failed, and a large number of believers in the new teachings of Buddhism in the Age of Dharma were sacrificed.

If we make a cruel comparison, we really can't tell which side has suffered greater losses.

At this moment, the Zhiwen Bell fell into the secret. The engraving on the bell body has not yet been completed, which also means that it is not stable and will soon be worn away.

But Shu Jialan had already burned out the last bit of life fire just now.

Shu Jialan is dead, and he was still clinging to the Zhiwen Bell until his death!

But the opportunity to take away the Zhiwen Bell has been lost...

How can one be willing to be empty-headed?

His terrifying eyes, densely covered with black and white spots, suddenly closed.

The power of terror is arising.

In the secret that no one can see, the black characters engraved on the Zhiwen Bell began to self-destruct one by one and hit the bells one by one.

It must be smashed to pieces, sunk, or at worst, all traces of it must be knocked off.

Or just destroy this secret.

I can't engrave it, and you can't recall it.

Let this bell of knowledge be forever lost in that secret!

I have never owned the Black Lotus Temple, and the ancient Nanshan Mountain has been gained and lost again.

"you wanna die!!"

Cicada Dharma Yuan glared angrily, no longer caring about any Bodhisattva's dignity, roared and punched, causing the boundless darkness to shatter like glass.

In the darkness of every piece of broken glass, the maniacal laughter of Ji Xingkong echoed: "But I will not kill you. You will have to swallow the bitter fruit of losing the Zhiwen Bell every night for the rest of your life!"

Cicada Dharma Yuan is furious, but how can he stop Xingxing Kong now?

Ancient Nan Mountain is still far away from here, and the few heavenly demons watching on the scene are just anxious to know that Wen Zhong is missing, and there is no way they can take action.

I saw a Buddhist treasure that was about to disappear.

In the land of Shenxiao, a voice suddenly sounded.

"No, that's not quite right," the voice said.

"Let's start again." The last sentence belonging to the same voice sounded in the secret of the land of God.

Cicada Fayuan's rage and Monkey King Xingkong's roar came to an abrupt end in an instant.

Because at this moment, both of them lost their vague perception of the land of Shenxiao. Neither the Black Lotus Sacrifice Altar nor Zhiwen Zhong Xuying could send back any messages.

Of course, they couldn't find the secret and couldn't destroy or recall the Zhiwen Bell.

It was not just the two great Bodhisattvas who were shocked and angry at this moment.

Tiger Tai Sui, Lu Xi Ming, and Zhu Yi, who had been sitting and watching the two groups of bald heads fighting, all changed their colors.

Because like Chan Fayuan and Ji Xingkong, their ability to interfere in the chess game outside the court was all lost at this time!

So far, the third chess player involved in the game of Shenxiao has taken action!

But it is definitely not a cicada's dharma connection, and it is definitely not a muntjac's emptiness.

It’s not Tiger Taisui, it’s not Lu Ximing, it’s not Spider Yi either…

Who is it?!

Just finished writing.

Tomorrow's update will be at 8pm, the day after tomorrow's update will be at 12pm, and I'll start paying back the leave debt the day after tomorrow.

This is my current plan, and I hope I can maintain a good condition.

come on.

This chapter has been completed!
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