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Chapter 124: Lost at night will inevitably meet a mysterious girl

Sweet sleep, with the warmth of the soft, self-heating mattress, your body seems to be floating in a warm, shaded summer pool.

A feeling that seems like a dream and seems real gradually spreads.

From top to bottom, the eyelids gradually droop.

Soft and a little numb from the tailbone to the spine.

The fingers seemed to be wrapped in warm beeswax, and they seemed to make a crisp clicking sound whenever they were moved.

Thoughts gradually drift away.

Gwen looked at the ceiling and felt that it was the sky, the starry sky.


He sank into the water, but could breathe freely.

He fell asleep.

In the dream everything was turned upside down.

I dreamed of a school, a weird school. It was an ouroboros made up of carriages, with another one on top, traveling in the opposite direction.

In class, Gwen saw herself, in a third-person sense. She was wearing blue and white sportswear.

"Originally I thought sportswear was ugly."

He looked at himself, this Gwen version of himself, with his slightly fleshy thighs wrapped in tight sportswear pants and the shape of his legs and hips, and couldn't help but sigh.

The top contrast boy belongs to.

Cursed Blade is wearing the same sportswear and sitting in the penultimate row of the teacher's room by the window. It's very good, the protagonist's seat.

What about me? Her neighbor is better, the heroine.

At the same time, there were male and female classmates from previous lives, each sitting at the table reading.

Some are familiar and some are unfamiliar.

Utopia, Earth, and some special...

Dong Dong - a huge cat wearing a sportswear coat slipped in, sat down in the back row of the classroom, and started eating snacks.

"Is this the time before class?"

Gwen waited with nostalgia and curiosity, and waited.

Time seemed to never move forward, and the time before class lasted forever. There was no teacher, no bell, only the buzzing sound of discussion, and the sound of the classmates at the same table playing handheld devices in silence with their heads lowered.

Gwen patted her deskmate who had his head lowered.

The other party raised her head, and her hair color and hairstyle had changed at some point. She had long black hair and blue eyes. She had a name that everyone was familiar with:

Gwen the Mind Flayer.

What did she say.

Gwen said something too.

The sound began to be stripped away, and Gwen felt an urge to urinate, so she walked out of the classroom and went to the bathroom.

The strange thing is that when you find the bathroom, there are always various things that prevent you from going to the bathroom.

After the third time.

Gwen suddenly realized:

"This is a dream."

Wake up.

With a warm mattress and a thick quilt, Gwen opened his eyes. His vision was a little dark at first, and then became slightly brighter. A small firelight allowed him to clearly see the large oil painting in the room, which was said to be the oil painting of Long Yan's ancestor.

——A middle-aged man with a beautiful moustache, deep eye sockets and a high bridge of nose, a typical Eastern European handsome boy. He has extraordinary equipment and is wearing armor that is said to be left by Long Yan's ancestors.

By the way, let me tell you a story that destroyed the romance in the hearts of Utopians.

This ancestral armor is a typical Ship of Theseus. It undergoes precise maintenance and replaces some parts every month, as well as modifications. By the time of Long Yan, this armor that originally looked a bit bloated has become more

The slimming type.


After being stunned for a while, Gwen felt a little nostalgic for the warm and soft bed. Although the bed in Wuyuanren was also very comfortable, it was incomparable to the guest rooms in Longyan Castle.

We can't stay any longer. If we stay any longer, we'll wet the bed... Gwen's face turned red, and she carefully lifted the quilt. She got out of bed, raised the oil lamp, and looked at the rangers next to the fireplace.

Most of the rangers are Ron. Most of them sleep with their legs on their sides and their heads on their arms. It's a bit like sleeping on their sides, much like how large dogs sleep.

Gwen stepped on the slippers and saw that Heather's dog ears had moved sensitively.

In less than half a second, the wolf dog Ron raised his head, straightened his back, and looked in Gwen's direction.

There was a rather vigilant tone in those misty eyes.

But after two seconds, she puffed out her face and muttered again, resting her face on her arms, her whole body sank a little as if soft, and she breathed evenly again.

"This is a level of alertness I have never seen from a red dog..."

Sure enough, there is still a little difference between a puppy and a wolf, right?

Gwen wiped her eyes and walked out holding the oil lamp.

The lights in the corridor outside the guest room have been turned off, with only dark lanterns lighting up, and a sleeping cat lamp providing light. Under the light, you can see the well-built secret agents and rangers enjoying the silence.

, sitting on the ground with his back against the wall and reading under the lighting of a cat lamp.

The carpets in Longyan Castle are also made of relatively luxurious wool blankets.

It is much cleaner than the floors in many people's homes, so this place has become like a suite living room in a summer camp for primary school students.

Some people even put down the chessboard and card board.

Mostly Wilgi.

That is to say, most of them are secret agents. Because there are more Wilgis among secret agents, while there are only a small proportion of Wilgis among the rangers. Although it is very inappropriate to evaluate the character based on race, Gwen

We can still understand the occurrence of this situation. A large part of people's personality traits come from their childhood education and the atmosphere of the community. In ancient times, in the industrial age, which is now Utopia, racial communities had a great impact.


For example, after a Wilgi is born, his personality may be more lively and love to cause trouble, which is very similar to Rongen's personality.

Then, she grew up under the care of her lazy big cat elders.

I don’t have many friends. After reading books and studying every day, I want to vent my excess energy, but I find that my parents don’t play with me at all.

In the end, his personality gradually declined towards the standard Wilgi, and finally he became a happy cat.

This is the future for most of the Welgi Source Force Envoys.

Ordinary people are more likely to be improved by this kind of community, but there are more bad things, such as racial discrimination, hatred of other lives, greed for money and laziness...

This is where the charm of community education comes from.

Wilgi is very curious, has a strong ability to cause trouble, and is maverick. He likes to go out in small groups and use individuals as the unit of action.

Rongen, on the other hand, has strong discipline and has been taught to value honor since he was a child. In the end, this emphasis became a disease, or became a strong pillar of support for them. Therefore, becoming a ranger can be a good thing for Rongen people.

It's a very common thing to say.

On the way, Gwen also saw a rabbit playing with other Welji cats.

The rabbit performed quite well this time.

As one of the few members who specializes in train science, she easily helped her team find many dangerous creatures buried underground.

It can be said that he was favored instantly.

By the way, most of the team members she chose to join were from Wilgi.

It's amazing that the Wilgis who are Rangers are definitely a T0-level team (provided they are really willing to join, act in accordance with the Rangers' rules, and ensure adequate training).

The Wilgi people's innate neural firing ability gives them a unique ability to use firearms.

——But unfortunately, it is usually Ron'en's Source Force Users who feature firearms. This is probably because Ron'en's Source Force Users study hard and practice hard and stay up late to shoot guns, hehe.

Gwen passed the group of cats.

Halfway through, the cat lantern landed on my head again.

It seems that powerful messengers like him are very popular among cat lanterns.

Even if Long Yan is such a powerful and feared source of power, Mao Deng is not afraid to get close to him.

Most cat lights have this kind of personality.


Gwen breathed a sigh of relief after taking care of her personal hygiene problem.

Longyan Castle is a bit big, and it takes a while to walk from the guest room to the bathroom.

By the way, in Utopia, the bathroom and bathroom are very separate. Even if they have to be in the same room, different colored floors will be used to distinguish the areas.

Clean and sanitary in a good way.

From a malicious point of view, it may be because most of the people in Utopia are animal-eared people and have a certain degree of color blindness. If they don't distinguish, Ron might solve the problem in the bathtub when he is anxious.

After leaving the bathroom, Gwen discovered something strange.

He's a little lost.

Dragon Flame Castle is a bit like a luxurious version of Castlevania, with complex terrain and a moving spiral staircase similar to Hogwarts.

When Gwen got lost, she actually went to the top of the Star Observation Tower.

When he saw the three moons in the sky, he didn't take it seriously.

Then I saw the astronomical telescope and started to feel a little uneasy.

Finally, after observing the exquisite design like a birdcage and a large number of golden railings, this environment shows that this should be a star observation tower.

Gwen once studied the structure of Longyan Castle on the Sky Sightseeing Teahouse Train, so this eye-catching star observation tower naturally caught his attention.

It seems that only some servants usually clean here, and occasionally some students come here to study.

Longyan Castle is also responsible for cultivating a part of the Source Force Envoys. These people can be regarded as Longyan's private soldiers and the Longyan family's private soldiers.

——It must be said that the authorities are actually closer to the emperors of the West, with the greatest claim rights and an absolutely core core territory. The major lords still have the independent right to recruit troops, and the small lords under the local lords are also

Department leaders also have the right to recruit private soldiers.

Among the Western feudal history that Gwen knows, many people will be curious, why does a knight lord need five or six servants?

Some people even conclude that fighting in the West is just like the Warring States Period in Japan, it is a village chief war (in fact, whether it is the Japanese Warring States Period or the European Middle Ages, the scale of the war between the two is not only full of a kind of unlearned war).

Arrogance, and a ridiculous ignorance that doesn't even read books).

In fact, servants are the master's private soldiers.

I have to die with the masters!

——The reason why we don’t live and die together is because of my identity. Is a mud-legged person worthy of living with me?

Gwen was thinking wildly, wanting to exit and prepare to find a new way.

A voice stopped him:

"Why does a strange visitor not stay and chat about this empty night, but wants to go out and return to the castle where thousands of evil spirits are bound?"

He turned around.

In the middle of the star observation tower, a girl holding a red cat lantern appeared out of nowhere.

That long hair that looks like burning waves will never be forgotten.

It left a strong visual impression.

The girl's face is very delicate and has a mixed-race style.

She is the kind of person who looks like a Westerner at first glance, but also has a delicate face and appearance that is Eastern. She is wearing a gorgeous long dress that is estimated to be sold for hundreds of military items.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? I am nothingness, I am void, I am the most laborious part of this night's reflection." She smiled, then spread her hands, "Middleria of Dragonstone, they all

Call me this. You can also call me this, stranger, who are you?"

"Gwen from fellow villager." Gwen is used to answering like this.

The other party let out a long low laugh, "Old fellow, oh, yes, fellow. This was once called the land of Dragon Stone. Before the Utopians were driven to the train, this place should have been called Dragon Stone.

, but in a sense, you and I are really fellow villagers."

"Are you lonely?" Gwen couldn't stand the Riddler's chattering and decided to throw a set of charged punches, "Or you have no friends? Otherwise, how could someone catch a stranger and keep talking for a long time?


Middlelia looked so deflated for the first time.

A little dazed.

"If you want to popularize history and this family with me, then you should speak in a gentler tone."

Gwen said: "Even people who promote associations that promote their own beliefs know how to compile a pamphlet, how about you?"


Middleia paused, then slowly opened her mouth and said: "Gwen, you are really a good chatter, and you like to find different ways of thinking from different places."


Although the other party was largely blaming her for being yin and yang, Gwen had already realized a truth through her interactions with so many yin and yang people in Utopia.

That is - as long as you have thick skin, you will be immune to all defenses.

"Your name is Gwen, what does it have to do with the Mind Flayer?"

"I am the Mind Flayer."

Gwen said in her heart: It’s me.

Sister Gezi was nagging, "I am the one among the mind flayers, you? Who are you?" Fortunately, the cats and lanterns closed the curtain again, hehe.

"..." Middleia obviously didn't believe it. She lifted her hair and thought for a moment, "I rarely meet people like you. Are you interested in being friends?"

"You really have no friends?"


Seeing that the other party's expression became a little uncomfortable, Gwen spread her hands and nodded: "But multiple friends always have multiple paths. I have to go back today. I am very sleepy. If you have anything to ask me...

Well, just leave an email calling me at No. 25, Wuyuanren Apartment."


Returning to 4k for a while! 1w a day, I feel like I’m going to be exhausted!


This chapter has been completed!
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