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Chapter 266: The Separatist Order

The current headquarters of the Cleric Order is not located on the Sniper Cat.

Instead, I rented a small three-story apartment in Xinjie. The rent for the entire building was not expensive, but the location was a little remote.

At the same time, the secret agent helped them rent the access route of the New Street Sewer.

A track was laid to New Street Station.

It is convenient for church members to commute to and from get off work.

——Yes, in Utopia, working in a religious order whether legal or not is a nine-to-five job.

On the day when Gwen announced that she was going to hold the Mind Flayer Service, the churchgoers had no choice but to protest.

Congregant Maria quickly walked into the dressing room with coffee in hand.

In the women's dressing room, two beautiful women were chatting. They were still discussing until Maria walked in.

"Something happened again in the Farland area."

"I heard it was our people who did it?"

"Oh, that's so..."

The speaker stopped because he saw Maria entering.

Maria took a sip of coffee and smiled at the two of them, "Good morning, Lucy, and Ivy."

Lucy is a blond woman with quite cute tiger teeth, a standard Wilgi appearance and pure golden cat ears. "Good morning, Maria, it's great to see you in such good spirits. I heard that you went to visit a foreign land."

A new play from People’s Theater?"

The new play of The Stranger is a manor play about the family's ancestors that offended Long Yan to death.

Contents include:

Capture rare Rongen people and make them pets.

Driving Wilkie the cat into the plantation.

Finally, the small, doll-like variety called Sarao was mutated into the Shad people.

As for the plot - with these elements, is the plot still important? The important thing is to decompress it!

This is a drama that I have watched but can never admit to watching.

Maria said righteously, “I haven’t seen it!”

"Oh, is Saralo's actor as cute as our Mind Flayer Pope this time?"


Ivy, who was silent, her eyes brightened, "Going together?"

"Let's go together!"

The three of them chatted happily, and at the same time they took out the church robes from the closet and prepared to change.

Then a chirping sound came from outside the door.

Maria first frowned, then forced out a fake smile, and the other two companions did the same.

A group of Utopian aunts, not to mention crooked melons and jujubes, but at least crooked melons and jujubes, soon walked in outside the door. They chatted about vulgar topics, even made some vulgar movements, and said "fuck it" and "inside".


Maria couldn't play with them.

I watched helplessly as this group of weirdos occupied the main dressing room. At the same time, they started chatting loudly across the dressing room, and they laughed nervously as they chatted.

The three of them had no choice but to wait nearby and drink coffee.

Compared with this group of congregants, the three of them can be regarded as ladies, so it is normal for them to hang out together. _o_m

However, there is another important prerequisite for them to play together.

That is----

All three sisters are spies.

Maria knew that she came from the Rangers and the authorities, and Ivy probably came from the Crisis Intelligence Service, but she heard that she also received money and did a job in the Utopia People's United Front, which reminded her of herself, alas.

, being a spy is just a job, engaging in political affairs is life! As for Lucy, who knows, listening to Lucy's conversation, she probably comes from the plateau, that is, places like the Academy City or Dragon Castle.

Is it reasonable for a spy to be friends with a spy?

In Utopia this makes sense.

Because to be a spy in Utopia, one must at least graduate from an academy, which leads to the relationship between many spies being that of seniors, juniors, and juniors. In Utopia, where everyone is still studying for an enlightenment degree, it is normal to have a common language.


In addition, in Utopia, it is not that the mortality rate is high because of being a spy, but that the mortality rate is the same in all walks of life.

The focus is not on the profession, but on the race of Utopians.

So without some obstacles, the spies tried to make friends and even organized the organization "Spies Without Borders".

The people here are all fundamentalist spies, and they emphasize one thing: "We go to steal information for no reason, just for fun!"

Maria was a little worried.

It would be great fun if Lucy were a spy without borders.

Fortunately, this sunny girl doesn't seem to be.

The top-floor conference room of Xinjie Stronghold.

Gwen is studying a piece of information brought by Curse Blade.

"Separatism?" Gwen read the information, frowned, and asked with a sigh.

"A dangerous doctrine, which believes that it is best for Utopia to be separated as it was in the past, that is, to be in a state of sustainable war for a long time." Curse Blade explained, "In fact, it is understandable why they think so."

"Do you understand them?"

Gwen made an expression as if she was ready to send a telegram to Long Yan. If a person said that he could understand a madman, then it would be best to arrest him in a mental hospital... Yes, some children like to claim to have various mental illnesses.

It is necessary to create a feeling of "arrogant, born winner, Supo genius". That kind of show, the look created by animation - wearing a corset, smart as if seeing through everything, but also being betrayed by the world...etc., etc.


In particular, madman has become a compliment.

In addition, some people continue to create the idea that "there is only a thin line between genius and madman", but if Gwen tells it, geniuses can use toilet paper and sit on the toilet, while madmen can solve it on the spot and may not know how to use it or have the patience.

Use toilet paper and use your fingers instead…

Although Cursed Blade is crazy, there is still some way to go before he is completely crazy.

"It's not about understanding, it's about knowing, do you understand? I know!" Cursed Blade said.

"So, what do you think is reasonable?"

"It's not rationality, it's..." Cursed Blade stopped talking and stretched out his hand.

She touched Gwen's face with both hands, rubbed his cheekbones affectionately with her thumbs, and held and rubbed his chin with her palms.

Very comfortable.

If you have petted ten thousand cats, you will definitely not be able to learn this massage technique!

Gwen let out a happy guttural sound, and along with shaking her head, the pair of dragon horns swung in a very menacing way.

In order to prevent his head from being destroyed by the pair of dragon horns, Cursed Blade quickly leaned back.

"Okay, stop shaking, and don't think about the fact that I dragged you out of the morning when I was watching TV series with Hua Hua."

Gwen sat very dignified, because the dragon's tail is very heavy. If she didn't sit sideways, she would have to sit very dignified and ladylike.

I heard that there are also varieties of witches with big tails.@·Correct first post~~

he thinks.

It would be great if we could know how these witches solve the problem of sitting.

He put his hands on his knees:

"I don't care, I don't care."

Just waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

He looked at the cursed blade with an obviously well-behaved expression, like the politeness of a third-grade piano player before going on stage, impatient, smiling, bitter and "I'm going to class seven days a week just to perform "To You"

Alice's emotions.

"Okay." Cursed Blade paused, "By the way, I bought a batch of special smoked sausage from Maodeng. It's especially delicious when grilled. With some cheese, it's a delicacy in the world. Do you want some tonight?"

The child who performed the piano got a big red envelope.

Gwen's eyes widened, and she subconsciously lowered her chin while smiling sweetly without showing her teeth.

Grilled kielbasa?

I asked for the cat light five times, and they all said, "Meow haha, the cat forgot!"

But he had to admit that it was really easy for Cat Lantern to forget these things, because their memory was stored in fat, and they were not willing to recall things when they were lazy. To be honest, being used to Cat Lantern's crotch pulling was not considered a habit.

It’s a very difficult thing. What’s difficult is how to adapt to their occasional reliability!

What’s also difficult to adapt to is…

How come Cursed Blade, the bastard turtle grandson, can ask for sausages from Mao Deng!?

Is Mao Lan sexist?

It is not easy for a boy, such a cute and beautiful boy, to live in this world. Now, if he wants to eat a delicious grilled sausage, he has to smile and act coquettishly with the bastard Curse Blade. Is this ridiculous?



he thinks.

But unfortunately, this is just nonsense. In Utopia, the difference between men and women is very low and shallow, because the source force is at work. Not everyone can become a source force user, but everyone has the source force.

This power is hidden in cells or genes. Although the science of Utopia cannot prove it, it can at least prove that the source power of Utopia people leads to a fair value in their development speed and quality after growth.

Of course, some bastards do not fall within the boundaries of fairness.

For example, Mihira.

When the goddess of March created Mihayla, she must have thought of giving the bald man some power, giving some power to Mihayla, giving some power to the dwarf, and giving some more power to Mihayla..., and finally created a girl who was born with strange powers and yet awakened.

The source of power, and even the source of monsters with extraordinary qualifications.

Gwen glanced at the curse blade again.

Although Mihaila is powerful, the cursed blade is not a good thing either! It’s the existence that ordinary people call out ‘Bu Xiang Wan La,’ when they see it.

"A whole piece?"

"A whole piece." Cursed Blade waved his hand proudly, like an old man who promised to buy a girl a car and a house, "and add some beef. Recently, I made a deal with the rangers. They went to the wilderness to steal some cattle and came back...by the werewolf

Chased a Utopia carriage.”

A Utopia carriage is quite big. It is about the distance from Guangdong to Baijing. Such a long distance shows how much the werewolf hates cattle thieves.

Gwen had heard that the main business of the werewolves was to raise cows and pigs, selling milk to slime elements and pig blood to vampires. Occasionally, Utopians would come and shop with military bullets, which were just "fired military bullets"

"Just bullets."

But there is beef to eat and sausages... Gwen replied: "Okay!"

Cursed Blade spread its hands

"It is not easy to deal with your anger, young pope."

"Have you ever heard of a pope who was easy to handle?"

"Luna Sisko's, it is said that as long as you call their pope your father or mother, you don't even have to give them beef."


There is no way to refute this.

Luna Sisko is such a wonderful immortal, having a silver party every day.

Where's Coral? I don't know what Coral is doing lately.

Gwen had seen the other party more than once in the sparkling water, giving himself some kind of reward.

Of course, he is very clean and does not do this in public baths, nor does he attract prey on the Sniper Cat. He just has no fear of being seen with his sparkling figure——Gwen remembers that sparks once emitted

The reason I screamed was because I saw Coral swimming and bathing there, and I thought I was being spotted by the girls. Coral was prettier than them.

"Separatism, where did I say it?"

Since Curse Blade is now considered his own breeder, even the adopted cat will have a certain degree of affection towards his breeder and will hesitate whether to put his left paw or right paw on the sleeping breeder's face. Gwen

The attitude is much better.

"Said you are aware of the thoughts of these separatists and have sympathy and vent for some of their thoughts."

Curse Blade's eyes were strange.

"This is the first time I know you still say this."

Squirrel Girl shrugged, with a happy expression, "As you said, I am very curious about the thoughts of the Separatists. Especially after I learned that there are many spies sent by the Separatists here,

Even more so.”

She cleared her throat:

"What do the separatists want? What they want is a utopia of sustainable war."


"Because the separatists believe that wartime technology develops the fastest, and wartime rationing is the most scientific. They believe that Utopia is controlled by a witch and will never be restored, so the best way is to please the witch, that is,

Enter a sustainable civil war, and through the civil war, the witch's goal can be achieved."

"Other purposes."

"At the same time, they need to hone their skills, improve the source power level of the Utopians, and truly enter the ranks of extraordinary races. Overall, regardless of the means, I quite admire their purpose, as well as their coldness as iron and softness as water.


She sounded impressed.


Gwen thought.

But this does not solve the fundamental problem...

He said, "Can you identify those separatist spies and arrest them? I remember that Long Yan seemed to have mentioned separatism and was extremely disgusted with it. He said..."

"He said!" Cursed Blade, "He hates war, hates all internal fighting, and hates the destruction of the entire great utopian idea by separatists."

"That's what he would say."

"But that's because his beloved cousin died in a separatist rebellion."

Gwen moved her dragon's tail uneasily:

"Sounds like..." This story happened.

he thinks.

This is when Long Yan was born.

"That time was different from the time I mentioned." Cursed Blade smiled without much empathy, "In the time I mentioned, he has not yet possessed the power that reaches the sky. Long Yan's family has not been affected either.

He's hiding his real name like this."

"Then do we want to arrest him?"

Maybe we'll let these spies disrupt Long Yan's thinking.

But what is surprising is that Cursed Blade said: "Yes, we are going to arrest them and find out how to find them."

Aren't you going to torture our Commander Long Yan?

Gwen remained calm and collected. This was what Curse Blade gave him in "A Lesson Learned from the Pope". Don't pretend to understand when you encounter something you don't understand, but don't let others think you do.

If you don’t understand it at all, you have to vaguely understand it... In short, it is a workplace PUA manual, which is quite useful, but the prerequisites are a bit difficult for many people.

That is:

You have to be in management!

Curse Blade's expression showed that she understood Gwen's expression, and she said with a smile:

"The separatists are a delicious meal for Long Yan. You know, we have provoked him many times, forcing him to show up at the Tea Festival two or three times recently, and forcing him to give up what he wanted in exchange."

With the ban on sprinkling, we have pushed him to the limit! We need to have a good relationship with him."

Gwen asked: "And?"

Cursed Blade cast an approving look, "Then the next time we cause trouble, he won't come to us with a knife."

This chapter has been completed!
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