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Chapter 154: The mountains do not bury the bones

Chapter 2409 Qingshan does not bury the bones

The corpse of Qiu Tie, the new river official of Jingguo, was placed on a high platform piled with yellow mud, imitating the shape of the river platform and echoing Yin Xiaoheng on the Tianma Plateau.

Lou Yue, who announced in Tianjing City the day before that Ping Pingguo was the culprit and vowed to kill him, came to receive the gift.

This is undoubtedly a huge provocation.

The revenge from the equal country has already begun. But it is so tough and fierce!

Yin Xiaoheng has been dead for two days, and Tiangong City collapsed yesterday.

Jingguo conquered the world and displayed his majesty with great arrogance. He had no scruples and no one dared to challenge him.

But on the fifth day of March, on the bank of the Changhe River, on one side of the Yellow River, Ping Pingguo officially declared war on Jingguo!

Today, piling corpses on a high platform is the last "gift". Tomorrow, the green mountains will not bury the bones, and the long river will not wash away the souls. Wherever you meet the Jingguo people, you will kill the Jingguo people there.

This is an open letter of war to the entire world——

As a follow-up retaliation for the destruction of Tiangong City, the Ping Ping Kingdom will kill all the strong men who are alone in the Jing Kingdom starting from today.

Whether it’s a real person or a real king!

Li Mao, who is being hunted, cannot be saved by the Ping Dynasty, so they will not save him. They will engage in an endless, equal and bloody hunt with the Jing Kingdom!

The blood of every member of the Equality Kingdom must be repaid with the lives of Jingguo people.

This is the first time they have shown such a gesture since the establishment of the Equality Nation.

Bloody, violent, extreme.

In those times in the past, no matter what other people thought of it, no matter what the world said, the Equality Country always regarded itself as an idealist.

"Drink the water from the gutter if you are thirsty, and aim to wash away the dirt in the world." is a slogan they often proclaim.

You can endure pain, you can live in culverts, you can spend long nights with the darkest things in the world, but your ambitions are noble.

They never consider themselves, nor do they want to be seen as a purely violent organization.

Overthrowing the national system is not the goal, "everyone is equal" is the ideal.

Everything that happens in the middle is just a process!

They gather in front of a common ideal for different reasons. But as "people who aspire to equality", they have different means to achieve their ideals.

Within the country of equality.

Even the three leaders don't know everyone.

Every newcomer who joins the organization can only join after being recommended by the twelve guardians and inspected by the three leaders.

Of course, the three leaders also have the right to directly bring people into the organization.

Every leader basically only knows those people he has inspected - among them, King Zhao probably knows the most people, because he has a unique magical method of changing people's appearance, which even the true king cannot see. Many members of the Ping Dynasty,

Whenever he needs to hide his true identity, he always goes to him. Therefore, King Zhao is indeed the busiest among the three leaders of the Ping Dynasty.

For example, when Shenggong personally took Wang Wei into the organization, it was King Zhao who changed his appearance, and then Shenggong sent him to the Fengdu Ghost Prison to make a deal with the Chu State.

In the entire Pingdong Kingdom, only King Zhao and Duke Sheng knew his true identity.

This extremely secretive mechanism ensures the survival of the organization to the greatest extent. The arrest of any one person will not lead to the collapse of the entire organization.

The concept of "no need to know each other, no need to know each other" also leads to the fact that the behavior of equal countries is not completely uniform.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, it has many appearances.

Some people think that the Equality Nation represents fairness, justice, equality and truth, while others think that it is more cruel and evil than the most extreme cults.

Even among the three leaders, their answers regarding equality and the realization of equality are not completely consistent, let alone the other guardians.

For example, in the past, when King Zhao planned the civil strife in Qi and the dispute between Qi and Xia in the Eastern Region, the Fengxian Zhang family entered the situation, with the purpose of provoking a war between Qi and Jing, triggering chaos in the world, and ultimately overturning the national system.

For example, the guardians Li Mao and Qiantang Jun Bolu achieved the ideal of equality by building the "Tiangong City" in the Fallen Immortal Forest under extremely special circumstances.

"The world is a great one and all species are equal." He held high the ideal banner and walked under the sun for the first time, attracting like-minded people.

Of course they all failed.

But no matter which method or method is used, it does not include pure killing.

Killing is a means, not an end.

On the road to reaching your ideal, if this experience is necessary, it should happen.

Now all that's left is killing!

What the Equality Nation showed seemed to be the craziest gesture since the establishment of this organization.

The craziest time is usually the time when it is about to perish. But before it dies, what kind of wounds will it bite on the giant Jingguo?

Looking at the entire history of the world, there has never been an organization that dared to stand in front of Jing Guo like this.

It was as if the destruction of Tiangong City was not an ideal end, but rather it unlocked the shackles of this vicious beast.

The torch was extinguished, and there was a long night of sneaking around!

"It's... so exciting!"

In the Bai Yujing Restaurant in Xingyueyuan, a middle-aged man with a strange face and a vertical scar on his left eye was sitting alone by the window on the ninth floor, listening to the discussions among the drinkers——

Since Jiang Zhenjun built a building here, Xingyue Plains has ended its long-term chaos and the public security has improved. Xingyue Plains is a key place, and the Baiyujing Restaurant is famous all over the world. It travels from south to north, east to west, and trades all over the world.

Everything has passed since then.

People from Jingguo, Qi, Muguo, Chu, Legalists, Buddhists, Confucians, Mohists... came and went without restraint, and there was a mixture of fish and dragons.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the most well-informed place in the world.

The Ping Ping Kingdom presented Qiu Tie's body in the early morning, and the drinkers in Bai Yujing Restaurant started discussing it in the afternoon.

This kind of news is really good to drink.

A strong man with an ancient face, wearing light armor, his battle-hardened temperament cannot be concealed at all, and he is not easy to mess with at first glance.

He raised the bowl and drank the wine in front of him.

The meaning is still not finished.

The news is good, but it could be better.

Although wine is not important, it is...

The skylight coming in from the window was suddenly blocked.

An unexpected guest sat opposite him.

"Xia Houlie, what do you mean by strong enough?"

Visitors were asked by name and surname, which was very direct.

The whole restaurant was silent for a moment.

Looking at this man again, he has a long body and long hands, and looks a little sickly and thin. He is not as energetic as Xia Houlie. But his eyes are dark and dark, with a deeply suppressed and hysterical madness.

He is the commander-in-chief of the evil army of Jingguo, Kuang Ming.

The Six Guards and Seven Guards of Jing State, except for the three armies of the royal family, are all princes of one party.

Among them, the one named [Xiongqi] is the left guard of the Jing Kingdom.

Xia Houlie, the Commander-in-Chief of the Valiant Cavalry, is comparable to a clan king in terms of status. He looked up at the person in front of him, grinned, and raised the wine jar next to him: "Of course I'm talking about this wine, Bai Yujing's good wine!"

As he said this, he also poured a bowl for Kuang Ming.

The wine liquid is like mountain spring, clear and accumulated in the wine bowl.

Kuang Ming didn't drink it, or even look at it: "It does look very strong!"

"The two guests are not satisfied with this wine? Indeed, it is not worthy of your status!" Shopkeeper Bai made a guest appearance today and personally served the dishes - it has a good taste of the pot. Bai Yujing Restaurant

As the reputation grows, the service does not stand still.

Although Lian Yuchan had already confirmed the presence of the gods, she was still a little frightened at this moment. After all, the people arriving at the store were two military commanders of a hegemonic country. In particular, the Xiang State had always been a vassal in front of Jing State, and it could be said that it had no right to speak.


Shopkeeper Bai is different. He has seen all kinds of scenes with his boss. Now he is still in the mood to promote: "The store has newly launched Zhengdao wine! Born with the feeling of Zhenhe Zhenjun's Taoist charm, he has been blessed by the way of heaven and has Qi.

The opportunities are endless——"

"I didn't bring any money." Xia Houlie interrupted him.

Shopkeeper Bai's smile did not change: "Look what you said, for distinguished customers like you, the store provides billing services."

"Okay." Xia Houlie stepped forward and said, "Put it on his account."

"I don't drink alcohol at all!" Kuang Ming said.

"Your Majesty, please use it!" Shopkeeper Bai put down the dishes with a smile on his face, turned around and walked away gracefully.

Xia Houlie smiled at Kuang Ming and said, "I guess shopkeeper Bai won't serve me the food himself next time I come over."

"You are tolerant to him." Kuang Ming said pointedly.

The Governor of Xiahou, who has always been known for his violent temper, has laughed many times today.

"I have always been tolerant of talents!" Xia Houlie said with a smile: "If he is willing to come to Jing Kingdom, the position of Lieutenant Governor of Xiaoqi will be vacant!"

"I asked why Governor Xiahou left the country alone." Kuang Ming said: "It turned out that he came here to recruit talents!"

"It's okay, let's take a stroll!" Xia Houlie looked at Kuang Ming: "But you, the dignified Eighth Commander, don't stay well in Jingguo and go out to wander around. What if you are killed? It's so dangerous outside now.


The national policy of the Jing Kingdom for the next few decades has been set, and it will basically stop expanding overseas and prepare for the war against Shenxiao.

They, the leaders of the military government who are half army and half king, are relatively free and can spend more time on practice.

The Grand Governor of Xiaoqi grinned: "Can the sect master still go to Zhenhe Zhenjun to take responsibility?"

"What are you talking about?" Kuang Ming was also smiling at this time, but his smile was colder than not smiling: "I was sitting with the Governor of Xiaoqi for dinner. If something happens to me, it will definitely be the Governor's responsibility.


This is the advantage of the Ping Dynasty. They are barefoot. They can lie dormant forever and only show their faces when killing. As a central empire, the Jing Kingdom cannot stay within its borders forever and needs to exert influence on all the worlds.


The equal country dared to declare war on Jingguo because it wanted to use unrestricted bloody revenge to force Jingguo to let go of Bolu.

The one who makes the family prosperous and the business prosperous, tolerates the one who behaves and wallows.

But Jing Guo would never compromise at this time!

Not only do they want to impose more brutal suppression on equal countries.

Like Lou Yue and He Kuang Ming, they have come out again and again to show their existence to show that the threat of the equal country has no power at all.

Of course, the premise is to make thorough preparations.

"You talk about you, and I'll just eat a meal——" Xia Houlie picked up his chopsticks and complained: "What you said is unlucky."

"There are so many bad things!" Kuang Ming said expressionlessly, "Not more than this one."

Xia Houlie looked at his face and sighed: "I know Qiu Tie."

"He has removed his armor and returned to his fields. He has cultivated his moral character for many years. He came out to do something because he was worried about national affairs. He became this river official because of the death of the six friends of Jingtian."

"He was killed just like that."

He slapped the table: "Is there any justice in this world? Is there still king's law?"

People in the restaurant all looked sideways.

"Little Qingyang" also poked out a clever head at the stairs.

Xia Houlie waved his hand carelessly: "Don't worry! No fighting! Just chat!"

Chu Yao blinked his eyes and slowly raised a fruit plate in a harmless manner: "Send a seasonal fruit to the two distinguished guests!"

He trotted up, put the fruit plate away, and trotted back again.

Xia Houlie looked back at Kuang Ming and said righteously: "Brother Kuang, as long as Jing Guo says a word, Jing Guo is willing to hold you accountable!"

"There is no need to trouble your country." Kuang Ming said calmly: "Since we have talked about this today, by the way, we have traced the true identity of Wu Si, the protector of the Ping Dynasty. He is from your Jing country. Go and get him at Jingshi Terrace.

I hope your country can cooperate.”

"It's easy to talk." Xia Houlie said very simply: "If you are in Xiaoqi Mansion, I will have someone kidnap you and bring him here. If you are in other military mansions, I will help you communicate with him!"

"The Governor of Xiahou doesn't want to ask who that person is?" Kuang Ming looked at him.

"Since you have chosen to join the Ping Dynasty, you are not from the Jing Kingdom." Xia Houlie grinned a cruel smile: "If you don't take action, we will do it too."

"So..." Kuang Ming lowered his eyes slightly: "Currently we are still on the same road."

"At least at this time, there is no need for us to separate." Xiahou Lie ate a raspberry and the corners of his mouth turned red: "I mean - I will see you off later?"

"No need." Kuang Ming said, "I enjoy danger!"

Xia Houlie was thinking about him very much: "The Ping Dynasty is so rampant that it dares to launch homophobic killings against the dignified Central Empire. Although it is hateful, we also need to be vigilant. You should know what is the most terrifying thing about this matter - I don't know

Who is an equal country? Everyone can be an equal country. You must be careful!"

This is indeed the most dangerous possibility.

The Ping Dynasty is now desperate to retaliate against everyone in the Jing Kingdom. If anyone fishes in troubled waters, the Ping Ping Kingdom will definitely admit it.

That's when it really got loud and clear.

Kuang Ming's eyes became dangerous: "Anyone can be an equal country. If the people of Jing State are like this, the people of Jing State can also be like this, I mean if!"

"That's too ugly. Why is it like this?" Xia Houlie never let go of the chopsticks in his hand. He looked downstairs, where there were several dogs grabbing food. "After all, we are the ones who sit down to eat."

"I regard this as an agreement." Kuang Ming achieved his goal and stood up without wasting any time: "Then, Commander Xiahou, have a pleasant meal."

He turned around and went downstairs, and happened to see Lian Yuchan on the first floor who was unable to avoid him.

"Lian Jingzhi's daughter." He looked at the delicate-faced woman in front of him: "I remember you."

Lian Yuchan pursed her lips: "I've met Kuang Shuai."

"I remember that there used to be a man named Lin Xian in your restaurant. He has returned to China." Kuang Ming said quietly: "It is not easy to cultivate talents in a small country. He is someone who never forgets his roots."

Lian Yuchan was silent for a while and then said: "I think everyone has their own ambitions."

Kuang Ming looked at her.

She stood still. Although she was obviously nervous, she did not kneel down immediately.

Bai Yuxia, who was behind the counter not far away, had already walked over.

The young man named Chu Yao is the most interesting, his hand actually rests on the hilt of the sword!

Kuang Ming thought for a while, and finally just smiled: "Send hello to Jiang Zhenjun for me."

Then he stepped into the skylight outside the door and left directly.

A figure wrapped in a black robe, carrying the residual warmth of the scorching sun outside, squeezed into the room.

This is a restaurant located on Haimen Island, which also serves as an inn.

"Spring hasn't even ended yet, and it's already so hot. It looks like it's going to be a tough summer!" King Chu Jiang complained as he walked in.

"The sea is hotter. The collapse of the ancient heavenly road probably also had some influence." Yin Guan sat in the center of the altar that had been set up, looked at King Chu Jiang, and smiled: "The action is about to begin, why are you here?


"The situation has changed." King Chu Jiang said: "The plan needs to be adjusted slightly."

She handed over a brochure: "I wrote a brochure, please take a look."

Yin Guan took the brochure, glanced at it briefly, and then raised his eyes: "Isn't it a little cruel to exchange the lives of all my colleagues for my thoroughness?"

King Chu Jiang said calmly: "It's just a slight adjustment, I won't let them notice anything abnormal."

"Of course I believe in your ability." Yin Guandao: "And I believe that with your layout, even if they notice it by then, they will not have time to resist."

He smiled slightly: "But - it will not be passed."

"Why?" King Chu Jiang didn't understand: "This operation is more dangerous than you imagined. You have no idea what kind of determination Jing Guo has made! Are the lives and deaths of these people important to you?"

King Qin Guang smiled and said: "If I say it is important, those who were killed by me will definitely not agree. Those who were abandoned by me will come to me even if they are ghosts."

King Chu Jiang looked at him quietly, waiting for his answer.

But he asked: "Do you know why Hell is so cruel, the mission is very dangerous, and I, the leader, am ruthless and will abandon them at any time-but it is still getting stronger and stronger?"

He himself answered: "Because I never draw cakes, I will give what is due. If I ask them to sacrifice their lives, I will give them the price of their lives."

"Also because in all dangerous tasks, I always stand in the most dangerous place and bear the most dangerous part."

"I can survive and become stronger step by step. Only then do they feel that they also have hope."

The leader of the Gateless Hell was sitting there. When he smiled in the bright room, he actually felt a bit innocent. Even the gloomy altar under him could not hide him: "If you do this,

If there is no gate to hell, it will not exist."

"What does it matter whether there is no gate to hell?" King Chu Jiang still couldn't understand: "It's enough that you exist. In the future, there can be one gate to hell, two gates to hell, and three gates to hell."

Yin Guan didn't speak for a while.

He sat there, looked around the room, and said with a smile: "I have been wandering around these years and have lived in the inn for a long time. Sometimes I feel like I am in a trance, and it feels like home."

Thanks to the book friend "More Joy and Longer Auspiciousness" for becoming the ally of this book!

It’s for the 815th Alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Spring Breeze Fulling Sleeves" for becoming the ally of this book!

It’s for the 816th Alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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