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Chapter 284: March

Long Yan feels that his blood pressure is a little high recently.

"Your blood pressure is a little high.

Long Yan has recently felt that his body functions are a bit out of balance.

"You seem to be suffering from insomnia recently."

Long Yan feels...

Oops, I'm so annoyed! All in all, I'm sick!

Long Yan irritably pushed away the doctor's equipment. His personal doctor was also his most trusted close friend. A tall and beautiful Ms. Ron En spread her hands with a smile, "Put on your armor, be honest."

Say, this secret, which is very important to the entire Fellowship, is nothing in front of me. Right?"


Long Yan snorted and put on his armor.

"How bad is my health?"

"According to the doctor regulations you promulgated, I try not to reveal key information about their mangled bodies to patients as much as possible." The female doctor smiled playfully, "Your own rules."

"Say, I don't have enough patience."

"Oh, you were not like this before. You used to be humorous, kind and gentle, and everyone liked you."


The female doctor smiled again and said, "I won't tease you, but your physical examination is very, very bad. To be honest, if it weren't for your terrifying power, you might not be able to survive now.

Burns caused by flames, knife wounds, and penetrating damage from lightsabers. By the way, the most important thing is that the vicious cursed bullet in your body is still there and has not been melted away by your infinite source power.

This is not good news. About 30% of your blood vessels have insufficient blood supply because of this bullet."

"Based on the medical definition."

The female doctor was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "You are already dead."

"But?" Long Yan put on his armor.

The female doctor said: "But your source of power is too strong, beyond people's imagination."

"So?" Long Yan moved his gauntlet to confirm the fit between the fingers and the finger guard, as well as the sensing system.

The female doctor licked her warm lips: "Yuanli refused your death, or in other words, you used Yuanli to refuse death. To be honest, you are still alive now, which is a blasphemy to the entire medical industry."

"It doesn't count." Long Yan stood up.

He said: "Medicine is just a science, and my existence means that the medicine you know has been proven to be broken by special cases, and it cannot be considered blasphemy. If you feel blasphemy, it must be something wrong with your personal ideological and moral character. I hope

Dr. Ed."

"Captain Longyan, hey, do you want me to call you this? Well, I just want to ask, is the source of power such a terrifying power?"

"Yes." Long Yan tilted his head.

He said: "Since Yuanli can make people immortal, you should have thought that it can make a dead person live, right?"

Source power is a powerful and terrifying force that can make people resist death, just like what Long Yan is doing now.

Long Yan even doubted whether the witch's power was a high-level source of power, because it was rumored that the most basic attribute of all witches was to resist death, at least that's what was seen so far.

"Are you worried?" Dr. Heard asked.

She is very beautiful, tall and thin, looks like a model figure, and has a sexual attraction to ordinary people.

This much elaboration is just to pave the way if Long Yan is willing to answer her questions.

Long Yan made a cold joke in his heart and sneered: "There are so many things to worry about."

"For example, that audacious minion of the Eternals who dared to attack the high-rollers on your train. It's very interesting. I heard about the fire-based ability. To be honest, this is not a good sign."

"It's really not a good sign." Long Yan confirmed this statement.

Flames, minions of the Eternal...these factors put together are too dangerous.

"In addition to this matter, the mind flayer thing also worries you?"

"Mind Flayer." Dragon

Yan Qing had a headache, "From the perspective of the source of power, it is possible that Gwen created another of the same kind, a resurrected body. The existence of two mind flayer resurrected bodies at the same time can be traced back to the era when this strange story was first born, and

If this ability is not controlled well, the mind flayer rebellion will soon break out."

The female doctor asked: "Are you worried that Gwen will become more powerful?"

Long Yan shook his head:

"I'm worried that he's not strong enough. A resurrected Mind Flayer like him who is so easy to talk to is a rare occurrence in a hundred years. I must seize this opportunity to put an end to the Mind Flayer chaos."



Buzz - the sound of lightsaber waving, the red dog panted and slashed at Annalie, the petite Mind Flayer girl snorted disdainfully, and still slashed at her shoulder with the lightsaber without dodging,

Bang - the lightsaber broke.

"Such a weak sword cannot hurt me."

With more and more pronunciations and more and more mercury coughed up, the voice of the mind flayer Annalie's body finally returned to a clear level.

A naturally delicate voice with a bit of a sharp, rising voice.

Then he punched the red dog in the face.


The red dog flew into the air like a blown sandbag and hit the edge of the ring hard.

Rabbit Sun and Dark Cat went up to look after her with panda eyes distressed.

"Extraordinary skill, extraordinary skill." This is what the cursed blade with a bandage on its head and one eye is saying.

"The ability to seize opportunities, as well as the ability to see through the lightsaber of the strong and the weak, is amazing." This comment came from the gray tower bear. The voice came from beside Gwen. It was strange that it was on the same level as him, because he was already

His legs were plastered and covered with bandages. He held a pipe and crossed his arms with his chest (the plaster was also plastered), lying on the recliner.

It looks very hurt, but it is actually very hurt.

Gwen looked at the gray tower bear with pitying eyes.

Unfortunately, Gray Tower Bear encountered Annalie who went berserk for the first time. After a round of fighting, Annalie had become the flower in the drumbeat and the last bag of bricks in the Ponzi scheme. He was beaten hard.

Gray Tower Bear was given a beating. Because she controlled her temper very well and never used her heart, Gray Tower was beaten for five minutes before Gwen realized what she was doing.

Damn, why does it look like you want to die in the Gray Tower?

In the end, everyone stood shoulder to shoulder and restrained Annalie.

Bang! Bang bang bang!

Gwen's thoughts were interrupted by a huge explosion of color and a unique explosion sound like metal falling on an iron plate.

Cady, the blue-haired shadow demon, followed her shadow as usual, and at the same time let out a maniacal laugh while swinging the big chainsaw.

Annalie was still pulling like a cat, snorted, and dodged the chainsaw with graceful movements.

But she obviously didn't pay attention to what happened when Gwen and Cady were sparring.

The eyes of the petite shadow demon burst into bloodthirsty red light:

"Two strikes!"


No, it should be said to be magic.

This magical property allowed Cady's chainsaw to pull back at a speed faster than sound after sweeping it, catching Annalie off guard and causing her left waist to be wiped.


But Cady doesn't understand the mind flayer either.

The extreme pain of her chainsaw enchantment does not frighten or freeze the mind flayer.

Instead, Annalie will fight back with a hundredfold hatred and madness.

The blue-haired Shadow Demon was immediately punched in the face and fell to the ground. The entire Sniper Cat stopped for a tenth of a second.


Gwen spent a long time confirming the danger of Annalie, which was incredible to say.


Annalie is as dangerous as Cat Varo! That is, she is not dangerous at all!

A fat cat lantern, or a giant cat lantern, will knock out almost 60 cat lanterns every day on average, while Cat Varo hardly hits other cat lanterns, except for a few naughty stupid cats who use her whiskers as swings.

She flattened

Yes. Annalee is almost at this level. As a mind flayer, she is almost noble and does not hunt and steal hearts. She represents the collective nature of mind flayers. In other words, she is like a male lion in a pride of lions.

Just the same, just waiting for the prey to be caught.

This means that she doesn't usually go out to steal hearts, which is why she can control her instincts very well.

On the one hand, she is indeed a "special one," and on the other hand, she is afraid of embarrassing the mind flayer because of her hand.

"You are sure that I will not harm you and your group of children." Annalie said disdainfully.

It would be better if her legs weren't shaking in pain.

A chainsaw enchanted with level five pain is quite powerful, Gwen was convinced.

"Okay." He said, "I confirmed it, so I'm going to assign you a task, in exchange for the power you can get from me to support your activities."

"Please tell me, please tell me, I'll do my best, Master." Annalie was attracted by Cat Varo's yin and yang aura, so naturally she also learned the yin and yang aura.

By the way, the reason why the cat lights don't think that Cat Varo will become a giant cat soon is because Cat Varo can't beat Annalee, or in other words, Annalee can beat Cat Varo into a cat dumpling. There is no evolution.

When it comes to the giant cat lantern, Cat Varo can only be said to be a 'flexible fat cat'. It has not reached the level of the legendary flying meow, the fastest legendary flying cat in the outfield of the Imperial Cat Ship. It is said that the real giant cat lantern is faster than

Now Gwen, Mihira and Annalee are all faster.

Gwen thought about it and understood why the witch also had a headache with the giant cat lantern.

This kind of cat is fat and has such terrifying power and speed attributes. It is strong enough without relying on those messy expertise and abilities.

However, in terms of yin and yang, Cat Varo has already met the conditions for taking office as a giant cat lamp!

"I need you to go out at night to find those mind flayers and subdue them. I want to integrate the resources of the mind flayers. At the same time, I need you to carve this magic talisman on the Fellowship."

Gwen worked hard all day and made some magic spells.

"What is this?" Spellblade asked.

"This is a rune that has a certain effect on confirming the observation location of the mind flayers. I want to know whether these mind flayers usually follow the procedures of stealing hearts, whether they are standardized, and whether they act in accordance with the thoughts and moral principles I implanted."

Cursed Blade said in surprise: "It's rare that you are so reliable."


Gwen lied.

The function of this rune is an attempt. The cluster source power is the collective name for the mixture of source power produced by a large group of people. The source power uses the cluster source power to perceive emotions and conduct source power observations. In simple terms, the cluster source power is

The collective portrayal of people's souls, the collective power is dim, which means that the local residents are living a very bad life, I am afraid that "the sky is dead and is coming soon."

If the source of the cluster is bright, it means that the local residents are still not doing well, and it may be that Huang Tiandang is standing.

That is to say, we need to maintain a balance, a spiritual balance.

However, source power scholars also have their own views on cluster source power.

For example, in an article Gwen read recently, the cluster source power contains a lot of information about ordinary people. By interpreting it in a special way, you can know what people are doing and the morals in their hearts that will not lie to others.

Standards and what the mind is thinking.

Based on this principle, as well as the anti-reconnaissance spells and detection spells copied from the witch, Gwen tried to develop magic sigils, which were used to sense a person's criminal value through large-scale arrangements, and remove those who were too abnormal.

Select examples that are too sinful, and then try to let the mind flayers use this list to select prey, and gain more public source power by punishing evil and promoting good at the source level, thereby achieving the goals of the mind flayer system.

Lush growth.

A less absolute Sibyl system.

Gwen thought.

However, this kind of thinking will definitely violate the warning line of Curse Blade, so for now, it is better not to let Curse Blade know about it.

Coming from the tacit understanding between the mind flayers, Annalie took a deep look at Gwen, feeling that she already understood the other person's will, and nodded: "Okay.


Just when she was about to leave, Gwen called her.

"And one more thing."


"Rabbit!" Gwen shouted, and the prepared rabbit came out with a small suitcase with a strange smile that made the mind flayer uneasy.

"Everything is ready."


The suitcase was opened, and inside was a pink princess dress and a beige woolen shawl that Annalee could never imagine herself wearing as an iron T...no, as an iron-handsome Kaitankai, as well as a series of items that were so cute that they were instantly recognizable at a glance.

Cute clothing with high sugar content that will cause diabetes.

Gwen's voice was like the call of the abyss: "You should change into these clothes and go to...the Squirrel Girls' house to stay for a while."


Gwen's smile became more and more unrestrained: "Hehehe, after all, you are using the body of someone else's daughter, dress it up cutely and let them take a good look."

"Kill me, kill me!"

Seeing that she refused to eat the toast and drank the fine wine, Gwen's expression changed and she turned against her faster than a curse blade: "Be good! Be obedient!"


Seeing that the other party was about to hide in the shadow, Gwen immediately used her power to lock the shadow, and then waved to Cat Varo.

Cat Varo instantly appeared behind Annali. A pair of fleshy cat paws pressed the guy's arms and made a meowing sound. After being beaten by Annali, she had always wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge!

"Rabbit Sun, Curse Blade, take our little princess to the dressing room to change!"

Mihaila secretly butted heads with Huita.

Mihaila said: "Ever since Gwen put on the witch's new uniform without any grudges, I knew that he had become a complete pervert. Was he also this perverted at the beginning?"

Huita thought of the beating and kicking, the little brat Gwen who had no regard for his veteran status and asked him to serve tea and water, and looked like he didn't take his teachings seriously, with a kind look on his face.

Smile: "I saw it early on. He is a person with pure psychological problems!"


Gwen shouted: "Get the car ready. I'm going to find Long Yan and explain Annalie's situation to him. Then, Hui Tower, you get a car to take Annalie down. Remember, you must send her into the house and stay."

A stable point-to-point route."

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