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Chapter 1981 Zhong Lingyuxiu

Before coming to the Floating Continent World, Jiang Wang first went to the Forest Sea Origin World and the Hidden Star World.

Compared to other participants in the Floating Land World, he is a latecomer, so he can only sign a contract with the weak Keihuo Department.

Those participants before him had longer operations in the floating land world.

The fair rules of the life-and-death chess game, to a certain extent, offset the advantage of others entering the floating land world first. But in a very rich world like the floating land, time is equivalent to a treasure, and smart people will definitely be able to grasp it.

For example, at that time, he could only get the cultivation method of the Fire Totem of the Keihuo Department, but there was no killing method, and the Totem Spirit Achievement Method. Others had a longer business period and would definitely be able to get more.

Lei Zhanqian won the hearts of beautiful women and was highly respected in the Chilei tribe.

Jiang Wuxie almost held the Jihuo Department in his palm.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but wonder, where is Sister Li's sister?

What else have those women with lofty ideals and icy hearts won in the world of floating land?

"Is the Wu Zhu of the Purification Department still the Pure Water Chengyan?" Before leaving the Fire Temple, Jiang Wang asked Wu Zhu one last question.

"Generally speaking, as long as a Wu Zhu doesn't die, he will always be a Wu Zhu. This is a job where as long as you are hired, you can live and die for the rest of your life." Qinghuo Guanwen explained humorously that he had not been able to decipher it so far. The reason for any creation divine text.

In the sound of King Qing's cough.

He added: "Qing Shui Chengyan is still alive now."

The two shamans in the fire temple are really completely different.

This is Qinghuo Qiming's prison cell, but it is Qinghuo Guanwen's cozy home.

Qinghuo Qiming's biological father, adoptive father, and biological grandfather all died in the underground caves, and he seemed to have inherited the fate of dying in the underground caves.

People here said that it was an accident that he jumped from Youtian.

But Jiang Wang always felt that that was the ending that had already been determined. Cowardice was Qing Huo Qiming's resistance, but he failed to change the ending.

"Please give me an order from the king to summon this senior to the royal capital to discuss the plan to fight against the world-destroying dragon." Jiang Wang said to King Qing.

King Qing responded naturally: "Mr. Linchuan called me, how could he refuse?"

The journey after the Huo Temple is Wuzhi Cave. If the king does not go into danger, King Qing will not follow him. But before that, Jiang Wang has to meet Jihuo Yuling's daughter.

A group of Qingtian visitors are still staying at the General's Mansion in Qinghuo Yuanchen.

In the rather spacious courtyard, Jiang Wang saw the cheap daughter of the ninth prince of Da Qi, Jiang Wuxie, who was about eight or nine years old and about the same height as Jiang An'an. She was sitting on a chair, with nothing under her skirt. , also wearing an exaggerated shamanistic mask on his face.

"How do you say hello to Uncle Linchuan?" the girl greeted first, very politely: "I am Jihuo Yuxiu, I'm sorry to bother you for a while."

Jingli, Ximing, even Yuchan and Bai Yuxia have gone out to do things.

In the courtyard, Lin Xian was the only one practicing his sword with his head down.

He didn't even raise his head when Ji Huo Yuxiu called Uncle Linchuan. This boy was not curious about anything except cultivation. Of course, he was very obedient and would do whatever he was asked to do.

This "uncle" experience was a novel one for Jiang Wang. Time passed so quickly, and strange children no longer call him big brother.

"Are you also a witch?" Jiang Wang asked.

"No, I want to become Wu Zhu." Jihuo Yuxiu said, putting his hand on the mask: "When we meet for the first time, I must show my sincerity."

She was mature beyond her age, and when the mask was taken off, she revealed a face that could be described as rugged. The bridge of her nose was collapsed, her lips were swollen, and her eyes were trying to escape as if they had some deep hatred.

This was a kind of ugliness that could give people nightmares, but she put the mask back on with a smile.

Smile is another mask of hers.

"It was a critical moment when my mother gave birth to me. In order to fight for the throne, she did not wait for the birth, but used a secret method to seal the fetus. But the fighting took longer than she expected... So I was born like this. I have no legs and long legs.

It's ugly." Ji Huo Yuxiu's voice was very calm, as if he was telling someone else's story.

Jiang Wang did not falsely comfort her by saying that she was actually beautiful, that it didn't matter that she was physically disabled, and he did not mention whether her mother loved her. He just said: "It's not that easy to be a witch. You have to work very hard."

There was a small one leaning against the chair, most of the time as weird as that exaggerated mask: "Of course!"

Jiang Wang originally planned to leave after meeting and leave the small oil bottle sent by Jihuo Yuling to Lin Xian to take care of him, but then he changed his mind: "I am going to Wuzhi Cave to see the future Wu Zhu

Do you want to observe the star beast?"

"Is it okay?" Ji Huo Yuxiu's voice raised.


Jiang Wang walked away, and Jihuo Yuxiu and her chair also floated, blowing in the warm scenery, and followed him closely.

Jihuo Yuxiu didn't panic, and waved to Lin Xian: "Let's go, Uncle Chai Dao!"

Lin Xian was stunned for a moment, and said with precious words: "Okay."

"Did Uncle Linchuan actually cultivate the Wind Totem?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked curiously on the way.

"Our cultivation systems are different." Jiang Wang said: "We can control all five elements."

"Uncle Linchuan, are you in a hurry?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked again.

Urgency is reflected in speed.

The two of them flew so fast that the houses and buildings under their feet almost became a blurry line, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"What, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"No. Just asking."

"With the enemy at hand, I have to be anxious." But he was anxious. Now that they were chatting, Jiang Wang also wanted to satisfy his curiosity: "How is your relationship with Jiang Wuxie?"

"It's very good." Jihuo Yuxiu said: "I used to be even more ugly, and Uncle Wuxie helped me cure it for a long time. From an ugliness that made me vomit at the first sight, to an ugliness that just makes me sick."

Her calmness often makes people ignore her age.

Jiang Wang said casually: "Why do you call him uncle?"

Ji Huo Yuxiu's voice was calm, as calm as water flowing in a stream: "My father died to save me. If I don't remember him, no one will remember him. So I can't call others dad."

"...I'm sorry." Jiang Wang looked at Ji Huo Yuxiu and apologized seriously.

Jihuo Yuxiu tilted his head on the chair, and the exaggerated shamanistic mask on his face seemed to be smiling: "It's okay."

Everything in Keihuobu is different from before.

Wuzhi Cave has not changed much.

However, when you walk inside the cave, you will find that there are many more soldiers and various ordnance.

Jiang Wang led Jihuo Yuxiu, and they arrived directly in front of the secluded cave without any obstruction.

The inky night was like water, flowing in the huge cave. Except for those star beasts, no one had seen anything else in the deep sky.

Today, Jiang Wang is different from the past. His gaze is like a sword, piercing directly through the night and diving deep into the depths.

But we can't go down a hundred feet, and we can no longer continue.

His left eye turned red gold, and in the immortal golden glow, there was an imperceptible little person, looking around very actively.

Immortal Eyes is sitting in Qianyang Chitong!

Like a boulder sinking into the sea, his gaze dives three hundred feet deep again.

Still nothing has been found, and of course it is far from the end. I don’t know if there is an end.

What exactly is under the dark sky? Is it another sky similar to the blue sky?

Jiang Wang did not show off his brilliance or stimulate Youtian, but his eyes condensed into substance and penetrated into Youtian. It was like a torch shining in the long night. The light was not noticed by ordinary eyes, but it was in certain beings. The flames are raging!


The distant howling of the wind is like a lament that has stopped in the past.

The star beast is coming!

The soldiers in the cave quickly gathered and prepared for battle.

Jiang Wang raised his palms to stop him: "No need to get close, just be on guard."

King Qing gave him enough authority, and his cultivation was also very convincing. The soldiers lined up silently and kept a certain distance.

Jihuo Yuxiu sat next to him, looking quietly into the dark sky, but he didn't seem to be afraid at all.

At a certain moment, in the endless darkness, stars suddenly became clearly visible. They were like stars rolling across the sky, like fireflies swarming in groups.

Jiang Wang withdrew his gaze from the extreme distance of four hundred feet and landed on the specific star beast.

He is probably the only person in this Wuzhi cave who can clearly see the star beast in the cave.

He once looked at the Gate of Mortal World from the present world, and saw the outline of a huge monster in the mist of the Sea of ​​Evil, with tens of thousands of star points surging densely on it.

Grandmaster Ruan said that it was the wonder caused by the collapse of the Tao body and the chaos of the Tao after the death of the True King. It was not a monster. He said that those star points were the achievements of the True King's Tao and were left by the True King in all the heavens and worlds. imprint.

Now he wanted to take a closer look at what these star beasts were.

Suddenly a voice sounded in my ears: "This star beast looks like a cow!"

Jiang Wang turned to look at Jihuo Yuxiu. She, whose totem power was quite weak, was looking at Youtian with all her attention.

"Can you see the specific appearance of this star beast?" Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask.

"You can see it very clearly!" Jihuo Yuxiu said matter-of-factly.

This kid has a very special pair of eyes.

"Are you sure this is your first time going down to the cave?" Jiang Wang asked.

"This is also my first time seeing a star beast." Jihuo Yuxiu was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect it to be so beautiful."

"Don't tell anyone except your mother that you can see in the dark sky." Jiang Wang casually told him, opened his big hand, and pressed down.

His movements are so natural, yet just right and have their own rhythm.

An oval flame-amber-like seed fell from his palm and quickly spread across the cave.

Fire flowers bloom, flaming birds fly, and flaming meteors streak across the sky.

The fire world is shown for the first time in the floating land world.

This splendid and gorgeous world of fire is like a huge glass cover, standing squarely on the cave.

It is full of vitality and everything happens.

The most eye-catching thing is a gorgeous city with blazing flames. There are people coming and going in the city, traffic is busy, flags and banners are waving, and there is a faint noise.

And on the edge of this huge fire world, in the position of Tiangang, stood huge flaming stone tablets.

Each stone tablet is engraved with clear totem lines. It may represent the Fire Department, or the Fire Department...

Many cave warriors present bowed down upon seeing it!

With Jiang Wang's current level of cultivation and vision, he has a clear understanding of everything. The thirty-six Fire Source Illustrated Books were completed not long after he received them.

Even in terms of the power of the totem alone, he is number one in the Fire Celebration Department. After communicating with the floating land's original totem, the combat power he can exert in this world has of course increased accordingly.

At this moment, these thirty-six fire source totem tablets are the embodiment of spiritual practice!

His fire realm skills were once again sublimated.

At the same time as the fire world fell, the densely packed star beasts in the deep sky rushed out of the cave and crashed into the fire world one after another, exploding into fireworks one after another.

This scene made many warriors present stunned. They never expected that the star beast could be eliminated so easily!

Mr. Linchuan was still chatting with the little girl, and while they were talking and laughing, the terrifying army of star beasts disappeared into smoke!

If this is not a savior, who can be?

For a moment, many people worshiped him.

At a young age, Ji Huo Yuxiu is much calmer than them. This is a kind of maturity that has been ripened by cruel life: "I understand why my mother sent me to you."

Jiang Wang looked at it with his eyes and burned it with the true fire of samadhi. In the massacre where resistance could almost be ignored, he quickly added his knowledge of the star beast and asked casually: "Why?"

Jihuo Yuxiu said: "You are already so powerful, how terrifying should that dragon be? Our world is very dangerous now."

"Do you believe in the existence of the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon?" Jiang Wang did not treat her like a child, and the question was quite formal.

Jihuo Yuxiu said: "You at least have a powerful enemy in this world."

"Then your mother shouldn't have sent you here. Wouldn't it be more dangerous to be with me?" Jiang Wang's voice became a little solemn.

"Did you find anything?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked.

She is sensitive to other people's emotions.

Jiang Wang did make some discoveries.

The painted fire beasts in the fire temple have found many corresponding images in the secluded cave.

After burning and killing many star beasts, he could finally say that these star beasts should not be some wonders of the Tao, and do not possess the principles and properties of the Tao. In particular, it can be said with certainty that these star beasts have nothing to do with the disaster.

There are a lot of similarities in the concept of evil, but they are not exactly the same.

However, this degree of similarity can be said to be evil views!

The difference may be due to the difference between the floating land world and the real world, or it may be due to other factors that Jiang Wang has not yet been able to "understand his samadhi".

If You Tian is the disaster of the floating land world, and the star beast is the evil view of the floating land world, everything can be explained...

It's just that this floating land's secluded sky dissolves everything, purely based on the environment, but it is worse and more dangerous than the disasters in this world. Is the world of floating land really full of bad karma?

Or is it that the current disasters are already the result of years of suppression and governance by the Blood River Sect, Sanxing Palace, Mugu Academy, etc.?

Jiang Wang casually grasped it, took the brilliant and noisy world of fire into his palm, and took it into a pill.

The densely packed star beasts in the cave have completely disappeared. All that can be seen is empty space and night.

"I was thinking about how to find the world-destroying dragon." Jiang Wang said casually: "If we can find him in advance, he will not be so dangerous."

Jihuo Yuxiu, who was wearing an exaggerated shamanistic mask, said: "He should already know that you are looking for him. There has been no movement for so long, which means that he is afraid of you and has been hiding."

"He is not afraid of me." Jiang Wang pointed downwards with his finger: "The existence he fears is above the blue sky or under the deep sky."

"Has your purpose of coming to the cave for observation been achieved?" Jihuo Yuxiu asked.

"That's right." Jiang Wang said.

"But you don't seem to have any intention of leaving."

"Stay for a while and wait and see. If more star beasts are attracted but are not killed in time, and the warriors here are implicated, isn't it my crime?"

Jihuo Yuxiu said "Oh", as if he was surprised that his newly met Uncle Linchuan would think so.

Jiang Wang stayed for about another quarter of an hour, making sure that there was no movement in the cave, and then left with Jihuo Yuxiu.

"Uncle Linchuan, how many star beasts did you just kill?"

"Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-two heads."

"There are more star beasts than the large-scale offensive in the Eqi Cave recorded in the book. Is your gaze the key? Similar to fish bait?"

"In the long night, you always move towards the light." Jiang Wang said while flying high in the sky with Yuxiu, "You asked uncle so many questions, and uncle also tested you - your mother is a strong person,

Why are you so scared this time?"

The little Jihuo Yuxiu huddled in her chair and remained silent for the first time in her conversation with Jiang Wang.

The floating clouds in the sky and the mountains and rivers on the ground were all retreating rapidly. Jiang Wang in the sky smiled calmly: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, this matter is not important."

He said it wasn't important, not because he didn't want to put pressure on the little girl. Because Xi Ming had already set off to the Fire Department to conduct a secret investigation, and the answer would definitely be there.

The strong wind hit Jihuo Yuxiu's face, and suddenly softened, gently ruffling her hair.

Jihuo Yuxiu kept his head lowered, and before he was about to fly down to the General's Mansion, he finally spoke. "Because, there really is a doomsday."

The scenery suddenly stopped, the two of them were hanging high in the sky, and the royal city under their feet was as small as a stone.

"How do you say this?" Jiang Wang's voice was soft.

Jihuo Yuxiu murmured: "I can see with my eyes that everyone is dead, and there is blood everywhere... red blood, like a river."

"your eyes?"

Jihuo Yuxiu looked up at Jiang Wang, reached out and took off her mask. On that rugged face, her two eyes that were too alienated and fled to the left and right, followed her frowning brows and quickly returned.

Coming together!

His eyes turned dark in an instant.

Deep as night!

Her eyes seemed to be holes in the sky!

"The day before my father died, I also saw blood." She said in a descriptive tone: "When my cat died, I also saw blood. When my wet nurse died, I also saw blood...


This chapter has been completed!
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