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Chapter 2192 Let him live and forget his old friend

Sanfenxiang Tower is indeed a very familiar place.

It’s not just because Zhao Xiaowu often entertains guests.

But Mr. Jiang really doesn’t recognize the number one Xinxiang in Sanfenxianglou.

He is familiar with Ye Lan'er, who is the most fragrant person in heaven. However, there is no friendship. After the establishment of Linzi's three-point fragrance tower, they are now considered to be two friends.

Xiang Bei didn't speak much, and Song Huai seemed to be thinking about something.

Jiang Wang was also silent.

The ruins are broken and people are passing by, the autumn wind is blowing and it is about to rain.

The place where Wu Zhaochang held his banquet was in the main hall of Siming Hall.

This is of course the most significant and most prestigious palace on the entire Siming Planet.

The victor holds a grand banquet in the palace of the defeated, which has always been an act of showing off one's military prowess.

To be invited by Duke An to participate in such a banquet, one must have extraordinary martial arts and status - only then can one be qualified to witness this victory.

The statue of Si Mingxingjun wrapped in a robe has been knocked down.

Like a sleeping giant, lying on his side on the ground, not knowing what kind of dream he is expecting.

In the past, it was a palace to worship stars, but today it is a world of fireworks.

The Huotou Army used local materials and set up a sumptuous table in the palace.

There are only three people seated at this table.

"Master Si Ming committed suicide here."

Jiang Wang's butt had just touched the chair when Wu Zhaochang said this.

"Where should I sit?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wu Zhaochang knocked on the table: "Under this table."

Jiang Wang thought of a more terrifying possibility: "He won't be on the table, right?"

"Who do you think I am?" Wu Zhaochang said angrily: "Are my hobbies so special?"

It was Master Dongtian who answered the question. He brought the topic back and asked logically: "Why did Master Si Ming commit suicide?"

"For Lord Changsheng? For Nandou Palace?" Wu Zhaochang said: "It won't be for himself."

He did answer Song Huai's question in a satisfactory manner, but he didn't answer anything. It was called a 'ruthless pair'.

"Master Wu really likes to tell some unfunny jokes." Song Huai said, "Who would commit suicide for himself?"

"If people are afraid of living, they will commit suicide to help themselves." Wu Zhaochang said: "There are many examples of this in the Central Prison of Jingguo. Although you are busy, do you still need me to point it out?"

Some time ago, the Central Heavenly Prison closed the net, and three Chu spies died just before the prison guards came to the door... These things are not obvious to the world, but in the long night, they are undercurrents.

Song Huai glanced at him: "As an example, you can use your [Fengdu]. It doesn't have to be that far."

[Fengdu] is the shadow department of the Chu State. It is mainly responsible for external intelligence, and is also responsible for assassinations, torture, etc. The difference from Jingshi Terrace is that it is completely in the shadows. The difference from the Central Heavenly Prison is that it

His authority is broader and rarely internal.

Of course, when it comes to means, such as the central prison, the jailer, and the watchman, they are all cruel in their own way, and no one is gentler than the other. Of course, there are not a few Chu spies who died in the Central Territory, and Jing spies were in the Southern Territory.

With all the activities, how could the years have calmed down?

Wu Zhaochang said casually: "Isn't this the Central Prison's reputation that is more prestigious and more convincing?"

"The destruction of Nandou Hall was without any twists and turns. Are you going to torture Master Siming?" The wrinkles on Song Huai's face are the same as the mask on Wu Zhaochang's face, which prevents their emotions from being captured.

If he had something to point out, "I don't remember that An Guogong was a person who did unnecessary things. Or maybe there are any big secrets about Master Siming that the Chu Kingdom must have?"

"Will it torture him?" Wu Zhaochang said calmly: "I don't know. He died too early, and I don't have the opportunity to verify the answer."

It's only half an answer, it's the same kind of answer.

The two big shots were hiding their secrets there. Jiang Wang drank strategically, one sip at a time, another at a time, and he quickly finished the whole bottle.

Song Huai said: "I'm really sorry that I couldn't witness the fight between you and Lord Changsheng. But when I think that Cabinet member Jiang couldn't see it because of me, this regret fades a lot."

"I'm not sorry." Jiang Wang put down his wine glass and said honestly: "I don't understand it anyway."

"Young people are so humble!" Wu Zhaochang said with satisfaction: "Next time I will discuss with Duke Huai, and I will make a special trip for you to watch."

Song Huai flicked the wine glass with his fingers, looked at Wu Zhaochang, and asked directly: "Did you beat Lord Changsheng to death? I didn't see Yan Dao feeding back this domain and being suppressed by you?"

"One of the reasons why I invite you to come in is to let you know." Wu Zhaochang said: "I beat Lord Changsheng to death, but not completely. I still asked this old boy to create an opportunity - you still remember

Is that the true disciple of Tiantong Hall who committed suicide earlier?"

"That's part of the ceremony."

"The Changsheng Lord regards [name] as the principle, and he especially knows how to grasp the 'name'. He can trace his fate and grasp the cause and effect by relying on his name. Therefore, I asked the emperor to cut his imperial title and suppress his name."

Wu Zhaochang had a sinister look on his face, but his eyes were not aggressive as he glanced over the two people's faces: "Before we broke into the Nandou Secret Realm, he had already taken away the names of many people in order to live longer. These people have lost their lives.

Name makes it difficult to grasp oneself, which is also an important reason why the internal order of Nandou Palace collapsed so quickly and people's hearts were poisoned."

His eyes stopped at Song Huai and emphasized: "But I didn't raise Gu on purpose."

Song Huai waved his hand: "I didn't say that you were poisoning the sentient beings on the six stars of the South Dou Secret Realm, that you were maliciously cultivating poison and corrupting the murderous mind. When I entered the secret realm before, I just casually chatted with Little Friend Jiang. Mr. An Guo need not be sensitive. I am

Those who trust your character also believe that the Chu State has the demeanor of a great nation and the responsibility of a hegemonic country. The Chu State's expedition to Nandou this time is famous and attracts worldwide attention. Will you risk the world's disdain and put righteousness over unjustness?


Wu Zhaochang shook his head: "Song Tianshi, Song Tianshi, you said all my words!"

"Then tell me something that I can't say." Song Huai was very direct at this moment: "Even if Mr. Changsheng is famous among many people, how can he pray for longevity in front of you? Who are you Wu Zhaochang? This time you brought

How could he be given such a chance after defeating the evil-faced army? Zhuge Yi’s calculations are so far-reaching, how can he be asked to survive?”

"Yes." Wu Zhaochang sighed: "Theoretically, Mr. Changsheng has no chance. But he did something I didn't expect at all."

Song Huai glanced at Jiang Wang, meaning you should also say something, don't just sit there and enjoy the success.

Jiang Wang actually understood and asked, "What's going on?"

Wu Zhaochang said: "He took away the names of the monks in Nandou Hall to take away the names of Nandou Immortals and Gods passed down here, and then used them to cover the entire Nandou Secret Realm. When you came in just now, you noticed how many people there are on this planet.


Song Huai said: "8,734,652 people."

He had also just entered the Nandou Secret Realm and had been flying for a very short period of time. Jiang Wang had already observed many corners of the Siming Star, observed the truth of the world, grasped information such as misfortune, and saw the joys and sorrows.

A lot of valuable information has been extracted from the Immortal Mind Galaxy. But Song Huai's observations have reached everyone on this planet...

This is the difference between Dongzhen and Yandao.

This is even more the difference between Jiang Wang and Song Huai.

If Jiang Wang is given time, he can also gain insight into the truth of this world, but he cannot do it overnight, let alone at a glance.

"This is just one of the planets. In the entire Nandou Secret Realm, the six main stars, except for the Seven Kills Star, have given birth to millions of people." Wu Zhaochang said with a cold tone: "The Changsheng Lord hides his name in it, and he never sees his body.

.As long as one of these people survives, he can survive."

It turns out to be an unexpected method!

It's too whimsical, it's too cruel, but it's also... effective.

Yes, this method is indeed a way to survive in a desperate situation and to seek longevity in a desperate situation.

What Changsheng Jun hides is not his body, but his name. He cannot be caught. It is equivalent to taking tens of millions of people from the six planets of the South Dou Secret Realm as hostages.

Could Chu State be able to kill all these people?

In other words, when Wu Zhaochang hosted a banquet here, what did he want the attendees to witness? Just imagine it, and it’s hard to escape the heat!

Jiang Wang couldn't sit still: "Nandou Palace has been destroyed, and the war is over. Duke An Guo is a famous general in the world, and he is also the pillar of the country, setting an example for the world. Every word and deed affects the hearts of millions of people - please think twice!"

Wu Zhaochang looked at him indifferently: "I found that Cabinet Member Jiang always thinks of me very cruelly. Do you think that my grandson is dead, so I will act violently?"

Wu Ling, the heir to Anguo Duke's mansion, met with misfortune in Yunxianlin. Anyone who paid a little attention to Chu State knew about it. People also tried their best to avoid mentioning it in front of Wu Zhaochang.

Jiang Wang had a lot to say to persuade him, but Wu Zhaochang said so calmly, "My grandson is dead," that he was speechless.

Wu Zhaochang said: "Having a banquet in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood is the scenery of a military strategist, so we are sitting here today. But although my grandson died, I have not lost my humanity. You are right, the war is over, and in front of me

There are no enemies."

He stood up from the banquet and said: "The Changsheng Lord must die, but I will not kill everyone in the Nandou Secret Realm. From today on, the Nandou Secret Realm will be sealed off, and no inside or outside will be allowed. The life span of a mortal is limited to one hundred and twenty-nine years and six months.

After one generation, all those who are still alive will be killed."

Song Huai touched his palms and sighed: "It would be a great kindness to allow Lord Changsheng to live another life!"

Wu Zhaochang had already walked out of the hall: "Nandou Changsheng Lord has worked hard, using 'name' as the way, and 'immortality' as the name. He has won the name for a lifetime and hidden it among thousands of people. What's the harm in allowing him to live another mortal life?


When this generation of stars and mortals grow old and wither, the Changsheng Lord will either regain his name and hide in hiding, or he will have to die. However, under the close attention of the Chu State, it is impossible to steal his name and hide his name on a large scale again without exposing Xingzang. In fact, it is still


It is this decision that the Chu State wants Master Dongtian and Taixu Cabinet members to see.

This is the measure of "Chu".

Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua were busy controlling the stars in the south and had their own military affairs.

Jiang Wang, an "idler", left the Nandou Secret Realm alone without disturbing him.

A great sect that lasted ten thousand years was overthrown in one day. Mountains and rivers for hundreds of generations, for whom are they redeemed?

Jiang Wang thought he wouldn't have too many troubles, but the moment he stepped out of Nandou's secret realm, he still couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Then he turned into a green rainbow and headed west alone.

The hills stretch for a long time, gradually level off from the west, and then sink suddenly.

This huge "sinking" open space is the river valley plain that was once fertile but is now barren of grass.

This plain once nurtured hundreds of countries, but now even vultures don't fly here.

Qi Xia fought in Jiangyin, and Jing Mu killed in Shengtu, but they had never had such a huge impact on the modern environment. It was not that they did not have such power, but that the intensity of the war was always controlled - or one side had overwhelming power.

The advantage is that both parties maintain a certain tacit understanding.

The Xia Kingdom also tried to cause disaster to flow back into the world. If the Qi people failed to successfully stop it, the Jiangyin Plain would only be more tragic than the river valley plain today.

The battle of the river valley between Qin and Chu was an out-of-control war. Therefore, the river valley plain was turned into a sunken wasteland.

Xu Wang of Qin State and Xiang Longxiang of Chu State are evenly matched opponents, and it is difficult to distinguish them in all aspects - of course, there is no need to argue about life and death now.

Jiang Wang came from the southern region and glanced down the river valley as he passed by. In a sense, this was a war that changed his life.

The collision of two behemoths spread ripples thousands of miles away, and changed the lives of countless people. A dying young man in Zhuang Guo's view was also a lingering sound.

"Jian Zhenren!"

On the desolate river valley plain, a graceful woman was walking.

She has perfect facial features, perfect makeup, and a manner that no one can fault.

She raised her head in the endless desolate world and looked at Jiang Wang who was passing by in a hurry.

When we talk about the fragrance of heaven, we see the fragrance of heaven.

Jiang Wang didn't expect to meet Ye Lan'er here. But thinking about Faro's death and Xinxiang's death, it seemed appropriate.

After thinking for a moment, he lowered his figure openly and said, "Why is Miss Ye here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Yelan'er showed a just right smile.

Her aura was profound and mysterious, as if she were a true monk.

All in all, the monks who participated in the Unlimited Field of the Yellow River Society were indeed the most outstanding geniuses at that time, and now they have all proved their truth.

Jiang Wangdao: "The Kingdom of Chu and Sanfenxianglou... The Chu army came here not long ago to pay homage. Aren't you surprised?"

At the Dragon Palace Banquet, Dou Zhao raised a knife to threaten Ye Lan'er, in the Southern Territory, Dou Zhao killed the real person Fengxiang Faruo, the Chu State overthrew the Southern Territory, and searched for the remnants of Sanfenxiang Tower. All these things illustrate the Chu State's determination.

Under such circumstances, it does take courage for Ye Lan'er to appear here in the river valley.

"It was last year that the Chu army came here to pay homage." Yelan'er looked at him and said, "The higher Master Jiang's cultivation is, the less he understands time. I'm afraid he has already forgotten his old friend!"

Jiang Wang is now a little sensitive to the word "forget".

Because he had forgotten the name of a woman named Meiyue in the Nandou Secret Realm. Although this person was not important, Zuo Guangshu had just told him that he had the cultivation of a real person in this world, so he should not be unimpressed.


Only later did I understand the reason after learning about the principles of Lord Changsheng.

"Back when we were in Jianwu's building, a group of us exchanged glasses of wine, and we had a great conversation. Time flies, we all go our separate ways, and we have our own choices in life -" Jiang Wang sighed: "I just wish everyone is well."

It was absolutely impossible for him to stand on the opposite side of the Chu State because of Ye Lan'er, nor did he ever think about helping the Chu State to capture and kill Ye Lan'er. They were acquaintances who had been drinking together, and they were also strangers.

At most, it's just like today, we happen to meet each other, chat for a few words, wish each other well, and say goodbye amicably!

"Master Jiang is really a stranger. This is too decent, but also too ruthless." Ye Lan'er said.

She is swaying in a deserted world.

Jiang Wang looked at her calmly: "Miss Ye, you are so beautiful. You said that if Guangshu wants to kill you, how will I choose?"

Ye Lan'er restrained her skills, stroking her hands and smiling: "Even more ruthless! As expected, Mr. Bo Xinglang!"

"I'm pretty sure we haven't used this word between us yet." Jiang Wang sighed softly: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Ye Lan'er said: "Didn't Master Jiang feel emotional when he witnessed the fall of Nandou Hall this time?"

Jiang Wang asked: "What should I feel?"

Ye Lan'er said: "I've heard a lot of your stories! Back then in Fengxi Town, if it hadn't been for Yi Shengfeng's push... you might have been a member of the South Dou Hall today, or you might have been surrounded by a large army without doing anything.

Kill him, fall into a desperate situation. Or he may do everything, but in the end he will be deprived of his title by Lord Changsheng, and die without incident."

Jiang Wang looked at her calmly: "I am me. I am not Yi Shengfeng, nor Long Boji, nor anyone in Nandou Hall. There is no need to assume my life based on their life trajectories."

"What a hero! You, Jiang Wang, are indeed the most talented person in the world! Then -" Ye Lan'er looked at him incomprehensibly and asked: "Seeing Sansanxianglou suffering heavy casualties in the Southern Territory, Jiang Zhenren actually also


"What does Sanfenxiang Tower have to do with me?"

Jiang Wang didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and took off.

Ye Lan'er's voice sounded faintly: "Maybe - do you know a person named 'Miaoyu'?"

The explosion that resounded across the sky suddenly stopped halfway, and Jiang Wang suddenly turned around!

This chapter has been completed!
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