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Chapter 1012 Bloody Opening

The small world opened by Huangfu Jian just accommodated the two dragons.

He Xie directly wore the Xuanwu Armor on his body.

He will face the test of life and death next, and having this totem warrior by his side will undoubtedly give him a little more confidence.

"Nangong Yin tried several times to get this ruffian dragon's Xuanwu armor but failed. I didn't expect Brother He to borrow it easily." Huangfu Jian shook his head and smiled, "It seems that he really met some great enemy, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

It’s exposed, and I want to hide in the small world.”

He Xie smiled: "Fortunately, Brother Huangfu sacrificed and refined the small world, otherwise this business would not have been possible."

Huangfu Jian nodded and said seriously: "Brother He, I have a sudden feeling that a powerful enemy is coming. Without further ado, I will first enter the Dinghai Shenzhen to take control.


He Xie immediately took out the Dinghai Divine Needle and transformed it into a sword shape, and the Huangfu Sword turned into a stream of light and disappeared.


The sword clanked, the "Dinghai Divine Sword" floated into the air, and the great evil aura slowly spread.

The long sword rotated around He Xie for several weeks, leaving behind a series of sword shadows, which returned to form, and suddenly the fierce sword energy soared into the sky!

"It is indeed a legendary magical weapon!" Huangfu Jian said happily in the sword body, "It is already a peerless weapon without being refined! Brother He, today you and I join hands to kill the enemy and challenge the world with swords!"

He Xie also felt a bit of pride in his heart, especially when he thought about what he was about to do, he was even more motivated.

"Okay!" He smiled and flew up, holding the Dinghai Divine Sword in his hand, and circulated his true energy. The sword suddenly enlarged infinitely, becoming as big as a mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Take care of the miscellaneous fish first so that the battlefield can be freed up!" He Xie shouted softly, "Get up!"


A sword as huge as a celestial monument soared into the sky and into the clouds. The astonishing sword aura covered a radius of several miles, and the fierce evil aura was aimed far below, immediately causing the Western masters surrounding the manor to jump into the air.

"Holy God of Light, what is this!"

"A magical weapon from the East, this is a magical weapon from the East, God, it's so terrifying!"

"Run away! Chen Nan is not something we can deal with. Let's go!"

There are more than a thousand cultivators surrounding the manor. In the past few days, He Xie suppressed the Western cultivating community alone in the arena. The Western cultivator publicly lost face, but secretly assassinated and failed again, so he had to make amends secretly.

These Western cultivators who surrounded He Xie's manor stayed on the pretext of protecting He Xie's safety. Among them were many young and enthusiastic people with noble status, but they wanted to provoke He Xie and want to intensify the conflict.

But how could He Xie be fooled by such a small trick? Moreover, his intentions are very big, so naturally he will not lose the big for the small.

So these Western cultivators allowed themselves to be provoked, and even insulted them like "shrinking their heads", but He Xie still dealt with it as usual, quite a bit of a self-righteous attitude.

This gave these Western practitioners the illusion that He Xie did not dare to be too unscrupulous, so they became even more unscrupulous.

After the news spread, many Western practitioners came over and took pride in provoking He Xie and even insulting He Xie.

If any young master scolded He Xie and spread the news that "so-and-so scolded Chen Nan, but the other party did not dare to retaliate", he would immediately become famous all over the world and be talked about.

The West is immersed in this kind of abnormal fanaticism. The cultivators who surrounded He Xie's manor have become so-called heroes. On the contrary, the real masters who were defeated miserably in the arena are cast aside by the people.

But now, these so-called Western heroes are in chaos. They originally surrounded the manor unscrupulously, but they didn't dare to act recklessly even if they knew He Xie, but now they are afraid of this posture.

An old man looked at the giant sword in the sky in horror, and angrily yelled at He Xie: "Chen Nan, do you know what you are doing? Do you want to provoke a war between the East and the West?"

"Are you a bunch of little bastards worthy of starting a war?" He Xie sneered. During this period, these Westerners had repeatedly ridiculed him and unscrupulously used their spiritual senses to spy on him, but he didn't respond. Do you really think he has no temper?

"I want to see if you are all dead, will there be a war between the east and the west?" He Xie shouted softly, "Luo!"


As he shouted softly, the huge sword suddenly fell down, like a meteorite falling to the ground!

"No! Chen Nan is crazy!"

"No, no, no, damn, help!"

"Damn Chen Nan, you deserve to go to hell!"

The Western cultivators screamed in fear, some cursed loudly, some regretted and begged, and fled in all directions.

But the Dinghai Divine Sword stretches across several miles, like a huge mountain, rumbling down, and anyone who touches it will be crushed into pulp, leaving no bones left!

Some people organized themselves and fought together. For a time, they were full of vindictiveness and all kinds of magic exploded. However, it was just a mantis trying to act like a chariot, and it was of no use at all.

"No! I'm not willing to give in. I still have a bright future. I don't deserve to die here!"

"Devil! He is the devil of the east!"

"Spare me, Chen Nan, I shouldn't scold you!"

In the end, all the begging and cursing stopped abruptly, and the giant sword suddenly fell down, embedded dozens of feet deep into the ground.

With the giant sword as the center, a huge crack began to spread and lasted for dozens of miles before stopping. The whole city was shaking, and countless buildings collapsed and became a mess.

Not all of the more than a thousand Western cultivators were wiped out, but quite a few escaped from the scope of the giant sword.

But He Xie's attack was not over yet. He only heard Huangfu Jian's old voice coming from the sword body: "Wan Jian - Return to the clan!"

This command is like a reminder!

Swish, brush, brush!

In an instant, the giant sword disintegrated into billions of long swords, turning the whole world into a world of swords!

The densely packed long swords flew freely and horizontally like a gust of wind and rain, at extremely fast speeds. Wherever they passed, many practitioners had no time to react and were cut into pieces by countless long swords.

The stronger cultivators immediately resisted with all their strength, but there were too many long swords, and this was the magical sword power of Huangfu Sword. With the bonus of Dinghai Divine Sword, even a sixth-level master could not resist for long.

He will be pierced through the heart by ten thousand swords and die.

This was a massacre, a disaster, and the entire scene became a hell of Shura, with blood flowing like a river.

This is the darkest day in the Western cultivation world. He Xie's crazy behavior is destined to shock the world.

"Bastard!" With an angry shout, a huge claw flew down from the clouds, rumbling towards He Xie!

The dark clouds were rolling, and occasionally scales and half claws could be seen in the clouds, looming.

The one who took action was a huge Western dragon, blocking out the clouds and the sun, and its momentum reached the sky!

This is a master at the pinnacle of the God King.

As soon as he took action, He Xie recognized its origin.

The law enforcer of the Western Land in the human world - Tyrant Kunde!

"You dare to slaughter the West, you are lawless, boy, I want you to die!"


The giant claw fell.

This chapter has been completed!
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