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Chapter 1998 If the sky is affectionate, the sky will also grow old

Every world has its own way of functioning, but no matter which world it is, its stability must be closely related to its native creatures.

Because the native creatures in the floating land world have become extinct, the world will of the floating land world has no way to draw on it.

It was precisely because the world will of the floating land world had no way to protect itself that "will" was born as a last resort.

Jiang Wang clearly remembered that when he and Ruan Yuan talked about the world of floating land, Ruan Yuan said that it seemed to be a tomb world.

What is the grave world?

Some are the tombs of the strong.

And more... a world that has died.

In such a world, the spiritual energy is gone and there is no vitality. Let alone any practitioners, it is difficult for even a living creature to appear.

For example, the Tomb of Ten Thousand Realms is where countless perished worlds are piled together to form the largest tomb world in the depths of the universe. It is also the "grave" chosen by the human race for the demon race.

It's just that the demons have survived in their own way. Just looking at the state of those demons, it's difficult to even use the word "alive".

There is nothing incomprehensible about this. Life has infinite adaptability. A typical example is the sea tribe.

But Jiang Wang always felt that Ruan Yuan's guess was just a guess, and never thought that it might become a reality. This was because he had already seen the vigorous vitality of the Floating Land world and the vigorous vitality of the Floating Land human race.

Those cultures and histories are all traces of the growth of life.

The Floating Land World has a large population, with hundreds of tribes. There are thirty-six tribes in the Fire Tribe alone, and a million people in the Fire Tribe alone!

The warriors in each department are brave and good at fighting, and their totem practice system is also very complete. There are also many extraordinary and powerful people at the level of totem spirit.

Is this kind of world a tomb world?

Is this world already dead?

More importantly, how can the will of the world still exist in a world that has died?

The first step in the destruction of the world is always the collapse of the underlying rules of the world. And the will of the world is precisely the embodiment of the rules of the world.

It was quiet all around at this time.

He only allowed those who came to Fulu with him to hear the conversation between Jiang Wang and Jihuo Yuxiu.

And every word in this conversation shocked them.

Prince Qing looked excited on the carriage in the distance, probably wanting an explanation or something. Qinghuo Yuanchen asked him to be patient while gathering his troops.

Jiang Wang didn't care at all. He just looked at the bloody corpses everywhere, looked at the purification ceremony without anyone's help, still chanted sutras, still saved the bloody corpses one by one, and sent them out of the formation.

That clean and delicate face was trapped in the self-world of compassion. It seemed that it was completely tireless, even though the terrifying consumption could have long ago brought down a strong godly monk.

"I have been thinking about a question." Jiang Wang said: "When Ao Kui drove the blood corpses and led me to fight, I was thinking - what would happen if I really destroyed those corpses?"

Jihuo Yuxiu explained: "Whether these people are alive or dead, they are all in the normal operation of this world and can provide nutrients to this world. But if these corpses are annihilated, it will reduce His power. To do this

Those who know you will become his enemy in advance. I think that old dragon knows you very well and understands your methods, so he wants to cause a fight between you and him, so that he can have a chance to escape."

The true fire of samadhi burns nothing and decomposes everything. Jihuo Yuxiu can see this characteristic, and of course Ao Kui understands it even more.

The battle with Ao Kui was over, and it was far from time to savor the victory, so Jiang Wang only asked: "Who is he?"

Jihuo Yuxiu said almost word for word: "Jiu occupied the magpie's nest and occupied the existence of this world. He is the creator of the floating land human race. He also created the star beasts. He also created evil ghosts in this world.


That terrifying existence created almost everything in the floating land world.

He has the ability to create races! He created the floating land human race, the star beasts, and the evil ghosts!

It should be noted that Tiger Tai Sui once hoped to achieve transcendence by creating a "spiritual race".

Although the floating land people and evil spirits are not a brand new race and cannot provide a great boost to the landing like the spirit race, they are undoubtedly close to the transcendent level!

He was as cold as fate, and at this time his brows were slightly lowered, feeling the pressure.

Jiang Wang asked: "Do you know his name?"

Jihuo Yuxiu shook his head: "I don't know either. You may think that I know everything, but in fact I only live at the bottom of this well and only understand the stories at the bottom of the well. Later, even everything at the bottom of the well could not

Got it all."

She sat upright, folding her hands, and the mask prevented her expression from being seen, and she said slowly: "He shattered the stars in the sky with his own hands, penetrated the world, and killed all living creatures in this world, but He

The world is needed, so the will of the world is not erased. Based on the instinct of self-preservation, after self-rescue at the rule level was erased countless times, 'I'... was born from it."

In the floating land world, there are indeed legends about stars falling from the sky, penetrating the ground, and forming caves. And these are actually the masterpieces of a certain existence!

Jiang Wang recalled everything he had learned in this world. As his thoughts became clearer, he also felt more and more sad: "The origin of the world gave rise to will, and the clarion call for counterattack should have been sounded. This will was born for this purpose.

.As the will of the world, you must have a way to absorb the power of the creatures living in this world, no matter whose creation they belong to.

"But this world has its own cultivation system. The saying 'God does not have a self, and if there is a self, there must be selfishness', which cuts off the source of your faith and prevents you from maximizing the power of the Floating Land Human Race.

"At the same time, He has put shackles on this world, making the Totem Holy Spirit a feasible but forever unattainable state, and also limiting your power to the greatest extent."

Who has such means? Transform a world at will, control the birth and death of ethnic groups at will, and play with the will of a world at will!

Jiang Wang has always felt that God's will is unpredictable and difficult to ask. He was tortured in the demon world until he had no way to go to heaven or earth, and he struggled countless times and failed.

But in front of this existence that spans the floating land world, the so-called "divine will" of the floating land world is actually so weak and pitiful.

The disparity reflected in this is not even enough to describe.

Does he still want to participate in such a dangerous game in this world?

Jihuo Yuxiu lowered her head. She was too tired to look up: "I have fought too many times, for too many years. I was once born as an evil ghost, controlled the power of the ghost clan, swept across the floating land, looking for his true body

, I once thought I was close to success... But as soon as He took action, everything was shattered. That struggle only became the material for Him to strengthen the floating land human race. Everything is in the palm of his hand. The so-called changes in the world are magnificent.

It’s a scene in a basin.”

Her voice was low: "I chose to be born as a floating land human race, or it was my last resistance. But as you know, the Book of Creation that I was born with was tampered with the moment I was born. No.

That poor Wu Zhu misinterpreted it, and it was only now that I was able to correct it. He just had a thought and a snap of his fingers, and I wasted several years."

If the sky is sentimental, the sky will also grow old!

Once the will of the world gives birth to "I", it also has "self" and can feel fatigue and pain.

In other words, even Jihuo Yuxiu, who represents the will of the world, feels so powerless. What can Jiang Wang and the others do?

These extraterrestrial visitors are just flesh and blood and have nothing to do with the existence of this world, so their lives will not be cherished.

"I think we should find a way to leave." Xi Ming said seriously: "Ao Kui is dead. Whether it is our responsibility or to save our lives, we have done everything we should and can do. Fu Lu and

You and I have nothing to do with each other, and we cannot easily judge right and wrong, good and evil. We should go back first, there are more important things waiting for us to do in this world."

Jiang Wang looked at Bai Yuxia and Lian Yuchan: "What do you think?"

Bai Yuxia hung his sword on his waist and said in a leisurely voice: "I will follow Jiwei without asking about the way forward. My boss should not ask me!"

Lian Yuchan said: "Now it is my boss who pays me to work. It is a matter of loyalty to the emperor to eat the emperor's salary. Whatever you say, I will do it."

Jiang Wang suspected that this prodigy from the Xiang Kingdom was reminding him to pay his salary. Lian Yuchan currently had no salary at Bai Yujing Restaurant, so she was serving dishes without salary.

He didn't speak, but his red eyes flickered over the bloody corpses. Wherever his eyes could see, the real fire ignited, and it instantly became a prairie fire.

Among the people present, he was the only one who didn't ask about Jingli because Jingli was making the choice that Jingli would make.

So what will he choose? The answer is very clear.

Jihuo Yuxiu said that destroying these corpses would reduce His power and trigger His hostility in advance, so that would advance everything!

The fire is raging, and the Sanskrit music never stops.

King Qing was still on his chariot at this time. It seemed that because of the crowd of troops, he gradually gained some confidence. He said to Qinghuo Yuanchen next to him: "The so-called disaster that destroys the world comes from outside the sky and cannot be sent to it.

Look to the sky. We should go back and convene the leaders of the tribes to discuss this matter together, instead of playing with them here. The people of the Floating Land must control their own destiny."

His voice rose high and he shouted to Jihuo Palace: "Mr. Linchuan, if you don't plan to say or do something, I will take people back to the tribe!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand to take back the remaining six pages of the Book of Creation above the Fire Palace.

Jihuo Yuxiu, who was in the wheelchair, raised his hand and raised it slightly to cut off his connection with the Book of Creation. None of the six clay tablets could be returned.

Prince Qing's expression changed drastically: "Mr. Linchuan! What does she mean?"

Qinghuo Yuanchen raised his hand with one arm, and the 200,000-strong army instantly surged like a sea tide, displaying a chilling expression!

"Let them go." Xi Ming said to Jiang Wang: "Even if we really have to deal with matters in this world, I'm afraid it's beyond our ability. It would be more appropriate to go back and let the senior master or even the real king come over."

Jiang Wang sighed softly: "Brother Xi, do you think we can still leave after you say this?"

No matter what the reason for playing the fate is, whether it is to let the strong men of the Mo family come to reap the harvest, or whether it is simply weighing the pros and cons and thinking that it is not time to take risks now.

It's too late.

The bronze bowl that is still tilted upside down in the sky is the answer from "Him".

Jiang Wang looked at Jihuo Yuxiu: "Can you tell me now, what is the Book of Creation?"

Jihuo Yuxiu's voice was quite bitter: "The Book of Creation is a tool created by Him that can represent the will of the world. It uses this to bypass my will of the world and allow the world to operate normally. Now, even if the body is

For the will of the world, I was born into the Floating Land Human Race. If I want to control the power of the world as much as possible, I must do it through it."

"Mr. Linchuan." In the midst of the army, Prince Qing's originally high-pitched voice suddenly became lowered: "I remember the old friendship, and I have always treated you with great respect and never been disrespectful. I ask for people and things.

I’ll give you something. I’ll use all Fulu’s material resources to please you! Why do you ignore me again and again? Are the people of Fulu so looked down upon by your human race in this world?”

This attitude shows malice and is definitely not good.

Lian Yuchan's eyes turned cold, she held both swords in her hands, and walked towards Prince Qing: "We cannot represent the present world, and you cannot represent Fulu."

"Yuchan!" Jiang Wang stopped Lian Yuchan: "Help me take good care of the little holy monk Jingli. He consumes too much and may not be able to protect himself."

Almost at the same time that Jiang Wang spoke, King Qing, who was standing on the chariot, was ignited by red flames in an instant, his whole body turned into flames, and he entered the powerful form of the totem spirit.

The six clay tablets above Jihuo Palace were shaking. It was obvious that King Qing had strengthened his strength in the battle with Jihuo Yuxiu.

King Qing, who holds the totem of royal power, can be regarded as a strong one even among the monks of the gods in this world. If you think that he is weak because of his obedience to Jiang Wang and others, you would be wrong!

At this moment, what he and Jihuo Yuxiu are competing for is the Book of Creation, and what they are competing for is the world power of Floating Land!

This is also the confrontation between the totem of royal power and the will of the world.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, like rolling thunder.

As we got closer, the sound of thunder became clearer. It was the shouts of thousands of warriors, mixed together in their blood--

"We are here under the king's command, and we have gathered all our elites to fight against the thieves... The Red Thunder Tribe has come to see the king!"

The sound of the flood is like waves, coming one after another.

"See you at the Water Purification Department!"

"See you at the Plague Department!"

"See the original soil ministry"

Long before the expedition against the Fire Tribe, King Qing had already sent an order to the world to mobilize all the troops in the world. The 200,000-strong army as the vanguard was only the closest army to the Fire Tribe.

At this time, if we could use the entire Floating Continent as a bonsai, we would see that the mountain range where the Jihuo Tribe is located has been surrounded by densely packed armies from all over the world, with a sea of ​​people, numbering more than a million!

Along with this surging voice, great power is also surging.

The totem stone pillars representing the various tribes of Floating Continent rose up from the ground, reaching into the sky. Almost instantly, a tall stone forest was formed, turning the entire Jihuo tribe into a forest clearing.

What's more, the totem stone pillars are towering into the sky, and the power of the totem rises like smoke, supporting the highest throne - King Qing, who is like a man of flames, wearing a crown on his head, stepping on the ladder of power paved with flames, climbing up the steps. , and sat down in this supreme seat!

It was only at this moment that Jiang Wang looked at the king who had become so illustrious. His sword was hanging sideways and his eyes were cold: "You asked me why I ignored him?"

He held the sword and walked up the steps of the void. Under his feet was the blazing true fire of Samadhi, sweeping over like ocean waves and incinerating the bloody corpses——

"Because I'm waiting for you!"

Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Yin from Fengtian City" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 476th alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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