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Chapter 109: Snake-Slaying Dance

It's Suki!

He suddenly rushed into the group of snakes, holding two daggers upside down.

Hidden snakes rise and fall one after another, ejecting one after another.

Su Qi's whole body seemed to be floating in the wind, with two rays of cold light passing through his body, coming and going suddenly.

That posture actually gives people a graceful and graceful feeling, like singing and dancing!

Countless snake heads rained down.

This is a snake-slaying dance and a killing song.

Jiang Wang made a prompt decision: "Qishu went deep into the snake group to share the pressure, and I turned to preparation."

Su Qi's sudden burst of combat power is surprising, but it is not entirely a good thing. Disrupting the rhythm of unified command is never something that should be praised.

Moreover, it was obvious that Su Qi didn't think about anything else at all, all he wanted was to vent.

Jiang Wang was actually dissatisfied.

He understood Su Qi's mood and therefore arranged for him to prepare for this hunting battle, but this did not mean that he could tolerate Su Qi's interference with the overall operation.

It's just that as a commander, you shouldn't show your emotions at this time. When a mature war commander faces an accident, the first thing he needs to do is to make amends.


Qing Qishu didn't say anything, just kicked off the tree with his back foot, raised his green wooden shield and ran into the group of snakes.

The whole person was like a whizzing log, carving a smooth path through the dense swarm of hidden snakes.


He grabbed a snake head and threw the entire hidden snake out with his backhand.

Strong force was poured into it, and the hidden snake was as straight as a spear. Jiang Wang thrust out his sword, and cut off the fangs deftly. The sword trembled, and then he threw the toothless snake towards Wu who was standing very far away.


Wu Quji didn't know when he had put on a translucent glove on his left hand and reached out to catch it, but it didn't require any effort on his part.

The hidden snake suddenly softened as it approached, and fell limply into his hand.

Wu Quji couldn't help but glance at Jiang Wang, secretly frightened by this incredible strength control. From this hand alone, Jiang Wang's strength was stronger than he imagined.

There was nothing to say at the moment, so he retreated further to the outside, took out the corresponding tools, and concentrated on studying how to hide the snake's venom.

Once the battle begins, everyone is involved and must play their due role.

But over there, Su Qi was dancing among the snakes, with a pair of daggers dancing like ghosts.

Qing Qishu holds the shield with one hand, blocking with the left and blocking with the right.

Strictly speaking, in the presence of absolute numbers, Su Qi's movement skills will be increasingly restricted. His dagger dances to open the way. And Qing Qishu's blocking style has never been airtight.

It's in good condition now, mainly because of Qing Jiuye's arrows.

He temporarily cut wood into arrows, which are not as powerful as dragon wood arrows, but they are enough to kill hidden snakes.

The bow must be drawn, every shot must hit, and every hit must be at the key point.

Either Su Qi jumped out of reach, or Qing Qishu moved his shield and failed to catch him.

Li Longchuan once said that for a bow master on the battlefield, the overall control of the battle situation is more important than the shooting skill itself.

And Qing Jiuye's overall view is undoubtedly very good. His arrows point east and west, accurately and efficiently.

With the support of these shooting skills, the Green Seven Trees stood firm among the hidden snakes, and Su Qi came and went freely.

The corpse of the Hidden Snake keeps falling, and if it continues at this speed, it won't be long before there are more than enough materials for three Hidden Clothes. By then, whether fighting or retreating, you will be much more comfortable.

The snake hunt went so smoothly, but Jiang Wang became more vigilant.

The reason is very simple, because the leader of the Hidden Snake Group possesses wisdom.

Since it is intelligent, it will never sit back and watch the Hidden Snakes continue to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Just like yesterday when a group of snakes surrounded Jiang Wang, they retreated first and then advanced, mastering the essence of the art of war. The reason why this scene in front of us can continue is that there must be another intention behind it.

Jiang Wang never thought that one day he would have to fight a snake in a battle of wits and courage, but the Forest Sea Origin World was indeed a different world, and the forest bear who knew martial arts was enough to give him a deep understanding.

The sea of ​​flames spread out, covering a small group of snakes on the periphery. The flames alternated between virtual and real, blooming one after another. Jiang Wang's entire body was immediately hidden in the sea of ​​flames.

The fireworks exploded continuously, quickly killing the hidden snake that "accidentally entered" the sea of ​​fireworks. In such an environment, a dressing mirror appeared out of thin air.

Red makeup!

Jiang Wang stepped into it, and a flame flower closed its petals in the sea of ​​flowers, covering the red mirror.

The physical body enters the red makeup mirror, and five steps away, there is a vast expanse of white.

But with the help of the red makeup mirror, the environment within a radius of five miles has entered the eyes, and all the details are clearly visible!

It is not very safe to physically enter a red makeup mirror, because if the mirror breaks, the person will die. However, being enveloped in a sea of ​​flames can create a time difference.

No matter how wise the Hidden Snake King is, I'm afraid he won't be able to guess what Jiang Wang is doing in the sea of ​​flames. Even if he sees the red makeup mirror, it's impossible to know what it is and what its function is. It's even less possible to find the red makeup mirror in the first place and

Break it before Jiang Wang could react.

If Yan Xiao really had that kind of wisdom and ability, there would be no need for Yan Xiao. The holy race would have been wiped out or kept in captivity long ago.

Jiang Wang observed every detail within a five-mile radius. The number of snakes exceeded his imagination. Thickly packed hidden snakes swam from all over the place, joining the battlefield in a steady stream.

He first "saw" that a group of snakes "separated" and swam into the sea of ​​fireworks. The Hidden Snake King, who was hiding in the dark, obviously also wanted to see Jiang Wang's movements. And a group of snakes with a larger number,

Straight to the outside of the battlefield, that is Wu Quji's direction!

It means that the Snake King has realized what is happening over there.

Once Wu Quji can crack the poison of the Hidden Snake, even Qing Ba Zhi and Qing Jiu Ye may be able to go deep into the snake group to fight, without having to worry too much about defense.

So it's definitely a top priority.

The wisdom of the Hidden Snake King is amazing, not inferior to humans at all.

But Jiang Wang didn't respond. His target was always the Snake King who was hiding somewhere.

On Wu Quji's side, there was Qing Bazhi hiding on his side to deal with it.

The Hidden Snakes were temporarily divided into three battlefields, with most of them besieging Su Qi and Qing Qishu, a small part "filling" Jiang Wang's sea of ​​flames, and the other part attacking Wu Quji.

At this time, Qing Qishu had been bitten countless times. He simply raised his shield to respond, but in many cases he was unable to stop them. They were attacked by dozens and hundreds of hidden snakes from all directions. How could he block them with just a wooden shield?

Can you stop it?

But as he said, the poison of the Hidden Snake is not fatal to him at all. The seemingly bloody wounds will naturally recover as long as time is up.

In contrast, Su Qi, who has never been bitten so far, is having a hard time. He does not have the physical strength to face snake venom, which means that he must fight on thin ice and not miss.

If it weren't for Qing Jiuye's superb archery skills...

Green Nine Leaves!

Jiang Wang suddenly woke up, glanced around, jumped out of the red makeup mirror, and put the mirror into the storage box with his backhand.

Bang bang bang bang!

Turning into a flaming meteor, Fang Xi shot towards Qing Jiuye.

"Jiuye, jump forward!"

It must be said that the saint warriors are all very qualified warriors.

Even in the Autumn Killing Army, he can still occupy a place.

Suddenly hearing Jiang Wang shouting violently, Qing Jiuye, who was drawing a bow from a tree and firing continuously, jumped forward and flipped in the air.

And almost at the same time, on the giant tree where he was, a huge "branch" suddenly twisted, rushed towards it as fast as lightning, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the whole thing!

I don't know when, the Hidden Snake King actually "replaced" this branch, and had already lurked beside Qing Jiuye!

This chapter has been completed!
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