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Chapter 84 The Evil Man

You'd better think clearly!"

Although the dean was frightened and angry, he still maintained the greatest restraint: "Killing an old man may not be a big deal. If you kill the Despair Jiangcheng Taoist Temple, you will be an enemy of the entire Zhuang Kingdom! Even the Taoist sect!"

"It sounds very serious." Jiang Wang was very into the drama and his voice was extremely ruthless: "So I advise you to reach an exchange with me as soon as possible and don't let Zhang face such serious consequences."

"You!" the dean of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy said angrily: "You are so shameless! You are also arrogant and ignorant! Do you think you can escape from doing such a heinous crime? No matter how strong you are, you can still escape from Prime Minister Du's close proximity.


"No matter how powerful we are, we are so far away, but we still can't predict where my position will be. I, Zhang Linchuan, call my home all over the world, so I ask Du Ruhui to go there even though I am so far away."

Jiang Wang was unmoved at all: "Five breaths left!"

The dean closed his eyes in pain, as heaven and man were at war in his heart. On one side was his life's work, and on the other was all the disciples of the entire city's Taoist temple.

And Jiang Wang is still counting: "Three breaths!"

The dean gritted his teeth and was about to speak.

Just at this moment, a voice sounded not far away: "Who is the master, come to my Wangjiang City Taoist Temple?"

This voice is stubborn, solid, and impressive as a rock.

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and when he saw the anxious eyes of the dean opposite, he understood instantly.

It's Fu Baosong!

Fu Baosong, who was supposed to be studying in the County Dao Yuan or even the National Dao Yuan, was actually in the City Dao Yuan at this time! And he noticed the spread of the magic flower.

That would be more certain. The dean of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy may not choose other disciples in the city's Taoist Academy, but he will definitely not ignore Fu Baosong. Because his unique secret technique was only passed on to Fu Baosong, and he seemed to regard him as his


This is a relationship as close as a father and son.

Jiang Wang deliberately revealed his presence, and as expected, Fu Baosong rushed towards him.

Three days ago, Fu Baosong opened the gate of heaven and earth and officially entered the Tenglong realm. He was already able to enter the National Academy of Education for further studies.

After he completed all handovers, he immediately chose to look back at Jiangcheng to announce the good news.

He was raised by his father alone. He had a stubborn temper since he was a child. When he grew up, he had a very bad relationship with his uncles and brothers. After his father passed away a few years ago, he simply lost contact with him.

The only person in Wangjiang City who worried him was the dean of the City Taoist Academy.

Since he entered the outer gate of the Taoist temple, the dean has always taken good care of him. After entering the inner gate, he has given him all the help and regarded him as the successor of his mantle.

To him, the old dean was both a teacher and a father.

When I returned to Wangjiang City, I naturally lived in the City Taoist Courtyard.

I was doing evening classes tonight, and suddenly I felt something was wrong, and I sensed the existence of Huan Hua.

He stood up immediately, both as a deterrent and as a warning.

In his opinion, as one of the only Soaring Dragon Realm monks in the entire Wangjiang City Taoist Temple at this time, it was his duty to face the troubles in the City Taoist Temple.

Then he discovered that the strange aura was coming from the dean's quiet room, and he became even more anxious, so he quickly flew over with enough Dao Yuan.

The place where he lives is not far from the dean's quiet room, and he can fly there in a moment.

When he arrived at the door, he had already completed the sealing and made many preparations. He was about to kick the door open and rush in... The door suddenly opened.

Fu Baosong subconsciously wanted to release his Taoist skills, but his hands suddenly tightened, and all the Taoist elements were shaken away, and then his whole body was pulled into the quiet room by a strong force.


Close the door!

The whole process lasts less than two breaths.

Just open and close the door.

Fu Baosong has been dismissed from Daoyuan and thrown next to the dean of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy.

Jiang Wang, wearing a mountain ghost mask, sat upright in front of them.

Fu Baosong was subdued without any resistance. The first time he fell to the ground, he went to see the old dean: "Teacher, are you okay? How are you?"

The dean glanced at him silently, then turned to look at Jiang Wang, gritting his teeth and said: "Your Excellency is cruel and ruthless, I admire you!"

"Excuse me." Jiang Wang had the self-awareness of a villain and chuckled, "Then you choose to continue?"

"What choice?" Fu Baosong asked on the ground.

"I played a game with your teacher, a killing game." Jiang Wang explained to him patiently: "I hope he can give me the Kuchiki Jue. Otherwise, every thirty breaths, I will kill someone.

, and kept killing until there were no chickens or dogs left in the entire city Taoist courtyard."

Fu Baosong was silent for a while, then got up and said, "I'm going to get paper and pen."

Jiang Wang knew that Fu Baosong was good at the Deadwood Art. If he couldn't get it from the dean of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy, he would try to find Fu Baosong. But he had seen this man's bad temper in the Three Cities Forum.

, I didn’t have much confidence, so I only considered him as an alternative.

He compromised so decisively at this time, which surprised Jiang Wang.

For a moment, his eyes went back and forth between Fu Baosong and the dean of Wangjiangcheng Taoist Academy.

The dean only said solemnly: "The decision to hold the pine tree is my decision."

This is the dean's quiet room. Fu Baosong is naturally familiar with the layout. He quickly found paper and pen and began to study ink seriously.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask: "This is your teacher's unique secret technique, a lifelong effort. It has always been your trump card, and you handed it over so easily?"

Fu Baosong's hand was very steady, and he said while studying the ink: "Human life is more important than Taoism."

Jiang Wang fell silent.

Fu Baosong quickly ground the ink, took the brush, and began to record the rotten wood.

The room was silent for a while, with the dean and Jiang Wang motionless, only the tip of their pen wandering across the paper.


After Fu Baosong finished writing, he dried the ink and handed the paper recording the rotten wood technique to Jiang Wang: "You can check it."

Jiang Wang read it briefly and knew it was correct.

Of course, the Kuchiki Art is an ingenious Taoist art, an accidental flash of inspiration from the dean, but with Jiang Wang's strength being more than one step ahead of theirs, it is impossible for Fu Baosong to do anything in the Taoist art.

Jiang Wang put away the paper, thought about it, and finally said: "Actually, even if you don't give it to me, I won't kill anyone."

Fu Baosong didn't say he didn't believe it, nor did he believe it. He just said: "I can't gamble with their lives."

Jiang Wang suddenly felt a little ashamed.

In this monk who was worthy of breaking through to the Soaring Dragon Realm, he saw a kind of morality and perseverance. He was a true gentleman.

Jiang Wang stood up and looked at the dean: "My initial conditions are still valid."

As he spoke, he took out two booklets that he had prepared a long time ago. One recorded the sea of ​​flowers, and the other recorded the crown of thorns.

He gently placed it on the chair he had just sat on: "Both master and disciple can learn from it."

The dean didn't say anything.

Fu Baosong said: "Your Excellency has achieved your goal, can you leave?"

Jiang Wang didn't feel dissatisfied and just said: "There are not many people like you left. I hope you can live a good life and go further in the future."

The voice fell and the figure disappeared.

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