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898, Can he come back again?

Han Muye's voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the endless void.

His body shape directly transformed into a body of one hundred thousand feet.

The one-hundred-thousand-foot-long body took a step forward and turned into a million-foot-long giant holding the sky.

This kind of body directly supports the heaven and the earth.

In the blink of an eye, the collapsed sky was held up.

Holding the broken sky with both hands, Han Muye closed his palms.


The sound of roaring and cracking resounded.

The cracks in the sky that were originally shattered were closed.

Half of the bodies of those cultivators on the sky plane who stepped out of the cracks in the sky were crushed by the sky, and the other half fell into the vast void.

The power of heaven and earth combined, and the original power of the sky plane was instantly suppressed.

Those powerful men from the heaven and earth who fell into the wild world had their origins locked directly, just like they had locked up the world just now.

Without the support of origin infusion, even if they are strong men at the overlord level and have complete origin power, they cannot support it.

This is the wilderness!

In the prehistoric world, countless powers of heaven and earth turned into divine light, which converged on Han Muye's giant body, and then condensed into whirlwinds that swirled outside his body.

"Master Han!" Zhu Rong shouted with surprise on his face.

Countless mythical beasts and human beings in the ancient wilderness roared and shouted.

Their blood and divine light are intertwined together.

The origins that originally collapsed and dispersed began to gather together again.

Huang Zhihu stood there, the sword light on his body pulling the power of the sword array behind him, and rushed towards the surrounding heaven and earth. Stars and worlds were pulled by the sword light.

The surrounding stars began to swirl slowly.

The galaxy is in turmoil.

The endless source of the ancient world poured into Han Muye's body.

The prehistoric plane has truly begun to close.

"Support, support, prehistoric?" Tongtian Immortal looked at everything in front of him with a blank look on his face.

In order to reunite the ancient world, he reversed time and space again and again.

What he has always sought is to control the prehistoric world, and he has never thought of supporting the prehistoric plane.

How can it be?

How is it possible that there are living beings in the world that can support an entire plane?


He looked at Han Muye in front of him and murmured.


Outside the sky, countless divine lights turned into thunder and strong wind, crashing towards Han Muye.

Those strong men from the Cangtian plane were not willing to be blocked from the wild world, so they all attacked.

It's just that this kind of attack can't even shake the wind around him in front of the giant's body.

At this moment, Han Muye was not only a display of his own strength, but also the condensation of his ancient origins.

Who can contend with the origin of a plane?

Han Muye held the sky in his hands and stepped out in one step.

The entire prehistoric plane gathered together, with him as the center, constantly condensing the origin.

The heaven and earth that originally collapsed in the void began to be pulled together.

Whether it was the ancient world or other planes, the scattered heaven and earth were attracted and gathered together to become part of the ancient world.

Han Muye just supported Honghuang and ran through the void.

He was running in the endless void, covering hundreds of millions of miles in one step.

There seemed to be no distance or time in the void. Han Muye ran step by step, carrying the vast world and moving forward rapidly, smashing the body into pieces and integrating the world around him.

Those strong men from the Celestial Plane who were blocking the front were directly smashed into pieces, and the origin of their bodies was merged into the primitive world.

Those merged into the prehistoric world and became part of the prehistoric plane.

After running for who knows how long, a bright scene appeared in front of me.

Countless figures stepped out from the bright place and then fell into the void.

The divine light connects and turns into a snare.

A giant body about the same height as Han Muye appeared.

It's just that the body is illusory and the face is dull.

But the original power revealed in his body was surging.

This is the embodiment of the power of the plane, the strongest form of the power of a plane.

"The plane of heaven?"

"Original projection?"

Han Muye held the prehistoric plane with one hand, raised his hand, and punched the million-foot-high illusory giant in the face.

His movements are not very fast.

But the giant on the opposite side moved even slower, and could only watch helplessly as his fist hit his face.


The giant was hit on the head and face by a punch, and his whole body staggered backwards and fell.

This giant is not a real giant, but the original power of a plane.

When the giant was hit, it wasn't just him who was injured.

This blow caused countless souls in the sky behind to shatter.

Between heaven and earth, countless forces were activated and collapsed.

Those strong men who stepped out of the Cangtian plane had their divine patterns shattered on their bodies.

The collision of heaven and earth, and the slightest dissipation of power will cause countless creatures to collapse.

Honghuang would have been like this if he hadn't been supported by Han Muye.

Holding the prehistoric plane in his hand, Han Muye took another step forward and reached out to pinch the neck of the original projection of the plane.

This plane origin projection with a dull face and dull body was grabbed by Han Muye's neck and dragged forward.

The entire plane of heaven shook instantly.

Countless original forces seemed to be out of breath and began to swell.


Han Muye's body collided with the plane of heaven, and the bright heaven and earth fell apart.

The power of one person can destroy a plane!

In its heyday, this giant from the Pantian plane did the same thing and caused the collapse of the ancient world.

By this time, the giant transformed by Han Muye also seemed a little tired. He raised his hand to push down the prehistoric plane and pressed it on the blue sky plane to support it.

The force of one dimension directly suppresses it.

After doing all this, Han Muye looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Is it difficult to reunite with the ancients and support the origin?"

Cracks appeared one after another on his million-foot-long body.

But he didn't care about this, he just pressed his palm on the ancient plane, letting the ancient plane suppress the entire sky plane.

The power of one person can suppress a vast wilderness.

His figure slowly turned into an illusion.

"Han Muye, I am not as good as you." The Tongtian Immortal Lord standing in the vast world murmured in his mouth.

He couldn't imagine the power of holding up the world with one hand and shattering a plane with the other.

There's no way he can do it.

Han Muye stood there, his body gradually becoming illusive.

His strength had indeed been exhausted by this time.

But this is just his clone!

His eyes were slightly closed, and a thunderous voice sounded.

"Honghuang, when my true body returns, that's when I wake up."

His voice shook like thunder, and then his figure was no longer seen outside the entire world.

The prehistoric plane has reunited and is pressing on the blue sky plane, being nourished by the power of the blue sky plane.

The power of heaven and earth in the prehistoric plane is stable, and the power of countless souls can rotate naturally.

The origin is undefeated and there is hope for eternal life.

The power of one person can gather one area and suppress one area!

Only with Han Muye can we have this rebirth and reunion in the ancient world!

"Senior brother, is this what you want?" A voice whispered softly in a large hall.

"Father, don't worry, Honghuang, I will guard it for you." Huang Zhihu held the sword in his hand and whispered lightly.

In the ancient plane, countless creatures raised their heads and looked at the figure slowly dissipating in the void.

Can he come back again?


Outside the endless void, in a world that was more dazzling than the Great Desolate and Cangtian planes combined, a long sword shook gently.


A pool of blood sprayed on the sword.

"Lu Yue, Lu Yue, am I going to die after all..."

This chapter has been completed!
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