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Chapter 2 The Lord of Dongzhen Ruins (Repair)

Tao channels are the basis of spiritual practice.

This "Tao" is not the Tao of a Taoist sect, but the Tao of the Great Dao. Regardless of whether practitioners of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Art of War, Mo, or any other school, the first way to practice is to reveal the Tao lineage.

In ancient times, the so-called cultivation seeds were those who were born with self-evident Taoist veins. However, human beings do not determine their life based on their talent. The KaiMai Pill is one of the methods to solve the problem of cultivation qualifications.

Borrowing the power of elixirs to manifest the Dao meridians of the human body. It can also generate the vitality of heaven and earth and nourish the physical body. The qi and blood feed back, thus nurturing Dao Yuan and embarking on the path of spiritual practice.

Speaking of which, compared to Zuo Guanglie's instruments that were destroyed by the explosion, the Pulse Opening Pill should not be considered precious.

But for this impoverished beggar, this is the only key to unlocking the treasures of the human body.

After all the hardships, the only option is death. At the end of the road, beg for God’s grace!

Now, the beggar has grasped the key of his hope.

He is so pious.

He held the jade bottle with trembling hands, pointed it at the mouth of the bottle with his trembling lips, and looked up and fell down!

Beside him is a silent figure, in the distance are the corpses of a group of beggars, and beside him are the broken bones and flesh.

At this moment, the setting sun is still shining, and the clouds have dispersed in the sky. Corpses are lying in the wild, and the sick beggar is swallowing pills.

The pulse-opening pill rolled down the tip of the tongue, turning into a warm current that went down the throat and spread into the limbs and bones.

The beggar closed his eyes slightly, and thousands of images were flowing through his mind at this moment.

Work hard in the cold and summer, practice swordsmanship in the spring and autumn.

Chase the robbers and kill the tough bandits.

In the end, he walked down from the Western Mountain where bandits gathered, alone and with a sword, and became a bloody man.

Only then did I get a pulse-opening pill.

How many years did it take him to approach the supernatural world?

He tried his best and struggled all the time to make progress. How did he get to this point?

My mother died young, and my father who later died of illness almost depleted the family's last remaining wealth.

He is alone, and he is his own support.

He was admitted to the Taoist Academy from the competition of being the best among thousands of miles away, and came to the top among the fiercely competitive outer courtyards, and finally grasped the key to the extraordinary for the first time.

But then...

It means poisoning and killing.

He fought desperately to find a way out, and mingled with the beggars in order to avoid being searched.

I wanted to wait for the opportunity, but my body could no longer hold on.

He became weaker and weaker, and finally he could only lie hopelessly on the straw pile, waiting for death.

He dragged his sick body and struggled out to search the battlefield, just because of a heart that would never give up, but he didn't expect that he would pick up a pulse-opening pill!

The reason why a being as powerful as Zuo Guanglie carries a pulse-opening pill on his body has ended with his legend, and no one knows it anymore.

But the beggar's story has a new chapter.

Fate is unpredictable, nothing is more unpredictable than this.

The beggar turned his mind and felt the indescribable changes in his body.

He felt the warm power emanating from every corner of his body, "swimming" through his body in some way he couldn't understand, and finally converging on his spine.

The process is slow and clear.

I don’t know how long it took, but a weak force started from the tail vertebra and went up and up along the ridge. It felt like an earthworm swimming upstream in the river.

This process is very difficult, but the warm power coming from all parts of the body continues to rely on it... The "little earthworm" finally swam through this long journey, penetrated the ridge line, and reached the sky!

A miracle happened.

He seemed to see light in his body.

Warmth bursts out from every corner of the limbs and body.

He no longer felt cold, no longer felt weak, no longer felt pain.

Once the Dao meridians appear, they are nourished with vitality.

The beggar opened his eyes, his eyes bright and clear.

He felt full of power, and he finally took control of his destiny again!

His Tao Meridian has appeared. Even though the Tao Meridian True Spirit is just the lowest earthworm, it also means that he can officially enter the path of transcendence.

Flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, entering and exiting the Qingming Ming, is no longer an unattainable dream!

One day, Gong Yangbai, Mo Jingyu, Zuo Guanglie, Li Yi... these powerful figures, whatever they can do, he can do it too!

The beggar stood up and stared at the pile of minced meat at his feet.

Life stares at death, the opening connects to the ending.

He buried Zuo Guanglie and the beggars outside Poguan. Even though his Taoist veins were beginning to show signs of energy, he didn't finish his work until the middle of the moon.

This is a small thing that may be useless, but it is a principle he practices.

Although the group of beggars chose to abandon him when danger came, they did not abandon him in the wilderness during his dying days. Although they could not seek medical treatment for him, they at least gave him a few sips of water.

Based on these, if possible, we should let them rest in their graves so that they will not suffer in this life and remain helpless in the next life.

People believe that only by being buried in the earth can they rest in peace. Only in the embrace of the vast and compassionate earth can the dead souls rest in peace.

In the end, the beggar stood in front of Zuo Guanglie's grave.

"The person who buried you is not an unknown person. Maplewood City, Qinghe County, Zhuang State..." Under the moonlight, the beggar stood in front of the small grave. His body was dirty and his hands were muddy, but he straightened his back and said his name very calmly:

"Jiang Wang."

Tiger has not been written down, but it has the spirit of eating cattle.

"You did not die in an unknown place. This place is called Huanzhen Temple. Although the handwriting on the broken plaque is difficult to read and the name is unknown, you will definitely be known to the world because of you!"

After saying these words, Jiang Wang bent down and bowed seriously: "May you have a spirit in heaven and rest in peace."

This bow was not only because of the pulse-opening pill left by Zuo Guanglie, but also because of the compassion, magnanimity and bravery he showed.

People like Zuo Guanglie deserve any respect.

Tonight is the full moon, and the bright moonlight shines on the new grave.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing in the dark.

Jiang Wang saw little bits of silver light floating out from Zuo Guanglie's grave, slowly rising in the moonlight, converging into a small, silver crescent moon. It floated over the new grave, within Jiang Wang's reach.

The place you reach looks mysterious and noble.

"This is……"

Jiang hopes happiness reaches the soul.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the silver crescent moon.

My eyesight went dark.

In the almost endless darkness, a gentle voice sounded. This voice seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth, the mystery of the road, and it made people feel refreshed and enlightened.

"Welcome to the Lord of Dongzhen Ruins Blessed Land!"

In the next moment, a little bright light appeared, and countless light spots appeared.

Countless lights obscured his vision. When Jiang Wang regained his vision again, he saw a bright galaxy surging in the vast darkness in front of him!

And in front of the galaxy, there was a young man hanging.

This person has clear eyes, a high and straight nose, and a gentle expression that seems to be without any aggression. Only his slightly pursed lips show a hint of stubbornness. Except for a Taoist robe of no discernible material, there are no other decorations on his body.

Jiang Wang was stunned.

Because this young man is himself. Although his clothes are different and much cleaner and fresher than his current situation, how could he admit that he is wrong?

And he was "looking" at himself in a non-visual sense from an angle that he could not yet understand.

"Insufficient feedback from Daoyuan, the 19th floor of the stage is sealed."

That gentle voice sounded again in the vast starry sky.

"The seal of the eighteenth level of the podium."

"Seal on the second floor of the podium."

Every time this sentence appears, the galaxy in front of me becomes dimmer.

Jiang Wang tried to understand everything he observed, and then heard:

"Seal of the third grade sword theory platform."

"The seal of the fourth grade sword theory platform."

As before, it continued until "the seal of the Eighth Grade Sword Discussion Platform."

Jiang Wang didn't understand the significance of this, but he thought it had something to do with his low strength. The so-called "Lord of the blessed land of Dongzhen Ruins" should be Zuo Guanglie, not him.

At the same time, he observed a line of text floating in his sight that he had never seen before.

This character was completely different from the Zhuang character he had learned, and was extremely unfamiliar to him, but he clearly perceived the meaning of these characters.

"Gong: one thousand eight hundred and fifty points."

While Jiang Wang was pondering, the self he "saw" suddenly took a step forward and became one with him.

This process was so short that it could almost be omitted. Jiang Wang moved his hands and feet, and everything was satisfactory. In this mysterious world, he finally had an entity in a certain sense.

And at the next moment, the stars in the vast void suddenly began to churn, and a whole river of bright stars rushed towards him!

He was drowned in the stars.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning. When Jiang Wang came back to his senses, he had already appeared in a space filled with immortal energy, and many messages were flowing through his mind at the same time.

This is the world of Taixu Illusion, and the blessed land of Dongzhen Ruins where he is located is wrapped in this world.

The silver crescent moon he grabbed is called the virtual key, and it is the key to enter here. It uses the power of the lunar star to pull the host's spiritual consciousness into the illusion of Taixu.

All simulations here are no different from the real situation except that they will not cause damage to the host's physical body.

The Taoist stage is the place where the martial arts and Taoism are deduced. The consumption required for the deduction is "gong".

The sword discussion platform is specially used to travel through the illusion of Taixu and compete with other practitioners.

The generation of "gong" mostly comes from combat. If you fight at the same level, your gong will be increased if you win, and your gong will be deducted if you lose. There will be corresponding bonuses for cross-level challenges.

In addition, there are some other ways. For example, the corresponding Cave Heaven Paradise will produce "gong" regularly.

Among the seventy-two blessed lands, the Donghaishan blessed land with the lowest ranking has a monthly merit of one hundred. The lower thirty-six blessed lands have an additional ten merits for each level they upgrade to. The upper thirty-six blessed lands have an increased merit of ten for each level they advance to.

Add one hundred.

The blessed land of Dongzhenxu occupied by Zuo Guanglie ranks twenty-third, and can produce 1,850 points of work per month.

This is Jiang Wang's current qualifications.

Although he didn't know the specific effect yet, Jiang Wang could already hear his own intense heartbeat.

This place...this place!

This world of brilliant galaxies seems to hide huge secrets.

Just the lecture platform and sword discussion platform it displays unfolds a vast and exciting world.

To preach Taoism in a blessed place and to discuss swords in a galaxy, how magnificent it is!

Before today, Jiang Wang had never even heard of its name.

His mind was agitated for a while, until he cast his eyes on the shadow of a sundial and saw this line of text:

The owner of the blessed land will accept the challenge from the owner of the twenty-four jade altars of the blessed land in fifteen days.

Failure will result in downgrade.

The five characters are as black as ink, and each word is like a thousand pieces of stone.

This chapter has been completed!
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