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Chapter 188: Disaster


'Zhuang Chengqian' moved his lips and murmured.

However, the next moment, a raging burst of demonic energy woke him up from his brief intoxication.

It made him clearly realize that behind him, there was not the gentle and pure Song Wanxi, but a real blood puppet with no consciousness of his own.

And it was his own hands that created this look!

The strength of the white-bone skeleton suddenly increased, and the real blood puppet could only make corresponding explosions.

A flawless snow-white jade hand and a cold, holy skeleton fist started a fierce confrontation less than an inch in front of 'Zhuang Chengqian'.

The White Bone God has certainly opened up the ancient passage and descended into the strongest body that can be applied to the present world, which is enough to exert a power that is far superior to the previous arrivals.

The blood puppet real demon also has the power of the real demon, and in the ancient demon cave, it has an innate advantage and will not be at a disadvantage.

"Is this the sacrifice prepared for me?" the Bone God's indifferent voice spoke word by word.

Like a golden sword, like a jade axe, people are in awe.

But Zhuang Chengqian's heart is as strong as iron, and Song Wanxi's bloody puppet has no sense.

The jade hand belonging to Song Wanxi is pushed outward little by little, which means that she is constantly expelling the power of the Bone God.

In the competition for power, the Blood Puppet True Demon has the upper hand!

Finally, 'Zhuang Chengqian' got rid of that terrible divine power and could open his lips again.

He had the urge to gasp violently after suffocating, but he tried his best to calm his breathing and firmly curb the body's instinct.

"It's never too late to give a good gift." He responded without any expression: "If you can accept it, then take it away!"

The fist of the white-bone skeleton could not stop retreating, and was forced to retreat. But the soul fire burning in the empty eye socket was so calm, terrifyingly calm.

"I accept your wishes," He said.

When the first syllable of this sentence was uttered, countless pale lights suddenly lit up in the entire underwater cave.

When the first sound of the word appeared completely, countless pale light spots strangely converged towards the cave where the skeleton crawled out.

And gathered on a flat surface, like a lid, covering the dark bottomless hole. Those pale white light spots were arranged in an orderly manner, just like the stars in the sky.

Then a slender light extended from the light spot, and countless light spots were connected together in this way, complex, dense, and regular. Like a spider web, more like a chessboard.

When He finished speaking these words, pale white chess pieces fell one after another on the chessboard condensed with pale light spots.

Snap, snap, snap!

It's like someone is playing chess, but there are only white stones on the chessboard, not black.

It's like a naughty boy who overturned the white chess basket.

The white stones were placed on the chessboard in circles and circles, and soon the chessboard was covered, densely packed, and the pale white light reflected each other, forming a continuous sheet. It looked cold and desperate.

Only Tianyuan's position is left, alone on the chessboard. It's dark and gloomy.

This is the manifestation of terrifying magic.

This is a lifeless calamity!

The reason why he made such a "reckless" choice as soon as he discovered Zhuang Chengqian was certainly not because he had suffered enough.

Even the Bone God would not underestimate a person like Zhuang Chengqian or his plans. After all, his arrival was ruined by Zhuang Chengqian hundreds of years ago.

It was precisely because of Zhuang Chengqian that he changed his control over Baigu Daozi. He gave up the previous cooperation related to faith and adopted a tougher approach. Before Baigu Daozi had even grown up, he forcibly descended, expelled the soul, and took over the body.

The process of growing strength is pinned on the White Bone True Pill.

As for Zhuang Chengqian's grandson Zhuang Gaoxian who had done bad things by seizing the elixir hundreds of years later, and was expelled from the Bone Holy Body by Wang Changji and Zhang Linchuan, that is another kind of misfortune.

But for a being like Him, "misfortune" is not terrible. It is normal to want to achieve the status of a god in this world, but to be rejected by it.

Zhuang Chengqian was plotting against him, so why hadn't he been plotting against Zhuang Chengqian?

The road to becoming a god in this world is long and rugged. Fortunately, He has a long enough life to be able to finish one round in a period of hundreds of years.

The time is measured in one or two years, and those mortal ants certainly feel that He has failed. But the game He started hundreds of years ago is not over yet!

The skeleton opened his fist, turned his palm and grabbed the blood puppet demon's hand, and took her flying backwards, away from 'Zhuang Chengqian'!

Under the control of Zhuang Chengqian, the Blood Puppet True Demon reacted very quickly. While wrestling with the bones and skulls, he tried to catch 'Zhuang Chengqian' with his backhand, but failed!

This catch, it was obvious that I had caught it, it was obviously impossible to fail, but it still failed!

The effect of the inanimate calamity is not in the sense of space, nor in the sense of time, nor even in the physical body, nor in the soul, but only about the "self", only about life and death!

The body occupied by 'Zhuang Chengqian' has appeared on the chessboard covering the deep cave, falling irretrievably.

That person of the Yuan Dynasty is exactly the calamity eye of the unborn calamity.

If you fall, you will die, and you will have no luck and no life.

Starting from the layout hundreds of years ago, the ultimate goal of the Bone God is to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, become a god in the world, and master a power stronger than that of the Netherworld in the world.

Zhuang Chengqian, the Taoist disciple of the White Bones chosen at that time, with his support, climbed all the way from a mere pawn to the position of the leader of a country. Then he rebelled and broke his plan to come to the world. The so-called Kingdom of the White Bones God was also completely destroyed.

It was his country, Zhuang Chengqian's family and one surname, that simply and neatly peeled off the White Bone Road.

Why didn't He have a plan? At the critical moment, he suddenly activated his backup plan, descended on the Bone God, and competed with Zhuang Chengqian and Song Hengjiang with great power.

He set a time for Zhuang Chengqian's death in an inanimate calamity, and still wanted to come to the world in his body. He just changed the voluntariness to force.

What he really didn't expect was that Zhuang Chengqian went to death and destroyed his body the moment He arrived! As a result, He lost the container for his incarnation, and his plan to forcibly come to the world failed.

Even the Bones Divine Form was injured in that self-destruction and had to return to the netherworld.

He has always suspected that Zhuang Chengqian was not dead, so he tested him twice in a hundred years. The consumption caused by frequent births is very terrifying. Even He needs to repeatedly use the power accumulated over a long period of time.

It's very luxurious, but it's very necessary for people like Zhuang Chengqian!

But Zhuang Chengqian never showed up, as if he was really dead, ignorant of everything in this world and indifferent.

He could only temporarily put aside his suspicions and continue to wait for Zhuang Chengqian to appear before starting a new round of incarnation.

Later, when people like Zhuang Gaoxian, Du Ruhui, Wang Changji, Zhang Linchuan, and Zhongxuan Chuliang jointly fought against each other, openly or covertly, he declared defeat again. He was actually ready to sleep again, waiting for a long life.

Next chance.

But he discovered Zhuang Chengqian!

Why did Zhuang Chengqian come to the world without hesitation and impatiently as soon as he became aware of his existence?

Because the catastrophe hundreds of years ago has not ended yet!

He can still detonate the catastrophe and return to the world through the existence of Zhuang Chengqian!

Although Zhuang Chengqian set off this catastrophe, it was not the result of his unwillingness to sleep and waited patiently!

ps: It will break out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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