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Chapter 41: Prison Chains

When they were in Linzi, many forces restrained their thoughts because Huaying Palace Master Jiang Wuyou personally came forward to recruit him as soon as the battle with Lei Zhanqian ended.

Jiang Wang didn't know how many forces were interested in him.

As for the recruitment of Huaying Palace Master Jiang Wuyou, he thought it was very normal. After all, as early as in Seven Star Valley, Yangxin Palace Master Jiang Wuxie had already offered extremely favorable conditions to recruit.

Therefore, Jiang Wang actually does not have a deep understanding of his current position in Qi.

When I was in Bay County, I didn't even dare to say hello, so I ran away quietly. I was afraid that the big shots in the green card system would be disgusted by the deceptive behavior of taking the job.

But now, all the watchers have invited him, and Yue Leng is so "kind", which is enough for him to realize that he is very popular in Qi State.

He thought about it for a while, but without brushing off Yue Leng's kindness, he immediately thanked him and said, "Then Jiang Wang has thanked Lord Catcher!"

Now when I rush back to Linzi, I also randomly choose a treasury secret technique. At most, Chongxuan Sheng can work a little bit to make this random selection closer to a high-quality one, but it doesn't mean much.

Yue Leng now proposes to teach it on his behalf. Thinking about it, he knows that it must be the secret technique of the Legalists. Jiang Wang can be further tied to Qingpai. After all, at least one-third of Daqi Qingpai are practicing Legalists. means.

Although Jiang Wang had no plans to switch to Legalism, the secret skills taught by Yue Leng himself would not be much worse.

Therefore, no matter what aspect he considers, he has no reason to refuse - unless he wants to firmly separate from Qingpai and does not want to continue to be Qingpai's head catcher even to death.

Moreover, accepting Yue Leng's kindness would also have the advantage of making Lin Youxie feel more at ease and stop being so suspicious of others.

Jiang Wang made a decisive decision, and Yue Leng was also very straightforward, passing on the inner-prefecture-level Legalist methods on the spot.

But it was the chain that seemed to be generated from the void that had been seen in the battle with Yin Guan before.

It is called "prisoning the body" and is one of the ten famous chains of Legalism.

It itself is actually a method at the level of the outer building, but Yue Leng simplified it and changed the method of exerting force so that it can match the battle at the level of the inner building.

However, compared to the prison chains, Jiang Wang was actually more interested in the cast iron black pillar that seemed to reach the sky and the earth, but he thought and knew that it would be impossible to pass it on to him.

After teaching Jiang Wang how to use the prison chain, Yue Leng pointed out some details before leaving.

The treasury secret skills that Jiang Wang deserves will be received by him on his behalf. As for whether to give it to his descendants or with whom to trade it, that is all Yue Leng's own business and has nothing to do with Jiang Wang.

Of course Yue Leng showed good intentions, but this was essentially just a transaction, with no emotional factors involved.

Jiang Wang accepted Yue Leng's kindness and decided to temporarily join the Qingpai team to get some benefits, but this does not mean that he will be fixed in the Qingpai system in the future. Judging from what he knows now, it is not possible for Qingpai to catch the leader to the top. He is a captain of Bei Ya.

Although the position of Captain Beiya was very important, and there was huge room for advancement, Jiang Wang felt that he was not as capable as Zheng Shi in being able to reconcile the forces of all parties and firmly hold the trust of Emperor Qi.

After taking a look at the border sentry in the distance, Jiang Wang turned around and headed toward the southwest of Qi State.

The caravan that went to Rongguo had been sent back, and there was no need for him to go to Rongguo again to show off. He simply went directly to Xuankong Temple.

Having reached a tacit understanding with Yue Leng, at least within Qingpai, no one should make things difficult for him anymore.

In the Senhaiyuan Realm, Jiang Wang promised Guan Yan that he would send his monk's robes back to the Xuankong Temple. However, after returning to Linzi City, things happened one after another, so it was delayed.

Taking advantage of this trip to visit An An in Yun Country, I simply did everything I needed to do.

Jiang Wang is alone, so there is no reason why he cannot leave the country.

There is a country to the southwest of Qi State, named "Xu". (After annexing Yang State, the map of Qi State protrudes a corner to the northwest. Starting from Yang State, Xu State is in the southwest. In fact, compared to the entire Qi State, Xu State should

It should be in the due west direction.)

Judging from the name alone, Xu State seems to have some relationship with Yang State.

In fact, there is indeed a connection.

Not only the two countries "Yang" and "Xu".

To the south-southwest of Qi State, there is a country named "Zhao". To the southeast, there is a country named "Chang".

These four countries were actually the first to split from one country.

The eastern overlord before Qi was named "Yang".

Yanggu is the legendary place where the sun rises. The Yangguo was named after this, which shows its great ambition.

When the Yang Kingdom was at its most powerful, it once completely unified the Eastern Region. It conquered the Endless Quicksand to the northwest, conquered Jianfeng Mountain (a famous mountain in this Xia Kingdom) to the southwest, and invaded the Central Region to the west, competing with Jing Kingdom for supremacy.

It is a pity that the dynasty collapsed overnight and its hegemony was in vain.

The entire country was torn apart into nine countries, which were known as the Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun at the time.

They are all born from the same source.

It's just that everyone says that they are Gu Yangzhengshuo, but in fact they are only a side branch at best.

The true bloodline of the Yang Kingdom's imperial family had long been slaughtered by them themselves.

Later, with the rise of Qi State, the resurgence of Emperor Wu, and the decisive battle between Qi and Xia for hegemony, Qi State became the well-deserved overlord of the Eastern Region. Yang State was gradually forgotten.

The "Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun" at that time are now only four.

Speaking of which, among the former "Nine Kingdoms of the Rising Sun", the Yang Kingdom was the most powerful and accounted for the largest share of the legacy of the Yang Kingdom, so it was named directly after "Yang".

But it is precisely because of this that the Qi State is most afraid of it. It has been nibbling away for many years and swallowed it in the last bite.

The Buddhist land under the control of Xuankong Temple is located in the south of Xu Kingdom.

After entering Xu Kingdom, Jiang Wang accidentally ran into a wave of vicious beasts in a small town.

Looking at the irrational and ferocious beast, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

After staying in the peaceful Qi State for so long, I almost forgot what other countries are like.

Jiang Wang drew his sword to help the people of the town defend the town, but he did not follow the traces of the vicious beast to destroy the beast's nest.

He may be thanked for protecting the people of the town. If he destroys the beast's nest, he will only be hunted down.

To this day, he already knows what the beast means to a small country. It is the blood of many innocent people, but it is also an indispensable resource.

The people in the rescued town were so grateful that they asked for the name of their savior and said that they wanted to build a shrine for him.

Jiang Wang left in a hurry without saying a word.

He wanted to tell them that the existence of those ferocious beasts was acquiesced or even condoned by the rulers of their countries.

But after being informed, will this situation change? It can only make these ordinary people fall into despair.

So he didn't say anything in the end, and therefore couldn't bear those thanks.

It seems that all the powerful practitioners in the world have a tacit agreement to hide the origin of the ferocious beast from the people under their control.

Later practitioners, some knew it early and some knew it late. But in the end, they all remained in that terrible "tacit understanding".

Either willingly or unwillingly, but in the end they all condensed into one figure - Dou Yuemei, who had defeated five palaces and conquered the Yuheng Peak. After learning the truth, she walked down the Yuheng Peak in despair.

Jiang Wang once regarded this as the greatest injustice.

But why did he become a member of the "tacit understanding"?

he asked himself.

But he had no answer.

ps: Where is the reality of the world reflected? I think it is in its customs, food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as its history and legends.

This chapter has been completed!
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