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Chapter 1923 How do I come to see you?


"Biqiong, how are you?"

I seem to hear such a sound in my ears.

Very familiar and caring.

Zhu Biqiong still remembers the sea breeze that day, whining like the sound of a flute. Of course, she also remembers the breathing of someone in the wind, which was so tense and uncalm.

Her body gradually lost its vitality and she could no longer feel herself, but she could actually feel the heartbeat of another person.

Bang, bang, bang.

Every sound was heard clearly.

This lonely heartbeat, at least for that part of the journey, was ringing for her.

How far is the distance from Tianya Terrace in Huai Island to Tianfu City in Qi State?

Because her sister unfortunately fell into the secret realm of Tianfu, she left Huai Island alone, thinking of going to Yangdi to investigate Hu Shaomeng. She was nervous and apprehensive all the way, and walked for almost a month before arriving at Tianfu City.

At that time, she was standing outside the Full Moon Lake surrounded by high walls, and was told that no one was allowed to approach the secret realm of Tianfu while it was closed. In front of that thick and indifferent high wall, she truly realized for the first time that her sister had left forever.


She lost her umbrella and could no longer hide under anyone's wings. From now on, she could only face the world alone.

This world is so strange.

Every bit is different from when my sister was alive.

The second time she came to Tianfu City, she couldn't remember how long it took. At the moment when the oil and lamp ran out, every breath was torture, but in such an embrace that shattered the strong wind, she didn't want to let go.

She still remembered that in that embrace, she could vaguely see the chin, the peak of the nose, and those lines that had been polished by the wind and rain, which were so heartbreaking.

She actually tried very hard to take another look, but her eyelids were too heavy and she couldn't hold it anymore.

What kind of place is Tianfu Secret Realm?

Everyone who has gone in has lost the memory of being inside.

All those who failed to come out never came out again.

Except her.

In other words, it's not quite her.

At that time, her body had reached its limit and her soul began to sink. When she left the embrace and was gently pushed into the moon gate, her last will also dispersed.

"Bamboo Taoist Friend..."

That was the last sound she heard.

There will be no follow-up, there will be no follow-up she wants to hear.

In fact, it would be good if the ending was like that. Who else in the world would look forward to her?

Those who sympathize have already sympathized, and those who are sad have already grieved.

Coming back to life again...is out of season.

She has no nostalgia for this world, and she doesn't want to disturb anyone anymore. She doesn't want to be that person who is out of place.

But she saw her sister again.

She saw the constantly changing scenes outside a huge, transparent glass ball.

At that time, her consciousness seemed to be scattered in the void. Although she had no limbs and could not feel the five senses, she could "see" everything.

Including the endless river, the magnificent Dragon Palaces... and even the Babel Tower.

There is a cloud platform on the mountain and a nine-cornered tower.

Wang Yiwu, a disciple of the Military God Gate, Xu Xiangqian of Qingya Academy, Li Longchuan of Shimen Li family, Zhang Yong of Fengyang Zhang family, Chongxuan Sheng of Bowang Hou Mansion...and Jiang Wang.

They are all the proud sons of heaven.

Wang Yiwu beats five to one.

It was just the battle at the level of Tongtian Realm that dazzled her, as if she was meeting the seventh level of this cultivation realm for the first time.

The scene in this glass ball evolves repeatedly.

Including the contact, dialogue, and choices of the characters in the scene, it is different every time.

But at the beginning of almost every battle, Wang Yiwu fought one against five.

That Chongxuansheng is really smart and can always steer the situation in a direction that is beneficial to him. That Wang Yiwu is also really arrogant and doesn't care at all how Chongxuansheng forms a gang and beats up as many people as he wants.

The scene in front of the Tower of Babel usually ends with the last living person walking into the Tower of Babel. There were also several times when all six people died and no one survived.

She realized that this was probably what happened to these people in the Tianfu Secret Realm. Or to be more precise, it was the performance of these people in the Tianfu Secret Realm that was recorded by the Tianfu Secret Realm, and in the later years,

Constantly evolving and colliding.

She had watched the battle in front of the Tower of Babel no less than a hundred times... Taking one hundred times as a calculation, the number of times Chongxuansheng successfully escaped was sixty-nine times, and the number of times both Chongxuansheng and Wang Yiwu died in battle was four

, the remaining twenty-seven times, Wang Yiwu swept his opponents, holding six magical keys in his hand, and walked to the Tower of Babel alone.

Although it is clear that the evolution of the scene in the Tianfu Secret Realm may be limited to their performance in the Tianfu Secret Realm that year, which not only does not represent the future, but may not even represent their true strength at that time. However, Wang Yiwu's dominance in the Tongtian Realm is still unnecessary


How did Jiang Wang catch up in the later years, defeat Wang Yiwu like this, Tenglong defeat Neifu Sheng, and become famous in Linzi in one battle?

What kind of hard work can lead to the glory that comes later?

Zhu Biqiong thought that she had found part of the answer in these battles that evolved in the secret realm of Tianfu - among the seventy times that Chongxuan Sheng successfully escaped, Jiang Wang died thirteen times. He never retreated once, and never retreated once.

Give up once.

The huge glass ball in front of you is the Tianfu Secret Realm itself. People's various experiences in the Tianfu Secret Realm are like stories serialized in books.

In the long history, the secret realm of Tianfu has been opened more than once, and there have been more than fifty participants. There are more than thousands of so-called "stories"?

Because he has lost his senses, he cannot perceive time. For Zhu Biqiong, the only way to measure time is the number of "readings".

Among all the "stories", the one she watched the most was the one that started in the year 3918 of the Dao calendar, especially the play that took place in the "Fourth Dragon Palace".

Jiang Wang is also there, and so is his sister.

Among those who have entered the game are Ji Xiu from Dongwanggu, Zhao Fangyuan from the Four Seas Merchant Alliance, Tian Yong from the Osawatian clan, Lianque from the Chiyang Lian clan... Zhu Biqiong has already written down the names and characteristics of each of them.

She couldn't remember how many times she had "read" these six people competing against each other.

She only remembered that in most cases, Jiang Wang was the final winner and successfully obtained the Horn of the Blue Dragon.

And every time in the story, sister Zhu Suyao failed.

Compared to the gentle and kind-hearted sister in my memory, the Zhu Suyao who fought in the Fourth Dragon Palace was much more violent and her methods were much crueler...but she could not compare with those other people at all.

Not as good as scheming or ruthlessness.

It is better than that ugly man named Lianque.

Watching Zhu Suyao fighting desperately again and again, failing and dying again and again.

Zhu Biqiong couldn't feel her body, but her heart ached. She knew very well why her sister came to the secret realm of Tianfu... She wanted to win everything back with all her strength, but even her own life was involved.

Then she heard a voice asking——

"Do you want to help her?"

She didn't know who the voice was, or even whether it was a man or a woman. She only knew that it was the strongest desire that came from the bottom of her heart after witnessing her sister's countless failures.

Then she entered the Fourth Dragon Palace, replacing Zhu Suyao and becoming one of the competitors for the Fourth Dragon Palace.

Her mission is to win the Horn of the Azure Dragon. And the mission reward is to get her sister out of this cycle of endless failure.

This is an extremely difficult task!

Even though she has "read" this scene thousands of times and understands almost every competitor's performance in the Tianfu Secret Realm, even though she is as clumsy as she is, she still faces failure time and time again.

Tian Yong's killing intent erosion, Ji Xiu's Nine Death Poison, Zhao Fangyuan's corpse refining technique... and the terrifying city that corresponds to their methods.

She was even spotted as a "prophet" on a few occasions!

In addition, only by becoming a rival with Jiang Wang can one deeply feel the terrifying pressure.

He has an extremely keen sense of combat and an extremely tenacious heart. He almost never makes mistakes in life-and-death fights and is always able to create and seize opportunities...

She completely understood why Jiang Wang was able to come back from the lost world, why he was able to complete such a harsh test, and come to her dying body.

She tried to cooperate, tried to express her feelings, and even asked in tears. But this Jiang Wang in the secret realm of Tianfu was completely unfamiliar to her, and he insisted on his promise to Zhongxuansheng and would never give up the Canglong Horn.

In the end, the reason why she was able to complete the test was that she deliberately leaked information from the beginning to let others know about Jiang Wang's terror. She communicated repeatedly with others, grasped everyone's mentality, and took the lead in forcing Jiang Wang to leave through a joint effort...

After completing the mission of the Fourth Dragon Palace and obtaining the Horn of the Blue Dragon, the chapter of the Fourth Dragon Palace has ended, and Zhu Suyao was freed from it.

The new mission is in the Tower of Babel chapter, the one where Wang Yiwu fights one against five!

The task requires her to defeat all opponents in front of the Tower of Babel and win all magical keys. And this time, her sister Zhu Suyao is her helper...

Zhu Biqiong didn't remember how long she had been practicing in the secret realm of Tianfu. Time was meaningless in a world like that. She didn't even remember how many tasks she had completed.

She and her sister depended on each other for life, and they had been through all the dangers, mountains and seas of fire, and had come back to life and death many times.

From an ignorant and innocent girl, to one that is riddled with holes after many hardships.

She only remembered that one day, the mysterious voice suddenly said to her - "You can go out."

She only asked - "What are the conditions?"

Everything in the secret realm of Tianfu has conditions, and she has become accustomed to working hard for results in missions again and again.

The Jiang Wang in the secret realm of Tianfu is not Jiang Wang, the real Jiang Wang is in the sky.

It can be expected but not attained, it can be thought of but not attained, just like the moon in the sky.

Living is a very hard thing, and she originally didn't want to continue. But because there is still such a person in the world, she actually has some expectations for that world.

She was sure she wanted to see him again, but she wasn't sure what else she had.

The price for taking my sister out of the secret realm of Tianfu is to conclude a covenant and spend the rest of my life supporting [Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water].

The price of God's early arrival is the complete loss of the possibility of escaping from fate.

She accepts them all.

She knew that she was not a talented person. No matter how hard she tried or how hard she worked, she could never achieve what she couldn't do. From the beginning, there was no possibility of getting rid of the beauty in the mirror.

She just wants to have a little freedom to care about her loved ones while serving her in the mirror.

She could see Jiang Wang again and feel her own heartbeat again. She could become a disciple of Gu Huaixin and solve the hatred of a real person for Jiang Wang. She could help kill Zhang Linchuan's substitute clone... mediocre and clumsy, she could do such a thing.

She had many things to do, and she was already satisfied to repay Jiang Wang for her narrow escape.

And now, it's time to pay the price.

When Zhu Biqiong realized this, it was when she looked up at the bright moon.

People saw great power in this crescent moon, but her thoughts went blank for a moment.

Zhu Suyao is her flower in the mirror, and Jiang Wang is her moon in the water.

Staying for a while is not realistic.

"it's time."

After many years, she heard that mysterious voice again. This time she heard it clearly. It was a low and hoarse male voice that seemed to be hiding many stories.

She fell back, like a petal or a drop of dew.

No words were left.


Jiang Wang subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but only caught a piece of flying flowers.

His five fingers clenched tightly, and he couldn't even hold the petals.

The palms of my hands are empty!

Right in front of him, Zhu Biqiong fell back, and her already slender body became even thinner at this moment, becoming like a piece of paper!

A piece of drawing paper fell limply.

And the image of Zhu Biqiong - pale face, dull eyes - is printed in the slightly rippled water mirror.

Has become a flower in the mirror!

Under the gaze of Qian Yang's red eyes, Jiang Wang's face also appeared in the water mirror, appearing right next to Zhu Biqiong!

But Jiang Wang was very clear that this was not his own reflection, because he was sad, angry, and doubtful, but the person in the mirror was smiling! With this smile, he came closer to the mirror and actually looked out of the mirror!

When he passed by the rippling waves, his face was like water ripples, and in an instant he underwent earth-shaking changes. When he walked out of the water mirror, he was a completely different person!

His face is thin, his hair is like frost and snow, and most importantly, his pair of deep eyes, which seem to be infinite in the universe.

Wearing a simple gown, there is an indescribable charm. Standing out of the water mirror, stretched out first!

It's like spring returns to the earth and everything revives.

It was as if some restraint had been broken.

The entire mythical world illuminated by the moonlight is filled with vitality!

Jiang Wang remembered his responsibilities and shouted coldly: "Shang Fengchen takes over the entire army!"

And he drew his sword and moved forward without hesitation.

At this moment, the five palaces all opened up, the whole body was filled with brilliant light, and the Sword Immortal came to the world.

But he only saw a hand with five fingers spread out... a slap, overwhelming, covering everything in reality and soul.

But all he heard was a scream—


It was an almost crazy, extremely sharp female voice!

Zhu Biqiong’s voice!

Zhu Biqiong has not completely left yet!

Jiang Wang had such a surprise in his heart, but his consciousness had fallen!

Fall into eternal darkness!

It’s boundless, and I don’t know.

Almost at the same time.

True Lord Yandao who was present also sensed something was wrong.

The candle in the sky on the lantern suddenly fell back, and Yu Liyang, who was walking towards the surging boundary river, turned around suddenly.

A wisp of white flame lights up the heavenly spirit, and a peach blossom branch sticks to the neck.

The two Daoists simultaneously attacked the man who came out of the water mirror.

But the white flames fell like phantoms, and the peach blossom branches became empty.

This man with slightly frosty hair on his temples, after casually knocking Jiang Wang down with a slap in the face, regarded the offensive of the two Yan Dao masters as if they were nothing, and also regarded the suppression of several emperors as if they were nothing. His figure became weak and strong again.

Appeared on the crescent moon.

One foot steps on the moon, and the bright moon hangs upside down.

Chang Xiao said: "Xuanyuan Shuo, do you know how I can come to see you!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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