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Chapter 152: Walking in the Long Night

Chapter 2407 Walking in the Long Night

"Central Prison... Of course, I will never forget it in my life." The expression of the Riguan King was very plain, and his eyes revealed the resentment that was forcibly suppressed but could not be completely concealed, as well as the fear deep in his heart.

This is of course a performance.

From the attitude of choosing someone to devour to the attitude of frank communication, he only used one change in his eyes.

Of course he was not sleeping before, but practicing.

He has raised this corpse for a long time and accumulated a lot of corpse resources. It is already the one that can best exert its combat effectiveness.

Theoretically, you can approach him silently in this situation and kill him easily.

If the disparity in strength wasn't so great... how could he be someone willing to talk nonsense?

There are only two kinds of people in front of the majestic King of Eunuchs - the corpses he controls, and the people who sooner or later become corpses and are controlled by him.

This guy who doesn't let people sleep in broad daylight and comes here to scare people is naturally the latter.

"I'm glad you remember!" said the man sitting there, "so I can save myself some trouble."

"I'm a nostalgic person!" King Wu Guan said: "Di——"

"Shh-" The person sitting next to the bed stopped him in time: "Don't call him by his name. That adult is in a critical moment right now. It's best not to be distracted by you and me."

"I understand!" The King of Rogue Officials was very cooperative: "Your Majesty is here today. I wonder who... what are your orders?"

Of course he will never forget the scenery of the Central Prison, and he will definitely repay his foster father Sang Xianshou if he has the chance.

But I can’t forget that one... Ksitigarbha!

Being able to create opportunities without leaving a trace allowed him to successfully escape from the central prison. He still has not figured out how he escaped. It is as if all accidents are for that kind of result, and the result has been decided by Ksitigarbha in advance.

This was no longer a power he could have imagined.

You must know that there are so many vicious people in the whole Hell Gateless. After being caught by the Central Heaven Prison, the only goal is to die quickly. Although he is the veteran of Hell Gateless, he is an example in Yama, and he can endure all kinds of things in the Central Heaven Prison.

He endured thousands of tortures and waited hard for the opportunity, never thinking that he could really escape. His greatest wish was to be favored by Sang Xianshou and to eat the royal food of Jingguo from then on.

Ksitigarbha, however, is hidden in the depths of time, an existence beyond the reach of Sang Xian Shou.

Although he has escaped now, the sea and sky are vast, and he is free. But he has long known that this day will come - there is nothing for nothing in the world, and being a killer is already a very labor-saving job. Can he still make money while lying down?

"What I want you to do is very simple." The person sitting there waved his hand: "Come here."

The Crown Prince looked at him warily, and did not dare to get too close. He unscrewed his ears and handed them over intact: "Please speak. I will listen to every word."

The person on the chair let out an incomprehensible "ha" sound, and actually connected the ear.

"There is something I have to tell you in advance." The Prince's expression was very simple: "I am at work during this time, and my boss is a very cruel man - I mean, if you give me your order, I will

If there is any conflict with the work, I can't ensure that it will be completed without any doubt. Of course, I am very willing to work for that adult! But the world is so chaotic that it is difficult for a kind person like me to survive. There is a father above my head!


He couldn't imagine Ksitigarbha's methods, and he didn't dare to resist Ksitigarbha's demands. He even dared not turn a blind eye to the dangers Ksitigarbha was involved in!

At this time, the advantage of having a boss above your head comes into play. If you advance, you have to rely on yourself, but if you retreat, the boss will force you to do it. Isn’t the boss the one who takes care of things?

As for whether the boss can bear it...

He will definitely inherit the legacy of King Qin Guang and carry forward Hell No Gate!

"There should be no conflict. I just want you to do a casual thing." The man sitting on the chair said meaningfully: "If I guessed correctly, someone is talking to your boss right now."

The Rook King was horrified!

You still know my boss, why didn’t you tell me earlier?

"Actually, my boss... is very kind! Sometimes being strict is also for our own good. The eldest brother is a father, and a father's love is as strong as a mountain!" King Wu Guan tried his best to express his words.

"I don't care what your boss is like, he has no influence on our affairs." The man sitting there said calmly.

Although it was bright outside, the room was very dark, and the heavy curtains blocked out the light.

The Rogue King is not afraid of light, he simply doesn't like it and always puts himself in a dark environment. His good brother Lin Guangming loves to bask in the sun and always stays in a place with bright and clean windows.

This person who came on behalf of Ksitigarbha was very confident and seemed not to take King Qin Guang seriously.

Of course Ksitigarbha does have the qualifications to not care about the ants in the world.

But what I heard now must be relayed to King Qin Guang if there is a chance.

"Those people who are looking for my boss..." The Rogue King thought carefully: "Are you in the same group?"

He wondered if they were different departments of the same organization.

The man sitting on the chair said meaningfully: "If there is a chance, it can be, but not yet."

As he said this, he handed the ear of the King of Eunuchs back. There was an earring hanging on it. It was a jade Guanyin that guaranteed peace, and it was dangling there.

The Rogue King silently withdrew his ears, and of course he also received Ksitigarbha's instructions.

It's not that difficult - at least it doesn't look difficult.


"There's something I don't know if you know." The King of Warlocks said with embarrassment: "When the man sent me away from the Central Prison, he said that as long as I left, it would be enough, without any conditions. You

Now again..."

He didn't talk about it at first because he knew it would be useless. Since the other party came to him in the name of Ksitigarbha and sat next to him, he had no right to refuse.

And the reason I'm talking about it now is of course to... increase money.

To do this kind of work, you have to hide it from the boss, and you might get him into trouble.

Don’t talk about the danger.

How painful his conscience was!

"So I'm talking to you about fate, not about responsibility." The person sitting there smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can tell me whatever you want. As long as it's within a reasonable range, I can satisfy you."

The conversation changed: "But if you can't handle such a simple thing..."

"I will do my best to handle this matter for you!" The Rook King promised loudly: "If it fails, you can kill my brother Lin Guangming and put his body in front of me, making me miserable and miserable.

It’s better to die!”

"Hehehe." The person sitting there laughed twice, then slowly stopped: "I won't leave a corpse for you. I will turn you into a corpse."

He spoke sentence by sentence, as if each sentence was a reality that would inevitably come true.

The gangster Wang Qian laughed twice: "Don't worry! I am also the one with the best performance in Hell's No Gate! If you leave the matter to me, it means success!"

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "By the way. You just said that someone is talking to my boss. Who is that person? What are they talking about?"

"You will naturally know when King Qin Guang gives you the task." The voice of the person sitting slowly deepened. "You'd better not let him know that someone is looking for you. Don't let him know, you know.

Someone is looking for him. This is our secret."

The voice sank in the darkness, and the person disappeared in the darkness.

"What you encounter in the Central Prison are all secrets."

next moment.

The Rook King stood up.

It landed as light as a cat.

A pair of eyes flew directly out of the body, spinning around in the air, scanning every corner of the room in an instant.

But no trace was found.

Even the chair was not in front of the bed! It was alone by the window.

I don’t know whether that person is a man or a woman, what their appearance is, when they came, or how they left.

What just happened seemed like a dream.

The Rook King was actually not sure whether it really happened.

He vaguely realized that the person did not really appear here, and had not really arrived. He might be thousands of miles away, or thousands of miles away.

But he didn't notice it at all, let alone resisted.

What kind of method is this?

It wasn't until Lin Guangming's anxious and concerned voice sounded outside the door that everything became reality——

"Brother! Brother! Are you awake? Are you still there?"

Tiangong City has been defeated!

The news spread all over the world.

The geographical location of the Fallen Immortal Forest cannot protect the ideals, and the approaching time of the divine sky is not enough to support the willful behavior of the equal country.

In today's era, when the target stands in the sun, the hegemon can destroy whomever it wants. The only thing that needs to be considered is the cost.

Jingguo proved this once again.

The first attempt of the Equality Nation to stand on the stage failed. The flag of equality was just raised, but it was already broken.

It started out vigorously, but ended up being just a part of the turmoil caused by Jing Guo.

The country of peace, the original god of heaven, the country of equality, the city of Tiangong...who is next?

Ji Xuanzhen, the king of Jin Dynasty in Dajing Dynasty, walked into Tiangong City alone. One man was against the other. In less than a quarter of an hour, Tiangong City was destroyed face to face.

The two heavenly ghosts gathered in Tiangong City were blocked by the martial arts master Ji Jinglu in the ghost cave. They fled almost as soon as the city was broken and did not fight Ji Xuanzhen at all.

Qiantang Jun Bolu only escaped with his body, but was seriously injured and escaped.

However, all the efforts and efforts put into the management of Tiangong City by Ping Pingguo were wiped out.

In this battle, no one in the Ping Dynasty came to help.

No one dares to show his face, such as the Holy Duke, the Zhao King, the Heroic Heroes, or the Twelve Guardians!

Ji Xuanzhen launched a hunt for Bolu, and had already pursued him all the way from the southern region to the eastern region, heading towards the sea.

Qi State remained silent on this matter.

After the Central Empire's Jin Palace defeated Tiangong City and drove away Qiantang Lord, the Chu State, which acquiesced to Ping Ping's construction of a city in the Fallen Immortal Forest, finally responded.

The Prince of Da Chu, Xiong Zidu, and the Grand Master of Da Chu, Fan Shijue, came hand in hand. They expressed their intention to take over Tiangong City in a friendly manner.

The beautiful expression is - fulfill the obligations of the hegemon, stabilize the order of the Fallen Immortal Forest, and suppress the Abi Ghost Cave.

Ji Jinglu, the king of Daishan Mountain, naturally put forward some conditions. After all, Tiangong City was conquered by the Jin Palace with hard work.

But the two sides obviously did not reach an agreement.

Ji Jinglu completely razed Tiangong City to the ground before leaving.

Xiong Zidu and Fan Shijue didn't do anything. They just sent gifts to Ji Jinglu and sent them all the way to the outside of the Fallen Immortal Forest. Then they gathered people to rebuild the city at the original site.

This is the public information.

The last ray of light on the horizon was swallowed up by the rolling mountains.

The black with arrogant teeth and claws has become the background color of this world.

There is a black mask in the black night, covering a face that was once world-famous.

Sun Yin, with only one pair of eyes exposed, sat on the wall, thinking of things that happened a long time ago.

He has also experienced the splendid people and things now, and the youthful and flying colors.

Time, why is it so determined?

He is not sitting here alone.

But one is watching the sunset alone, watching how dusk turns into night.

His companion was a beautiful woman with world-weary features, holding a jade pipe in her mouth, standing in the alley, leaning against the wall and smoking slowly. No matter how the weather changed, she never raised her head to look up. The light smoke made everything vaguely visible.

Everyone has their own concerns.

They pursue the same "equality" because of different pains.

But will equality really come?

Tiangong City is already in ruins.

"Is it time yet?"

At this moment when night fell, a man dressed as a businessman pushed a wheelbarrow loaded with various goods, rolling from the end of the alley.

He looks very approachable and always smiles when he sees people. Even in the dark night when there is no one around, he does not make people wary.

he asked with a smile.

As if asking if they could go home - in fact they were about to leave.

How can people smile so happily?

Are there really happy people in the Equality Kingdom?

I have known Qian Chou for many years. He always smiles and talks about things like being friendly and making money.

But today... there may not be a tomorrow.

"It's almost time." Sun Yin said.

"Wait until I finish smoking this bag of cigarettes," said Zhao Zi, who was leaning against the wall.

Qian Chou placed the cart in place, slowly packed up his goods, picked them up one by one, wiped them, and put them away one by one.

Sun Yin also looked at the stars quietly.

At a moment like tonight, they all feel a little more considerate of each other.

"I kept forgetting to ask, but I'm a little curious today." Zhao Zi held his pipe in his mouth and looked at Qian Chou's truck casually, comb, rouge, gouache, mirror, rattle...

"Why is it that in your car, apart from children's toys, there are only women's belongings?"

Everyone knows that Zhao Zi is never curious.

So Qian Chou took this issue very seriously. He smiled and said, "You don't know something about this. It's best to make money from women and children!"

He glanced at Zhao Zi again: "Smoking less is not good for your health."

Zhao Zi said slowly: "I have a friend who always advises me like this."

"But you didn't listen." Sun Yin said on the wall.

"No." Qian Chou said, "I think she has heard of it!"

Zhao Zi slowly smoked his cigarette and said nothing.

Sun Yin glanced at Qian Chou in surprise: "I didn't expect you knew Zhao Zi better than me."

Zhao Zidao: "I think he just understands women better!"

Qian Chou spread his hands: "This is too difficult."

Sun Yin looked at him and asked: "Have you said goodbye to your family and friends - I don't know if you have any - yet?"

Not many people know that Sun Yin is You Que - if King Qin Guang and King Bian Cheng can really keep this secret secret.

Within Pingping Country, only the three leaders and the guardian Chu Xu who came to meet him knew about it.

Similarly, he did not know the true identities of Zhao Zi and Qian Chou.

Just as Shenggong said - Those who aspire to equality in the world only want to be together along the way, not for a lifetime, but only want to have this ambition in their hearts, and there is no need to meet each other or know each other!

In fact, Sun Yin felt a little regretful as soon as the question came out of his mouth.

Normally he would never ask such a question, and such a question would never be answered.

The moonlight is probably too thin tonight.

"You must say goodbye properly." Zhao Zi exhaled a long breath of smoke and emphasized: "Otherwise, it will be very, very regretful."

"Forget it!" Qian Chou said with a smile, "I'm not a good person at saying goodbye."

So the three of them were silent.

The stars twinkle lonely in the night sky.

The light and death on the pipe are also the stars in the world.

After a dozen breaths, Zhao Zi's pipe went out.

"Let's go." she said.

She cleaned the jade pipe and put it into the tobacco bag.

He turned around and walked into the darkness first.

Qian Chou pushed into his car, and Sun Yin jumped off the wall, lined up in a line, and drove into the long night without looking back.

This chapter has been completed!
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