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Chapter 2061: He is in the wild, but his heart is in the world

The building of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen is mainly white, but it does not give people a bright feeling. On the contrary, it is particularly cold and strict.

Go around the screen wall and walk through the corridor.

This yamen occupies a very large area, but the design is deliberately cramped, so that people can hardly see beyond ten steps, and the line of sight is blocked at every turn.

And there are many hidden corners.

After walking in with Hu Yan Jingxuan for such a short period of time, Jiang Wang had already felt the scrutiny of at least ten eyes.

At this time they walked to a patio.

I walked over all the way depressingly. In this square place, looking at the free dome on the patio, I felt the urge to fly out immediately.

Ahead is an open main room, which looks very much like a courtroom where criminals are tried, but there are no instruments of torture and no one holding a killing stick.

There is no rain in the sky, but the eaves are dripping like curtains.

Water drips in the white stone water channel surrounding the patio, knocking some duckweeds.

The style here is not very prairie-like.

Huyan Jingxuan walked through the rain curtain: "His Majesty thinks you are a talent, and Lord Tu Hu has expectations for you, so I am also willing to consider your feelings - Gu Shiyi is blatantly taking advantage of you, what do you think?"

Jiang Wang stood in the patio, under the naked night sky, and did not move forward: "If Gu Shiyi needs to convey something to Lord Huyan through me, and Lord Huyan also needs to know something through me. Then I think I

It’s no big deal to be the messenger.”

Huyan Jingxuan turned around behind the rain curtain, but separated by this curtain, he seemed to be trapped in the shadow of Cang Yu Xun Shou Yamen. At this moment, his personality was blurred and he became the embodiment of the dark and ferocious beast on the grassland.

Make life scary!

It was this turn around and a pair of looks.

In that immortal red gold, the starlight is replaced by skylight, and the sun sets and rises.

In his eyes, Jiang Wang was bathing in the scant daylight in Cangyu Xunshou Yamen. His figure was tall and straight, neither humble nor arrogant.

Its daybreak.

"Cangyu Xunshou Yamen is a critical place. We must confirm that you are neither a demon nor a monster before we can let you in." Huyan Jingxuan said, and this voice made everything start to flow again.

Jiang Wang was not completely sure of the changes just now. He just sensed the scrutiny coming from this building and not just Huyan Jingxuan, so he used his magical power to defend himself.

It cannot be said to be a confrontation, it can only be said that there was a small stalemate for a while, and the long night has passed. It is not that the entire time has been cut off, but that this period of time has been ignored by one's own consciousness.

Jiang Wang didn't show much emotion and just said: "Actually, I don't have to come in."

"When you appeared at the door of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen with Gu Shiyi, many things were out of your control." Huyan Jingxuan said: "How about it, do you still think it doesn't matter if he takes advantage of you?"

"Divide things." Jiang Wang said frankly: "He has saved me before. This time he came to Cangyu Xunshou Yamen and told me directly what he was going to do. I am willing to spread this word myself, so I consider it as a return of his favor.


Huyan Jingxuan put his hands behind his back: "Tell me, what did Gu Shiyi tell you."

Jiang Wang then explained the reason why Gu Shiyi came to his door, reproducing it completely without adding or subtracting a word "easier".

Huyan Jingxuan listened quietly, but was not in a hurry to discuss this topic. Instead, he asked: "What did you hear when you first came to Yuya?"

Jiang Wang knew that Hu Yan Jingxuan had the ability to trace back every word he heard at that time. Therefore, the Yamen Master was not only asking about the sounds he heard, but also the information he got from them.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "It seems that there are many hysterical people on the grassland recently?"

Huyan Jingxuan did not deny it: "There are more than before. After the merger of all religions, all kinds of monsters and monsters came. In order to promote national policies, supervision was inevitably relaxed, which led to the collapse of the world. There are many sects with conflicting doctrines and confusing beliefs that led to collapse.

Things happen from time to time and we work under a lot of pressure.”

This argument did not convince Jiang Wang.

Because judging from the sentence I heard, at least a large number of hysterics are in the same situation, because when the person reported it, he said the word "again".

This should be a matter of the same belief, and cannot be explained by the convergence of all religions and confusion of beliefs.

There is actually no other faith that has such great influence in the grassland and puts Cangyu Xunshou Yamen under great pressure.

Even the yellow-faced Buddha of Huang Fu and the temple of Xiyue Temple will be eliminated once they infringe on the interests of the pastoral country. There is absolutely no "work pressure". Not to mention other small sects.

What's wrong with Cangtu Divine Religion? Are the forces loyal to Cangtu God resisting? Or is it even a direct counterattack by Cangtu God?

There were many questions in his mind, but Jiang Wang opened his mouth and just said: "That's it!"

The rain curtain obscured Huyan Jingxuan's face, and he said in the clear sound of water droplets: "It has just been confirmed that what Gu Shiyi described does exist. So he did come to me for a few ordinary people from Zheng State?

Jiang Wang, what do you think?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Everything happens for a reason, and there is a way to do things. Mr. Huyan controls Yu Yamen and flies around the world. I guess I am too lazy to argue with him."

Huyan Jingxuan thought thoughtfully: "So you can understand the existence of people like Gu Shiyi and understand this kind of behavior?"

Jiang Wang stood in the light and was inspected by the light - skylight and gaze.

He also examined himself: "When I was very young, I thought I would become this person."

"Xia?" Huyan Jingxuan said in an incomprehensible tone: "But at twenty-three, you have already led soldiers, been on the battlefield, and served as a prince. Of course you already know that it is too naive and your ideas are different from when you were a child. And Gu Shiyi has already lived

More than two hundred years old...how can people really be so naive?"

"I think this is what makes him so valuable." Jiang Wang said, "That's why he is the best hero in the world. But I can't match him, and I dare not call him 'righteous'."

Huyan Jingxuan said: "So you do support him?"

Jiang Wang did not answer directly, but just said: "I once met Fei Ya in Baimaofeng. They represent Cang Yu Xun Shou Yamen and go around to rescue herdsmen. Therefore, I know that Cang Yu Xun Shou Yamen's responsibilities include arresting

Punishing evil and protecting the country and the people. I think you don’t want something like the one in Zheng to happen. It’s not the original intention of Cang Yu’s Xun Shou Yamen.”

"Protect the territory and the people?" Huyan Jingxuan said: "Of course. For the sake of the peace of the people of the pastoral country, Cangyu patrols the Yamen without any sacrifice."

Jiang Wangdao: "Maybe it's because I was born in a small country and wandered around, living in many places. I feel that although people from all over the world are divided into different countries and clans, they also have many commonalities. The vast majority of people in this world

They are all simple and kind-hearted, and they work hard all their lives just to make their families' lives better.

"My sister is practicing in Yun State, and I have many friends in Qi State. I once lived in Chu State for a period of time, and I have a deep relationship with the Duke of Huai State.

"I have been to Mu Country many times and I like the grassland scenery very much. I have been friends with His Highness Yunyun for many years. I admire Emperor Mu very much, respect Master Tu Hu very much, and am also convinced by the power of Master Hu Yan. I have seen simple herdsmen.

, I have also seen the heroic children of the prairie...so I feel that it is not just the people of the pastoral country who are the common people.

"The human race is made up of trillions of people. Except for those who are born with Taoist veins and supernatural powers, all extraordinary monks came step by step from ordinary people.' Mountains are formed by accumulation of soil, and the growth of wind and rain. Mountains are formed by accumulation of water.

How can the earth and rocks on the top of the mountain be suspended in the air and exist alone? I have always had an idea - we, the extraordinary, are not only extraordinary in courage and strength, but also have extraordinary commitment.

Accept extraordinary responsibilities.”

Huyan Jingxuan looked at him: "It's just like what you are doing now, right?"

Jiang Wangdao: "In today's world, the great scenery and the sword. If Damu wants to go south, he must use force and virtue. If Feiya can regulate his behavior outside, it will be very beneficial to the reputation of Damu Empire."

"You are in the wilderness, but your heart is in the world!" Huyan Jingxuan's tone did not reveal his likes and dislikes: "You also have your own views on the general trend of the world."

Jiang Wang smiled: "Master Hu Yan is the top real person in the world, and he has his own 'truth'. I will never try to change your mind. I just want to answer your question and express my shallow understanding frankly.

Before I had your level of strength, everything I said was just nonsense, and you don’t need to care about it at all.”

Huyan Jingxuan then smiled: "Should I call you cunning, or should I call you stubborn?"

"These are not enough to reflect the wisdom of adults." Jiang Wangdao: "I personally think that my main characteristic is 'innocence'. From the beginning to the end, I just came out to drink and watch the excitement, and then I was taken away

Enter Yuya for interrogation... The Yiyang Palace is still waiting for me to go back and take charge of the overall situation!"

Huyan Jingxuan did not comment on this, and only said: "Gu Shiyi is a swordsman in the world, and he is a knight everywhere. He often sees the head but not the tail. Therefore, in some investigations of Yu Yamen, there are always some suspicions about him that cannot be erased. But he

I came here this time and the suspicion was cleared... I have a question to ask the Crown Priest, but I don't want to ask it myself, Jiang Wang, do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Wang said cautiously: "Although the spectator is not guilty, I don't need to take the blame and make meritorious service. But I admire Master Huyan's character and am willing to do something for you. However, the cultivation of the high priest Shenmian is astonishing, and his magical powers are...

I’m afraid there’s no way to avoid it this way.”

Huyan Jingxuan thought for a while: "That's right! Then if you monitor Cangyu Xunshou Yamen and inquire about important information, how should this Yamen deal with it?"

"That is really just a misunderstanding, and the news is not very important. I have heard it on the roadside -" Seeing that Hu Yan Jingxuan's eyes did not soften, Jiang Wang simply gave up explaining and looked at him sincerely: "Yes.

Otherwise, you can also give me a good beating! Use your top real person's vision to decipher all my tricks and let me know what it means to be too high-end!"

Huyan Jingxuan looked at him: "...You go, walk faster."

Jiang Wang cupped his hands and walked away.

After the footsteps disappeared, the Yazhong courtyard returned to silence.

Only the skylight is still there, and the water drops never stop.

At a certain moment, an old man's voice sounded: "What do you think?"

Huyan Jingxuan was still standing behind the rain curtain in the courtroom, but his voice became distant: "Jiang Wang is right at least one thing. Fei Ya is doing things outside, so he should consider the reputation of Mu Country. We are not Jing Country yet.

There is no reason to commit Jingguo’s illness in advance.”

"Who cares about this? I'm asking - is there no problem with Gu Shiyi's Taoism process?"

"There is no problem, unless I can't see the truth... then how can there be any 'truth' in this world? The only problem is that he is indeed very hostile to me and wants to force me to reach the top in advance.


The old man's voice said: "You can endure it. You would rather lose this battle than set foot on the Yan Dao."

Huyan Jingxuan's tone was calm: "After you go up the mountain, you can't go down again. Gu Shiyi has made preparations in advance, how can I do it in a hurry?"

The old man's voice said: "If you lose to Huang Fu, you are also Dong Zhen. Are you willing to accept it? If you lose to Gu Shiyi, Dong Zhen will lose the Tao of Evolution, and it is natural. But many people are waiting for you to develop the Dao."

"A twenty-three-year-old young man knows not to ask for small truths. I, Hu Yanjingxuan, have worked hard all my life to achieve the first truth in the grassland, why should I ask for small truths?" Huyan Jingxuan said quietly: "This time Gu Shiyi went north.

Grassland, how many people give him a chance, and how many people want to see my jokes?"

The old man's voice said: "Today, it seems that Gu Shiyi is not the leader of the Ping Dynasty. We have made a meaningless test."

Huyan Jingxuan didn't care much about this, he just said: "He was so reckless on the grassland this time. Who is going to teach him a lesson?"

"Prince Su." The old man's voice responded. He added, "Maybe it's more than just a lesson."

Damu Clan, Prince Su, Helian Liangguo!

Yan Dao exists as a truly powerful and ferocious person in the borderlands, but when he attacks, he rarely leaves alive.

"I hope he doesn't die." Huyan Jingxuan said, "I can't fight him back with my own hands. It won't be easy after all."

Jiang Wang, who left Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, walked in a hurry. He seemed to have been imprisoned for many years and was finally released after serving his sentence. He ran so fast.

But not far away, he bumped into Zhao Rucheng who was coming in a hurry.

"Where are you going in a hurry?" Jiang Wang called him first.

"I heard that you were taken into Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, so I came to look for you. Yunyun gave me a warrant." Zhao Rucheng looked at him: "Are you okay?"

Jiang Wang was a little moved.

He has a clear understanding - Cangyu Xunshou Yamen is not a warm and affectionate place. The reason why Huyan Jingxuan is still polite to him is his own strength and potential, which only accounts for a small part.

But his face was calm: "Don't mention it. I just came to join in the fun, but I didn't even see the crucial part. I was dragged into chatting by Hu Yan Jingxuan and asked me about his plans. Speaking of which,

Wouldn’t it be more convenient for Yuwen Duo to handle such internal yamen matters in the Pastoral Kingdom?”

"Oh, he doesn't want to see you." Zhao Rucheng said.

Jiang Wang was completely confused. Last night, Yu Wenduo was so flattering to Brother Jiang. How could he serve it now... and still "don't want to see him"?

But at this time he touched something more important: "So?"

"Yes." Zhao Rucheng nodded naturally: "When I heard that you were taken to Cangyu Xunshou Yamen, I immediately gave me the warrant and asked me to take a look. She didn't come in person, she wanted to investigate the matter.

The context behind it, let’s see who is deliberately pushing it.”

Jiang Wang was extremely moved: "How wonderful it is! How much she cares about her Brother Jiang! She is even willing to ignore you because of this and hand over orders to get people for you."

He looked at Zhao Rucheng seriously again: "But you have to remember that she cares about me on the surface, but in fact she still cares about you. Because I am your third brother, she is so protective! Otherwise, how can I have any friendship with her?

How is it worth it for her? I believe Third Brother, you still have a chance, you have a great chance!"

Zhao Rucheng looked at him, hesitated to speak, and finally said "hmm".

Jiang Wang was already thinking at this time, and said as he walked: "Brother, I will teach you another trick. She helped me this time. As my brother, you must thank her. In this way, first treat her to a meal, and I will

We have some money, let's book the best restaurant - what does she like to eat, do you remember? Then I will find a chance to slip away, and you can talk to her. In this way, I will arrange another scene where a hero saves a beauty. Find a

Those who don’t have long eyes…”

"I'm getting married." Zhao Rucheng said.

"That person was drunk and confused, and he didn't know who was sitting in the box, and then - eh?"

Jiang Wang looked back at him blankly, his thinking stopped for a moment, and he walked straight forward, knocking down a wall: "Ah?"

Thanks to book friend "Shiqi" for becoming the leader of this book's alliance, it is the 581st alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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