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996, Deep in the abyss, Nine Dragons pull the coffin!

The end of God.

This is a realm.

But it can also be said that it is a destination.

Han Muye would not have dared to imagine what Shen Mo was if he had not seen it in the memory of the weapon of Nan An, a strong man in the divine realm of the Void Spirit Clan.

The level above the divine realm is said to be able to create things out of thin air. It is the realm of eternal existence, called the eternal realm, or the creator.

The Creator is supposed to be eternal and immortal.

However, if you consume too much power in the realm of the Creator, or your power is swallowed up by a strong person, and your own strength collapses, you will enter the final level of God.

However, it is also possible that Shenmo is the level that the Creator will eventually enter as his strength increases.

No matter what, Shenmo is the destination.

The destination of the Creator, the spirit deteriorates, wreaks havoc in the endless planes, and eventually annihilates all worlds.

The key is that this kind of annihilation has no end, or no one knows the end.

It is not the devouring force of calamity like that in the Ruins Realm, but it is truly destroyed and everything ceases to exist.

At the end of Shen, it is unclear whether the Creator has fallen or whether the Creator has entered a new level.

I can’t even explain the divine realm.

There are memories in the weapons of the Lord Nan An because the Void Spirit clan has been contaminated by the power of Shen Mo. Even if the entire clan moves away and flees countless worlds, their clan still has a lot of Void Spirit power left.

This power is a double-edged sword for their tribe. It can make their tribe strong, but it can also make them disappear.

They have to keep devouring various planes and invading various origins, hoping to have enough power to resist Shenmo.

Only the top gods among the Void Spirit Clan knew about this matter. Other tribesmen thought that they were the characteristics of the tribe and the power of their blood.

In fact, the Xuling clan is a poor clan that is on the run from Shenmo.

"Is this the end of the gods?" Lord Yuntian frowned, a profound light flashing in his eyes.

"Shenmo!" The Ancient Spirit God took a step back and stared at the ball of green and black aura, with fear in his eyes.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, this is Yunju City, it's already trillions of voids away from Shenmo, and it's been so long, there's no way there's still Shenmo..."

As he spoke, his face turned pale.

All the other gods looked ugly.

"Shen Mo?" The expression of the spirit-gathering god in the coffin turned extremely ugly, and he laughed miserably, "No wonder, only Shen Mo can make me completely unable to deal with it..."

There is no way to resist the power of God.

There was a sudden silence in the main hall.

After a long time, Lord Yunjiang shook his head and whispered: "If it is really Shenmo, then not only will we not be able to go, but we will have to plan how to escape."

These gods came because they were invited by the God of Juling, and they were determined to go to the abyss to rescue his true form.

They were also moved by the reward offered by Juling Shenzun.

But at this time, Han Muye said that it was a divine end, a divine end that could sweep through countless heavens and earth and devour endless planes. Who among them would dare to go there?

Not only can't I go to the Divine Abyss, but I have to find a way to stay away.

Even, I have to run away from the place where I live now.

Thinking of this, everyone looked ugly.

There may be a realm of heaven and earth behind them, or there may be a powerful force behind them. If they want to give up all this, the loss will be too great.

But if they don't give up on this, what can they do in the face of Shenmo?

"Ju Ling, I think you can't stay in Yunju City." Lord Yunjiang looked at the coffin and spoke with some apology.

"Ahem, Fellow Taoist Juling, if you are the end of the gods, I'm afraid your soul won't be able to escape." Zhuo Yue, the white-bearded and green-robed God Lord, spoke in a low voice with a solemn look on his face.

Although the other gods did not speak, they had the same expression.

Since the Spirit-Gathering God's soul is contaminated with Shenmo, he cannot live and can no longer exist in this place.

"I know." The spirit-gathering spirit in the coffin spoke softly, with regret in his eyes.

"I thought that even if I couldn't return to my real body, at least I could escape with my soul and rebuild myself. Now let's see..."

A strong man in the divine realm doesn't even have a chance to rebuild.

Everyone present is in the divine realm, and they feel the same situation as the God of Juling.

It has been hundreds of millions of years since I reached the divine realm. I have never been afraid. I have been the master of one party for billions of years. Who would have thought that I would be helpless at this moment.

"Lord Gathering Spirits, may we see the illusion just now again?"

At this moment, Han Muye's voice sounded.

Watch it again?

Ju Ling Shen Zun's face showed confusion.

Several other deities also looked at Han Muye with confusion.


In front of the coffin, a faint golden light emerged again, turning into light and shadow.

In the light and shadow, the previous scene of the Spirit-Gathering God being chased and killed is reproduced.

After several layers of light and shadow, the huge sky-devouring beast appeared, and then a green and black cloud of energy locked the body of the Spirit-Gathering God.

"This is it!" Han Muye's eyes were filled with depth, and he stretched out his hand to point at the group of green and black aura that descended.

In the light and shadow, the scene is frozen.

"What is that in the distance?"

Han Muye spoke in a low voice.

far away?

Everyone looked towards the distance in the light and shadow.


"That is--"

"That is the legendary level of the Creator..."

In the distance, in the faint invisible light and shadow, is a coffin that transcends the stars, heaven and earth.

On the green and black coffin, there are golden and dark streams of light intertwining.

The halo is faint, but just one look at it makes your soul shake.

Outside the coffin, there are nine dragon beasts with bodies hundreds of millions of miles long. Outside their bodies are pieces of golden and red dragon scales, walking forward with their heads held high.

This dragon beast is clearly the Ancestral Dragon Lord that has been circulating in the divine realm for endless years.

Every adult form of the Ancestral Dragon Lord is at the level of the Creator, the creator of countless planes.

Stars will be placed between its raised feet, making a seat appear.

At this time, in the light and shadow that everyone saw, the nine Ancestral Heavenly Dragon Lords were locked by chains around their necks, at the bottom of the dark divine abyss.

Rays of golden-red divine light were extracted from the nine ancestral dragon masters, seemingly sucking all the power from them into the coffin.

This scene made everyone take a breath of cold air.

"That's Shen Mo..." Lord Yunjiang murmured.

At the end of the divine level, the nine ancestral dragon masters pull the coffin!

Such a level of power is simply not something that gods like them can look up to.

How can they resist such power?

"It's not exactly Shen Mo." Han Muye stared at the light and shadow and whispered: "There should be a Creator in this coffin who is resisting Shen Mo with all his strength."

"The top level of the Creator may have sunk to the edge of the end of God."

"He was unable to resist Shenmo with his own strength, so he could only rely on the power of the nine ancestral dragon masters, and then sank into the abyss of the gods."

Taking a deep breath, Han Muye looked at the divided soul of the Spirit-Gathering God in front of him.

"If what the junior said is right, the senior should have something that we need to do, right?"

"I don't believe that in the final state of a god, the soul of the Spirit-Gathering God cannot be destroyed."


In the main hall, Yun Jiang and others trembled, staring closely at the spirit-gathering god's divided soul in the coffin in front of them.

Confusion flashed across the soul-gathering soul's face first, and then his body collapsed and turned into a ball of golden-red aura.


The treasure coffin, which could withstand attacks from the divine realm, exploded into pieces.

The golden-red aura pressed down on Han Muye, and another black aura spread throughout the hall!

"I will first see if you are qualified to be driven by me..."

A sound seemed to come from the endless and distant world, and it contained a pressure that shook everyone's soul and seemed to be shattered.

In the main hall, all the gods, including Han Muye, could not move.

"Shenmo..." Lord Yunjiang whispered sadly.

This chapter has been completed!
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