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668, Kill Han Muye? You need to pay more

"It must be Han Muye!"

In front of the light curtain, someone screamed.

Countless people opened their eyes and stared at the earthworm dragging the body of the white bird into the soft soil, and then slowly peeling the body apart to enjoy it.

"No wonder this large array of light curtains has not moved. It turns out that Han Muye is not dead!"

"Haha, let's just say that such a character will never fall so easily!"

In front of the curtains of light, countless people clenched their fists.

Even if Han Muye is just the lowest creature in the world at this time, he can turn into an earthworm of dust at any time in this primitive world.

But he is alive.

After seeing the fall of powerful creatures like the Blazing Fierce Beast, everyone's expectations for Han Muye were already very low.

Just stay alive.

"Haha, although Shenyuan Tiangong's method is despicable, it is a strange combination of circumstances." Someone said with a smile.

In the eyes of countless immortal cultivators in the immortal world, Shenyuan Tiangong transformed Han Muye's soul into the body of a small earthworm in an almost humiliating way.

But so what?

Han Muye is alive.

Living in a primitive world full of strange beasts and countless strong men.

In a place where even blazing beasts cannot survive, he, Han Muye, is still alive.

At this time, Han Muye didn't care what others thought of him.

All his attention was focused on the delicious white bird in front of him.

Never before had he been so hungry.

There has never been a moment when he was so satisfied.

As the hot bird meat entered his belly, he could feel his body full of power.

What about being an earthworm?

He is also a powerful earthworm.

Without once finishing the white bird's meat, he carefully loosened the soil and dragged the white bird deep into the depths.

In front of the curtains of light, there was only a piece of soft soil.

In front of the light curtain, there was silence.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the soil, hoping that it will sprout.

Three months later, a small green plant grew out of the soil.

It really sprouted...

When the little green girl grew to half a foot tall, someone couldn't help laughing.

That green body and fleshy figure.

A green earthworm...

Three days later, a black bird as big as a bowl flew down and grabbed the green bud with its sharp claws.


Lu Ya twisted his body like a whip and knocked the black bird unconscious.

Then, drag in the dirt.

Half a month later, a green bud over a foot tall sprouted...

No one cares about the elites of the Heng Sheng Gui who turned into strange beasts.

In front of the curtains of light, everyone watched as a small green sprout grew from three inches to three feet, to three feet, to thirty feet.

The thirty-foot-long gray tree section is as thick as three people's arms. It is bare, straight up and down, without even a twig.

This kind of scene really makes people laugh and cry.

Is there such a tree in the world?

Does this Han Muye regard all living beings in the wild as fools?

Not to mention, these days, there has been no shortage of strange beasts and monsters coming to this big tree.

There is a monkey several feet tall who wants to climb this big naked tree.

There is that long-mouthed strange beast covered with mane, which wants to come and polish its hair under the big tree.

And the big bird with its wings spread several feet wide wants to make a nest on the top of this big tree.

They are all buried on the dirt road under the big trees.

Time flies and years pass by.

A year has passed by in a blink of an eye.

Many light curtains in the fairy world have quietly closed.

Can't afford to open it.

Three thousand divine crystals a day just to watch a big tree grow.

In the God Realm, in front of the light curtain of Shenyuan Heavenly Palace, the Lord of Heavenly Palace has already left.

Let him see that big tree roaming freely in the wilderness, which is more uncomfortable than letting him eat anything.

Several Taoists responsible for the operation of the formation were also scolded by the master of Tiangong Palace, and they all went to retreat.

According to what the Tiangong Palace Master said, Han Muye should not be allowed to enter the third round in the second round.

How about exterminating it directly at that time?

I wanted to show the power of Shenyuan Tiangong, but this looked really irritating.

Now in front of the light curtain of Shenyuan Heavenly Palace, there are only seven or eight deacons who are somewhat interested in Han Muye and are responsible for daily observation.

"Is this guy really planning to stay here forever?"

In front of the light curtain of Shenyuan Heavenly Palace, someone shook his head.

In the past year or so, most of the elites who entered the wilderness have come out.

That is, fallen.

A trace of their soul fell, and then their consciousness returned.

For them, this prehistoric experience was a huge gain.

After returning from the cruel wilderness, they also had a profound understanding of the shortcomings in their own practice.

Those who are still left in the primitive world are all the real strong men in the heyday.

These people may have understood the supernatural powers of divine beasts or vicious beasts from the ancient times, and even inherited the power of blood.

When a trace of their soul returns, this trace of blood or magical power can be brought back.

Even if it is because the bloodline power is too thin, it will take a long time and many opportunities to fully master it, but after all, this is the bloodline power of the ancient prehistoric era.

It is the purest power in the world.


In the light curtain, a ten-foot-tall one-horned rhinoceros with green markings all over its body crashed into the towering "big tree".

The trunk of the big tree shook, turned into a long whip, and struck down hard.

The body of the one-horned rhinoceros shattered in response, and its blood scattered.

This time, the big tree did not drag the powerful beast into the ground as usual, digest it for three to five days and then reappear. Instead, it stretched its own body over.

Over the past year, the power of the earthworm transformed by Han Muye has been continuously gathering, and it has reached an extremely huge stage.

At this time, he ground his body into the flesh and blood of the green rhinoceros, and then slowly condensed it into a layer of blood armor.


The earthworm looked up to the sky and roared, and a pale golden halo circulated outside its body.

"What is he doing?"

"It seems like you are practicing some kind of skill?"

"This seems to be a practice method from the prehistoric era?"

In front of those light curtains that were still unfolding, someone whispered in confusion.

In the God Realm, in front of a curtain of light, the Taoist who was sitting relaxedly stood up with a solemn look on his face.

He stared closely at Han Muye's huge body in the light curtain, his eyes shining with light.

"The true spiritual cultivation method passed down in the ancient wilderness era!"

"This is to use the power of Yuanling to turn it into a true spirit!"

Who would have thought that Han Muye was practicing the Nine Transformations of True Spirit?

At this time, he had gathered the power of Yuanling to its peak.


A sound of thunder.

Above the sky, streaks of lightning flashed down.

Thunder disaster?

The strong men in front of the light curtain were stunned.

In the prehistoric era, was there such a thing as overcoming tribulations?

It seems that the ancient way of heaven will not bring disaster.

"What is he doing?" Hun Chao looked at the world in front of him and frowned.

Ever since Han Muye entered Kunwu, he had not been able to understand what Han Muye wanted to do.

Transformed into an earthworm, he was almost affected by the battle between powerful alien beasts.

They really exist like ants.

After he got a little stronger, he continued to test and seek death.

Fortunately, he never died.

According to Chaos and Golden Bird's calculations, Han Muye's best choice is to enter Kunwu and re-energize his Golden Crow bloodline.

With Han Muye's current Golden Crow bloodline power, he can grow quickly after entering Kunwu, at least not like this giant earthworm, which takes a year to survive.

Although Han Muye has grown up in this year, he is just about to step into the true spirit.

Compared with those elites who relied on the power of their bloodline to dominate as soon as they entered Kunwu, there was a huge difference.

"He has his own ideas." The golden bird laughed and flapped its wings.

"Do you think he will follow your plan?"

There was chaos and silence, staring at the gradually gathering thunder.

This is the first thunderbolt of heavenly calamity in the Kunwu world.

Even from the light curtain, we can see the changes in the power of heaven in Kunwu at this time.

It seems that this thunder tribulation is like a small green sprout.


The thunder finally struck.

The blood armor outside Han Muye's body immediately shattered.

Another bolt of lightning shone, tearing apart the blue-grey skin outside his body.

A single horn emerged from the bald head.

The original earthworm transformed into a fifty-foot-long one-horned snake.

"Transform into a dragon!"

Outside the light curtain, there was an exclamation.

This earthworm has clearly transformed into the body of a clawless one-horned dragon.

Such methods and methods of practice have never been seen in the world.

"This is the legendary method of cultivating the True Spirit of the Great Wilderness that has been lost for a long time!"

"With the power of the true spirit, he has gone through nine changes, and finally he is proud of the world!"

In front of the light curtain of the God Realm, a sect elder spoke up with surprise on his face.

In front of the light curtain, many people looked at each other.

"Ancient times, the wilderness?"

"Behind this Han Muye is a strong man from ancient times?"

Someone's eyes flashed and they suddenly opened their mouths: "Zhoutian battlefield!"

"Zhoutian battlefield!"

Someone shouted softly.

Behind Han Muye, there must be powerful forces on the Zhoutian battlefield.

Only those who have experienced countless calamities can master the cultivation methods of the ancient wilderness era.

"That's right..." Someone looked at the one-horned dragon that had re-entered the earth and rocks and whispered softly.

Dare to directly challenge Shenyuan Tiangong, which is extremely weird in itself.

It turns out that behind this person is a strong man in Zhoutian battlefield.

"Could it be that the Zhoutian War is about to begin again, and a new calamity is about to begin again?" Some people were silent and some whispered in front of the light curtains in the God Realm.

These powerful immortals know a lot about the secrets behind the world.

They know that behind the calamity are the strong men in the Zhoutian battlefield, and they also know that if they cannot transcend, they will be harvested.

Even if they become immortals, they are just trying to survive.

Only by stepping into the Zhoutian battlefield can one become an existence beyond calamity.

Even if the battles in the Zhoutian battlefield are extremely cruel and life and death are difficult to decide, the feeling of being able to transcend calamity and control one's own destiny is what the powerful immortals pursue.

"It seems that if this person can come out alive, he needs to get in touch with him more." In the God Realm, someone whispered in front of some light curtains.

Han Muye is not alone, there are powerful forces from Zhoutian battlefield behind him!

"Han 100 million, the bet on these 100 million divine crystals is probably a test of Shenyuan Heavenly Palace, right?"

Some people turned their eyes to the distance, looking in the direction of Shenyuan Heavenly Palace.

At this time, in front of the light curtain of Shenyuan Tiangong, the long-future Lord of Tiangong stood with his hands behind his back.

He looked solemn and frowned.

"The Battle of Zhoutian should not have started so early. There is no news at all on the battlefield of Zhoutian..."

He turned his head and looked at the elders behind him.

"When did the last news from Uncle Master and the others on the Zhoutian battlefield come?"

Hearing his words, an old man with a white beard bowed and said: "The last time was eight million years ago, when the Zhoutian battlefield failed to siege Tu Yuan Shen Zun, and the divine beast Qing Qilin fell and turned into fragments."

The Lord of the Tiangong Palace turned his head and looked at the silent Tianjie in the light curtain, his eyes flashing: "Tu Yuan Shen Zun..."

"The strong man in the great wilderness."

In the light curtain, one by one powerful men from ancient times stepped into the mountains that had just triggered the thunder disaster.

The fierce beasts met and another fight broke out.

Blood spilled on the soil.

The rocks collapsed.

Within a hundred miles, there was a demonic light and blood.

This battle slowly subsided after a month, and a hundred-foot-tall sky-devouring and howling moon wolf slowly left.

This is the most powerful ferocious beast in the ancient world. It is fast and powerful. It has the magical power to swallow the sky and roar the moon, and can cause the power of heaven and earth to change.

The magical power swallows the sky, opening its mouth to swallow up the heaven and earth for thousands of miles, confining the power of the world and turning it into a land sealed by frost.

The lives of the creatures among them will naturally be directly controlled.

Of course, truly powerful beasts can still resist this power.

The magical power of Xiaoyue draws the light of the full moon down and turns it into a rotating blade of light.

This blade is comparable to a high-quality fairy treasure and can cut through the body of a divine beast with one blow.

Even those powerful mythical beasts from ancient times, known for their defensive power, did not dare to face such magical powers.

Three days after the Sky-Devouring Howling Moon Wolf left, a small blue-black grass poked its head out from the mountains that had dropped dozens of feet.

That's not grass, that's a three-foot-long horn...

"This guy is really a bastard..."

Outside the light curtain, there was a feeling of emotion.

Half a day later, a tall bird with a black and red body flew down on the horn, then it was shaken and fell straight down.

Below, the soil was so soft that it completely enveloped and swallowed the big bird.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! One after another, the strange beasts came to the horn and then disappeared.

The horn grew slowly, from three feet to five feet.

Ten feet.

Twenty feet.

There is less and less attention outside the light curtain.

It’s not that I don’t want to watch it, it’s that I can’t afford it.

One year would cost millions of divine crystals.

Just to watch the boring one-horned prey?


A year later, another thunderstorm surged in the void.

At this time, only ten of the elites of the entire Hesheng Society were still in Kunwu.

Many of those who remain among them have already emerged, possessing bloodline power and demonstrating magical powers.

As for Han Muye, he triggered the second thunder disaster.

The body of the one-horned dragon that emerged from the soil is already two hundred feet long, and its single horn is twenty feet long. It is majestic and shining.

From the sky, lightning struck down, as if the whole world was split open.

The colorful halo turned into surging clouds and waves of heaven and earth.


A bolt of lightning fell, and the body of the one-horned dragon transformed by Han Muye was torn apart, and bright red blood flew.

From the wounds all over his body, four legs poked out, with long and sharp claws.


Another bolt of lightning struck down, and the horn on Han Muye's head was completely broken off.

At the broken wound, two long horns appeared.


The green dragon scales all over his body flashed, giving off an illusory halo.

"That's the Demon Blood Dragon!"

"Ancient alien species!"

"He, his bloodline power is getting stronger!"

Outside the light curtain, the sound of exclamation could be heard.

At this moment, Han Muye completed the second transformation of his true spirit.

Transformed from a one-horned dragon into a powerful demon-blood dragon with ancient bloodline.

"With the power of this bloodline, I can compete with those elites who have entered the wilderness."

"Having been dormant for so long, it's time for him to feel proud."

Outside the light curtain, many people chuckled.

This Han Muye is really capable, he suddenly transformed from a small earthworm into a demon blood dragon.

"Is this true spiritual transformation?" In front of a light curtain, several old men held jade slips in their hands.

The jade slip was simple and simple, with countless cracks and dim light, as if it was about to break.

"For true spiritual transformation, these practices have merit."

"The inheritance of this kind of bloodline power is powerful enough."

An old man with white hair raised his head, a trace of confusion flashing across his face.

"However, in this incomplete ancient inheritance, there is no mention of heavenly calamity..."

Within the light curtain, the tremendous power of the Heavenly Tribulation caused the alien beasts thousands of miles around to tremble.

With four legs and two horns on its head, the hundred-foot-long dragon looks up to the sky and roars, as if it is declaring its sovereignty.

Han Muye's body was shone with a mighty golden light.

Then, under the stunned gazes of the strong men in front of all the light screens, the dragon plunged into the soil...

Too bad.


A huge yellow lion fifty feet tall fell down.

The body of the yellow lion smashed into pieces of rocks.

Above the sky, a green python with a length of at least two hundred feet rushed down.

Although the yellow lion fell to the ground and was seriously injured, it still roared, managed to stand up, opened its mouth, and a ball of golden light knocked away the python.

"The blue-eyed golden lion is an ancient alien species. It is said that this lion can swallow the energy of yin and yang and turn it into a blade that separates life and death."

In front of a curtain of light, someone whispered.


The python that was knocked back seemed extremely angry. It opened its mouth and made a harsh "squeaking" sound.

A pair of dark red horns appeared on the top of the python's head.

"Azure Bull Python!"

"This is one of the ancestors of the Niu Mang clan!"

"Several types of cattle inheritance in the ancient world are not as agile as this sky green bull python."

Various exclamations came out before the light curtain.

This is the prehistoric era.

Here, you can see countless alien species that have only been seen in ancient books, and see how these strong men operate the power of their own blood and display their magical powers.

"It is said that the Azure Bull Python can transform into the Azure Divine Bull, but its long tail is difficult to retract, so it finally condenses into this shape."

The long blood-colored horns have condensed, and the image of a green bull has appeared.

The long snake tail turned into a giant black tail with inverted scales and swung down towards the head of the yellow lion in front of it.


The yellow lion's body flew away again.

The two strange beasts collided continuously, causing countless golden lights to shine.

At this moment, the world within the light curtain seemed to be torn apart.

"There are many strange and ferocious beasts in the ancient world, and the power gap between them is huge."

"Later generations made a simple ranking of these powerful and ferocious beasts, but it was not very accurate."

In front of a light curtain, a Taoist with a green beard pointed at the light curtain in front of him and said with a smile: "The wilderness of the earth, the wilderness of the sky, the vast wilderness, the universe."

"These strange beasts are basically strong men in the Earthly Desolate Realm, but they are not enough to be seen in the Heavenly Desolate Realm."

"It's a pity that the ancient times are so long ago that the markings of many levels are not clear. It is also unclear what the characteristics and boundaries of each realm's strange beasts are."

"But the strongest people at the cosmic level are only those kinds of prehistoric overlords."

"The ancient unicorn, the sky-killing dragon crocodile, the sky crane of all spirits, the golden carp of good fortune..."

The battle within the light curtain continues.

The pursuit of the two powerful beasts lasted for a long time.

In the end, the yellow lion was torn apart by the claws of the azure bull python.

The scattered blood is like a stream, gathering on the mountains.

The two big blue-black trees that poked their heads out at some unknown time were stained by the blood and became more alive.

That day, the green bull python, which was covered in wounds, lowered its head to collect the scattered body of the yellow lion under two big trees, and then slowly coiled around it, when it suddenly felt a shock all over its body.

In front of the light curtain, everyone watched as the two big green trees suddenly stabbed out, piercing the body of the azure bull python, directly from the belly to the head.

The azure bull python's eyes widened, its long tail was coiled tightly, and its mouth opened wide, but it couldn't make a roar.

The magical power of the demon blood dragon has been poured into its body, causing the blood of the blue bull python to shatter.

"Actually, although the demon-blood dragon is also a strange beast at the level of the wilderness, its magical powers are weird and extremely poisonous. It is considered a strong one in the wilderness."

"Even if we fight directly against the Azure Ox Python, the Demon Blood Dragon has a good chance of winning."

In front of a light curtain in the God Realm, someone spoke softly.

But the demon blood dragon transformed by Han Muye did not do this.

He chose to sneak attack.

For a whole month, this huge azure bull python was coiled like that.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Until one month later, the entire body of the bull python collapsed.

The entire azure bull python was swallowed up, leaving only its outer skin.

A moment later, the body of a white-bone python was pushed down the cliff.

Then, the python's body twisted strangely.

"It's really insidious..." Countless voices sounded outside the light curtain.

The devil-blood dragon transformed by Han Muye was obviously no weaker than the Azure Bull Python, but he chose to use the easiest way to steal everything from the Azure Bull Python.

Having devoured the body of the azure bull python, this demon-blood dragon was obviously more powerful than other beasts at the same level, and it was already at its peak in the wilderness.

But what I didn't expect was that the Demon Blood Dragon actually chose to rush into the Azure Bull Python's body and disguised itself as the Azure Bull Python.


The azure bull python danced its body and slowly moved towards the distant mountains and forests.

"This guy finally moved." Someone outside the light curtain said with a smile.

All this time, the light curtain reflected Han Muye's position and had not moved.

"Hmph, find Huang Zhenxiong and let him take action to kill Han Muye."

The Lord of the Tiangong Palace snorted coldly, with a cold look in his eyes: "Lest the night be long and have too many dreams."

The Taoist in front of him nodded, and the halo of light flowed in his hand, pressing it on the light screen.

The light curtain was divided into two parts, one of which kept changing and turned into illusion.

"Palace Master, Chaos needs 30 million divine crystals and 50,000 bloodline beads before he is willing to help us find Huang Zhenxiong."

The Taoist looked at the empty and empty scene in front of him and spoke in a low voice.

"Give it to him." The Lord of Tiangong said calmly.

As he finished speaking, a golden pillar of light appeared in front of him, and countless divine crystals and blood beads fell into it.

"I, Tiangong, will pay half of it first, and the rest will be given to me when the bet is settled."

The voice of the Lord of Heavenly Palace sounded.

A murmuring sound came from the light pillar, and then the light screen screen changed, and a vast island appeared.

On the island, there is a huge dragon.

They are not blue dragons, they are all demonic dragons with black armor, long horns, and four legs shining with dark red and gold light.

"It turns out that this kid has the bloodline of the ancient Purgatory Blood Demon Dragon. No wonder he was able to run rampant in the God Realm in just a few hundred years and become the strongest among the younger generations."

The white-bearded old man beside the Lord of Tiangong fell on the light screen and whispered.

"Send a message to Huang Zhenxiong and ask him to take action to kill Han Muye."

The Lord of Tiangong shouted lowly.

The Taoist in front of him nodded, and the golden light flashed in his hand, turning into divine patterns and hitting the light curtain.

After a few breaths, the Taoist's expression turned stiff.

"Palace Master, the summons to Hun Chaos requires a commission of five million divine crystals and one thousand bloodline beads."

"Here." The Lord of Tiangong waved his hand impatiently.

After a moment, the golden light beam appeared again.

In the light curtain, the Taoist talisman culture fell like snowflakes, and a thousand-foot giant dragon stretched out its long claws.

The pinnacle among the Purgatory Blood Demon Dragons, the overlord among the wild beasts.

After catching the true spirit rune, a smile appeared on the corner of the demon dragon's mouth.

"Kill Han Muye?"

"You have to pay more."

This chapter has been completed!
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