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Chapter 1979 Illustrated Codex of Various Tribes, Jade Spirit of Fire

Qing Huoheng is still very wise, and he is not the king in vain.

In fact, on the way to the royal palace, Jiang Wang had always had a doubt - how does the royal power totem protect the royal power?

You must know that the Qinghuo tribe four years ago was not even ranked among the top 100 in Floating Land. Then there was the tragedy of Wuzhi Cave, and together with Qinghuo Gaochi, the strongest combat force, the entire army was wiped out.

How can such a Qinghuo Ministry maintain the royal power?

He had just won the life-and-death chess game and was pushed away from the floating land world, unable to study the royal power totem.

Now he knows why.

The function of the royal power totem is that it can suppress any totem.

In other words, all totem strong men will lose their extraordinary power and become ordinary people when facing the royal totem.

This terrifying effect reminded Jiang Wang of the legendary ultimate magical power - the Gate of Heaven and Earth.

The difference is that the King Power Totem is only effective against totems, while the Heaven and Earth Gate magical power prohibits all extraordinary things.

The Qinghuo Department has obtained the totem of royal power, so it can naturally suppress dissatisfaction and truly hold the power of the king for a hundred years.

Qing Huoheng, who possesses the totem of royal power and is crowned as king, is the true common master of the world in these hundred years. Once the decree is passed on, all the ministries in the world will not refuse to obey.

Jiang Wang asked Qing Huoheng to do two things.

First, search the world for clues related to the world-destroying dragon. Including but not limited to: all traces related to dragons, all religious beliefs, all extraterrestrial visitors... no matter the past or present, once discovered,

Report it immediately and the dragon hunting team will go and clean it up personally.

Second, all ministries in the world enshrine history books in the royal palace and search history together, focusing on exploring the history between 1,200 and 1,000 years ago to find clues to the magic weapon that destroys the world-destroying dragon. The magic weapon is

It is made from the Buddha's treasure dropped by the world-destroying demon dragon. It is shaped like a bronze bowl and has Sanskrit inscriptions on it.

There is also a third thing, but it is not made public.

Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang Linchuan, the dragon hunter, can be regarded as a member of the Qinghuo Department. After all, he has the fire totem of the Qinghuo Department on his back, and he has learned the Fire Source Illustration of the Qinghuo Department.

Mr. Linchuan is quick and eager to learn. After learning the Fire Source Illustrated Book of the Qinghuo Department, he has been thinking about collecting all thirty-six Fire Source Illustrated Books.

But there is no need for him to talk about this. Qing Huoheng started working on this matter as soon as he was crowned king, and it has already been completed.

Not only that.

The metal part, the wood part, the water part, the earth part, the wind part, the thunder part, the plague part... Illustrated books of each department and the Qinghuo Heng were also obtained in various ways, which greatly laid a solid foundation for the Qinghuo Department.

This is also something that every royal tribe will do.

Of course, the totems entrusted by various tribes are the same as when the Qinghuo Ministry taught the Dharma to Jiang Wang. The core secrets cannot be handed over. Only totem practice can flourish the original method.

Qing Huo Heng dedicated all of Qing Huo Heng to Mr. Linchuan, and Jiang Wang was not stingy. He shared these illustrations with the members of the Bai Yujing Morning Religion Association, and sometimes sat around the fire to talk and analyze the mysteries. At the same time, he also personally gave guidance on Qing Huo Heng's practice.

Teach the killing method as a reward for your dedication.

As the strongest person in the Qinghuo tribe who was once second only to Qinghuo Gaochi, Qinghuo Heng's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds after his coronation. He has far surpassed Qinghuo Gaochi in his past, and is almost comparable to the powerful people at the level of divine presence in this world.

But it was only equivalent to Weak God Lin. Jiang Wang, Strong God Lin, had killed countless people, so he felt no pressure to guide him. His combat power was greatly increased in a short period of time.

"Speaking of which, I'm quite curious about one thing." In the palace, Jiang Wang gave some instructions on how to practice, sat down in the pavilion, and chatted casually: "If a tribe with a royal totem is granted the title of king, what will it do to other tribes?

By suppressing killing so that strong men cannot be born, wouldn’t it be possible to maintain victory in the game of life and death and continue the king’s power?”

Qing Huoheng's boiling energy and blood slowly calmed down, and his face showed the joy of growing practice. He explained seriously: "When it comes to the battle of life and death, all races are forbidden to be extraordinary. When fighting, the gap is very small, and star generals often rise.

The leading role. Secondly... if the killing is too heavy and the blood stains the royal power, the royal totem will collapse. In addition, there are caves everywhere in the Floating Continent, which requires each ministry to have a certain strength to suppress it. If the suppression is too much, once the caves are destroyed

If it is broken through and the star beast rushes to the ground, it will be a sin for the king and a disaster for the world."

He added: "The Xuanfeng Tribe has held the royal power for the longest time in history. It relied on people from outside the world to seize the royal power twice in a row. Later, there was the tradition of Point Star Generals... Other royal power tribes have a cycle of a hundred years. There is no

Enjoy it for a long time.”

Jiang Wang was thoughtful.

For totems, the more people practice it, the more prosperous the origin is, and the more powerful the feedback it can give to practitioners. Therefore, seemingly ordinary totems such as water, fire, wind, and earth are actually the strongest tribes in Floating Continent.


The rules of life and death chess allow the floating land tribes to determine the kingship with less loss. The kingship totem ensures the kingship, and has restrictions that prevent the kingship tribes from being too wanton.

It should be said that the entire floating land world's cultivation system and operating rules are very positive - and also very artificial.

Before learning that Duke Guan Han might have left something behind in Fulu, Jiang Wang would not have thought of this. However, now how he sees the world and how he feels that it is governed by a certain remaining will. Over a long period of time, he has never thought about it.

Develop within that kind of discipline.

"You have to do one more thing for me." Jiang Wang said directly: "I heard Qinghuo Qiming tell the creation myth of Fulu before, but it was only a fragment. I heard him say that the "Book of Creation" has long been lost.

Lost, the broken pages are scattered everywhere, can you help collect them completely? I want to know more about this world, so that I may be able to grasp where the World-Destroying Dragon will start."

Qing Huoheng always obeyed his advice, but after meeting Mr. Linchuan's friends, he corrected his attitude early.

"Seeing the full story of the creation myth is also the wish of many people in Fulu. Even if you don't say it, sir, as a royal tribe, you should shoulder this responsibility, and we are doing it." Qing Huoheng said: "But "

Wu Zhu is responsible for collecting the remaining pages of the Book of Creation. Do you want to meet me, sir?"

He knew that Mr. Linchuan and his predecessor Wu Zhu Qinghuo Qiming were very close to each other. Qinghuo Qiming was cowardly and reserved and almost never communicated with others, but he had confided many things to Mr. Linchuan. Now that Mr. Linchuan has returned to Fulu, he is also

From time to time, I would say "Qi Ming once said".

But Qinghuo Qiming has been dead for four years.

Because it was a suicide, it was not very honorable, and he was suspected of being forced to death by his tribe. Therefore, he was a little cautious when mentioning Wu Zhu.

Jiang Wangdao said: "The witch wishes from the blue sky, communicates the origin of the totem, enlightens the people's wisdom, and makes the business smooth. The status is high and the affairs are heavy and complicated. How can I let him come to see me? I should go and visit."

Before Jiang Wang left, the fire department had already replaced the new shaman and has been presiding over the fire temple to this day.

When they went to the Life and Death Chess, Xin Wuzhu was also the host. However, he had almost no communication with Xin Wuzhu, and of course there was no friendship or festival.

Mr. Linchuan's respect for Wu Zhu is his respect for the Ministry of Fire.

Qing Huoheng was very impressed and said eagerly: "I will lead the way for you personally."

Just as he was about to set off, a guard suddenly came to report——

"The leader of the Swift Fire Tribe asks for an audience."

Qing Huoheng was stunned when he heard this.

Because the Fire Tribe is not an ordinary tribe.

Before seizing the kingship, there were thirty-six tribes of the Fire Tribe, and the Qing Fire Tribe ranked 30th. The Swift Fire Tribe had never fallen out of the top three of the Fire Tribe, and was one of the most powerful tribes in Floating Land.

Today, the Qinghuo Tribe is indeed a royal tribe and rules the world. The leader of the Jihuo Tribe can also be regarded as the strongest prince under the royal power and should not be ignored.

"Please come in quickly." Qing Huoheng ordered, and then said to Jiang Wang: "The Jihuo tribe is a big clan, and the clan leader will not come to court easily. There must be something big when he comes. Maybe it is related to the world-destroying demon dragon. Is Mr. Linchuan interested?


Jiang Wang said: "As long as it doesn't affect the king."

Not long after, the current patriarch of the Fire Tribe came forward in a graceful manner.

The leader of a powerful tribe, looking delicate and beautiful, and the rough and powerful King Qing are really two extremes.

But when she got close to him, she raised her thin eyebrows slightly, and the aura of life and death became real. "Jihuo Yuling, I have met the king, I have met...Mr. Linchuan."

As you can tell from the name, this clan leader did not come from a very good background, but he was able to assume his current position and take charge of one of the most powerful clans in the floating land world. He went through many hardships.

"We are in the same spirit as the Fire and Fire Tribe. I have a close friendship with the leader of the Fire and Fire Clan. Why do we need to protect them? Just leave!" King Qing waved his hand, dismissed the surrounding guards, and asked the Fire and Fire Queen to take a seat.

Jihuo Yuling sat down at the stone table, the three of them were like a tripod.

King Qing first asked: "The Jihuo Clan is here, but there is news about the world-destroying demon dragon?"

"Now that the king's order has been issued, there is no reason for our clan to be negligent. Besides, if the demon dragon annihilates the world, and the whole world is jointly responsible for it, how can the Jihuo Department stay out of the matter? They have searched all over the country, and as soon as there is any news, they will fly eagles to report." Jihuo.

As Yu Ling spoke, she changed the topic: "But the reason why I came here this time is actually to visit Mr. Linchuan."

She looked at Prince Qing, then at Jiang Wang, and her voice softened: "It just so happens that Mr. Wang is here too. Isn't it convenient for us to talk alone?"

Jiang Wang can do anything.

King Qing was also very happy, got up and left: "I am just going to discuss matters, so I will leave this place to you two!"

Ji Huo Yu Ling stood up and gave the gift: "Yu Ling is rude."

It would be scary if she secretly begged to see someone from Qingtian. On the contrary, she came so openly and talked about things in front of King Qing in the palace, so King Qing had no reason to care.

Seeing Jihuo Yuling sitting back, Jiang Wang smiled and asked, "What advice does the patriarch have?"

Jihuo Yuling looked sad, which made people pity: "Yuling is here to ask for advice."

Jiang Wangbafeng remained unmoved: "Oh?"

Jihuo Yuling said: "May I ask Mr. Linchuan, do you know Jiang Wuxie?"

Unexpectedly, the ninth prince of Da Qi actually used his real name in the floating land world. Jiang Wang remained calm: "We know each other. What?"

In the original game of Life and Death, Jiang Wuxie fought on behalf of the Fire Department, but his entire army was wiped out in the encounter with Lei Zhanqian. As a result, Jiang Wang later did not know how far Jiang Wuxie was operating in the Fire Department. Today It seems that it is not easy for the leader of the Jihuo Tribe to come...

Jihuo Yuling looked into his eyes and asked seriously: "Before leaving, he left me a letter, saying that he is the ninth prince of the current Great Qi Empire, and that Qi is the hegemonic country in the world, right or wrong?"

Jiang Wang's expression became strange: "I didn't expect him to even tell you this."

"I'm not afraid of sir's jokes." Jihuo Yuling obviously softened a lot: "Jiang Lang and I made a lifelong engagement four years ago, and we have been married for a long time."

Jiang Wang blinked.

Lei Zhanqian had his own charm, which made Chi Leiyan of the Chi Lei Department never forget him and wanted to wait for him for a hundred years.

But in comparison, the Ninth Prince is still much more skilled.

In the life-and-death chess game, she is inconspicuous, but she has fascinated the clan leaders of the Fire Tribe. This Fire Dragon is not a simple character! Her cultivation is not inferior to that of King Qing after he obtained the totem of royal power! Being able to lead a large clan and compete with all clans in the world, his methods and knowledge are the best choices.

How virtuous and capable is Jiang Wuxie? Is it just because of her good looks?

Thinking of the fact that the man was hugging everyone in Linzi City, Jiang Wang felt itchy and wanted to say something.

But Jihuo Yuling added: "I know that Jiang Lang has many women in this world, and he has not hidden it from me. I can feel his sincerity towards me. I know that he will love many people, but the one he loves most must be I."

What a good Jiang Wuxie!

Jiang Wang had nothing to say, so he asked: "So the patriarch came here today just to confirm whether he has lied to you?"

Jihuo Yuling took out a piece of jade, placed it in the palm of her hand, and showed it to Jiang Wang: "When Jiang Lang left, he gave me his personal jade, saying that if one day I encounter any danger and anyone saves me, With this jade, you can gain his friendship."

Jiang Wang took a quick look and knew that this jade was indeed a fine product from the Imperial family of Da Qi and was extremely valuable.

Jiang Wuxie is a romantic, and she really spends money on having fun.

The friendship of the Master of Yangxin Palace can only be understood in this world.

Jiang Wang was very convinced, and he finally understood Jihuo Yuling's intention.

Then he asked: "Do you think you will be in danger?"

If something happens within the Fire Department, for Jiang Wuxie's sake, it's not like he can't take action.

Jihuo Yuling put away the jade and sighed: "The Royal Tribe has sent orders to all directions, saying that a demonic dragon will destroy the world. I am very uneasy. If that day comes -"

There was hope in her beautiful eyes: "I hope that sir, for Jiang Lang's sake, he can help take away my child."

Jiang Wang's expression became even weirder: "Jiang Wuxie's child?"

Jihuo Yuling shook her head and said: "It was born between me and my late husband. If I can escape this disaster, I really want to give birth to a child for Jiang Lang. Give birth to our child."

Jiang Wang was very confused when he heard what she said.

And the love story between her and Jiang Wuxie has become more and more colorful...

"Don't worry." Jiang Wang said solemnly: "I will definitely kill the dragon this time, and I won't bring disaster to this world."

Jihuo Yuling said: "I mean... just in case."

Jiang Wang didn't want to make a false promise, because if anything happened, he wouldn't be able to leave. But he couldn't show lack of confidence in front of the leader of a powerful tribe like the Fire Tribe, and fight Ao Kui in a cage.

Still need their help.

"Poor parents in the world!" Jiang Wang said softly but firmly: "But I will never make this assumption. This is a fight that will stake my life's reputation, Zhang Linchuan, and I will not consider any choice other than winning."

Jihuo Yuling completely felt Mr. Linchuan's determination, and her words became more sincere: "Please let my little girl accompany you. If you are unlucky, my little girl will follow suit. If you have enough strength to do it, can you stretch out your hand again?"

Jiang Wang never imagined that one day he would have to raise a child for Jiang Wuxie.

When the other party talked to this extent, he had no choice but to say: "If you are really worried, let her stay with me for a few days. After the dragon is killed, you can take her back and reunite her."

Jihuo Yuling thanked her profusely: "My little girl has been taken outside the palace and will be sent to your residence later. Regarding all your strategies for dealing with the world-destroying dragon, everyone in the Jihuo Department will definitely cooperate! The history is poor at the top, and the wasteland is at the bottom.

No effort was spared. In addition…”

She said slightly sadly: "If you go back to your world, please tell Jiang Lang that I am thinking of him. I will wait for him."

Such an infatuated look is really pitiable.

Looking back, I really want to ask Qin Yuan and Qin Xi, who is the woman the Ninth Prince loves the most?!

When Jihuo Yuling disappeared, Jiang Wang was about to go to the Fire Temple to read the Book of Creation, when he suddenly remembered why he felt something was not right——

Although his theory of the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon was full of truth and lies, and had a beginning and an end, the seal of the begging bowl was indeed very convincing.

But the Floating Land World is, after all, a world with a long history. It has its own civilization and has experienced many storms and waves.

Whether it was based on the good cooperation last time, whether Prince Qing simply felt his strength, or whether he was dubious and had to follow him, it was all excusable.

But what about Jihuo Yuling?

As the leader of a powerful tribe, the Jihuo Tribe, he has a foundation far better than that of the Qinghuo Tribe, and his vision should be better than that of Prince Qing, who has been the king for several years... Why is Jihuo Yuling so pessimistic?

Not only did he cooperate with the royal power beyond the duties of the princes, he even started to protect his children without even seeing the face of the so-called demon dragon!

This chapter has been completed!
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