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Chapter 1853: Going in the opposite direction is also the way forward

In the sea of ​​gods, the dead bear thinks twice and blooms his last glory.

The stone carvings on the mountain wall also happened to be blooming.

This plant has three buds and pedicles, divided into three colors: yellow, red and white, and the stamens are faintly glowing, like a dream.

Lu Qilang got inspiration, Chai Asi stumbled...

Ling Xihua beside the mountain road is already intoxicated! She doesn't know its treasure yet, she is already lost in her dream.

The Night Bodhisattva transformed by the letter insect also has bright eyes. He wakes up Ling Xihua with one hand, and directly reaches out to pick flowers with the other hand... It is worthy of the Buddha's suffering here!

At this time, even Duke Xuannan, who was still working hard to repair the body of the God King and maintain its balance, came back through the protector God General!


Compared to this flower.

This confrontation that took place in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods seemed to be of no importance.

No matter how much God struggles, he is still God. No matter how embarrassing a true demon is, he is still a true demon.

Since the actual attack, Quan Yingyang has not suffered any losses.

The truth of this world can be understood, and the night of this world can be grasped. The genius of the human race has also been tortured and killed in every possible way - it's just that the immortal jade beads hang one's life, but he is not dead.

Jiang Wang tried all his methods, including surprise, Immortal Palace inheritance, and Zhiwen Bell, but they only managed to knock out a drop of his blood.

How to describe the injury caused by this drop of blood?

——Had it not been treated in time, the wound would have healed on its own.

It wasn't until the moment when the golden gun penetrated his belly that he really suffered a big loss!

The Three Ultimate Feijian, inherited from the Feijian era, once stood proud in the sky.

Xiang Fengqi, the invincible Dongzhen swordsman, died, and Xuanjian Laoshan, the successor of Wailou Realm, is still looking after his old friend's legacy.

The Forgotten Sword Demon is in a daze, and occasionally wakes up. I don’t know what he is seeking with those occasional moments of clarity.

So far, only selfless swordsmanship has taken a new path.

Jiang Mengxiong broke his sword to practice boxing, and Rao Bingzhang turned his boxing into a spear. It can be said that there is a long history.

Of course, he did not have the courage to fight against the heroes of the world like the Great Qi Army God, but he still found his own way.

This shot of selflessness hidden before death, with selflessness continuing without self, with the final echoing the beginning, is unavoidable. In the world of gods, he followed Jiang Mengxiong's path and also expounded his own path.

This spear penetrates the body of the true demon who has already seen the true immortality. It is "selfless" first and then "invincible". It wants to turn Quan Yingyang's "truth" into "false" and Quan Yingyang's "being".

"Nothing". This gun has the power to annihilate everything. It shatters not only the energy of flesh and blood, but also all cognition and all existence.

The historian Wu Zhaixue has a theory - The times are always destroyed by the weak, but the flying sword alone is destroyed by the strong.

That is to say, in the Feijian era, the sharp edge was too strong, and the rigidity hurt itself. This era rose like a comet and fell like a comet. It only lasted for one hundred and seven years, but it left an indelible brilliance in the history books.

The flying swords of the past were at the top of the three peaks, without me, and one sword came across the sky, the earth, and the sky!

Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang met over the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, but before the official contact, a huge hole had been blasted out of his abdomen.

Body, mind, and spirit are all injured!

This time... Jiang Wang, whose soul was injured and had been forcefully driven into the Yun Temple by the True Demon Soul, saw this radiant shot.

I saw the familiar selflessness in it.

Reminds me of the sentence "There is no snow in the Ziwu Hills, and I haven't held a gun for thirteen years!"

I think of Ji Zhaonan, the senior who fell into the demon world, leaving behind only a Shaohua Spear.

In a daze, he understood why two true demons came to the world at the Conferred God Platform, but in the end, only Quan Yingyang came to chase him.

And got to know Xiong Sansi again.

Although Xiong Sansi is no longer here!

This is not the time for melancholy, and Jiang Wang never misses an opportunity in battle.

Xiong Sansi's last and first selfless shot penetrated Quan Yingyang's abdomen in an attempt to annihilate his vitality, but it also inevitably hurt Quan Yingyang's soul!

After the arrival of the gods, the power of the soul appears in the world and is condensed into one, which is spiritual consciousness. At this point, the soul has the power to directly interfere with reality.

After the Dongzhen, the spirit was used to refine the spirit, and the spirit was able to leave the body. With a single thought, the heaven and earth revolved around each other.

But why is it that the soul's out-of-body experience is often used as a means for the powerful at the cave level to suppress the bottom of the box, and why is it not used easily?

Once the soul is gone, the sea of ​​souls will be empty. In terms of high-level battles, the soul world at this time is almost undefended.

Of course, dealing with Jiang Wang is not a problem, but it happens that Rao Bingzhang's gun comes out of nowhere.

At this moment, it's like Quan Yingyang is mobilizing his army, rushing out to attack the enemy city. But behind him, a strange army has already invaded the nest and is setting fire to destroy the house!

At this time, Quan Yingyang had two choices. He could support himself and kill Jiang Wang's soul first. Or he could return to his soul first and eliminate his own hidden dangers before killing the enemy later.

In the sky above the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, he grabbed the scattered golden light, held the power of the Tao in his hand, reached into the huge hole in his abdomen, and quickly strangled the raging spear intent.

In Jiang Wang's Yun Temple, the real demon Yuanshen, who opened the door and broke into the temple, walked out.

He made a second one——

No, third option!

While his true demon soul was preparing to return, he looked out from a distance and grabbed Jiang Wang's soul manifested body. He easily restrained it, and instantly cast several secret techniques to remove the soul body from the throne.

Drag him down, just like dragging a corpse, and walk straight out!

The real demon cave world controls everything.

At the same time, he has to capture Jiang Wang's soul and interrogate some of the human race's secrets, and to interrogate him about the skills of the Sravaka Immortal Realm. He also has to turn back into his own body and protect his soul world under Xiong Sansi's selfless gun.

But what he was dragging... wasn't a corpse.

This shouldn't be a choice he would have!

Jiang Wang has been in the demon world for many days...

He spent the Spring Festival of the year 3922 in the demon world.

I also spent my twenty-second birthday in the mirror world.

Every day in the demon world, he fights against God's will!

Doing a dojo in a conch shell.

I couldn't get out of Moyun City, but I also tried my best in the city. From the three completely different demon clans, Chai Asi, Zhu Dali, and Yuan Laoxi, they developed three completely different roads, but each road went to the end.

They are all entangled in a deadlock.

He secretly visited Chencang and hid in Lianxi Inn. However, he returned to Chai's old home after a difficult time.

Keep trying, keep failing. Keep failing, and keep trying.

And the wrong path is precisely an answer to the so-called providence and the so-called fate!

I'm on the wrong track, and you're on the wrong track!

I was wrong, or you were wrong!

Whose mistake?!

Until he entered the world of God.

Xing Nian’s game, Qi Zhiben’s game, Lu Ximing’s game, Ji Xingkong’s game, Chan Fayuan’s game, Zhu Yi’s game, Hu Taisui’s game, Xuan Nangong’s game...

And on top of this, there is a dialogue between Emperor Yuan Xi and Grand Ancestor Yu Zhen that spanned tens of thousands of years.

And under this, Jiang Wang, who is treated as a pawn but has his own will, Xiong Sansi, who has been struggling for survival for more years than him, and even the real demon Spider Xian, Quan Yingyang, and the Demon King...

Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, Spider Lan Ruo, Lu Qilang, Snake Gu Yu, and even Ling Xihua!

Looking back in time, there was another generation of the Heavenly Demon He Huating.

Looking further down, there are Chai Asi, Zhu Dali, Yuan Mengji, Yu Xin, Zhu Xie and so on.

Thousands of clues are intertwined with each other, as if every anchor point is entangled with countless threads of fate. Just displaying these clues makes people dizzy. But they are all intertwined and paved into a section.

The river of destiny!

Who can drive a lonely boat in this river?

Time, space, cause and effect.

Every chess piece is a chess player of its own destiny. And every so-called "chess player" is not a chess piece of a higher being?

At that time, Jiang Wang was covered in blood. He crossed the Heavenly Demon Altar and leaped over the giant bronze cauldron. On top of the divine fire that soared into the sky, he rang the bell of knowledge but found nothing. He pointed his sword at the river of time but found nothing. He felt an unprecedented sense of loss.

and confused, but also with an unprecedented sense of freedom and magnanimity.

It's not that - I'm already dead, so I can do whatever I can.

It’s not that I’ve tried every possibility, but the way forward is indeed cut off, so let’s leave it at that.

But at that time, he suddenly understood a truth - the road is at his feet.

Does it mean that if you take the Zhiwen Bell, it will be responsible for you Jiang Wang and will be able to respond to the way home?

Does it mean that if Zhiwen Zhong can't find his way home, that way must not exist?

Zhiwen Zhong couldn't find his way home, and he lacked enough vision to see the distance and didn't know the direction home.

But if you can see three feet of land in front of you, just walk within these three feet of land.

Under limited conditions, make the best choice.

Hasn't it always been like this?

Even if it turns out to be completely different in the end, at this moment, who can say that I am not moving forward?

At that moment, all the gods looked up, and the divine fire burned fiercely.

In that kind of wind, he felt that he was on a three-dimensional chessboard, with dense lines of cause and effect up and down, left, right, and even at every diagonal angle.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Every choice is related to destiny.

He saw "right" and "wrong", and also examined his own "right" and "wrong".

His misguided path has been realized and can blossom, but the right time is not now.

The prerequisite for controlling the misguided path is to be able to recognize the misguided path, understand yourself, and recognize right and wrong. He knows that even if the misguided path blossoms, it will be difficult to shake the true demon. This is based on a full understanding of Quan Yingyang. And people like Xuan Nan

Sir, there is no need to even think about the Night Bodhisattva on the mountain road over there.

In the process of fighting against the will of the demon world, he gained inspiration——

God's will never specifically points to something or someone, but when many coincidences collide, they can naturally evolve into results that are in line with God's will.

Of course, the wrong way is to make a fuss in the choice of the target and lead the target to the wrong choice. But it does not necessarily have to be applied in this way.

Just like in that inn earlier, he asked Chai Asi to deliberately look at the roof before leaving the room. This naturally aroused Yuan Mengji's suspicion of the environment, and he naturally led Yuan Mengji astray to explore the bed.


Just like when he faced Zhu Lanruo many times, he did not use the wrong method, and even the wrong method should be difficult to shake Lan Yinxuguo... But under the pressure of his battle, Zhu Lanruo had to take action to graft the cause and effect, and even helped him die.


In fact, he has been doing these things.

Only at this moment, at this moment!

At the right time and in the right place, he activated his magical power! In the second inner palace, the black and white seed slowly bloomed.

Everything was so calm and silent.

Even in the sea of ​​​​the Five Palaces, there are no waves. Even the second inner palace has not appeared externally, and the light of supernatural powers has not changed. Even outside the body, above the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, because the manifested body of the divine soul was captured.

Daqi Tianjiao Jiang Qingyang, who was momentarily sluggish, was still moving forward with inertia.

You go astray silently, without knowing that you are on the wrong path.

The misguided approach allows the opponent to make the wrong choice among the existing choices. The misguided approach after flowering can directly give the target a new choice!

Of course, the success or failure of supernatural powers varies from time to place and from person to person.

At the moment when Quan Yingyang was shot by Xiong Sansi's selfless shot, his soul was injured, and he was eager to return. Jiang Wang used the misguided path after blooming to add a small twist to Quan Yingyang's choice to return.


At the same time, he also controlled the manifested body of his divine soul at the divine level and took him away together.

At this time, Quan Yingyang was seriously injured, and as Xiong Sansi's target of wiping "something" into "nothing", he was still fighting against the power of Xiong Sansi's shot.

This leaves room for misdirection to take effect.

Of course, the possibility of success in the wrong path is magnified in Jiang Wang's sea of ​​souls.

What's more, this newly added small choice is not dangerous to Quan Yingyang.

Because his soul had an overwhelming power advantage, he could indeed easily control Jiang Wang's manifested soul, and he did.


Coo coo coo, coo coo coo.

There was such a lonely sound of water in the Yuanshen Sea.

Just when Quan Yingyang's true demon soul dragged Jiang Wang's manifested soul out of the tall and majestic Yun Temple - the sound of water gurgled from above the door curtain.

Waterfall from heaven!

The Fountain of Youth manifested itself in the sea of ​​souls, pouring water all over Quan Yingyang's head and body.

The current was so strong that it swept him up in an instant, pushing him and the soul of Jiang Wang he was dragging back into the Yun Temple.


The palace door is closed!

The entire Yun Temple is filled with rushing water.

Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang are both lonely boats among them.

The difference is that although the manifested body of Jiang Wang's soul is controlled by the enemy, he is the lord of this flowing water and the master of the fountain of youth.

When this sudden change occurred, although Quan Yingyang was still contending with his own injuries, his soul reacted in time. With a wave of his hand, his mind became a sword. While crushing Jiang Wang's soul, he was also preparing to return forcefully.

But his men were all empty.

The manifested body of Jiang Wang's soul had already exploded before Quan Yingyang's sword of divine thought could slash it!

The many restrictions placed on this body by Dog Ying Yang are like a knife on the neck, a chain on the wrist, and a prison on the body.

But the bound prisoner... destroyed himself.

The thought of pain, the thought of killing the enemy, the thought of survival, the thought of home, family and old friends...

The manifested body of the fully prepared soul exploded into crystal clear thoughts, complicated and incomprehensible. Tens of millions of them arise and die in one breath, and now they all fall here.

Magical Thoughts!

In the previous battle, Jiang Wang sat in the ear with the idea of ​​​​immortal magic, solved the most critical problem about the introduction of magic in the sravaka immortal canon, and recreated the ear immortal described in "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to the Court".

At this moment, he directly exploded his body with thousands of thoughts, expanded all the countless magical thoughts to the limit, and bombarded Quan Yingyang at close range, thus generating tens of thousands of soul attacks with one thought!

There is indeed a barrier between the soul of the monk Shenlin and the spirit of the true demon.

But if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Wang would not dare to do this.

When the manifested body of the divine soul disintegrated countless magical thoughts and exploded them all, he was about to disappear and die.

But now Yun Temple has become another fountain of youth.

The Lord of the Fountain of Youth is in the Fountain of Youth.

What is "life and death, flesh and bones, real demons also prolong life"?

It's just about healing injuries and repairing flesh and blood, but you can't give birth to a "dead person"!

The power that can resurrect the dead can also act on the body and soul at the same time.

Just like when he was irrigated by the Fountain of Youth for the first time, his blood was instantly full and his spirit was as good as before, so he could sweep across the battlefield and kill the top genius Spider Lanruo.

In this sea of ​​souls that outsiders cannot see, in the Yun Temple.

Thousands of immortal thoughts bombarding the True Demon Yuanshen collapsed.

Besides this, there are thousands of immortal thoughts resurrected.

The almost endless fairy thoughts ebb and flow.

Quan Yingyang seemed to be trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, passively enduring the infinite bombardment of immortal thoughts!

If this continues, I don't know whether the power of the Fountain of Youth will be exhausted first, or whether the true demon soul will be exhausted first.

One wrong thought, and you will go astray!

This chapter has been completed!
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