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Chapter 1989 Rebirth

Fighting to the death, how could Jiang Wang hide behind others?

He was hanging upside down in the sky, and people became part of the sword's momentum.

The frost covered the sky and turned it into the color of snow, and the sky was full of fire like flying flowers.

The sword shines with red eyes, and the green shirt hunts.

The boundless sword threads are intertwined in front of Sauvignon Blanc, blooming with a frosty light that is hard to see directly.

What is the sword silk turning into snow, frost and moonlight, and what is the pinnacle that overturns the world?

His swordsmanship has been honed by the True Demon Dog Yingyang Feeding Moves, Shenxiao, and the two peak battlefields in the Mysterious Realm. He has already mastered it, and he has mastered everything from his heart, not only to his mind!

Not weaker than Douzhao's superb swordsmanship that combines all the best in the world into one furnace, not inferior to Zhongxuanzun's Zhizhen Zhanwang Sword.

In the sword pavilion with the best swordsmanship in the world, there is no god who can take the place.

The Shingo Dao Sword, which illustrates the path with two styles, is the pinnacle of his swordsmanship; the Herringbone Sword, which is a mixture of all the Dao sword styles, is the pinnacle of his swordsmanship; the sword immortal's supreme sword that unites the five palaces is the pinnacle of his swordsmanship.

The power of his sword is extremely powerful; the Shuang Xueming that combines sword energy into silk and the Acacia Killing Sword is the ultimate sword move.

Nowadays, the extreme sword strokes and the extreme sword power are arbitrarily mixed up, and the frost and snow are used to weave the sword silk into the mountain, thus forming the bright moon and the sky pillar.

This sword strikes a thunderous chord.

It roars thousands of miles away, overwhelming the nine heavens.

Just one touch.

That ferocious and roaring blood dragon was strangled until there was no trace of red left!

The Sword Qi Tianzhu collided with the Fire Palace!

He doesn't play any secret room exploration game with Ao Kui, and he doesn't care what Ao Kui is setting up. If you hide in the palace, then destroy the palace together.

This is the royal way!

But since Ao Kui didn't leave immediately after swallowing up the thread of cause and effect, he naturally had his preparations.

Almost at the same time that the sword energy touched the palace, the entire Fire Palace, which was built with stone walls and had a rough style, instantly turned into blood. I don't know if his invasion happened to be completed at this moment, or if he was just waiting for this moment.

The stone walls and bricks are like blood jade, and the originally rough Fire Palace shows a kind of eerie magnificence.

Bloody light rises into the sky!

From the vast blood light like the Milky Way, eighteen kinds of bloody weapons, such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, and axes, all emerged with their sharp edges, making the eighteen sets of moves, all of the top level, facing Jiang.

The sword of hope!

But today's Jiang Wang, unless Ao Kui personally picks up the knife and gun, how can he stop him?

No matter how exquisite the move is, it is just a luxury to try to fight Jiang Wang.

After all, you are old once you know how to move, and Jiang Wang is an unparalleled winner and loser in the world.

I saw the blue-shirted frost sword, falling without stopping, and the sword's intention was endless.

But listening to the sonorous and continuous sound of a pipa, Sauvignon Blanc is like a broken bamboo, broken again and again, as if the road ahead has never been blocked, and it still hits the Palace of Fire——


What the sharp sword edge touched was a bloody light barrier.

This bloody light shrouded the entire Fire Palace, like a huge blood amber, firmly resisting Jiang Wang's sword!

The blood and frost light exploded instantly, and dazzling thorns flew all over the sky.

At the same time, Xi Ming raised his hand and pulled out his hand crossbow, and fired an arrow at the Fire Palace.

It has been warmed up for a long time and there is no need to build up momentum.

As soon as the arrow came out, there was a sharp and sharp sound, as if the space was a piece of solid glass, and the arrowhead scraped hard against the glass... The sound pierced the heart, and the sharp edge screamed in all directions.

The tail feathers of the arrow bring out three parallel wakes, drawing graceful arcs in the air, like pheasant feathers!

The arrow is actually invisible as it leaves the string; all that remains in the field of vision is its wake.

When it instantly hit the bloody shield outside the Fire Palace, Bai Yuxia could clearly see the appearance of the arrow - the arrow head was three-sided, the arrow shaft was engraved with complex runes, and the tail feathers were two pieces, as white as clouds. Spotless.

The name of the arrow is "Removal of Armor"!

And the terrifying lethality it brought caused the blood-red light mask that suffered under Jiang Wang's sword to ripple like water.

Xi Ming walked in the sky, his eyes calmly patrolling the "blood amber", looking for possible loopholes in the collision of forces. The hand crossbow fired continuously, and the three consecutive arrows were all different, either focusing on penetration or blocking. Breaking the elemental force.

That's not all.

Behind him suddenly jumped up an eight-foot-tall black warrior with eight wings on his back and two swords in his hands!

The body is black steel, the cold light is flying iron.

There are four characters on the back of the armor, listed vertically, saying "If you die, you will not return your heel."

The limbs, eight wings and torso are all engraved with different runes, each describing something complex and mysterious. The eyes are two complete crystal stones, which shine with red light at the moment of activation, and are very cold!

As the fateful mind moved, it soared like an eagle, fluttering its wings and rushing towards the Fire Palace. Showing its absolute divine-level combat power, it struck tirelessly with its ultimate strength!

Mo Warrior is a long-term best-selling series of Mo puppets and is widely popular for its powerful combat capabilities.

But in Qianji Pavilion, there are only three types of black warriors for sale, namely wingless, double-winged, and four-winged, corresponding to the three levels of practice: Zhoutian, Tenglong, and Neifu.

The six-winged black warrior corresponding to the outer building level is no longer for sale and will only appear in the hands of elite disciples in Jucheng.

The Eight-Winged God is even more of a killer weapon. It is extremely valuable and can only be possessed by the absolute core of Jucheng.

Faced with such an intensive offensive, Ao Kui certainly would not sit still and wait for death.

He never made a sound, but the formation of blood corpses covering the entire Jihuo Clan shook its power. Naked corpses lit up with sky lanterns one after another flew up. There were no restrictions on men, women, old and young, and they were beautiful. Regardless of whether they were ugly or ugly, they all bared their fangs at this moment, sharpened their fingernails, and let out a strange and undulating growl. Then they surrounded the Fire Palace and killed the two puppets.

The fat fire ignited at the navel of the naked corpse made the whole scene even more sinister.

Like countless hanging lamps, echoing some kind of evil ritual.

Jiang Wanghe and Xi Ming didn't care at all and just bombarded the Bloody Fire Palace. After killing so many people, they couldn't imagine what Ao Kui had planned, but they all knew they could never give Ao Kui more time.

As for the offensive of these red corpses...

I have a glass Buddha!

"Namo Amitabha Night, Duotagadu Night, Duo Diye Night, Amitabhavi..."

The purifying ceremony fell from the sky and landed in the center of the corpses. With his palms clasped together and a look of compassion on his face, he recited the mantra "Uproot all karmic obstacles and be reborn in the Pure Land Dharani".

He chanted sutras for these innocent people who were killed, uprooting their karma and soothing their pain, so that they could be reborn in the Pure Land and no longer suffer.

This is also called the "Rebirth Mantra".

In order to maximize the power of the mantra, he has manifested a vajra glass body!

The flesh and blood became translucent like glass, and the golden glow came from the inside out, illuminating the bones. The six human desires were hidden, and he sat there cross-legged, like a Buddha statue carefully carved by a skilled craftsman!

But his lips parted, proving his vitality and echoing his beating Zen heart.

As he chanted, circles of Buddha's light spread out with him as the center, covering all the naked corpses that were going crazy and about to revive.

All the naked corpses that touched the Buddha's light became sluggish in their movements, and their ferocious roars gradually disappeared.

The endless blood color slowly fades away from the fierceness!

Bai Yuxia floated in the air and did not join the battle. If the situation was critical, he would not hesitate to draw his sword. But when he had a choice, why would he let these innocent dead die without their bodies intact?

The little holy monk Jingli can appease the corpses, which is great.

But Ao Kui, who was hiding in the Fire Palace and never said a word, only prepared a large formation to fight, made him feel deeply uneasy.

Something is wrong, something is too wrong...

According to the owner's description, this Ao Kui is a cunning and cunning person. He can successfully steal the Heavenly Buddha's treasure and escape from the pursuit of the sea tribe. How can he be an ordinary strong man?

Now there is a feeling of hopelessness and desperate resistance... How many rounds have this been?

The fight for the power of the floating continent people, the fight for the truth about this world, the brief confrontation on the Holy Hunting Mountain, and now.

After just a few rounds, although he and others have done everything they can, what can't happen to Ao Kui? Is he going to have to fight with his boss to win the battle?

How can you deserve notoriety!

He hung his sword on his waist and passed through the crooked group of red corpses that covered the low altitude. Like white lightning passing through the gap, he was extremely agile and arrived at the sky above the Fire Temple shrouded in the power of the Book of Creation.

He said loudly: "Chief Yuling, we are here to help! The situation has calmed down and the world-destroying dragon has been suppressed. Please open the ancestral hall and help us destroy this evil dragon together and avenge the dead people of the Jihuo Department!"

But there was no sound in the fire temple.

In the deathly silence, Bai Yuxia had no expression on his face and drew his long sword from his waist. His sword was a family heirloom of the Bai family in Langya and was named "Comet Tail". When the sword moved, it screamed in the sky, making it dazzling.

Although there was no movement at this time, there was still a cold frosty light flowing on it, making it look murderous.

"Logically speaking, I should sympathize with you. After all, this place is devastated and there are heavy casualties." He said slowly: "But my friends are fighting to the death to protect you... Do you want to sit back and watch?"

Outside his body, there was jade-colored sword energy emanating.

He pointed his sword at the Fire Temple: "I will only say this once - when evil deeds are committed in front of you, silence is an accomplice, and watching on the sidelines is an accomplice to evil! If you watch from the sidelines, I will regard you as enemies.


"Your Excellency, please forgive me!" Jihuo Yuling's voice finally came belatedly and sounded inside the fire temple: "The incident happened suddenly and tragedy struck. We were completely unprepared. A large number of us were poisoned to death, and a large number of others were killed.

After trying everything, I was able to gather some of my strength and live in this ancestral hall... watching the demons wreak havoc, all just to preserve the last bloodline of the Fire Department."

As the strongest person in the Fire Department and a totem spirit, her voice was sad: "You are all outsiders, not people from the land. We can't distinguish between good and evil, and we really don't dare to come out. We don't want to be a wall."

A view from above!”

"Yes!" The voice that should be another totem spirit of the Fire Department sounded: "If you and the evil dragon were originally a group, and now you are just acting to trick me into waiting out, and we rashly open the ancestral hall, wouldn't we be destroying ourselves in heaven and earth?"

The voice of Jihuo Yuling said again: "Our Jihuo tribe is almost extinct, its totem is dim, and its origin is damaged. It won't take long for the royal tribe to get the news. We are few and weak, and we rely solely on the Book of Creation.

Hehuo Temple can protect itself, but its power is actually limited. Why don't you wait a moment, wait until King Qing orders the world, the army gathers, and the strong men from all tribes gather, and then kill this dragon together? When the danger is over, I am willing to pour wine to apologize, admit the fight and accept the punishment.


Bai Yuxia listened to this silently and neither responded nor attacked. Instead, she sheathed her sword and left the fire temple.

"Is he gone?"

Inside the Fire Temple, there were whispers.

"It seems like he's gone."

The place where the sound came from was a corner of a side room in the Fire Temple.

Several soldiers guarding here are observing the situation outside the fire temple through the deeply hidden observation holes. When this fire temple was built, it was considered to be used as a war fortress. Although it is in the vast majority of the

Part of the time, only Wuzhu lived there.

"This person is so unreasonable!" the first voice said indignantly: "If we don't go out, do you think we are enemies? Who is suffering? Does he really want us, the Fire Department, to die?"

"What's so strange?" said the second voice: "The human race in this world is used to being arrogant. How could they ever treat us as human beings? In this world, everything is tyrannical. All races in the world are like ants. This is their inner voice.

.In other words, we want to fight for the totem of royal power and point out star generals to coax them. Otherwise, those bullshit coming from the sky should have come and killed one by one!"

A third voice said: "It's not necessarily out of arrogance. I think this person wants to test something. He is looking for some answer through our reactions."

He cursed a few more times.

The first voice asked again: "Are those red corpses outside...the puppet corpse method of the Yuantu Department?"

"What kind of puppet corpse method of the Yuantu Department!" The second voice said disdainfully: "It wasn't the person named Fang Chong who came from outside and exchanged it with them."

"Probably not." A third voice explained: "I have seen the puppet corpse method of the Yuantu Department. Those puppet corpses are very weak, and they are far from performing like this."

"It's not like they come from the same sect, they all come from this world!" The second voice became more and more angry: "That Jiang Wuxie said nicely at the beginning... did it have any real help to us? We lost the game of life and death, and the totem was taken away.

, not even a piece of shit was left behind! These people from this world are all the same, none of them are good, fuck him——"

With a 'pop' sound, he stopped his scolding with a slap. "What are you talking about? It's so easy to guard!"

Outside the side room, the Jihuo Yuling dressed in a gorgeous robe and a red crown happened to be walking by.

Her face was expressionless and her steps were slow, as if she didn't hear anything or didn't care about what she heard.

But the Jade Jue in his hand was held tightly in his hand.

The nails that were too long cut blood marks on the palms of my hands.

She is the king of the Fire Tribe, and is responsible for the future of this large clan with a population of millions. But now, the future is gone. With the people of the tribe withering away, the Fire Tribe can be declared extinct! Not to mention that the warriors have some scruples about the lack of prestige in the past.

The stated complaint, even if he really draws a sword on her, is what he should do.

It is true that she has done everything she can, and it is true that the dragon is too cunning and powerful, and there is no possibility for the Fire Tribe to resist. But as the leader of the clan, incompetence is a great evil!

Why is life so difficult?

She once thought that she had changed her life through her own efforts, and had fought and fought all the way to reach a high position. But there is power besides power. Pressing it down with one finger would still be overwhelming to her!

How painful.

It made her sober again.

But in this sobering pain, there is still a trace of hope in her beautiful eyes...

Jiang Lang, will you come again?

Jiang Lang, do you remember the agreement we made at that time?

Thanks to book friend "eclair" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 470th alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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