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Chapter 2086 Yin Yang True Saint

The group of people all left the Lotus Seed World, leaving only Ning Shuangrong in it.

"Why did Master Jiang pull me out?" Zhuo Qingru said: "Aren't you leaving someone inside to watch? In case something unexpected happens."

Jiang Wangdao: "This lotus seed world is very small and is still shrinking. There is no danger. I left the true source of fire in it. Fellow Daoist Ning is also strong enough. Moreover, the skeleton is a senior of Jiange."

When he said this, everyone understood.

Ji Li touched the fat cat's tail and said, "Xue Tanhua, I have to ask you for help again."

Ji Li, who talks to cats, is particularly gentle and smart, completely different from the dull person who gets along with people.

Xue Tanhua meowed, jumped up in Ji Li's arms, and changed her position so that her back was facing Jiang Wang.


Suddenly there was a meaningless roar, which did not cause any waves, but it frightened Xue Tanhua so much that she shrank into a ball of snow on the spot.

Following the sound, a cave-level evil monster that looked like a spider but had thirty-six spear legs rushed towards him.

Jiang Wang smiled casually and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Zhu Weiwo raised his gun and stopped in front of him, his cold eyes lit up like stars, and he was full of fighting spirit: "Junior brother, let me try."

Whether it's called a monster or a monster, this kind of monster with no intelligence but terrifying strength is indeed a very rare challenge target.

But this does not mean that the gap in ranks can be bridged.

No matter how it lacks the ability to think, it still possesses the instinct to fight, is naturally cruel, and possesses Dongzhen-level lethality!

When Shen Lin fights against him, he will definitely be dancing on the tip of a knife. If he is not careful, he will be crushed to death.

And Zhu Wei, I'm already on it.

He flicked the gun like cold lightning, and in an instant he reached the sky above the Thirty-Six Spear Spiders. He ignored the distance for a moment, and the tip of the gun penetrated directly into the compound eye!

But as soon as the spear spider's compound eyes closed, its offensive was instantly reversed, and the space was displaced. Zhu Weiwo fell under the spear spider, and the thirty-six spears struck down one after another with an almost imperceptible gap.

These spear feet naturally form a terrifying magic circle, confining the target within the range covered by the spear feet.

Why can a person without wisdom or knowledge still have the lowest power of divine presence? How can he reach the truth of the cave, or even develop the Tao?

Some people say that the Sea of ​​Origin is the destination of all living things, and the Sea of ​​Nie is the end of the world.

Just as it is said in "Jingxu Xiang'er Ji": This life returns to the sea of ​​evil, and this life returns to the source pool.

But there is another sentence at the end - "I won't do it."

It means that those who practice Taoism must transcend this predetermined fate.

Returning to Nie Hai, the evil view’s control over the world comes from the world itself. They are originally the embodiment of the rules of the world!

When the real person thinks and moves, the law moves, and the heaven and the earth receive orders.

The Dongzhen-level evil view raises its feet and waves its claws, which is also a manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, if you want to avoid it, you can shift the space, and if you want to kill, you can naturally form a formation.

Jiang Wang's long sword was already half an inch out of its sheath, and he was about to kill him. However, in the next moment, he saw a zigzag of thunder and lightning - Zhu Weiwo transformed into fire and electricity, becoming a blazing white electric light burning with golden flames, and at thirty-six The spear turned crazily under its feet, as agile as lightning itself!

No, he did not dodge all the attacks. He was under the offensive of the thirty-six spear spiders, shifting his position and attacking crazily. It was the spear tip that constantly hit the side of the spear foot and wiped out sparks that made this scene so brilliant.

, so that the attack of the Thirty-six Spear Spider was slightly deflected, allowing him to gain space to move.

He was like the bursting thunder fire, jumping on the tip of the spear.

And centered on the area where they were fighting, hundreds of feet of water were sinking!

The power of Dongzhen level evil view almost overwhelmed this side.

Zhu Weiwo's fighting talent will never be inferior to anyone's, but compared to Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao and others in terms of hard power, he has indeed fallen behind. This makes it impossible to reflect his fighting skills.

At this time, faced with an ignorant and ignorant view of evil, he was running on the edge of life and death, and with a bit of light, he was able to hold on for a while.

How can the Thirty-six Spear Spider be like this?

There was a strange rustling sound inside the body, the back of the armor suddenly opened, and a green and red ghost head with hair came out, and a pair of stone-colored eyes suddenly lit up!

The power of Tao was instantly overturned.

Within a few hundred feet of the battle between it and Zhu Weiwo, everything was turned into stone.

Including the misfortunes and turbulent waves, including those evil forces, including the true fire of the sun and the dead gun, and of course, Zhu Weiwo!

As a villain, the Thirty-six Spear Spider has no thinking ability. It doesn't know why the tiny reptile can escape its attack. It just instinctively mobilizes the power to make the reptile dodge useless after the attack is blocked.

This level of fighting instinct will undoubtedly be full of flaws in the face of an opponent with a truly insightful level.

But for opponents below his rank, he is still crushing them with overwhelming force.

The sinking water turned into stone slabs, and the high waves on all sides turned into stone walls.

Under the feet of thirty-six spears, all the spaces of escape were nailed.

The true fire of the sun was extinguished one by one.

Those eyes that were as bright as cold stars seemed to be darkened too!


In its field of vision, a person suddenly appeared.

A young man wearing a green shirt and wielding a sword.

The man raised his head slightly. Under the wind-blown forehead, there was a pair of red-gold eyes.

This red-gold color occupies the compound eyes and stone pupils of the Thirty-Six Spear Spider at the same time, occupying its entire field of vision——

Then from this boundless red gold, a layered flame of gold, red and white emerged!

The petrification process is stopped.

Thirty-Six Spear Spider's vision was burned out.

As a burst of severe pain came, it had become blind! And then it became deaf amidst its own miserable howl!

The pain eroded all of its senses, making it so dull that it didn't even know... that the true fire of samadhi had crawled all over its body.

When its Tao power instinct began to resist, its spear feet had been cut off one by one!

Ji Li watched this scene seriously, and Zhuo Qingru's eyes were filled with surprise.

This is an absolutely unbalanced battle.

They saw Jiang Wangsheng walking in the courtyard, striding forward while cutting off spears and feet casually, just like walking in the fields, mowing wheat and mowing grass!

If the wind is not attached to the sword and cuts off the spear's foot, it is the wind of heaven that kills the evil creature, and it is extremely cold.


The huge legless body of the Thirty-Six Spear Spider suddenly fell and hit the water with a loud noise. It was like a huge oval metal bowl, and the three-color flames were still burning on it.

It rolled and howled miserably, but could not extinguish even a ray of flame.

The fire burned more and more intensely.

It couldn't even see its own miserable state, nor could it hear whether it was howling in agony.

Fortunately, it is an ignorant and evil view, otherwise it would be so frightening that it would commit suicide.

"Building materials! Building materials! These things can be used as building materials!" Baiyun Fairy Boy shouted in the fairy palace.

Once the sharp spear feet are cut off, they turn into clean water and mix into the turbid current.

"You didn't tell me earlier!" The Immortal Master quickly stopped his sword and quickly asked in the Immortal Palace: "How to save it?"

"You don't have to ask! If I knew, wouldn't I tell you directly?" Baiyun Fairy Boy said confidently.

Jiang Wang laughed angrily for a moment.

I don’t know who the master is!

For the sake of Baiyun boy's dark circles, he endured it for the time being.

The Baiyun boy didn't remember the solution, but the Immortal Master would not give up easily. He turned around and looked at the Thirty-six Spear Spider, his eyes no longer filled with murderous intent.

People saw Jiang Zhenren jumping onto the Thirty-Six Spear Spider, half-crouching down, and gesticulating continuously while tapping with his long sword. He let the spider roll endlessly but remained motionless.

He is like a butcher in front of the chopping board or an executioner on the execution ground, his actions are extremely cruel and his expression is extremely calm.

"What is he doing?" Zhuo Qingru asked.

"Are you angry?" Ji Li asked.

Xue Tanhua in her arms was shaking violently at this time.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Ji Li coaxed: "The evil view has been eliminated!"

Xue Tanhua couldn't speak, otherwise she really wanted to call mom and let's go home.

In the process of dismembering the Thirty-six Spear Spider, Jiang Zhenren tried many methods, such as freezing, quickly putting it into a storage box, and wrapping it with Dao Yuan, but all were in vain.

Until the Thirty-six Spear Spider was tortured to the point of losing its vitality and shattered into a puddle of water, he was not able to save any part of its trunk.

I sighed regretfully in my heart, but looking at Zhu Weiwo who had finished adjusting his breath, he still smiled brightly: "Brother, you performed so well just now!"

Zhu Weiwo waved his hand and told him not to talk nonsense.

After all, Zhuo Qingru was born in the Sanxing Palace, and he wanted to have a grasp of the mental state of the youngest real person in the world, so he said: "What was Zhenren Jiang doing just now? The view of evil has no emotions and no ability to think. There is nothing to torture it."


"Why should I torture it?" Jiang Wang smiled, then frowned slightly and asked: "You think, if I want to preserve some of the things on Evil View, what can I do? I have tried all kinds of Taoist techniques.

, it doesn’t seem to work.”

Everyone was lost in thought.

"The rules of the road." Douzhao said impatiently with an expression of "What are you idiots thinking?" "The view of evil is the embodiment of rules. The view of evil will return to disaster after death, which is also part of the rules. You use your rules

, the rules that restrict it, aren’t they already there? I said you should be busy there for half a day. What is the point of working for a long time! Are you really not using your brain? "

Everyone was ashamed.

It is not unreasonable for this boy, as the most talented person in Chu, to be beaten up in the mountains and seas of Chu. If he had not provided some solution, Jiang Zhenren would have had to fight with him today.

It happened that Ning Shuangrong came out of the lotus world at this time. She had seen the rotten bones of the sect's predecessors, and her expression was a bit complicated. When she saw everyone like this, she was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong with you? You are staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes."



Xue Tanhua ran out very sensibly.

Everyone immediately moved away, looking for the next lotus seed world.

"Is the spear spider the only material that can be used? Can other evil views be used?" Jiang Wang asked Bai Yun in the fairy palace.

"So far, it seems that I can only use the one I just saw." Baiyun boy's round face wrinkled up.

"Okay, you have a good time reading." Master Xiangong emphasized and left.

Another supplementary fairy voice came back: "Look carefully at what materials can be used, and don't let me miss it!"

Baiyun boy sighed and collapsed in the pile of books.

There are many things in the world of lotus seeds that are extinct in the world, and you might be able to encounter materials for building a fairy palace. Because of the expectations, Master Jiang became a lot more active.

On the way to pursue the world of the next lotus seed, he suddenly received a message from Ning Shuangrong, and his tone was quite solemn——

"I just got a message from a sword intention in the bones of my sect seniors. I don't know whether I should tell everyone."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and then said: "If it is a dangerous warning, then you should tell everyone. If it is inheritance, treasure hiding, etc., it is left by your sword pavilion seniors, you make your own decision."

"It's the latter." Ning Shuangrong said: "But...if it weren't for everyone, I wouldn't be able to get this information. So I want to share it with everyone."

Jiang Wang just smiled: "You can still think about it for a while before the next lotus seed world."

At his current state, it is difficult for him to find any inheritance that would tempt him.

Yan Dao has reached the pinnacle of the extraordinary world, and the real people in this world are only below the pinnacle! In this vast world, many climbers have been left far behind.

It is no exaggeration to say that the sword canons he lost in the Heaven and Earth Sword Box, taken out together, are also the inheritance that countless monks are eager to inherit!

Not long after, the snowflakes stopped in the sky, and everyone stopped.

Dou Zhao couldn't see Jiang Wang chatting there, so he turned around and said, "It's your turn, find this lotus seed world."

Jiang Wang smiled nonchalantly and jumped into the turbid water with a splash. The dense evil force instantly submerged him.

"Isn't it too stupid to jump in and look for it?" Dou Zhao couldn't help but taunted: "How can he look like a real person?"

Three breaths passed.

Ten breaths have passed.

Half an hour passed.

There was no movement underwater.

I wish I, the old god, are still here, and can calmly circle the two evil views and fight.

Dou Zhao was a little anxious.

It's not that I'm worried about Jiang Wang's safety - with this kid's strength, even if he encounters a Yan Dao-level evil view, he can still make some noise. At least he can shout "Help" very loudly.

What he is worried about is Jiang Wang eating alone!

Is it possible to cleanse the world of lotus seeds and come out again? Is it possible to touch the essence and blood of Qiongqi, secretly find Zhongxuanzun, and enjoy the happiness of living in a rare place by yourself?

The more I thought about it, the less confident I became, so I gritted my teeth and finally jumped into the water.

As soon as Douzhao entered the water, Jiang Wang immediately held up the dark world of lotus seeds, let go of what he saw, and jumped out of the water.

Dou Zhao, who realized something was wrong, jumped out with a dangerous look in his eyes.

Jiang Wang then laughed: "Brother Dou still cares about me, even if he doesn't care about his real appearance!"

Tianxiao couldn't help but want to jump out, Ning Shuangrong said: "Everyone, I have something to say."

Jiang Wang pressed it casually, blocking everything within a radius of a hundred feet, and everyone listened quietly.

Ning Shuangrong said: "The lotus seed world just now contains the remains of my senior Jiange. Everyone, please stay out of the way and ask me to explore alone... I got a clue from the senior sect, which involves the inheritance of the saints of the Yin Yang family. May I

Share it with you.”

The Yin Yang family is not a small sect. It was one of the most illustrious families in the era of the saints. Although it has returned to the Tao now, the glory of the past cannot be erased.

Especially this is the inheritance of Yin Yang True Saint!

Everyone was moved.

But the voices are different.

For example, what Ji Li thinks is that Miss Shuangrong is really of extraordinary talent and upright character. If I were in a different place, I might not be able to make up my mind to share this inheritance.

And Jiang Wang secretly thought in his heart that the inheritance of the saints of the Yin Yang family is indeed very suitable for Jiange, so it is no wonder that it will fall into the hands of the monks of Jiange... Si Yu'an may have a strange yin and yang spirit.

Dou Zhaohun said nonchalantly: "Let's take a look at this lotus seed world first, and then explore your clue."

Still leading the way towards the world of lotus seeds.

I have to say that having someone like Dou Zhao as a teammate is indeed very reassuring. He will always be at the forefront and will always be fearless.



Before his martial arts boots fell, the lotus seed world was shattered.

So abrupt!

It was clear that just a moment ago, everyone could still see the bubbles outside the world of Lianzi, and could still vaguely glimpse the vitality within it...

How many creatures are there among them?

How many stories are there to read?

Like a bubble being popped, nothing remains, as if it never existed.

This chapter has been completed!
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