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Chapter 152 Hunting

Of course, Jiang Wang knew that the sharp-faced sea creature was still hunting him. Through the conversation with the sea beast, the other party handed him a fight.

He did not refuse, but he also did not agree.

It's like two young children playing a hide-and-seek game. They agreed to hide in a certain place and wait for someone to find them. However, while the other child was still counting, he had already gone home.

 Leave the other party to search in vain again and again after finishing counting.

After quickly adjusting to his physical condition on the floating island, Jiang Wang directly chose a completely different direction from before and set off again.

 He doesn’t want to get involved with anyone at all.

The current progress of cleansing is thirty-four. If you are lucky enough, judging from the fastest speed of hunting down thirteen commander-level sea tribes in one day, it will take at least five days of sleepless fighting to complete the cleansing.

Or remove the time to return to the floating island for supplies.

Seven days have passed since the ambush of Granny Bizhu and the previous hunting attempt. He really didn't have much time to waste.

 The first thing after leaving the floating island, Jiang Wang still controlled some sea beasts and began to explore around.

 The previous hunting method has been proven to be effective, and of course it must be continued.



“Yu” is the common surname of the Hai Clan. But unlike the human race, those with the surname “Yu” among the Hai Clan in the world may not be the same family five hundred years ago or five hundred years from now.

Having the same origin as the Shui Tribe, the Sea Tribe is also born with a long lifespan. However, due to the harsh environment of the sea, not many people can live a long life. Also, it is difficult to have heirs, so inheritance is not easy. The fastest update on PC::/

 In the Hai Clan, giving birth to an heir is a matter of "merit". And the stronger you are and the better your bloodline is, the more merit you will get by giving birth to an heir.

  If a sea tribe member does nothing after reaching the king level and only works hard to give birth to offspring, the final achievements may not be worse than those of the same level who fight in the Mysterious Realm all day long.

The lifespan of the king-level sea tribe will be increased again, and their ability to resist various dangers in the sea will also be improved. They can often leave many descendants in the long years.

Yuwangu is a product of this environment.

 Hai people have indifferent family ties, and his true king ancestor has too many descendants to count, so it is impossible to take care of them all.

There is no true king of Canghai like this. The only ones who can be looked after by them are the descendants who have inherited the innate magical power. So Yu Wangu is lucky.

 But the unfortunate thing is that among this large family, there are eight others who have inherited the same innate supernatural powers as him. His strength is ranked lower.

 So he also needs to work hard to prove himself, practice hard, and hone himself, so that he can be more valued.

  Killing powerful human monks is undoubtedly the best proof and the most glorious military achievement. This is the reason why he pursues Jiang Wang so hard.

 But after searching for and killing thirty-seven sea beasts for five full hours... he became angry.

That human bastard actually ran away!

He was sure that the guy had escaped instead of hiding somewhere and waiting for a fighter plane. This was the answer combined with the information in the blood of the thirty-seven sea beasts controlled by him.

It is obviously a life and death fight, a bloody collision between the strong men of the sea race and the human race. Each sharpens their swords, intrigues with each other, and finally fights for life and death, sublimating themselves in the hardships and hardships.

 How glorious and interesting this is!


 As a result...the opponent has already run away?

Yu Wangu felt like a fool and was fooled from beginning to end.

The thirty-eighth one that stopped in front of him was also the last sea beast that Jiang Wang had controlled before. Its huge body exploded, and countless coagulated blood clots were scattered everywhere, like red stones scattered on the ground.

 “Coward! Humans are all weaklings!”

He was furious and walked back cursing.

The human race needs to resist the alienation of the Mysterious Realm, and the same goes for the Sea Race. However, he left the Sea Nest not long ago, and now he plans to go back, just because he is angry and irritable in his heart.

Although he disdains the human monks in his mouth, he also recognizes the strength of the human race in his heart. When the mood is unstable, it is no longer suitable to hunt in the wild. This is irresponsible to oneself.

 But not long after walking, he stopped again.

 Because his natural supernatural power allowed him to sense familiar blood information again, the sea beast controlled in the same way appeared on the other side of this area. It was far away, but it did exist.

 The little turtle finally dared to appear. Did he think he had gotten rid of himself?

Yu Wangu was about to go directly to it, but after thinking about it, he smiled coldly, took out a conch, and said a few words quickly.

 Then he turned around and headed towards the direction of the induction.



In Jiang Wang’s opinion, the strong man from the sea tribe who chased him should be similar to Granny Bizhu. Because of his mastery of the way to control beasts, he was able to discover the anomalies in those sea beasts.

 So he voluntarily gave up all the sea beasts he had previously controlled and let them serve as suspects to guide the opponent in pursuit. He returned to the floating island and made some adjustments before going out.

 He still uses sea beasts as powerful warning tools, selecting targets, hiding them, inducing them, and attacking them all in one go.

 But this time only the third commander-level sea tribe was killed, and four of the released Divine Soul Hidden Snakes suddenly dissipated at the same time!

This means that four of the sea beasts he controlled and were swimming around him lost contact at the same time. And he couldn't even get any news through the Soul Hiding Snake.

Just as Jiang Wang was stunned, two more sea beasts he controlled died.

 He ​​immediately realized that the powerful sea tribesman who was chasing him was here again. And because of some method of the sharp-faced sea tribe, the sea beasts he was controlling now had marked his location.

 And he was already under siege!

There is more than one opponent!

That pointed-faced sea tribe is at least a mid-level commander-level sea tribe. He is not easy to deal with alone, let alone this time he brought helpers.

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang immediately took the initiative to dissipate all the hidden soul snakes.

He did not blame himself. He made no mistake in this hunting operation. After all, he did not know the opponent's ability, and he could not imagine how he could control the sea beast by relying on the hidden snake. How could such a secret connection at the soul level be used?

The opponent finds and locks it.

 Sometimes, it’s not that you won’t lose if you don’t make mistakes. Because your opponent is also very strong and has his own experiences, stories, wisdom and decisions.

 Need to save yourself!

 This is the only thought in Jiang Wang's mind.

 First of all, the other party must be prepared.

 In order to avoid the failure of the previous pursuit, the helpers he brings must be able to help him catch the opponent. They may be good at pursuit, or they may be very fast, or they may be able to lock the enemy's escape space.

Even with the sharp-faced sea tribe, there are at least six opponents, and they must not be faced with each other head-on.

Secondly, judging from the direction where the sea beast died, the place where you are now has been surrounded, so you can't take any chances. The success rate of breaking through will not be very high, because if you are a hunter, the first thing you consider is your opponent's breakout.

The possibility must be dealt with in advance.

Again, the other party could only lock on the controlled sea beasts, but not themselves! Otherwise, they could sneak up on them without disturbing the sea beasts. After all, although he controlled those sea beasts, the sea beasts' own field of vision was very limited. If

In that case, your own ending can already be imagined.

 You are not locked in...that's where life comes from.

This chapter has been completed!
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