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Chapter 1858: Catching the moon in the water, seeing flowers in the dream


The Rift Valley is rough.

The wind is like a knife.

The fat figure was crushed in the wind, making an innocent sound.

The Taiping Ghost worked hard and finally caught up with the Scarlet Moon Demon King Snake Gu Yu.

In other words, Sheguyu was rare and not so alert, allowing him to catch up. Her purple hair was fluttering slightly, and she looked over with no emotion.

Asking with empty eyes - why are you chasing me?

"Join Taipingdao!" Zhu Dali said directly.

Sheguyu did not speak.

"Join Taipingdao." Zhu Dali repeated: "I'll tell you why we have to live."

He took off his mask, and his fat, unsightly face showed full seriousness: "I'll take you to find the answer."

Does this guy want to tell me? Or does he want to tell himself?

Shegu Yu thought this in his heart and did not speak.

She is not a homeless monster, nor does she have no way out.

She was born in the prominent Linwu Snake family. She has amazing talents and became the new king of the Heavenly Ranking very early.

But no one knows that the entire Linwu Snake family is secretly a member of the Kulong Sect.

She also received ordination from a young age and joined the Kulong Sect.

The world of the Suffering Cage Party is full of despair. They only think about self-destruction and pursue a lifelong pursuit to bid farewell to the sea of ​​suffering with a glorious death.

The Linwu Snake Family planned a big plan to destroy the Sea of ​​Divine Fragrance Flowers, and responded to the call of the strong men of the Kulong Sect to use the destruction of the Sea of ​​Divine Fragrance Flowers to liberate the entire Linwu Snake Family. Snake Guyu, who was crowned the new king of Tianbang,

It is an extremely important tool in this plan.

But the "tools" have a mind of their own.

Sheguyu, who had accepted the Kulong Sect's ideas since childhood, did not want to die when he grew up.

The desire for life continues to grow, eventually annihilating the chains that shackle oneself.

Hence the Linwu Massacre.

Although she doesn't know why she wants to live so strongly, she doesn't know what the meaning of life is, and she doesn't know what hope there is in this huge caged world.

But she wants to live.

She had nothing, wanted nothing, only the desire of life.

Now Zhu Dali said that he would help her find the meaning of living and find the answer to why she lives.

She wasn't looking forward to Taiping Road, but she didn't seem to resist it.

Whatever, it doesn't matter, life will never get worse.

In the future that Chai Yin saw, this scene was one of them.

It may not be that exciting.

It's hard to even say it's worth it.

But such a picture is the future of the demon clan that he is willing to exchange for three thousand years.

The Taikoo Imperial City did not strictly manage the obscene worship of evil gods, because among the majestic Shinto power absorbed by the Conferred God Platform every year, there were also contributions from a large number of "wild gods".

However, a school of thought such as the Kulong Sect that cannot even be classified as a clear organization is definitely taboo for the demon clan. Any Kulong Sect that is discovered will usher in the bloodiest massacre in the ancient imperial city.

But the Kulong sect was not afraid of it, but was happy about it.

The Kulong Sect says that the demon race is born as a prisoner, that life is suffering, and that only death can achieve eternal liberation. They pursue all kinds of wonderful ways to die so that their end will have some glory. They are hunted down by the powerful men of the Ancient Imperial City.

, can also be regarded as one of them.

Many monsters think this is a kind of bravery, because the Kulong Sect "sees death as if it's home".

But let Shikashichiro say that this is the greatest cowardice.

Because they have no courage to face reality and break the cage, they can only use death to escape everything.

The truly wise and courageous people are like Yu Zhen, who never give up the fight and always open up a way forward for the ethnic group. They are like Chai Yin, who pay off more than three thousand years of accumulation at the snap of a finger and always believe in themselves and the future.

After interrupting a detachment that may be achieved, suspending a detachment that is certain to be achieved, and sacrificing a detachment that has already been achieved...

A magnificent new era has begun in front of the demon clan!

All the heavens and worlds once again opened their arms to the demon clan!

The demon tribe can no longer be locked up!

Lu Qilang was only frightened when the divine infant was snatched away. If Zhu Lan was killed, he still drew his sword. When Yao Zheng was cut off, he only let Quan Yingyang pay attention to his opponent. Only at this moment, seeing the great ancestor Yu Zhen embracing the heavens on the long river of time,

He couldn't help but burst into tears!

How great!

How difficult it is!

That was on the long river of time.

Emperor Yuan Xi and Grand Ancestor Yu Zhen sat down to discuss Taoism. What did they say?

Emperor Yuan Xi, who wrote the four words "Er for my life" on the bronze tripod transformed from Yu Zhen's body, was perhaps the only being in the world who could guess Yu Zhen's layout.

His legacy lasted for ten thousand years, and he thought of using the power of the demon world's divine way to shape the body of a god king, confer the title of Supreme God, and welcome Yu Zhen's return. While helping Yu Zhen fulfill his great wish, he let Yu Zhen lead the demon clan to welcome that embrace.

A new age in the heavens.

But to build a truly open world of Shenxiao, to open up the ten thousand-year-old trap of the demon clan, and to do it at the same time as Yu Zhen's return to transcendence, the chance of success is too low.

Yu Zhen chose to refuse, and invested in Emperor Yuan Xi's game as a source of information. He paved the way for his own resurrection as a "loss".

So Emperor Yuan Xi sighed.

There is nothing left to say except sighing.

When he and Yu Zhen competed for the title of Demon King, it was because each had their own right, each believed in their own path, and believed that they could lead the Demon Clan to a better future.

He focuses on the inside of the Demon Clan, believing in the potential of the Demon Clan itself, and believing that the Demon Clan can once again become great and reach the center of the world.

And Yu Zhen personally took risks and sought the return of the Dragon Clan. The failure of this move directly caused the biggest competitor to withdraw from the battle for the Demon King.

It cannot be said that Yuan Xi was unsuccessful in his appointment as Demon Emperor.

After all, under his leadership, the demon clan won the bloody battle at Centipede Ridge, once wiped out the Five Evils Basin, and almost broke through the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons! Although it failed in the end, it was the most glorious victory since the New Territories.

But the demon world is inherently deficient, and the heavenly prison is a huge prison.

The demon clan is trapped and locked in this place. As long as it cannot break the cage, no matter how hard it struggles, it is just delaying its death.

Although the human and demon clans fought every day, the demon clan never backed down.

But within a single realm, the war potential of the demon race is constantly decreasing. But the human race, sitting in the center of all realms, has a war potential that is increasing every day.

Emperor Yuan Xi knew very well that if there were no earth-shaking changes, the bloody battle at Centipede Ridge would be almost the last moment of the demon clan's return to glory. That glorious victory was bloody!

After the bloody battle at Shunling, he made a lot of efforts. He organized many counterattacks against the human world externally, and presided over various changes in the demon clan internally.

For example, studying human culture on a large scale and introducing human cultivation methods. For example, actively holding various martial arts conferences and selecting talented monsters. For example, reforming the military system and innovating military formations...

However, everything he did during his tenure as Demon King could not compare to Yu Zhen's step - unless he really broke through the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons during the bloody battle at Centipede Ridge.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he and Yu Zhen held their own opinions and could not convince each other. The same would be true tens of thousands of years later.

He sighed, he was willing to fulfill Yu Zhen's plan.

The tens of thousands of years of layout of the Immemorial Imperial City’s Conferred God Platform, how could it not be a huge misfortune of fate, but a rich endowment?

He knew that once Yu Zhen succeeded, the world of Shenxiao would truly be "opened".

This will be a huge achievement comparable to that of the last demon king in ancient times who opened up the demon world!

The ancient demon emperor gave the demon clan the possibility of survival, and Yu Zhen opened up a new hope for the demon clan!

He hoped that Yu Zhen could bring such great prestige to push the demon clan back to the center of the world.

But Yu Zhen insisted on being absolutely foolproof and refused to allow his resurrection, which added risks to the final plan and made his resurrection the ideal fuel. Just like Chai Yin later crushed the Sansheng Lanyin flower and refused to share it.

The "victory" achieved after all defeats uses the power of the three-life orchid flower to further consolidate the reincarnation of cause and effect in this life.

Therefore, the last sigh of Emperor Yuan Xi was just "Yu Zhen is unwilling".

He couldn't say what Yu Zhen wanted.

If we say that Emperor Yuan Xi was the only one in history who guessed Yu Zhen's layout in advance.

Chai Yin is the second being in history who has insight into the truth of the world of Shenxiao.

Then Jiang Wang is the third being who has touched the truth of this world.

Of course, there is the help of Zhiwen Zhong, but more importantly, he has never stopped burning all his thoughts about the world!

Before Yu Zhen embraced the heavens in the long river of time, he had some guesses about the final evolution of this world!

He guessed that the bubble of destiny in the Liudao Forest was the source of life in this divine world.

He guessed that everything would fail, maybe 10% of the time.

Besides freedom, besides the freedom of the entire demon clan, what else is worth sacrificing for a great being like Yu Zhen?

He guessed that this was the greatest possibility for the demon race and the most terrifying possibility for the human race.

The unbreakable blockade that the human race has built around the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons for several great epochs has now been bypassed!

From now on, the demon clan can travel to all the heavens and worlds through the world of Shenxiao, instead of just relying on the adventures of some sky demons in the sea of ​​chaos to obtain knowledge and resources in the vast universe... From now on, there are infinite possibilities!

He guessed it, but he was helpless and couldn't do anything.

We can only watch helplessly as the most terrifying possibility turns into reality step by step.

A great world that is leaping forward is unstoppable. A great ethnic group with infinite possibilities is unstoppable.


Since the world of Shenxiao is also open to all heavens and worlds.

Then the human race and the demon race should have the same possibilities in this world!

Whoever takes over this world first will gain the initiative.

The world of Shenxiao at this time is like an egg in the vast sea of ​​chaos. All the germination and tenacious growth of life take place inside the eggshell. No matter how noisy and ups and downs the world is, how fierce the ambitions are, how many competing ways, super

After shedding the child, things were calm outside.

This is the self-protection of this world, the so-called "innocence in the world". In order to create opportunities for Jiang Wang, the "extraordinary" genius of the human race, Zen Master Xingnian triggered the rules of the world. In order to ensure the final leap, Yu Zhen cleared the way

Hidden dangers solidify this protection.

When the world of Shenxiao completely completes its leap, it will naturally "break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly." It will no longer be innocent in the sky, but will jump out of the sea of ​​chaos and open its arms to all the heavens and worlds.

The demon tribe will of course have the first-mover advantage.

For tens of thousands of years, countless powerful demon clans have been arranging battles in this world. There are several sky demons guarding Moyun City! As soon as the world of Shenxiao opens, there will be many back-ups that can be used.

Apart from other things, Duke Xuan Nan, who is possessed by the gods and staying in the world of Shenxiao at this moment, has many ways to send the news back to the demon world in time.

Maybe the monster army is gathering now!

It is true that the world of Shenxiao is the creation of the ancestor of the demon clan, and the demon clan is more familiar with the world of Shenxiao... It can be said that the right time and the right place belong to the demon clan.

However, in today's world, the human race is victorious over the demon race, and the human race is overwhelming all the heavens and worlds. This is a brilliant trend at the height of the sun!

If the human race were to find this place in time and compete with the demon race, the outcome would still be uncertain.

What can be expected is that when the world of Shenxiao completes its leap and the demon clan's strong men enter this world, the demon clan will definitely think of ways to cover up the secret.

He will definitely manage the world of Shenxiao like an iron barrel, just like the Civilization Basin in the present world... and then invite all the races in the world to join in.

The moment the world of Shenxiao leaps out of the sea of ​​chaos, there must be quite a bit of turbulence. But as long as you have the heart to hide it, or cover it with clouds or waves, there is always a way.

Even if the secret cannot be hidden for long, being able to operate it for an extra hour is a huge advantage.

Yu Zhen left an infinitely vast world and a future with infinite possibilities for the demon clan, and he has given everything.

Other advantages will be won by the demon clan themselves.

And who is Jiang Wang?

It’s just a tiny speck of dust in all the worlds!

He can't control the general trend among the human race and the monster race, nor can he shake the layout of great beings like Yu Zhen. But as long as he can inform the human race of the opening of the Shenxiao world in time, even if it is just one or two breaths in advance, it will be a great contribution!

This possibility did not exist before.

Now you have it!

Because before that, what Yu Zhen wanted was to "seek everything to get something, and everything will be gained and something will be lost."

At this time, all the bubbles of destiny were shattered, resulting in the final world leap, and Yu Zhen achieved enlightenment and died.

While the world of Shenxiao was rising, the Zhiwen Bell was ringing crazily.

While helping Jiang Wang see more of the truth, it also helped him find the hidden path.


Jiang Wang grabbed the Zhiwen Bell and held it in the air.

The crazy ringing of the bell stopped abruptly.

I have my own way! Why do I need to know?

In the world of Shenxiao, which is vigorously rising to its essence, Jiang Wang and his Sauvignon Blanc seem so peaceful.

The Zhiwen Bell, which was once the treasure of the World Honored One, helped him smooth out the ripples of cause and effect, allowing him to retain peace amidst the drastic changes in the world.

As the third person in history who guessed the existence of Yu Zhen's layout, although he was unable to destroy Yu Zhen's layout and prevent the rise of the Shenxiao world, he still had the opportunity to use Shenxiao when he was prepared in advance.

World Leap to do something about it.

Emperor Yuan Xi guessed Yu Zhen's plan and chose to welcome Yu Zhen back.

Chai Yin saw Yu Zhen's layout and chose to succeed Yu Zhen.

And Jiang Wang only discovered the truth when the game was about to end... As a human race, he chose the human race, and as Jiang Wang, he achieved himself!

The traces of two great beings from earlier times sat and talked about each other in the long river of time.

I flew here and cut through the air with a sword!

At that time, the stars moved through the water of time, and the snow fell between heaven and earth.

It can be regarded as initially establishing a direction for this world.

The handle of the bucket points to the north, and the place in my heart is my hometown!

The search for Yu Zhen's old path failed.

The old journey to find the Lord failed.

Build the city of Wu'an to respond to Wu'an, and be willing to use your strength to build a bridge and the bridge will be broken.

In the world of Shenxiao, no, all the efforts made to return home after living in the demon clan's territory have all failed!

If the world of Shenxiao wants to once again leap into essence, and rebuild cause and effect after the order of time and space is reshaped. If it is said that the rules of the world want to return to their fairness.

Yu Zhen achieved success with all his defeats.

I, Jiang Wang, should also take advantage of all defeats!

The world of Shenxiao supports you, and it should also support me.

In exchange for all the losses, he was able to rise to the world.

I'll just replace it and take it home!

At this critical moment when the world is leaping forward, Jiang Wang follows Yu Zhen's example and borrows the reincarnation of cause and effect in this world to realize his extravagant dreams!

Use the consequences of countless failures to unlock the causes of success.

In this earth-shaking world.

Over the long river of time that traverses the sky, Yu Zhen has disappeared in his embrace of the outside world. He uses his complete disappearance to interpret the world he created in the sky, which is truly fair and open.

"You all achieve enlightenment through me, and I will also achieve enlightenment!" The lingering voice is still there.

And in the waves of time, there are reflections of stars.

Four dazzling stars, a winding star road, a spoon of starlight... It moves gently, probing into the long river of time. The starlight scoops up time, and time also crushes the starlight.

In the world of the divine sky where mountains and rivers roll back, endless stars shine.

It was a dreamlike sight.

Endless starlight paved a road, which extended to Jiang Wang's feet.

I use the star road to build the outer building, I use the star road to reach the outer building!

The starlight that illuminates the heavens and all realms has also illuminated my hometown.

Seven Stars Holy Tower...take me home!

In Ling Xihua's field of vision, landslides, torn apart, torrential rains, and violent winds were far away for a while. He saw starlight in the starless and moonless world of Shenxiao. He saw starlight filling the sky, hanging down a stream of brilliance.

Jiang Wang, the genius of the human race who once frightened him, has already embarked on the long road paved by starlight and left this world at a speed of thousands of miles in an instant!

He no longer cared about stabilizing himself or fighting against this earth-shaking world. He only screamed: "He wants to run!!!"

"who is he?

No need to describe it again.

Xuan Nan Gong, the only one who could stop Jiang Wang from leaving at this moment, would certainly notice the change earlier than Ling Xihua.

The mutual achievements of Great Patriarch Yu Zhen and Great Patriarch Chai Yin certainly moved him.

Emperor Yuan Xi’s ten thousand years of painstaking efforts were finally revealed to him.

But as the current Heavenly Demon who is in charge of the Conferred God Platform, he cannot indulge in emotions like those little demons.

He is fully able to realize the great significance of the opening of the world of Shenxiao.

The first time the world leapt into essence, he did two crucial things.

The first thing is to quickly inform the Ancient Imperial City of everything that happened in the world of Shenxiao. Please ask the Demon King to mobilize the strong men immediately. They must enter the world of Shenxiao as soon as the world of Shenxiao rises and completely incorporate this world into it.

Take control.

This matter is related to the lifeline of the demon clan for tens of millions of years in the future, and is the top priority.

The second thing is to start the Conferring God Immediately! Even if the power of the Conferring God Platform in the Ancient Imperial City cannot be transferred yet, just using the Conferring God Platform in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods for this purpose will be a huge waste of this perfect divine body...

We must also quickly make this divine king the divine lord of the divine world!

Because the world of Shenxiao pursues infinite openness, even if the divine master succeeds in enthroning, it will be difficult for him to have much authority.

But there is no need for any authority. Holding the God of the Divine Sky World in your hands, and having the mountains, rivers, wind, rain, thunder and lightning in your heart is your greatest advantage.

Once this is done, there is no need to say more about the benefits of controlling the world of Shenxiao.

After activating the Ten Thousand Gods Sea Conferring God Platform and conferring the title of Lord of the Divine Sky, he allocated his remaining efforts to smooth the waves of cause and effect and take action to stop Jiang Wang.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether a human race's genius is killed or not.

How far is the Shenlin Cave, and how far is the Cave's true path?

Even if it is as strong as the top, it is difficult to play a key role in the racial war.

The key is the information about the world of Shenxiao that Jiang Wang knows in his heart, and the second is the heavy treasure Jiang Wang carries!

The protector general under the control of Duke Xuan Nan stood on the surging torrent and threw a pair of pumpkin hammers straight down, turning them into towering giant peaks and hammering down the mountains and rivers!

And he raised one hand high——

More than half of the tens of thousands of statues arrayed on the Heavenly Demon Altar were scattered in an instant!

The body of the God-King, which was already glowing with glory and was receiving the decree from the Conferring God Platform, was crumbling and showed some signs of collapse!

If we had not given up more possibilities, used the Sea of ​​Gods Conferred God Platform to support this God-King Body, and removed so many statues at once, this flawless God-King Body would have exploded immediately.

The reason why he had to recycle so much energy was not that Jiang Wang was so difficult to deal with.

But Jiang Wang has indeed leveraged the cause and effect of this leaping world, and is using Tao to become Tao!

Fortunately, Jiang Wang's failure was not too great - compared with the countless failures that Yu Zhen had prepared, which involved no plan and four levels of transcendence... Jiang Wang's failure alone, even if repeated tens of millions of times, pales in comparison.

Therefore, the feedback from Shenxiao World about Jiang Wangzhi’s success is not too great.

It can also be influenced and changed by Xuan Nan Gong.

His raised right hand was directly thrust into the void. In the ripples of the river of time, a big hand with flowing divine light was thrust into the air, and he suddenly grasped the spoon of starlight!

He wants to reverse the star path and forcefully move Beidou! Let Jiang Wang come to him!

But at this moment, Jiang Wang, who was covered in blood and walking on the Star Road to Heaven, saw a dream-like line leaping out of the Zhiwen Bell he was holding, like a flying rainbow.

Xuan Nanggong realized that it was the thread of fate that he had seen before, connecting Jiang Wang and Zhiwen Zhong.

The thread of fate entangled by Zen Master Xing Nian!

One end of this line falls on the star road, and the other end hangs down into the long river of time.

And the distant star road passed by in a flash.

Jiang Wang's figure disappeared in a flash.

Although he is at this end, he is already at the other end. He and his star path have appeared on the other side of the long river of time, leaping out of this divine world and crossing into the infinitely distant future!

Of course, Zen Master Xingnian did not consider the opening of the world of Shenxiao.

Yu Zhen even hid it from the demon clan, and also hid it from everyone in the world.

But as the person with the highest calculation power in Mount Sumeru, it is impossible for him not to feel the Six Daolin Forest, and it is impossible not to realize that this world is paving the way for the reincarnation of cause and effect.

Although there are many great people in the world, who can understand cause and effect better than him?

He saw an unexpected "one" in the out-of-control calculations.

He handed the Zhiwen Bell to Jiang Wang, so it was impossible for him to leave no backup plan and expect Jiang Wang, a spiritual monk, to take the valuable treasure home on his own.

But only when Jiang Wang himself reaches this point can this last resort appear.

Only variables can cause variables.

What I am practicing is the "Future Star Tribulation Sutra", and what I am seeking is this moment in the "future".

He left a way for Jiang Wang in the past where he burned his body in the fire of karma, and in the "future" where the cause and effect of the world of Shenxiao is achieved.

This road leads to the outer world.

The future is already here!

The big hand with the flowing divine light grabbed hard in the long river of time and found nothing.

I fished for the moon in Xuannan Gong water and scooped up a handful of water of time.

Zen Master Xing Nian saw flowers in his dream, and they were blooming on the other side of the sky!

Xiong Sansi, Yu Xin, Zhu Lanruo, Zhu Xi, Yang Yu, Quan Xihua, Shu Jialan, Lu Qilang, Yuan Mengji, Chai Asi, Zhu Dali, Snake Guyu.

Spider string, dog responds to yang.

Xing Nian, Tiger Tai Sui, Lu Xi Ming, Zhu Yi, Xuan Nan Gong, Yuan Xian Ting, Qizhi Ben, He Huating, Xie Ai.

Yuan Xi, Yu Zhen, Chai Yin.

There are twenty-six characters, including Jiang Wang, a total of twenty-seven characters, most of which were portrayed after the beginning of the world of Shenxiao.

When you see these names now, which one makes you unable to remember?

Twenty-seven characters broke out in a divine game. Each character has his own character, means, and desires. All plans are revealed, all causes and effects are entangled together, and finally sublimate together.

I believe anyone can see how difficult this game is to write.

Thanks to those who have always encouraged me.

Writing is like meeting a close friend in high mountains and flowing water.

Nothing else to say.

Rest for four days.

The Shenxiao Bureau has come to an end for now, but this volume is not over yet.

I need to think carefully about how to handle this part in the second part of this volume, and I also need to think carefully about my life.

At least you have to live a life where you have manuscripts saved!

This chapter has been completed!
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