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Chapter 176: Going to the sea of suffering and overturning this body

The origin of the red makeup mirror is mysterious.

Jiang Wang doesn't know much about its background.

It was accidentally obtained from Hu Shaomeng's hand, but due to his strength, Hu Shaomeng himself did not do much research on this treasure and only developed the use of the phantom body.

But the information currently known is that even Hai Zongming, the powerful elder of Diaohailou, covets this thing.

Judging from the red mirror itself, Jiang Wang didn't get many clues since the snowstorm.

On the other hand, the second calamity, Fu Hai, vaguely revealed a lot of information. However, the information was lacking, and it was difficult for Jiang Wang to piece together a complete understanding. He only knew that it was probably related to a person named "Fu Hai".

At the end of the snowstorm, the white snow recedes, the permafrost melts, and the spring breeze occurs. The female voice said, "The beauty is not old yet."

At the end of the catastrophe, the world fell into eternal darkness. The female voice said, "The sun goes out."

At the beginning of every tribulation, there is a sentence.

The first calamity is "Poor old man in front of the mirror with his pretty face, but his red makeup kills the person in the mirror!"

The second calamity is "Is it true that there is no beauty in the world? A flash of red makeup can kill a person."

In the third calamity, "Who in the world can be guilt-free? Go to the sea of ​​suffering and overturn this body."

There seems to be no connection, but it seems to be vaguely connected to a story.

The female voice in the opening plays throughout, connecting all the clues.

In the Feixue Tribulation, the voice was cold from beginning to end. In the Fuhai Tribulation, when it was first announced that the disaster had begun, it was also cold and cold, but in the sentence "Fu Hai, I'm going to kill you!"

Full of hatred again.

But this time, it started with a sad emotion.

It seems that with the experience of the disaster in the mirror world, the female voice gradually changed.

Jiang Wang didn't know what this change meant.

It is precisely this kind of unknown that is the opportunity Jiang Wang wants. Faced with Zhuang Chengqian, who has been planning for so long and knows everything about him, dragging him into the unknown and facing variables, this in itself can eliminate the gap.

As for how much it can be erased, it depends on what the red makeup mirror can do.

From the Flying Snow Tribulation, to the Sea-Covering Tribulation, and then to the Questioning Heart Tribulation.

From being caught off guard the first time, to the adventurous exploration after weighing the second time, and then to this desperate attempt.

Jiang Wang didn't feel that he had enough strength to survive the third calamity of the mirror world, but at that moment, there was really no other way.

Zhuang Chengqian is so terrifying, a kind of terrifying that makes people despair. He firmly controls the situation and calculates everything. No matter what kind of resistance Jiang Wang has, he can easily deal with it. With a flip of his hand, he suppresses all hopes.

After trying all kinds of means, the red makeup mirror was the secret trick he had to use.

And before he actually used this secret hand, even he himself didn't know what it was and what they would face.

"You could have saved me."

In the seemingly eternal darkness, Jiang Wang heard a voice say this.

At this time he could not see anything, but he could hear clearly.

"You could have saved me."

This sentence is repeated, repeated in different voices.

Ten different people, a hundred different people, a thousand different people...

Countless voices merged into one, blending into an annoying, painful sound.

"Why didn't you?!"

Looking back on all the experiences along the way, what is the thing that makes Jiang Wang regret the most and makes him feel guilty the most?

Back in Maplewood City, he had foreseen the danger in advance, but trusted Dong A. As a result, when the tragedy happened, except An An and Song Qingzhi, he was unable to save anyone.

His brothers in life and death, teachers and classmates, neighbors, relatives, friends and fellow countrymen...all died forever.

That kind of regret and pain gnawed at his heart every moment.

"Why didn't you?"

In the endless darkness, a face gradually became clear.

That originally handsome face was cut to pieces with a sharp weapon, making it hideous and terrifying.

But Jiang Wang still easily recognized that it was Zhao Rucheng.


Jiang Wang stretched out his hand, wanting to touch him, but he didn't dare.

Just murmuring, murmuring: "I...I..."

He had no way to explain.

He couldn't find or make any excuse for himself.

This is his eternal pain!

"Why didn't you?"

Among the thousands of voices, Jiang Wang could still hear Ling He's voice.

His voice was generous and steady. Even when he was questioning, he was tolerant and approachable. He seemed to be saying, Xiao Wang, it doesn't matter, I don't blame you.

It was precisely this kind of tolerance that Ling He must have that made Jiang Wang collapse all of a sudden.

He fell to his knees and held his head in pain: "I'm sorry...it was my stupidity and naivety that caused you harm!"

In the darkness, faint shadows are moving, getting closer, getting closer...

Jiang Wang knelt down in the center of the darkness, wrapped in the darkness, as if he was about to merge into the darkness.

"elder brother!"

He heard a child's voice like a silver bell.

"Brother! Don't you want me anymore?"

Jiang Wang stood up suddenly, eyes wide with tears: "An'an, An'an!"

All questions disappeared.

One thousand, ten thousand, hundreds of thousands of voices, all disappeared.

In the endless darkness, he could see nothing and hear nothing.

But he was silent.

The silence lasted for a while.

He reached out his hand and wiped away his tears in the darkness.

"My brother Linghe, my brother Rucheng, my friend Azhan, my elder Xiao, my beloved relatives and friends, classmates and neighbors. I feel guilty about you."

He said: "My journey through this world is like walking in a sea of ​​suffering."

"But I still have to go on, not only to take care of An An, but also to go on with everything you have."

His voice was calm and firm.

"I'm here to shoulder all the sorrow, I'm here to bear all the pain. I'm here to repay your hatred, and I'm here to fulfill your dreams."

The shadows in the depths of darkness dispersed silently.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A heartbeat suddenly sounded in the darkness, like a beating drum.

Jiang Wang felt that his heart seemed to be swelling, beating, and shouting, as if it was going to explode! It was going to explode into fly ash along with his whole body.

And he heard, in the heartbeat, a voice that was indistinguishable from male to female and had no emotion asking.

"Have you ever felt greedy when faced with treasures?"

"Have you ever had lustful thoughts when faced with beautiful women?"

"Have you ever thought of murder? Have you ever thought of destroying beauty?"

"Have you ever thought about power?"

"Have you ever been jealous of others?"

These questions go straight to the deepest part of the heart. They seem to pull all the dark sides out of the deepest darkness, making people face them and make them repent.

The voice said: "The deepest darkness is facing one's own heart. The filth and malice deep in the heart of a living being is deeper than the eternal darkness of the universe."

"Have you seen it? How do you face it? How do you choose?"

Jiang Wang didn't know when he was sitting cross-legged.

He sat alone in eternal darkness, his heart turned upward.

He did see deep inside his heart, and he did admit that he had had evil thoughts.

But when faced with this final question, he only said four words.

He said

"A single thought blooms."

Heaven and hell are just a thought away.

This chapter has been completed!
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