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Chapter 31: An Unexpected Painful Road

"The custom of the crow mask originated in Utopia before the establishment of the authorities. At that time, a group of idealists swore to follow the path of justice... But obviously, there were some stories that we don't know about behind, and this group of idealists went crazy.

And began to pursue the path of 'understanding kaidan, going deep into kaidan, and finally transforming into kaidan'."

Gwen asked: "Why do you want to turn into a ghost?"

Huita was silent for a moment, his expression slightly gloomy: "Gui Tan is an unreasonable force that can be understood as a miracle. Perhaps, for this group of idealists, only miracles can fulfill their moral obligations.


After finishing his work, Sparks came over and said with a polite smile: "The ultimate ghost story that Crow Mask pursues is the 'Unfair Hunting Monster Story'. Simply put, it means that the oppressors are killed, the evil ones are killed, and the haters and destroyers

A kind of strange story about being killed. If this ultimate strange story can be created and promoted to the entire Utopia, Utopia will enter the glorious age of Legal Utopia."

"Are they worthy of killing innocent people?" Gwen said bluntly. She usually said bluntly, "They imitated the mind flayers and killed innocent people. They are just worthy of being called scum."

"Scumbags also have scumbags' long-cherished wishes."

Gray Tower said: "This group of scum has not left its own place in the idea of ​​the glorious age. If the ultimate ghost story is created, they themselves will be obliterated the moment it is created. If it is for this purpose, even if they fall

He will not hesitate to be defiled and blasphemed for sinners."

It hurts, it really hurts.

"Killing innocent people and pushing themselves towards the predetermined end of destruction is not noble, but it is completely despicable. Is there any way to catch them?"

Gray Tower didn't say anything, but just spread his hands: "I'm still not sure. Nowadays, associations in Utopia always have crow masks. They just wear them when they do bad things. We can't be sure that the mind flayer imitators came from the research on the secret art of scars.


"Research on the secret technique of scars?"

"As they call it to the outside world, the reporting office for joining the association does not have a branch on the Fellowship. If you want to go, you have to stop at the 'Mead People's Station' where the Fellowship will arrive two days later, and wait for about three days.

It's only available on the town-level train 'Exotic'. If you can't wait and want to see it, you can also ask Tu Xiu to drive a motorcycle to take you there directly."

This time it really hurt the scarred young man.

It's just that these scarred youths hold knives in their hands and truly possess the power of "I will pursue my dreams." And facts have proven how powerful it is to give scarred literary youths who have "a jade syndrome in the quasi-internet literary world, split personality, and consider themselves kind"

A terrible thing.

Because they are really crazy.

And they never reflect. At best, they look forward. At worst, they have double standards to the extreme.

Gwen didn't look down on this kind of people, but she had no intention of going to other trains to see them: "Then I'll go to other crime scenes to collect clues?"

"No, it's too dangerous."

Huita said: "The Special Investigation Bureau just sent us a telegram, announcing the existence of dangerous source power messengers who use flames. They are said to have powerful stealth capabilities and rich anti-reconnaissance capabilities... so

You have to be careful……"

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said in a gloomy tone: "You also use flames. The same type of source power will be swallowed up by higher-level ones. You have just regained your ability. If you encounter such a 'hunter'

That would be bad."

The person in the notification is me.

Gwen didn't say it, not that he couldn't reveal it, but he thought it would be very fun and interesting to see the stunned expression on Gray Tower's face when the Curse Blade was revealed. There was no need to ask whether the Curse Blade would do this.

On the other hand, Curseblade has always been a role model for others.


Huita took out a small bag from his pocket, but after looking at Gwen and Sparks, he put the bag back: "After I asked you about it in the bureau, there was one from the Zet Worm

People from the Mystery Society are willing to provide assistance, but they require a 25% stake in the hunt.”

"You said so much that I don't even know where to begin to understand."


"The crew is not official, so why is there a society? And from what you said, they can communicate with each other openly. Then what kind of society is Zet Worm Mystery? What is stock ownership? What is hunting?"

Huita clapped his head with one hand: "Well, first of all, let's talk about why there are clubs in the train crew. The authority was established not long ago, and many mid-to-high-end talents must be drawn from various clubs. Therefore, the authority

It is understandable that there are a large number of club members in the car crew. And the clubs...the main clubs do not pay wages and will not prevent members from seeking salaried jobs."

"Both investing and hunting need to be tied together. The authorities will offer bounties for all kinds of strange stories and monsters, and there are also people who hunt these bounties for a living. This is hunting, and investing in shares is very simple.

Help is provided, and with a witness notarizing it, both parties share the spoils.”

"Don't worry about the Zeit Society. Their society is a well-known temperance group. They are a society with a very clear temperance philosophy."

Gwen glanced at Gray Tower, nodded and said, "Then what kind of help can they provide?"

"He has a more official status than me. I heard that he has recently infiltrated the Special Bureau. Thanks to the appearance of some dangerous people, many Special Bureau teams have been dispatched. It just so happened that he took this opportunity to do some private work.

...We who study Yuanli will spend a lot of ammunition just to purchase the secret books and materials."

Huita patted his head again: "Well, look at what I said, I'm talking about something else. He can bring you into the scene as a member of the Special Investigation Bureau and give you a quiet environment to interrogate the spirit body. At the same time,

He will also share information about familiar groups within the Special Bureau, and more importantly, he can even have a small influence on the final reward items offered by the Special Bureau."

Is there such a thing?

Hui Tower lowered his voice: "For example, the Secret Codex. Some of the Secret Codex of March and the Sea of ​​Illusion are in the warehouse of the authorities. This is much more reliable than the Secret Codex of some small societies. After so many years, we have explored the source of power and the unknown.

, there are countless Origin Force Envoys who have gone crazy, which is why there is a debate between the 'Agnostic Sect' and the 'Zhizhi Sect'. But among the Origin Force Envoys who have studied the Secret Scriptures of March and the Sea of ​​Illusion for so many years, not many have gone crazy.

If it falls off, does this mean that their path is correct?"

"Then I'll trouble you to set up a line for me."

Gwen decided to work with professionals.

"Okay, then I will invite him to the Fellow Train tonight, in my room, order a delicious meal for him, and talk about cooperation."

Huita made a prompt decision.

This chapter has been completed!
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