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Chapter 163: Proverbs of Pain

Boom boom boom boom...

Watching the scenery outside the window receding continuously, Gwen felt a surge of pride in her heart: The Sniper Heartcatcher light was running smoothly on a test track for a witch. The witch never seemed to do that.

Error, that is, 'lax quality control'.

This is my boat! My car!

he thinks.

"It's really running! It's strange to say that when I was a child, I always felt that it was nothing if the train was running..."

"Really, Kenny?"

"Yes, even now I think it's nothing, but this train is different. She, she runs really beautifully and makes people's hearts beat."

"I guess it's because it's 'our car'."

Snowness is right, all the special emotions towards the train running in front of her come from this line.

‘our car’.

Gwen was flipping through the witch's elementary school textbook, and next to her was Cat Varo's translation manual.

Although some cats speak cat language, they are no longer as reliable as cat lanterns.

The most important point of the secret of the witch's power is the 'first drop of magic power'. As long as you have the first drop of magic power, you can slowly filter your source power through magic power and turn it into magic power. Use the source power to

All levels are poured into the magic user level. After completing the minimum basic level, you can use the source ability as a magic user.


It should be said to use ‘spell-like and spell-like expertise abilities’.

If you want to transform the first drop of magic power, you need to be infinitely close to the witch's form. And this also means...

"Witch's blood."

Gwen held up a small test tube that he got from Leonardo da Vinci. There was only a drop of blood in it, but the power contained in just such a drop of blood exceeded all the powers he had imagined.

But it is extremely stupid to directly inject the witch's blood to obtain magic power.

Although the witch looks human in appearance, her essence is no longer an extraordinary creature that can be described as 'human'.

There is a virus in their blood that mortals cannot understand.

The power of this higher organism will evolve the body functions of the infected person without limit, and at the same time, it will continuously increase its cell division speed, and will eventually undergo super-speed evolution at hundreds of times the aging rate. Eventually, it will become an almost non-lethal disease.

'vital creature'.

It sounds extremely powerful, but that's what it looks like after successful evolution.

What Gwen has to do is to convert the blood source into energy and slowly absorb it, then slowly transform it over several weeks.

Use the witch's blood little by little to practice spells, then convert a spell into a spell-like spell, and start to draw magic power from the spell-like...

This process is like the infinite water source in MC. First make a well with unlimited water, and then slowly obtain water resources from the well.

"Gwen, are you there!?"

There was a heavy knock on the door, and Cat Varo's voice came from behind the door.

I saw the door being knocked open with a bang.

The chubby cat Varro came in with fifteen cat lanterns on his head.

She looked at Gwen slyly and patted her belly: "Meow, are you there?"


Gwen wanted to answer 'not here', but obviously she couldn't.

"I'm here. Do you have anything to ask me for?"

"Meow, you have to build an insulated corridor for the cats that is half a meter into the ground. The cats' ice cream carriage is so cold!"

This was the third time in one day that the cat came and asked for something to be covered.

Gwen rubbed her temples, stood up, and walked to the commander's room on the second floor.

"Follow me...what style do you want?"

"The cats want to..." The noisy cat lights could not be heard clearly.

Cat Varro caught the kittens one by one and threw them into the room, letting the cats float in the air with dissatisfied meows. However, two kittens had already turned their eyes and went to play tricks on Kenny. The cat light was not

Doing bad things means preparing to do bad things...

Only Varro the Cat was left with Gwen.

After she followed her to the stairs, she dug out a book from her tail and looked behind her cautiously: "Meow, the cat helped you find a notebook that the witch didn't want... See if it helps!"

Very helpful.

Gwen was a little shocked, but she could only accept it with a smile. He would not be polite with these things he needed.

"Can witches also make notebooks?"

"Yes." Cat Varro rubbed his tail, "It's mainly to kill boring time."


Gwen raised her voice.

Learning magic is the most interesting thing. He heard that witches find it boring. He felt like he felt like watching Harry Potter when he was a child: How can he still be bored even if he has magic? If he were not studying 24 hours a day, he wouldn't be able to study magic 24 hours a day.

When you don’t understand, think about the 10,000 MC ways to play the Imperius Curse. You’ll be full of motivation and you’ll be able to click on it, okay?

"It's boring for witches. Their level of technological development allows them to appear anywhere in the world within five minutes. They only need to chat with friends online and make reservations for 'attraction services', and then they can take off at home teleportation stations.

.Cats can also be used! Praise Ms. Du Ningzhuang, meow hahaha!”

"So, it's normal to feel bored in class..." Gwen touched her chin, "...Who is Du Ningzhuang?"

"The founder of the small teleportation station, the witch who turned the global village into a cosmic village. Meow hahahaha. The territory of the witch's empire depends largely on the technology she developed. In the entire multi-faceted universe, there are countless vacant planets. Generally speaking,

The resources are fully sufficient. Therefore, the witches have a request for the witch empire halfway."


Mao Deng sold it and then said slowly: "It can be reached in one day using teleportation, and it can be reached in twenty-five days using starship transportation. This is the limit of the territory of the Witch Empire."

Maowaro can completely lay out the buildings by himself. Currently, the supplies on the car are enough, at least the building materials are enough.

Gwen left the cat to fend for itself.

He himself was looking at the notebook from the side.

The owner of the notebook is named [Faria].

I don't know if it was the witch's innate ability, but Gwen's solemn attitude in researching documents was completely shattered after seeing the first line of words.

At the beginning of the note, the first line written by Faria in her beautiful handwriting was as follows:

[Cuna, someone calls me Ms. Faria again. I’m of mixed race. My name is not Faria, it’s Liya. My surname is Fa! Why do some people regard me as a foreigner again!? Cena,

Order two roast chickens today!]

This may be the witch's racial talent.

They can make something trickier and more interesting.

After Gwen laughed, she learned countless wealth of knowledge. For the witch, these may be just the basics, but for Gwen, who has never been exposed to such a systematic 'energy research subject', it is like playing with Lego.

Once you have the instruction manual, you’re done!

Their textbooks look something like this, with the motto for studying written on the front page. It is said that every school is different.

The motto of Miss Fa's school is:

"Eat more, drink more, and rest more. If you are a genius, someone will take care of you. If you are a fool, at least be a genius among fools and distinguish between ambition and fantasy, and between 'me' and 'her'."

The second page is the time table.

"There are a total of six classes on three days a week. If you ask for leave, you must make up the progress before the next class. If you are below the progress, you will directly repeat the grade to the previous class."

Then it’s time to get down to business.

The first spell taught in this school is 'Word of Pain', which is an entry-level witch spell. It does not require casting materials, and the attack range is up to 40 feet, which is nearly 13 meters. The target is a creature that meets the two conditions.

, [Creature] [Creature determined by the caster], simply put, it is a spell that can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

The effect is to trigger the opponent's pain nerves, causing them to experience extreme pain, resulting in symptoms such as cramps, phantom pain, weakness in the limbs, and difficulty breathing.

After spending extra magic power, it can also cause tingling in the eyes and cochlea pain, as well as a series of serious consequences such as dizziness and reduced vision.

By the way, among the experimental examples written above, there are many live records of gorillas, bugbears and the like.

The fatality rate is as high as 100%. In other words, a monster that can consume more than ten rounds of ammunition can be killed in front of the witch with just one word that has not been used for half a second.

The lethality is astonishing.

However, this seems to be a kind of spell?

Can I really learn it?

Gwen read slowly with this concern.

However, when he first saw it, he said "Huh?", not because it was difficult, but because the principle was quite familiar to him.

The spell model of this spell is 'cone-shaped penetration', which means that the spell effect is 'pierced' into the enemy's body to take effect, and the enemy's own energy and the resistance of the biofield on the body's surface can resist this damage.

Behind the spell model, there is a rather long article describing 'how to make the spell model take effect after being entered'.

Its principles are almost the same as the martial arts Gwen has learned.

By triggering the internal functions of the body, it causes the opponent's body's operation mode to conflict with the brain's default thinking. From the contradiction between the two, pain is triggered. In other words, the principle of this spell is to temporarily block the movement of the creature being cast.

Neuron to make its central effect disappear, and at the same time create magic intangible sharp objects to trigger stimulating reactions.

In other words, this spell is generally a spell for 'human body'.

But as long as you understand the monster's body structure, you can use it simultaneously.

After all, its fundamental effects are relatively low-level effects such as 'triggering muscle cramps and canceling the body's protection of muscles', and 'bladder neck contracture induced by bladder stones'.

That is.


Martial arts is medicine, and magic is also medicine.

Martial arts is magic!

When it came to the aspects of her hard study and training, Gwen suddenly became confident. When she was young, she once persuaded the master not to "wash in cold water". Although he was scolded, it was obvious that the master had suffered a stroke three years later.

This is the ending where the old man has a stronger body and bones...

Gwen hurriedly turned over the two pages. There was not much specific learning content for this spell, but more about 'the knowledge needed to make this spell effective'.

simply put.

This is just like some of the character beautification mods in The Elder Scrolls V. It says "pre-mod" in front of it, and the pre-requisite is the knowledge he needs to make this spell effective.

The part about muscles and neuronal responses in medicine does not require 'complete understanding', because there are two templates in the spell example, 'Words of Pain - for Universal Humanoids' and 'Words of Pain - for Universal Creatures' .

Of course, if you encounter a monster that even witches have never dealt with, or that the witch who wrote the textbook has never encountered, you must continue to collect information about the monster, and it is best to obtain the body (although most of the time You can't make this spell "effective" again until you do some research.

Although it is a bit troublesome, the power is definitely satisfying.

But the part that Gwen was most worried about, 'how to build a spell model', turned out to be surprisingly simple.

As long as you have energy, imitating this spell structure to build a 'occult corridor' can be effective. It is more like a 'chassis' than a 'model'. The witch only needs to prepare a suitable chassis and start stuffing content inside. , and finally, after arranging and testing, it becomes a complete spell model.

What Gwen is learning now is how to use the branding machine.

Want to DIY? That will have to wait for the future.

He started researching and studying with passion.

The progress of learning still exceeded Gwen's expectations.

After watching it all day long, and after experiencing dozens of 'spell model collapses', his understanding of the witch's spells reached another level.

That is, if a mortal wants to understand the witch's spell book, it is equivalent to learning programming from scratch.

All kinds of unexpected failures are discouraging.

If you don't pay attention to one detail, problems will arise in the spell model.

"Cat Varo...why doesn't the witch have something as convenient as the 'Magic Network' for casting spells? You know, the Magic Network."

There was a stove burning in the room, and Cat Varo had openly occupied the position in front of the fireplace in the commander's room, with several kitten lights lying on her back.

The fat cat lamp glanced at her and rubbed his paws: "Meow, no."


Gwen let out a breath, disappointed.

"Meow, these are things that elementary school witches know. Are you going to create an answering machine specifically for solving common sense questions that elementary school students know? The reason why witches' spells are so complex and precious is because they are free from magic. The net, just like several other mage civilizations broke away from the magic net, the fate of the spell caster should be determined by the spell caster himself."

"By the way, how is the operation of the copy?"

Gwen does not rely on Cat Varo, but because this fat cat has the usual characteristics of curiosity and inquiring about information of the Cat Lantern race. Even though she is chubby and just staying here, in fact, after every kitten gets the information , will come back and communicate with her in brief cat lantern language.

"It's okay, Meow. There are currently only ten teams of adventurers waiting to watch. I'm not sure yet whether to pay the ticket fee."

Fat Cat yawned: "They are all adventurers who are probably around level 1-3, Xiao Xiami. Instead, there is a team of Mika's cat people who are asking for information from the cat lanterns. They seem to want to get the first pass reward. It’s a standard six-man group. Each of the tactical assistants has position 1 and position 2, which is very reasonable, but position 1 is only level 2, and position 2 has one who is level 2.”


This chapter has been completed!
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