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Chapter 49: A lone wolf dies on hunger strike, a lone eagle dies after touching a pillar

After listening to what Lianque said, Jiang Wang felt sad.

Everything in the world, as long as there is a spirit, longs for freedom.

A lone wolf may starve to death, and a lone eagle may strike a pillar and die, so what about a human being?

"so you……"

Jiang Wang waited for him to continue. He was vaguely aware of what Lian Que wanted to do.

"Although I used to think that this kind of rule was rotten and old, I also knew that it was hard for the entire Lian family to change. The rules formed over hundreds of years cannot be easily shaken by anyone."

"But today I truly realized that the Lian family is rotten to the core, and all its honor and belief have disappeared."

"Changes must be made, no matter how painful the price of change is. Because if this continues, the Lian family will be gone! The ancient fire that has lasted for so many years will definitely be extinguished."

"I have made up my mind today."

Lian Que's ugly face now had a firm, sacred light.

"I want to change all that."

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I didn't want to fight before, but now I want to fight for the position of the leader of the Lian family." He looked at Jiang Wang and said: "Before, I was focused on building soldiers and didn't have many connections and friends. So, I want to ask for your help."

"I know you are helping Zhongxuansheng, and Zhongxuansheng is fighting for inheritance rights with Zhongxuanzun. I am willing to join you. I only hope that you can help me when I want to change the Lian family in the future."

Jiang Wang realized that this was a very solid force.

With Lian Que's current reputation for forging famous weapons, a family of weaponsmiths like the Lian family already has enough capital to compete for the head of the family.

The Nanyao Lian family is a family that all the royal family members covet. If it weren't for the current Qi Emperor's great prestige and strict control over his subordinates, the fourteenth prince Jiang Wuyong wouldn't be able to come into contact with him.

Unlike Zhenglong, the risk of the Lian family participating in the internal power seizure of the Chongxuan family is not that great. In other words, if Lian Que controls the Lian family, they will be able to use more power in the competition between Chongxuan Sheng and Chongxuan Zun.

More, less worries.

For Chong Xuan Sheng, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

Having allies like the Lian family is enough to bring him closer to Chongxuan Zun more quickly. Of course, the premise of all this is that they can help Lian Que realize his ideal.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and didn't lie.

He said very sincerely: "You and I are friends. I can represent myself and am willing to help you unconditionally. But I cannot make the decision for Chong Xuan Sheng."

"And what I must tell you is that the situation we are facing now is very difficult. Zhongxuanzun is far stronger than Zhongxuansheng in terms of personal strength, personal power, and connections. He has been the first heir for a long time.

Chongxuan Sheng has just begun to develop. Although we need your help now, I don't want you to make rash decisions."

"Jiang Wang." Lian Que said seriously: "No matter Chong Xuan Zun or Chong Xuan Sheng, there is no trust between me and any of them. So those things are not things I have to consider. I only know that you

Trustworthy. So I stand with you. I will help whoever you help."

"Okay, let me ask Zhongxuan Sheng."

In front of Lian Que, Jiang Wang took out the Huanyin Pei and passed the message to Chong Xuan Sheng in the restaurant over there.

He realized that this matter was not a trivial matter, so he rashly let Lian Que have a private conversation with Zhongxuan Sheng, which might not be a good thing. In an environment like Nanyao City, the Huanyin Pei originally prepared for the Tianfu Secret Realm came in handy.

As Jiang Wang said, he can only represent himself. He cannot and will not make decisions for Chong Xuan Sheng.

However, when discussing with Chong Xuan Sheng, the fat man's decisiveness still exceeded Jiang Wang's expectations.

"I agree to cooperate. Say this to Datie Wa, 'I, Chongxuan Sheng, will never treat my allies badly. You help me control the Chongxuan family today, and I will help you overthrow the Lian family tomorrow!'"

Jiang Wang entered Daoyuan and placed the Huanyin Pei in front of Lian Que.

Lian Que didn't have any objection to the title "Diatie Boy". He glanced at Jiang Wang and said, "That's how we made an appointment."

When Zhong Xuansheng heard the response, he immediately said to Jiang Wang: "It's not convenient to talk in detail now. I will establish a secret contact with Dati... er... Lian Que in private. You should leave there immediately and come to the restaurant to find me.

, we will leave the city immediately."

Jiang Wang was not stupid, but he was limited by his background and had little knowledge of these things. When Chong Xuansheng said this, he had already figured it out.

The less people know about the cooperation with Lian Que, the greater the impact it will have in the future.

Making a big show of it now will do a lot of harm but no good, and may turn a good thing into a bad thing.

As the only weapon maker of the Lian family who has forged famous weapons in the past fifty years, Lian Que has a bright future. As long as he is willing to run the business, he can develop quickly. In this regard, Chong Xuan Sheng can secretly provide a lot of help, including Lian Que himself.

The most lacking experience in power struggle,

But if he wants to truly control the power of the Lian family, Lian Que's opponents are not only the other Lian children vying for inheritance rights, but also the existing vested interests of the Lian family, the family elders... and even Lian Zhuping, the head of the Lian family!

Lian Que's current status is of course of great help to Zhongxuan Sheng. But on the other hand, Lian Que also has many competitors within the Lian family.

Chongxuan Shengruo joined forces with Lianque in a big way, which to some extent is equivalent to pushing Lianque's competitors to Chongxuan Zun's side.

No need to think about whether Zhongxuanzun would do this.

He himself is also doing this kind of thing. Among all Zhongxuanzun's allies and various connections, as long as they compete with Zhongxuanzun, Zhongxuansheng has been in contact with them all.

Otherwise, how could he develop his power so quickly?

And since this kind of cooperative relationship exists secretly, it can be used as one of the trump cards. When the bayonet comes to a close with Zhongxuan Zun in the future, the winner may be the winner.

The more chips you have, the more confidence you will have when the result is finally revealed.

Of course, Zhong Xuanzun knew that Lian Que and Jiang Wang were congenial, but he would not have imagined what level of cooperation Lian Que and Chong Xuan Sheng would achieve.

Through Jiang Wang, Zhong Xuansheng and Lian Que made an alliance agreement to spare no effort to help each other!

Instead, Zhong Xuan Sheng wanted to leave immediately. The faster he left, the better, and the more people felt that he and Lian Que were disgusted with each other, the better.

Back at the restaurant, Chong Xuan Sheng's subordinates had already prepared the carriage, so Jiang Wang got on directly and left.

Even though the carriage was luxurious and huge, Chongxuan Sheng alone occupied nearly one-third of the carriage.

The elder of the clan who had accompanied Chong Xuan Sheng to Nanyao was sitting across from Jiang Wang, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Fortunately, he was only slightly chubby, otherwise Jiang Wang wouldn't know where to squeeze.

While Chong Xuansheng opened the curtain and inspected the situation in Nanyao City, he explained to Jiang Wang: "I'm not afraid that he will have conditions and make demands. If I lose, everything will stop. If I win, all problems will be solved."

There are solutions."

"Jiang Wuyong is right about what he said. You really have a strong gambling streak."

The contradictions in Chong Xuan Sheng are very prominent. On the one hand, he is cautious. At this time, he lifts the curtain to look outside, but he is actually wary of the environment. On the other hand, he has a strong gambling habit and often makes big bets.

Hearing Jiang Wang's words, he just smiled.

"I'm not as good as Chong Xuanzun in everything. If I don't have the courage to make a desperate move, how can I compete with him?"

Hearing this, the elder of Chong Xuan Sheng's clan opened his eyes and said with a smile: "What makes you better than him is not your courage."


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