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Chapter 119: Listening to Woo, Crab, Crab, You [4D]

Utopia, cooling zone.

On the top of a beautiful snow-capped mountain, the sun seems to bring out the freshness of the air, making people feel happy just looking at it.

The slightly cold air, together with the snowflakes, fell into the hot springs on the top of the mountain and turned into white mist floating up.

Right next to the hot spring, next to the bear cart pulled by two giant wooden bears.

A fire is burning in a stone stove.


The flames turned the iron plate on the stone stove red. Occasionally, if snowflakes fell on it, a little oil star would pop up.

A layer of refreshing white mist emitted from the iron plate where the crab meat was sizzling.

With a cute expression of satisfaction, the desert cat mixed the sea salt and pepper in his hand and ground it into powder and sprinkled it on.


"The most delicious crab in Utopia is cooked, the crab meat of the ship-cutting crab!"

She shook her cat ears with satisfaction. The cat ears of the fire giant civet were similar to those of the serval cat, but without spots.

"It's so fragrant, ship-cutting crab!"

She never expected that she would be able to enjoy such delicious food just after joining the secret investigation team.

"Woohoo!" Huita, who was wearing swimming trunks next to him, ran in the snow and fell into the hot spring.

Oops, isn’t this a gray tower?

The desert cat blinked and lowered his head.

"Let's take a look at the crab meat, folks."


Gwen soaked in the hot spring and felt her whole body getting hot.

"So warm."

His eyes almost narrowed, with a satisfied look on his face.

This feeling of soaking in a hot spring on a snowy day.

It's almost like the feeling you get after running five laps on the playground in the summer, reaching for a can of iced Coke and drinking it down in one gulp.

It's like the refreshing feeling of holding a cup of hot tea after a rainy day in the south, when your hands and feet are so cold that they are almost numb.

At this time, if any experts say:

"It's not good to drink Coke when you're in a hurry after exercising."

"Sudden temperature changes can easily lead to illness."


Yes, it is true. Excessive temperature difference is indeed easy to get sick, and it is not good to drink cold drinks when you are tired from exercise.

But that's a cold drink.

Or a cold drink after exercise.

Gwen yawned comfortably and felt that she could fall asleep directly. When she got up at night, she would go find the Cursed Blade and bring Mihira with her to hunt together.

He has never seen any of the special monsters here.

This is the middle zone of the cooling zone, close to the highest peak.

It took a while for the fellow to climb up, slowing down almost ten times and climbing slowly, and there were many small towns and townships ahead. The temperature in this area is cold, but it is also a place for hunting and vacation.

It is a holy land with countless alpine hot springs.

Originally, Cursed Blade wanted to take them to a camp that was most convenient for hunting, but unexpectedly they met a fellow traveler.

They met Long Yan.


Two hours ago.

In the afternoon.

Riding in the car, laughing and joking all the way, dragging the giant crab claws that Gwen and Curse Blade had hunted, the first team-building activity of the Secret Detective Curse Blade branch began.

According to Curse Blade, this team building is an activity to ‘enhance the friendship of new members’.

But according to what Rabbit said, it was Curblade who was on vacation just to catch fish.

"...lazy, huh?"

Gwen looked at Curse Blade's back. It was hard to imagine that Curse Blade was a lazy person.

"It's laziness. Our secret agent has gained a reputation recently, and many commissions are falling like snowflakes. In order to avoid working too hard, we must be reasonably lazy, right? Right, Mihaila!"

shouted the rabbit.

Mihayla who was walking in front turned around and replied: "Really? But Mihayla doesn't care?"

Tomia glanced at him and patted her belly happily - she didn't know why this mastodon liked to pat her belly, she obviously didn't have a small belly - she said in a tone that seemed honest but actually was full of anger.

: "Mihaila doesn't care, but Mihaila's dress is so beautiful today! Did she choose it specially?"

This person has a special ability.

That is to say the weird words with a smile, just like Nadeshiko's words in the swing camp. It seems extremely inoffensive, but if you think about it carefully...


Mihira thought about it.

His face instantly turned red, and he was wrapped in a snow-white fur cloak that was specially sent out for him. Just as he was about to say something sarcastic, he saw Tomia's dazzling big eyes and curious expression.

...it doesn't look like it was intentional.

All I can do is endure this humiliation, smile shyly, and look back.

Then, Tomia turned her head and looked at Gwen, showing a big smile.

"I bet..." the rabbit lowered his voice and looked very careful, "...it took Mihaila a long time to figure out that the mastodon was so angry with him."

Her position in the food chain is being squeezed rapidly.

She belongs to the kind of person who has both IQ and EQ, but they all work on the monthly card system.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend money every month to maintain it.

Rather, her peak IQ and EQ are refreshed at 4:00am every day.

She didn't understand.

As a Wilgi, increasing the number of Wilgis in the team will not bring you any benefits.

In the past, she and Sparkle were the only ones in the entire team, and then there was the Dark Cat, and then there was the Desert Cat. The Dark Cat was more obedient than her, and the Desert Cat was better at fighting than her.

And Farah, Long Rongen, is also awesome.

Tomia is an insidious elephant who almost threatens Gwen's second-in-command position.

Her status in the food chain suddenly plummeted, almost to the level of a gray tower.

Gwen smiled at her and was about to say something when the team stopped.

In front of them, a decorated camp was pulled off the camouflage net and appeared in view.

Two people were sitting on a long log outside the camp.

One of them was young and beautiful, wearing a nice knight helmet, a traveling knight's armor, and a cowhide wine bag in his hand.

Her voice is very neutral:

"There's someone here, friends."

And next to this man is a man in armor.

He is Curse Blade's father-killing enemy, and he is also the perverted lord with a murderous habit that Curse Blade talks about.

Dragon Flame.

Long Yan, who is covered in armor, is extremely tall, giving the impression that he is Sauron on the battlefield in the memory flashback in the first part of The Lord of the Rings. He is at least over two meters tall, ranging from 2.3 to 2.5 meters.

?Gwen is hard to identify.

The red and bright steel-colored armor on his body is very dazzling.

The plastron made of pieces of dragon scales also looks ferocious but stylish.

The helmet is a dragon-horned helmet, but it is as ferocious and terrifying as a demon's helmet.

Underneath the armor is a void, a black hole.

You can feel his gaze, but you can't get any feedback. You can feel a source of power spreading unconsciously, making people feel thirsty both physically and mentally, and their eyes are dry.

[Sukka! Those little bastards must have never seen Long Yan, but they will never confuse me with him if they see him once!]

Although Gwen's source of power is also related to flames, it is more about the concept of 'warmth'.

The various cruel rumors spread by Long Yan are also related to the nature of his power.

‘Thirsty’ and ‘boiling’, this is the essence and concept of the dragon flame source power.

It felt like if you looked directly at him for more than a few seconds, all the water in your body would boil or evaporate.

With this terrifying source of power, Gwen felt that she didn't even have a 10% chance of winning if she faced him head-on.

However, at this time, Long Yan was doing something completely inconsistent with the Long Yan in Gwen's imagination.

He was peeling an apple with a serious look on his face (although he couldn't see his face) and used a very cool meteorite steel sword that came with him. The technique was exquisite, and even after peeling a whole apple, the skin was still intact.

Noticed Gwen's gaze.

He looked up and looked over.

In the black hollow under the helmet, there was a twisted flame.

A moment.

Gwen 'reads' it.

He read about endless penance.

He saw an endless desert railroad track.

He saw Long Yan dragging his meteorite steel sword and his armor in pieces as he walked on a long road with no end.

next moment.

He came back to his senses and felt a little uneasy about his distraction.

The source of power is amazing.

He has the power of prophecy and the ability to look back. But why can he read Long Yan's past? Although it is only fragmented information and cannot be sure whether it is true or false, it is not reasonable.

"Dragon Flame." Cursed Blade put his hands in his pockets, and his body seemed to be trembling slightly.

Gwen thought of the hound.

Remembered the past.

In the animal world, sometimes hounds will tremble all over when they see scary animals, but they will not run away. The resilience of these hounds is enough to amaze everyone.

At this time, the cursed blade feels like this.

She called the other party in a very familiar and familiar tone.

The goodwill he pretends is just like some people shouting after watching the Chow Mein Festival, "Killing you ten times is not enough." It is full of a mixture of comedy and tragedy.

For the Curse Blade.

Long Yan seemed to know him too.

He made a second move that Gwen hadn't thought of.

He actually gently put the apple into the basket, and then slowly stood up with the sword in hand.


His steps were heavy.

In Gwen's sight, the ground turned into a lake, a calm lake surface.

As Long Yan stepped forward, ripples were sensed.

The spread of source power is easy for people to experience.

Gwen noticed that Mihayla was ready to fight. He saw Tomia and Farah seem to take a step back, and saw the rabbit leaning a little closer to him, and Gray Tower's silly hands quietly

Put it on the gun handle.


Cursed Blade is not a dwarf, she is nearly 1.8 meters tall, but in front of Long Yan, this height makes her look like an underage girl, only reaching Long Yan's chest.

The armor covering the whole body is not bulky.

It even gives people a ‘healthy’ feeling.

But the feeling of being covered in steel armor gave people a very oppressive visual impact, especially the scene where the cursed blade looked like an underage child in front of him.

Will there be a fight?

Will I support Curse Blade immediately like Gray Tower without any distractions?

Will I be as crazy as Mihira to experience the true combat power of a commander?

Gwen wasn't sure.

Gwen wasn't even sure she would escape.

You won't run away from a tiger, because it's just a tiger.

You won't run away from a giant bear, because it's just a giant bear.

But when faced with an overwhelming tsunami, faced with a devastating natural disaster, Gwen would run away. And the oppressive force of the dragon flame in front of her is like a natural disaster - not the more updated settings,

The Clown King squatting on the toilet looks more and more clownish - if he relies solely on physical strength, then Gwen can be sure that this group of people on her side...

Gwen looked back and counted, she was probably a person, Mihira was a person, Cursed Blade was a person, and Tomia was an actress at most.

What's wrong!

There are only four people, how can four people start the game?

The others are at best wild monsters and minions, the kind who even if they rush in front of Longyan, the commentator will only say "the soldiers have entered the tower". In Longyan, bkb's Battle Fury and Thirst obviously debuted.

In front of a top-notch suture monster warrior with a bloody battle ax and bloody hands, I'm afraid it's just a matter of one blow.

This feeling is terrible.

Gwen thought to herself.

The Cursed Blade standing in front raised his head and stared at Long Yan with his neck stretched out.

About two seconds passed?

Long Yan spoke quietly.

His voice is dry but a little greasy, a bit like Agent Smith in The Matrix.

King Elrond of Utopia, said:

"Is this your new team?"


"I've heard something, but I can't tell you the source of the information directly." Long Yan was also easier to talk than expected, "I heard that you are trying the terrible idea of ​​the March Church. Although if you think it's because of that, it sounds very

Ridiculous rumors, I have nothing to lose by trying to summon the power of mind flayers, rainy night butchers or murderers in the fog into reality, thereby causing death. But your team solved it for me.

Less trouble.”

Although Long Yan’s line reading skills are very good.

But the tone of King Elrond's voice made Gwen really unable to help but be distracted by thinking about when the other party would say: 'Mr. Anderson.'

It's so funny.

Female Severus and Sauron version of Agent Smith.

Gwen doesn't know if there will be a chemical reaction between these two people, but Curse Blade's loving expression of wanting to strangle each other is definitely a classic among classics.

Since it didn't look like there would be a fight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and each took their things and ran to Long Yan's camp to communicate with the other team's team.

High-quality Source Envoys are rare in Utopia.

Therefore, at this level, which is probably within the level of the Source Power Messenger who can single-kill a Bone Demon, most of the encounters in the wild are in a friendly state. Even wanted criminals like Li Qi will be the first to deal with them when they encounter them.

It was also a friendly exchange for a while, and then we started fighting separately.

This is the norm.

Gwen started chatting with the Source Power scholar who was sitting next to Long Yan before.

By the way - the other party was kind enough to point them to a road to another uninhabited camping spot, which also had hot springs. It was almost back-to-back with the camp here, separated by a 60-meter-thick road.

Just stones.

"Brother, what's your name?"

The beautiful girl with short hair asked this. She has a kind of androgynous beauty, not the strong one, but the kind with big eyes and delicate facial features.

As he asked, he was handed a cup of mushroom tea.

——She took a sip of the tea that was handed to her.

Although Gwen was a little hesitant, he still reached out and took the tea cup. This is a custom in this wilderness. In order to show his sincerity that he has not poisoned, he usually takes a sip first...

After getting the tea cup, Gwen used her power to detect one side without changing her expression before continuing to drink.

——And this kind of behavior can only be regarded as a custom, because there are too many ways to poison at the same time, and the best way is to use source power to check.

"I'm Gwen from the fellow villager account, how about you?"

The tea is good.

It seems that there are good benefits for following Long Yan.

Gwen let out a sigh of satisfaction.

The red face attracted the attention of the beautiful girl next to her. She couldn't take her eyes away. She licked her lower lip, coughed lightly, and replied in an awkward and terrifying whisper: "Vivian from fellow countryman, really.

What a coincidence, we are actually fellow villagers! We are fellow villagers with the name of fellow villagers, da la?"

She told a bad joke that was definitely not funny.

If Gwen hadn't smiled, the situation would have been extremely embarrassing.

Gwen responded with a shallow smile filled with pity and compassion.

The other party breathed a sigh of relief and told a few cold jokes one after another.

Finally, we chatted awkwardly with him for a while about shopping, clothes, cute bags on various trains, etc.

To be honest, this is like a junior otaku in school who discovers that the beautiful girl in his class has a two-dimensional mobile phone case, and wants to get close to her and tell her two two-dimensional jokes to build a good relationship with her.

Many times, people will gradually lose their ability to communicate in an abnormal environment.

For example, for people who are overly depressed, the first thing they hear when they hear someone else's concern is often not, 'Someone cares about me, there are good people in this world,' but 'Haha! There are still soft persimmons!' and then they go crazy.

In the end, when no one cares about me, I will feel sad again, ‘Why doesn’t anyone care about me?’.

Although this is an extreme phenomenon.

But the awkward chat with Miss Vivian in front of her had already made Gwen feel that the other party had such a sign.

What should he say at this time?

Should I say proudly that I am a dirty woman (Utopian women), or I should scold me, "You rotten woman, have you never seen a boy as cute as me?".

It's really unimaginable.

My old brother also has such a day.

However, at this time, he also deeply understood why some female netizens in previous lives spent boring time dealing with boring dog licking. Probably, it was because raising dogs was really fun.

Sister Vivian is a good person.

She actually gave Gwen the sliced ​​dragon flames. You know, this is equivalent to the apple peeled by Kuchiki Byakuya with his Zanpakutō. Such a terrifying concept, even in the early days of Nantong fan fiction, it was

OOC behavior that is so serious that even OOC readers cannot accept it - okay, okay, Ryuen is not like Byakuya Kuchiki, more like... forget it!

This apple contains rich energy substances.

On the one hand, it shows that Brother Long Yan is not that good at peeling apples so he cheated. On the other hand, it tells all living beings that Yuanli is a miracle. You can do whatever you want with this free wishing spell.

It's quite delicious.

Gwen was satisfied with the taste of the fruit, and made an agreement like a gift, allowing the other party to make an appointment first if she wanted to call someone for help in the future.

How arrogant.

How confident.

But countless men and women fell into this trap, and even if it was a little bit mean, Sister Vivian remembered it like a treasure.

With this expression, Gwen could still hear Vivian's colleagues teasing her after she followed the Curse Blade.

"Vivian, why are you acting like Ron? Oh, no, you are Ron!"

"Shut up, you Sukka dog and cat."


The rabbit came closer.

Before Gwen could ask, "What did Curse Blade and Long Yan talk about?", she asked first: "Tell me, is that woman interested in you?"

Gwen hated questions like this, so she laid a trap: "Why do you ask that?"

Judging from the character of the rabbit, he must be impatient to explain.

The rabbit said: "Huh? Can't I just be a little curious?"

Trigger keywords.

Gwen struck back at the rabbit, cat, and cat with lightning like a crab's lightning strike back at a cursed blade.

First, his eyes widened with a look of horror, and then he stuck out his tongue with a hesitant look on his face: "You are not interested in me, are you?"


In order to avoid the angry rabbit, Gwen ran to the front to sit with Tomia, who was not trustworthy, and touched Farah's dragon tail by the way.

After that, in less than ten minutes’ drive, we arrived at the new campsite and met a new hot spring.

Gwen and Mihaila wore swimming trunks, Gray Tower almost lost his eyesight, and the secret agent Elephant changed into a snow-white swimsuit that was extremely conservative and perfectly suited her appearance - this swimsuit actually covered her thighs and arms.

Well, you can't say this is not conservative. But the only problem is that this is a snow-white swimsuit.

Desert Cat and Farah dealt with the snow-white crab meat that looked chewy.

The moment when the carapace was taken apart, Gwen even felt a little regretful.

"Why did I only leave one hand of crab meat? I should have left two hands!"

Although this is just a joke.

Among the crazy four-armed crabs, I found an opportunity to use the princess with one eye of fire to control the opponent for half a second, and then let the cursed blade use the monkey version of the eight-knife flash - the result, both in terms of visual effects and attack methods, was amazing.

It can only be said that it was a sharp move - he chopped off one of Crab Burou's front claws with great difficulty, and made the opponent go completely berserk.

Gwen and Curse Blade ran like dead dogs before dragging Crab Burou's front paw that looked like a middle finger out of the hatred range.

And struggled to find a car to go home.


"It sounds like you were almost killed by that crab."

Tomia said curiously.

Conservative swimsuits, bold color choices, and cute stickers.

This big elephant village makes people feel like their elephants are about to start a feast.

Even Mihaila, the Burning Spirit, didn't dare to turn her head and look over.



Gwen has evolved. There is clarity in his heart, and it can be said that he has reached the level of the reverse Zhenguan world (a world with the concept of Zhen*reversal).

Ha! Woman!

Now you are 'men'.

Therefore, he looked over openly and turned his head with a blush the next second.

Gwen forgot that even in the normal Zhenguan world, there are moments when Uncle Black’s huge chicken legs make people blush and their hearts beat. And the size and shape of the mastodon Tomia is the top black foreign student in the reverse Zhenguan world. If

Those foreign students who love to read "The Wife of the Battle Lane, Your Car Drives So Good" will definitely feel that it is extremely Soca's cowhide in terms of the use of shadows, the shaping of the atmosphere, and the plot of the whole costume.

He is just like the fallen heroine.

I can only say the word "big".

"Of course." He heard his voice tremble a little, saw his thighs coming together, and felt that his face was already red.

"Hey~ That's amazing, Mr. Gwen."

Tomia put an arm around his shoulder, very familiar.

Toot toot—

It feels like heat is coming out of my head.

"But the power of this crab is really weird, it can actually counterattack super fast..."

"Hey, this is a kind of source ability called 'conditioned reflex'. It is one of the passive abilities of source ability. Generally speaking, it is a way to let the source force drag the body."

Tomia blinked: "Do you know? When we usually step on this space, why do we step on the ground instead of floating up? It's because there is a force that allows us to keep the downward weight...


Next, Gwen was introduced to gravity.

By the way, this theory is quite advanced in Utopia, which is quite unsettling. After all, some of the technologies in Utopia are not outdated even in modern times, and are very cool. But these basic theories...

Gwen could only pretend to be interested and nod.

The final conclusion is this.

The source ability of Crab Meatless should be that when triggered, it can make the entire crab become weightless, and at the same time exert a spiral force - not the kind you think - in short, it is the little crab that makes Crab Meatless

The top spins, and through the inertia of high-speed rotation, the return of gravity after the source force is triggered, and the exertion of its own weight and strength, it delivers a terrifying blow!

This blow did not turn the cursed blade into a sword.

"Anyway, I almost died." Gwen was still frightened.

But I feel a little happy.

This sense of adventure is great.

Dancing on the tip of the knife.

If you are not careful in an instant, you will be killed.


Although this feeling is very abnormal, it is really pleasant and relaxing both physically and mentally.

No, if I continue like this, I might become a complete Utopian.

Don't want this kind of thing.

...Gwen took a deep breath and saw the cursed blader wearing a one-piece swimsuit jumping down holding a plate.

"Your crab meat, Suka's, is really big!"

When Gwen got it, she was shocked.

The crab meat pile is the same type as the Thanksgiving turkey.

You can see the clear texture on the snowflake-white meat, as well as a little bit of charred blackness from grilling on the iron plate, plus the orange-yellow specially made sesame oil.

Gwen swallowed.

At the same time, I heard a lot of cat lights meowing.

Looking up and back, I saw a large number of cat lanterns being attracted here and being fed crab meat. These cat lanterns brought various small commodities to trade with them.


Gwen picked up her fork and ate a piece.

The meat is fresh and tender!

Rich creamy aroma with a coconut-like scent!

Smooth mouthfeel.

You can hear a crunching sound when you chew it.

The clearly textured shreds of meat make people couldn’t help but shout:

"Crab, no meat!"


So delicious!

Originally, Gwen was still thinking in her mind, ‘In addition to satisfying the fun of death-defying adventure for me and her, this adventure with Curse Blade is worth it?’.

But now the answer is obvious:

Everything is worth it.

The deliciousness of this crab meat has exceeded expectations.

It almost tastes like it’s pickled.

There is no fishy smell at all.

The Cursed Blade next to him also ate very happily.

Gwen patted the other party's hair.

"What's wrong, Zoe."

"Aren't you and Long Yan at odds with each other? Why do you think you two are quite familiar with each other?"

"Obligation and hatred are not the same thing. I hate him not because he killed my parents. As traditional indulgence believers, my parents are just a spare ration as a daughter. But my obligation makes me

To take revenge, this hatred drives me, but I don’t hate him... You know some competing companies, right?"

"heard about it."

"Why do employees of one company have hatred for employees of another company? Don't be stupid, we just work in different companies. How can this kind of hatred exist? It's just a competitive relationship. But what's interesting is that companies often

Fans of another company want to kill fans of another company... I asked you to assassinate him. It’s so serious and it’s just an obligation, do you understand?”

Gwen understood what the curse blade meant.

Probably: Don't provoke Long Yan, although it doesn't matter if you kill him, but now it is obvious that he can kill you casually.

"Then what did you talk about?"

After Gwen understood the hint, she began to wonder what Long Yan said.

"A lot of self-righteous, persuasive and condescending advice from a high place." Cursed Blade said in a strange tone, "It probably means, let's not get involved in the strange story, we can't control it."

"Did he really say that?"

"Anyway, that's the general meaning. I didn't deliberately misinterpret what he meant. Even if you chat with him in person, he will tell you this point of view without any scruples. Look, what a great commander.


Does Curseblade hate Dragon Flame?

Gwen couldn't tell clearly, but Curse Blade definitely didn't like Dragon Flame.

Maybe it's jealousy? Maybe it's because he naturally hates the other person after passing the hatred training? In short, Cursed Blade has extremely malicious and unhappy feelings towards Long Yan. This feeling is even a bit like the feeling of hatred born out of love.

"I thought you were old acquaintances," Gwen said.

"We did know each other quite early. At that time, Long Yan was still a good person with a good personality..."

Cursed Blade still said this.

Gwen frowned subtly.

It seems that similar versions of the same words have been heard from Mihayla and Sparks:

'The Cursed Blade back then was actually a good person with a pretty good personality...'

Sukka, is this the so-called inheritance?

I don’t want such a tricky inheritance...

Fortunately, the story of Long Yan is still very interesting.

Long Yan's experience in this world is like, well, like a combination of the android teacher Fukada and the flat-chested and big-butt girl representative Matsumoto-sensei. His road to success is full of amazing legendary stories.

There are many stories in them that Curse Blade cannot tell.

For example, she couldn't tell Teacher Long Yan... No, Long Yan Ichika... Nor, Long Yan Yongmei... Forget it, I hope it's okay... In short, the curse blade couldn't tell how Long Yan destroyed a car back then.

The wanted criminal of the commander level caused the only death of a commander in Utopia in the past ten years. There are many versions of this story, but none of them have been confirmed by the parties involved.

However, Cursed Blade can tell everyone the story of how the young version of Teacher Long Yan transformed from a sunny boy to a gloomy Skywalker covered in iron armor.

Young Long Yan is not a very powerful source of power, but he has intelligence and a brave heart.

"...He dared to charge five horse-shaped water monsters. It was very bold to dare to charge such a formation back then."

From this point of view, maybe Long Yan is really a Skywalker.

Because later he met a famous teacher and a master, who took him to the academy and gave him higher education in a real sense.

"...Long Yan is very studious. He once asked me how to answer some questions because he didn't understand them."

It can be said that this is a young man who is a perfect protagonist template.

At that time, even if Cursed Blade didn't think that 'Long Yan would become a great source of power', he at least thought that the other party would 'make some achievements, and maybe become a person who has made achievements in academic fields'.

That's right, even Curse Blade's eyes were wrong this time.

Although Cursed Blade was innocent and said that he made judgments based on the scenery in his mind, no one imagined what the young man whose inner scenery was a beautiful sea of ​​flowers would eventually become.

When Gwen gave examples before, she said that the spiritual landscape is something difficult to change.

Even people like Gwen who pretend to be converts cannot change flexibly.

Therefore, if you want to turn Dragon Flame Skywalker into Darth Dragon Flame, a huge change like Batman will naturally occur!

"The accident happened like that. Long Yan was born in a declining family. His elder was once the lord of the fellow villager. But he was just a boy with several younger brothers and sisters, his parents were born in Japan, and a cousin who was very good to him.

My cousin is here, he is just a young man with a happy family, maybe he was already happy at that time."

The little happiness was ruined.

At present, we don’t know whether it was the enemies of the Long Yan family who took action, or whether they were simply indulgent and decided to choose a representative family when selecting people to take the pot... In short, the Long Yan family was completely gone and was engulfed by the raging sea of ​​fire.


Underneath the pain and anger, Long Yan's spiritual landscape was completely and permanently changed.

From that day on, he was Long Yan.

He took the ashes of his family and chased them all the way, killing all his enemies, and then went to an unknown strange place. When he came back, the armor was like a curse.

It's on him.

"From that day on, although he still came to school and learned knowledge, he had completely changed. Even the teacher did not dare to stay in front of him for a moment longer. He seemed to have murdered all his hobbies and became a mere

A self-interested creature who seizes the supreme power of being a fellow villager."

"That sounds really scary," said the rabbit.

Tomia held her chin and nodded seriously: "I have heard similar stories. Many people suspected that Long Yan had signed some terrible contracts with the devil. But later on, in the commander referendum, Long Yan

He still accepted the purity test, and there was no evidence that he was a devil or a devil. Therefore, many commanders can only think that Long Yan became a strong man overnight..."

She smiled and shook her head as she spoke: "This statement only exists in rare cases. Long Yan, who is already a source of power, should not be able to use those abilities. And his name has also been permanently changed.

, we only know that he is Long Yan, but we can’t remember what his name is... This is an obvious trace of a deal with the devil. I think this kind of trace can already represent that he is a devil.


while they were discussing.

Gwen began to recall the source of dragon flames.

Recall the ‘scene’ you saw.

That infinitely lonely and lonely world. That road with no end in sight.

What kind of person would he be?

Gwen became curious, and at the same time she felt like she wanted to fight Long Yan once.

He closed his eyes and thought about it for a while.

Sure enough, one cannot appreciate the oppressive force of dragon flames from a distance.

The pressure from that body is also very terrifying.

About two meters tall.

The extension of the attack distance brought by the arm length is also terrifying. Coupled with the meteorite steel sword it is holding, the lethality and range are no joke.

The extension of the attack distance brought by the source power is not very important to the two powerful source power messengers.

The source power offsets the source power, and the remaining close combat depends on physical fitness.

Unfortunately, with Gwen's height, unless she picks up that ruby ​​spear, her attack distance cannot be compared with her opponent's.

At the same time, Gwen also found that he had made a wrong judgment when observing from a distance.

That is, 'Heavy armored warriors like Long Yan should not move very fast'.

The speed attribute of Dragon Flame is definitely not weak.

Even overwhelmingly strong.


Mihayla slipped over quietly, while the others were eating crab meat and chatting.


He said: "...I wonder if you have a feeling, that is, Long Yan, his movements seem to be much smoother than others?"

This is it.

Gwen nodded seriously: "Of course I noticed."

This is an important argument for Long Yan’s speed!

People like Gwen and Mihaila who have a little knowledge of martial arts know that some people's movements are naturally one or two frames faster than others. If you practice this talent, you can form an extremely pleasing dance.

However, if they are raised from an early age, it is not impossible to become people like Gwen and Mihayla.

But Long Yan is extremely exaggerated.

If we say that the general feeling of this world - in the eyes of people with martial arts foundation and talent - a normal person is about 35 frames, with relatively stiff movements; a trained person is about 45 frames, and a powerful source of power is basically

The smooth experience is locked at 60 frames. Stronger ones, such as Curse Blade, can run a high frame rate mode of nearly 90 frames under serious circumstances, and the movements are smooth and smooth!

Even speaking, for ordinary people, movements that would leave afterimages would be made faster by the Cursed Blade without leaving any afterimages. This sense of smoothness represents the unity of spirit, energy, and spirit.

Long Yan, on the other hand, prematurely entered an era that this world should not have.

The era of 240 frames.

——Isn’t every commander at the commander level so fierce?

Gwen thought.

Mihaila saw what he was thinking and rolled her eyes: "Long Yan is definitely among the top among all city-level car commanders. You know, he is a town-level car commander."

, not even urban level.”


This chapter has been completed!
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