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Chapter 2042 The world raises the flag (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)




Du Yehuxiong stood outside the Zhuang Palace, and the shadow of the evil tiger covered the royal capital.

I want all households to be silent, I want all civil and military officials to be silent, I want no sound in Xin'an City!

Because when Maplewood City was destroyed, you were also silent!

Then just listen in silence!

Today, the old people of Fenglin are making a splash with their blood!

As the first-class powerful army of the Zhuang Kingdom, Jiujiang Xuanjia moved eastward and westward all the year round, patrolling all the borders of the Zhuang Kingdom. While conquering the surrounding forces, it also firmly engraved the image of being powerful and brave in people's hearts.

Once the black tiger battle flag representing Jiujiang Xuanjia is erected, there is no obstruction within the territory.

Not to mention the territory of Zhuang State, even if you go to Cheng State or Mo State, you can come and go freely!

Even if there are those who want to block the way, we still have to see if they can stop them.

On this trip, Yang Yin led his troops to Xin'an, with three thousand main soldiers and two thousand advance soldiers on horseback. They almost drove straight in. It came early in the morning and arrived in the evening, much faster than planned!

For a moment, iron cavalry crossed the street, and Xin'an was filled with swords and guns!

The current Zhuang Kingdom's top genius, Lin Zhengren, the leader of the Eight Talents of Xin'an, hurriedly left the banquet using the blood escape technique. This was what he saw after rushing back to the Zhuang Kingdom's capital from Changhe Dragon Palace.

He saw Jiujiang Xuanjia's black tiger flag flying high on Xin'an Tower.

He saw that Du Yehu's direct descendants had taken over the city defense, the capital city guards were standing still, and thousands of households were closed.

He saw that Shan Junwei, who was supposed to be used to restrain Du Yehu, was in the Jiujiang Xuanjia queue, waving flags and shouting vigorously?!

When Xin'an City ceased to be the same as before, the capital of the Zhuang Kingdom had taken over its authority.

Things really changed today!

Just like those confused people, Lin Zhengren is also thinking about his own way out.

Then at a certain moment, the city fell silent.

The roar of the mountains and the tsunami of the powerful army were all suppressed.

He saw Dazhuang Dinghai Shenzhen and Prime Minister Du Ruhui, whose black hair was turning white, stepping back to Xin'an City amid the sudden cheers of the people!

Wearing the robe of the Prime Minister of Dazhuang, he stood above the palace of Zhuang Palace, deliberately instigating his majestic momentum and giving confidence to all parties. He looked down at Du Yehu, pointed his halberd and scolded him, his voice full of anger and resentment: "The high official is generous.

Lu, you raise an undercooked hungry dog. Du Yehu, you disappoint me so much!"

Du Yehu was speechless and didn't say anything. He just clenched his fists and raised them high, instantly forming a formation of evil to counteract it!

Why did Du Ruhui come so late?

This was the first thought that came to Lin Zhengren's mind.

Smart people think things are always complicated.

There were many questions that came to his mind.

How did Xin'an City's city defenses collapse so quickly?

Where is the chief of the Criminal Investigation Department?

Where is the president of the National Highway Academy?

Where is General Huangfu Duanming?

How could Du Yehu be allowed to cause trouble so easily?

He was not surprised as to why the Baiyu Army, which was as famous as Jiujiang Xuanjia, was so vulnerable that it handed over the city defense of Xin'an City without provoking any useful resistance.

This is all the bitter fruit of Zhuang Gaoxian’s own brew!

After Bai Yujun's independent general He Ba Dao died in battle, there has been no qualified successor.

The general who is currently in charge of the White Feather Army is a completely mediocre person. He is just obedient. He usually puts on airs and acts as a guard of honor, so there is no need to expect him to show any ability in such a sudden crisis.

Zhuang Gaoxian originally wanted to let Zhu Weiwo control this powerful army, but it was not unusual for Zhu Weiwo to abandon the country and leave.

He, Lin Zhengren, tried hard several times to serve his country. Unfortunately, His Majesty the Emperor of Zhuang State was narrow-minded and suspicious, and did not trust him, a loyal and good minister, at all, which hurt his heart!

Later, I felt that Qiao Jingzong, who was ranked seventh among the eight heroes of Xin'an, had a good chance of taking over the White Feather Army. Whether it was military strategy or personal cultivation talent, Qiao Jingzong was considered a figure. Probably Qiao Jingzong himself thought so too, going to the demon world

I even held a big banquet before and invited people to drink!

Zhuang Gaoxian did invest a lot of resources in him, and spent a lot of effort to send him to the battlefield of the demon world for training.

Later...Qiao Jingzong died, something happened to Jiang Wang in the demon world, and Wu Bing from Sanxing Palace came to visit.

These three things were connected together, and coupled with his understanding of Zhuang Gaoxian, Lin Zhengren basically guessed what was going on, and never mentioned Bai Yujun again.

Talents are not crops in the ground. How can they be said to grow as soon as they grow? Even if they are crops in the ground, they must have good weather and good weather, and they must be taken care of and fertilized diligently!

Like Zhuang Gaoxian's type of harvesting, only when new crops can grow can there be ghosts.

In such a huge country, the Baiyu Army, a powerful army with excellent foundation, has always been led by unscrupulous people. Who is to blame?

Zhuang Gaoxian is usually in charge of this army, but today he is not in the country, so he can't blame the leaderless White Feather Army, which is in chaos like a chicken and a dog!

Thinking about the situation of the entire Zhuang Kingdom in his mind, the four thousand miles of mountains and rivers were rolling in Lin Zhengren's mind. He was slandering his whole body, but it did not affect his ability to be a loyal minister.

In today's chaotic situation, he must see the situation clearly, seize the opportunity, make the right choice, and don't get involved in the dragon that was slaughtered by the loser!

At this time, he discovered that Du Ruhui, who was flying over Zhuang Palace, had a wound on his chest that was deliberately covered up, and the blood was still wet.

It means that the great and virtuous prime minister, who has the magical power of being close to the end of the world, usually travels around various places like timely rain, and wherever there is drought, he is unable to quell the rebellion in time today.

It turns out that I was trapped by someone!

Now it is obvious that he has got rid of the enemy and returned to Beijing alone to suppress the situation.

With Du Ruhui's wisdom, strength, and prestige, it is very easy to press Du Yehu.

What does Jiang Wang want to do? What can he do?

It is absolutely impossible to kill Zhuang Gaoxian.

It would be difficult to kill Du Ruhui, who was traveling thousands of miles away, within Zhuang Kingdom. How could he escape the punishment of Yujing Mountain afterwards?

Jiang Wang was still impulsive... What a pity!

Or he is too talented, his life is too smooth, and he doesn’t know what it means to endure. Wouldn’t it be easy to endure it for a hundred and eighty years, wait until the Evolution Dao is achieved, and then turn around to deal with Zhuang Gaoxian?

But then again, at that time, Lin Zhengren may not have a chance to perform.

At this moment, there was Zhuang Gaoxian, the real person outside, and Yujing Mountain above. Du Ruhui stepped forward with anger and anger. The situation was already very clear. The incident happened suddenly. Jiang Wang, Du Yehu and the others did cause a little trouble, but it was just


The country of Zhuang cannot be destroyed!

And if he turns the tide today and is loyal to save the country, Yujingshan will never fail to show his expression - of course, he does not expect Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui to find out, they both know what the other is - he just happened to jump into Yujingshan, and from then on

Pursue the Tao wholeheartedly, firmly support Taoist Master Yujing, and make a just break with this quagmire-like country!

After making a simple judgment in his mind, Lin Zhengren took the initiative to break the invisible state, jumped into the sky, walked bravely through the air, pressed the long sword with his hand and was about to draw it out, but he was so angry that he shouted: "I am Dazhuang Lin Zhengren! Du


As soon as the word "Du" was pronounced, he saw a ferocious tailless swallow swooping out of the air, tearing apart and pecking at it, forcing Du Ruhui, who possesses top-level spatial magical powers, to retreat and move away in a hurry.


Is this a swallow?!!!

Then he saw snow falling in the sky and frost in all directions. A man wearing a mask with the word "Chujiang" stepped on the frost and snow. He pushed horizontally with his palm and froze the space. The killing force was fierce and the frost wind howled.

Du Ruhui had no choice but to turn around and turn around again!

There was another man wearing the mask of "Emperor of the Song Dynasty" with a fierce aura, blocking in front of Du Ruhui! This man was tall and had big hands with thick joints, as wide as a cattail leaf fan. He was holding a human head in his hand - Huangfu, the general of Zhuang State.

Duan Ming’s head! The eyes are wide open with anger, and blood is still dripping. It’s obvious that he died not long ago!

He saw Du Ruhui turn to the sky urgently, but a blood coffin fell directly from the sky. A sea of ​​​​blood suddenly surged, making the whole world become cruel. The voice in the blood coffin was scolding the strong man who lifted the head: "

You bastard Emperor of the Song Dynasty, do you want to die? Who asked you to behead and destroy the body? You will pay for my collection?!"

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty was furious: "You are so unreasonable. How come the people I killed became your collection?"

"Shut up, everyone." King Chu Jiang said coldly, "Don't force King Qin Guang to curse you before we finish killing them!"

Lin Zhengren thought he might know where the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department and the Dean of the National Highway Academy were. Either he did not dare to show his face in front of these murderers, or he was not qualified to be "collected"...

But by chance, he had already jumped out at this time, walking in the air with dignity and dignity!

He held up his sword and felt embarrassed for a moment.

His straightened chest was slightly concave, and his straight spine was slightly bent.

I am Dazhuang Lin Zhengren!

No, I am Zhuang Guoxiaolin...

He felt that the cold eyes of someone he didn't know belonged to... had fallen on him as if they were not there. He seemed to be weighing how fat he was, and how many kilograms of flesh he had.

"Du Ruhui, you deserve to die! The army of justice is still resisting!" He shouted loudly and continued his bravery: "Brother Yehu! I'm here to help you!"

Yes, Lin Zhengren, the leader of the Eight Talents of Xin'an, set things right today and supported Du Yehu, the second among the Eight Talents, in a high-profile manner!

Where righteousness lies, Lin Zhengren is there!

Du Yehu actually didn't know much.

Even Shan Junwei, who was arranged by Zhuang Gaoxian to check and balance him, had already been instigated by Chongxuan Sheng to rebel, but he didn't know it. There was a conflict before, and he almost killed the guy in a rage. Later, Huangfu Duanming sternly warned him.

When the person arranged by Zhong Xuansheng sent a letter, he only regarded it as a test by Zhuang Gaoxian and was ready to kill him with a mace.

However, Jiang Wang’s words with Taoist meaning cannot be faked.

There were only six words in the letter - "It's time, second brother."

He didn't know what time it was now, or what preparations Jiang Wang had made. He didn't know how to overthrow Zhuang Ting and kill a real person.

Although he had been waiting, he could not find any possibility of revenge.

He only knew that it was Jiang Wang who told him that it was time!

He decided to raise the flag.

After so many years, they never contacted each other, but they never doubted each other!

At this moment, he was arranging the military formation, rolling up the evil spirits. He was wearing a battle armor with dark blood stains, and evil spirits were flowing inside and outside. With a big beard on his face, he was much older than his peers.

At this time, I looked up at Lin Zhengren, and for a while I couldn't turn the corner.

Why are you the only one here to help me?

Is there some kind of friendship between us that I don’t even know about?

Lin Zhengren strode towards Du Yehu, spread out his hands to show that he was absolutely harmless, and explained quickly but clearly: "I know we had some misunderstandings in the past, and I can completely understand your suspicion of me!

"But today, I also hope you understand me!

"Everything I did in the past was just to protect myself in the face of a treacherous king. In order to remain useful, I had to act without conscience! I believe you can relate to this feeling!

"Brother Yehu! Do you still remember the old things in Maple Forest?

"Hundreds of thousands of people! They were given up so easily! Just for that one true bone elixir!

"I dare not forget these years. I often dream back at midnight with tears streaming down my face!

"Wangjiang City and Maplewood City are separated by a strip of water, and we are often in-laws. We can be considered half of the same town, and we are close neighbors! How can I not hate Maplewood City when it suddenly suffered a tragedy? After knowing the truth, I am filled with hatred! I wish I could give birth to a child.

Swallow the heart of that foolish king! I have been hiding this hatred for so many years! Brother Yehu, I dare not tell anyone!"

When he talked about the emotional part, he almost shed tears.

Unfortunately, Du Yehu is not very emotional. He would just listen to him ramble for a long time without focusing on the point, and then he would hit him with his trump card. Duan Li once taught him that people's hearts are unpredictable, and it is common to be uncertain. If you are not sure about something, you might as well

Beat him to death first and then talk.

Lin Zhengren quickly said: "If you don't believe me, ask Jiang Wang! He and I have hooked up a long time ago - we have a tacit understanding!"

Hearing Jiang Wang's name, Du Yehu was dubious and pressed his mourning key.

Lin Zhengren quickly expanded on the details: "I had already abandoned the dark side and turned to the dark side during the Yellow River Meeting! I deliberately admitted my defeat in front of the audience just to embarrass Mr. Hun and give Brother Jiang a bad breath!

"Last time, the cowardly Lord Zhuang Gaoxian sent me as an envoy to various countries. He actually wanted me to set up a trap to kill Brother Jiang. How could I agree? I took the initiative to confess to Brother Jiang at that time, and he also recognized my sincerity! We were in Sheng Kingdom

We talk at night by candlelight, determined to cleanse the evil atmosphere together and illuminate the world! So today I am here! I gave up the Dragon Palace Banquet, but I will come back to support you. I am not for you, I am for the hundreds of thousands of innocent souls in Maplewood City who cannot rest in peace.


Everyone in Xin'an City was moved when they heard these words!

Is there such a secret behind the Maplewood City incident that shocked the world a few years ago?

Is what Lin Zhengren said credible?

But if it is not true, why did Jiang Wang abandon the country and leave, why did Zhu Weiwo regard Lord Zhuang as his enemy, and why did Du Yehu raise the flag today?

Are these talented people all so incompetent?!

Not to mention Jiang Wang, Zhu Weiwo is the pride of the Zhuang Kingdom, the legitimate number one genius. Du Yehu is a brave general who has fought for the country through life and death.

And there is Lin Zhengren, who represented Zhuang State in the Yellow River Meeting, represented Zhuang State on missions with integrity, and represented Zhuang State in participating in the Dragon Palace Banquet. He is an undoubted example for the younger generation of Zhuang State. He is so upright and benevolent, can he confuse right and wrong?

"Lin Zhengren, you confuse right and wrong and confuse the public with your monstrous words. How can you die?!"

Du Ruhui roared angrily.

He was chased by several Yamas from Hell, running around everywhere, but he was reluctant to leave Xin'an. Because he knew very well that under such circumstances, once he left, Xin'an would immediately change hands, and the country would be shaken to its foundations, and the situation would be shaken.

It is extremely difficult to recover! He is struggling hard now and just wants to survive until the king of the country returns.

At this time, he heard Lin Zhengren talking nonsense there, and he was filled with hatred!

Compared with his gaffe, Lin Zhengren maintained his demeanor and gently flicked his sleeves: "Prime Minister Du, Lin has always respected you, and I still respect you now. But don't be stubborn and make the same mistake again and again! The situation is like this today.

, it is the retribution for Zhuang Gaoxian’s wanton evil deeds, don’t you understand? General Yehu responded with a hundred responses, the world raised its flag, and Xin’an changed its flag. It’s just that the right way has many help, but the wrong way has few help!”

Hearing such righteous and awe-inspiring words, the Song Emperor couldn't help but hold his head high.

We are on the right path today, and Hell has no door, we are the rebels!

I feel like my world’s righteous sword has become more colorful!

Oh no.

Thinking that his sword had been destroyed by Zhuang Gou, and that justice could not be applied to the will of the sword, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty suddenly became jealous and chased Du Ruhui angrily: "Treacherous Prime Minister, take your life!"

(It is better to chase the poor bandits with courage, otherwise they will turn into salted fish once they become discouraged.

I will keep this courage and write until the end of the paper.

Continue tomorrow!)

(Thanks to the book friend "Different Flying Flying" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 525th alliance!)

This chapter adds (3/3) to the Silver League "Youxian Yimeng to Luofu" (added before)

Thanks to book friend "SueCC" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 511th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Shi Yaohuo" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 512th alliance!

Thank you to the book friend "I miss you when you are walking and I miss you when you sit down" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 513th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Gongyi Shidong" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 514th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Shao Mo" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 515th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Zhong Ming" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 516th alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "Within One Meter" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 517th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "I Only Have a Tight Heart" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 518th alliance!

Thank you to book friend "Zi Yu Bu Yu" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 519th alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "Go back to 2003 to kill the old dog and grab the fish" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 520th alliance!

Thank you to book friend "Key Pointer" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 521st alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "Qingyanguichen" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 522nd alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Pan Xiaowen" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 523rd alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Xian Yunxia" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 524th alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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