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Chapter 1991 The Disaster of Destruction

The war is going on in the floating land world.

Jiang Wang and Xi Ming teamed up to attack the Fire Palace.

The purification ceremony transcends the corpse group.

Bai Yuxia walked around in the building of the Fire Department, killing several red corpses that approached from time to time, not knowing what he was looking for.

With Jiang Wang's unparalleled killing power, coupled with the endless tricks and tricks, and an eight-winged black warrior participating in the attack, the Fire Palace was able to survive without falling and was never breached!

In the fire temple, the totem spirit that should be the Wu Zhu of the Jihuo Department made a voice from a distance: "Even with Mr. Linchuan's ability, I can't break it. Could it be that this world-destroying dragon has mastered some evil spirit?"

The law has regained its strength through the massacre of millions of my people?"

The theory of the world-destroying demonic dragon has long been spread across Fulu with the help of King Qing.

They all also knew that the dragon was injured.

"Absolutely impossible." Jiang Wang didn't seem to care about the remaining strength of the Jihuo Department. Under the rain-like sword attack, he still took the time to give an answer: "This demon dragon injured the true king's origin. No matter how much energy it robs,

The blood is not enough to recover. If the Dongzhen level's power recovery was so simple, he wouldn't have to put so much thought into making the battle so big."

Fireworks burned the city and fell again——

"Are you right, Ao Kui?!"

Ao Kui, who had always liked Jiang Wang and was good at bickering with Jiang Wang, still remained silent.

No matter how Jiang Wang talked to him, whether he was ridiculing or insulting him, there was no sound in the Fire Palace.

If it weren't for the connection between the line of cause and effect, and if it weren't for Ao Kui's power fluctuations in the Fire Palace, people would almost think that he had escaped.

"We have been chatting for three years! What a deep friendship, you old loach, why don't you stop talking if you don't want to? You used to ask questions in the morning and evening, but now you are pretending to be deaf and dumb?!"

Jiang Wang cursed loudly and struck the Fire Palace with sword after sword, as if he was tireless.

His Samadhi True Fire is firmly attached to the Blood Light Shield of the Swift Fire Palace. As time goes by and his knowledge is supplemented, his destructive power continues to soar.

It should be said that time was on their side, but Ao Kui's silence undoubtedly exacerbated some uneasiness.

Xi Ming, who has a very keen sense of the movement of Yuanli, has discovered the problem at this time: "The defense of the Fire Palace and these red corpses have been integrated. Our attack has destroyed the formation of the red corpses. The formation of the red corpses

After that, the defense of this layer of blood light shield was strengthened. To put it simply, our power was converted into source energy by this formation without causing much substantial damage."

The crumbling blood shield was simply Ao Kui's trick. He almost slaughtered all Jihuo tribe. How could the formation formed by millions of blood corpses be broken so easily?

"We haven't been able to reach the defense limit of this layer of light...but there will always be a limit to the transfer of power?" Jiang Wang instantly restrained his furious attitude and asked calmly.

"His formation is too old and is no longer the same as the current formation system. I tried to analyze it, but the progress is slow." Xi Ming said: "Maybe we will have to wait until all these corpses become naked corpses before we can get the answer.


Millions of people from the entire Fire Department were buried here. What a long project it was!

"Is there any way to block the transfer of power?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Xi Ming said: "It takes time to study."

What a good Ao Kui, the results are not simple, and the methods are so many! It doesn't matter if you ask people to attack, or if you don't attack.

Jiang Wang stopped his sword, and Xi Ming and his puppet also hovered over the palace.

For a while, only the chanting of purification rituals continued.

"These blood corpses are the key." Jiang Wang analyzed: "Resolve them and break the cycle. There is no way to transfer the power, so this formation will naturally be broken."

Xi Ming raised his eyebrows: "That makes sense."

As he spoke, he took out a copper box and was about to look for a suitable machine puppet.

Although there are many corpses here, with the rich methods of the Mohist family, it is not impossible to solve them quickly.

Jiang Wang raised his hand to hold him down: "Don't be anxious. Although we can see that these bloody corpses are the key, that may not be what Ao Kui wants us to see. This thief is cunning and rashly destroyed the corpses, which will easily catch him.


"It's been three days since we've been apart, so let's look at each other with admiration. We haven't seen each other for just a few days." In the Jihuo Palace, Ao Kui's voice finally sounded: "You are so stupid, how can you be so smart!"

Jiang Wang said quietly: "We have been deceived a lot by old thieves like you. Of course we young people must also grow up a little."

"Then what should we do?" Ao Kui's voice said: "If you don't touch these blood corpses, how will you unlock my Heavenly Slaughter Ten Thousand Jue Formation? If you don't break through the blood barrier of all spirits, how will you kill me? I don't want to see my old friend -

Uh! Uh... The two armies are fighting and you haven't killed me yet, so you brat will do something shameless! You sneak attack me while we are chatting!"

Jiang Wang looked away from the Ear Immortal without changing his expression: "We haven't chatted for a long time. We are just discussing the ways of hearing and hearing. Don't say it so harshly."

Old Long said angrily: "If you keep doing this, I won't talk to you anymore!"

Just listening to the conversation, it really doesn’t look like they are two enemies fighting for life and death.

Xi Ming looked at Jiang Wang, who made a pause gesture.

His tone was close and caring: "Even if I ignore you now, I will wait for you outside for ten or eight years. You are hiding in this turtle shell with no resources and no elixir. When will you be able to recover? Wait for these bloody corpses

If the rot goes away and the tide recedes, won't you still have to die? Have you thought about what to do?"

After Jiang Wang communicated with the royal tribe for the first time and grasped the royal way in this world.

Ao Kui, who had lost the faith to gather and the possibility of taking advantage of the situation, finally showed his ferocious face.

He does not compete with people like Jiang Wang for the right to speak in the Floating Land world, nor for the trust of the Floating Land human race - that is of course what he is good at, but there is no need for him to compete like this with the six human race geniuses. Especially with his exhausted

In such a state, you have to be wary of these geniuses coming to your door at any time.

Your body is weak, your force is insufficient, and you cannot make a fair move. Then overturn the chessboard and stop playing!

He has traversed the universe for so many years, what situation has he not seen?

People are resources in themselves!

The living can be part of the force, and the dead can also contribute.

Jiang Wang borrowed the power of the Floating Land Human Race.

He just used the corpse of the floating man!

If you can't drive away life, drive away death.

Laying down millions of corpses in the Fire Department was just the beginning, and the changes in the Heavenly Massacre Formation were just one of the accumulations in his long life.

He was no more dismissive than what he said. He had never underestimated Jiang Wang in his heart. If Jiang Wang was really that useless, then who would he be, a wise man from the Dragon Clan who was kicked into the dust and lost his position as Star Lord? What if Jiang Wang was really that useless?

Jiang Wang is really that stupid. How could he be trapped in a cell for more than three years before he found a chance?

He used the floating land as a cage to fight in a life-and-death fight, truly treating Jiang Wang as an opponent.

Of course, facing this somewhat immature child, he would definitely win the final victory.

But no matter how early he had expected it, within two days of entering the floating land world, the struggle among the floating land humans had come to an end... This was still beyond his imagination.

I originally thought that the worst outcome would be for both sides to be evenly matched, each trying to deceive one side. At worst, there would be a war between hundreds of tribes on the floating land and a game of proxy war. Let's also see what Jiang Wang's strategy is.

Jiang Wang had been to Fulu before and had connections with the Wang Quan tribe. This was his first surprise.

The speed at which Jiang Wang found Shengshou Mountain was his second surprise. It was much faster than he thought! He didn't even have time to arrange everything and throw out clues to lure him!

So that the heat is not enough and everything is immature.

He had to trigger the Annihilation of All Things in advance and hide key information while making a convenient move.

Shengshou Mountain collapsed because of Jiang Wang, and the nine totem spirits of the Floating Land people died at the hands of Jiang Wang. Who is the existence that will destroy the world?

He wanted to use this fact to compete with Jiang Wang for the support of the floating land people and the right to speak in the floating land world.

He wants to be the dragon that saves the world, and Jiang Wang is the demon star that destroys the world!

But Jiang Wang was sober and restrained, and did not directly kill the nine totem spirits, but only captured them. Jingli even eliminated the trouble he had planted on the totem spirits, so this move failed to have an effect.

He was even given the opportunity to practice the path of cause and effect, and pursued it all the way to this point, which directly began to interfere with his plans in the Fire Department.

Of course he knew that Jiang Wang would never wait for him outside for ten or eight years, and he would definitely not have ten or eight years. If nothing else, that bald man Guan Yan would come knocking on his door at any time.

He also has to fight quickly!

"Why ten or eight years?" Ao Kui sneered: "If it takes three to five years, I will recover on my own! You will have to run faster by then."

Jiang Wang nodded: "It seems that you will be able to regain your strength in three to five days at most - what is in the Fire Palace? Compared with other tribes, there must be a very special place here. That's why you chose this place.


After he asked this question, he did not wait for Ao Kui's answer. Instead, he pressed down his palm to block the sound inside and outside the Fire Palace.

"Brother Xi, please take the Fire Palace as the center, drain out all the energy of heaven and earth within three feet of the surrounding area, and prohibit the circulation. I want him to hide in the wasteland."

"Little Holy Monk, please save these bloody corpses and drive them out of the scope of this Heavenly Slaughter Ten Thousand Jue Array."

Jiang Wang gave orders and flew directly to the Huo Temple.

"Jihuo Yuling, talk to me!" He shouted outside the fire temple: "What does this demonic dragon come to your tribe to find?"

There was silence in the fire temple.

People subconsciously looked at the patriarch.

The world-destroying demon dragon actually wants something from the Ministry of Fire and Fire?

Most people don't know about this. Until their death, most people think that they just suffered a disaster for no reason. After all, if the world-destroying dragon destroys the world, why is there any need for a reason?

But there are so many tribes in the Floating Land World, and the Fire Tribe alone has thirty-six tribes. Why is the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon the first to seek out the Fire Tribe?

The gazes of the clan members were like sharp thorns piercing her body. Jihuo Yuling sat blankly on a stone chair, her eyes lowered and her eyebrows furrowed, silent and without any response.

Jiang Wang added: "Do you know what makes me feel most uncomfortable when I come here today?"

Holding a long sword in his hand, he stood outside the Fire Temple, his murderous intent emerging spontaneously: "The scene that those eyes saw... turned out to be reality. I have never believed in such a thing as fate, and I hate those who do it even more."

An existence that thinks it can determine the fate of others. I said I wouldn't let that happen, but you never told me the truth from the beginning."

Jihuo Yuling covered her face with her hands and squeezed out a trembling voice from between her fingers: "He is looking for...those eyes!"

The Qinghuo Ministry, which is in charge of the current royal power, is still singing and dancing.

Although there are terrifying stories about the demonic dragon destroying the world, King Qing is now the savior of the world. Powerful armies have been assembled, and mysterious visitors from the blue sky are running around...

everything will be fine.

Flowers will still bloom, the Tianshu star will still rise, and the copper color of the sky will only last for a moment——

For a moment?!

"The origin of fire has declined greatly! As shown by the royal power... the Fire Department has been destroyed!"

In the royal palace, almost all of King Qing's beard exploded, and his eyes were full of sternness: "That magic dragon has already started to take action!"

This was an urgent secret discussion. Apart from King Qing, there were only generals Qinghuo Yuanchen and Wu Zhu Qinghuo Guanwen in the palace.

Facing King Qing's questioning eyes, although the new Wu Zhu was wearing a mask, the tension in his body was clearly visible: "Otherwise...ask Mr. Linchuan?"

What a idiot! What’s the difference between it and Qinghuo Qiming?

Qinghuo Yuanchen glanced at him and said, "Mr. Linchuan took people to Shengshou Mountain."

Prince Qing’s voice rose: “The Holy Hunting Mountain is gone too!”

Qinghuo Yuanchen was shocked: "When did it happen?"

"Just now, it was not far from the time when the Fire Department was destroyed." King Qing paced back and forth, his expression anxious and fierce, his shadow splayed on the wall: "The tribes near Shengshou Mountain should have sent a message soon.


Just like King Qing's fierceness at this moment, there is an unexplainable fear.

Xiang Huo Yuanchen, who was famous for his bravery, was inevitably a little nervous: "Then Mr. Linchuan and the others... are they still alive?"

If Zhang Linchuan and the others had already failed in the battle with the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon, would the destruction of the Fire Department be the beginning of the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon's revenge?

Prince Qing stopped suddenly: "Didn't Mr. Linchuan's dragon-hunting team leave one person in your house? She must know it! Xuan her - no, I'll go and ask myself!"

Qinghuo Yuanchen stood up immediately: "I will open a way for you in the end."

The three of them strode out. King Qing suddenly turned back and looked at Wu Zhu: "In addition to discovering that the origin of fire has declined greatly, what other information can you see from it?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "No."

"The world is in danger of annihilation. Isn't there any revelation from the original will?!" King Qing suddenly became furious.

He was also sick and had to seek medical attention urgently.

Qinghuo Guanwen said nervously: "Your Majesty, the original god has no 'I'. This is the first lesson I learned on the road to becoming a witch."

Since the God of origin has no self and no will, of course he will not give any revelation.

After all, King Qing knew that he could not be blamed for this matter. He suppressed his anger and asked, "Did Mr. Zhushu leave any insights on this situation?"

Qinghuo Guanwen gritted his teeth and continued to shake his head: "Qinghuo Qiming, the true successor of Master Zhushu, is gone. He left too many manuscripts and I haven't finished reading them yet..."

"Trash! Why did you get into the ancestral hall!" Prince Qing finally couldn't hold himself back and kicked him over.

He turned around and strode away with Qinghuo Yuanchen.

Qinghuo Guanwen rolled several times on the ground, and his exaggerated mask made a clanging sound when it hit the floor tiles.

Like the lament of this magnificent palace.

The guards guarding the main hall, wearing armor and armor, stood silently. They neither dared to chase after King Qing’s back nor look at Wu Zhu’s embarrassment, so they looked up at the sky——

Under the brass-colored sky that I have gradually become accustomed to, at some point, the clouds have turned into blood.

Thanks to book friend "The West Wind Will Not Stop" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 471st alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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